I want to impregnate this alien

I want to impregnate this alien

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>looks, acts, and is essentially a human but just better
Anyone else tired of this shit?


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I'm more into pic related

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You can have your thot and I’ll have my pure breeding stock

Who doesn't?

You need a dick for that, Barbara

She doesn't act anything like a human though.

She outright refused to learn English for a while after she landed, she still practiced her own alien sun god religion and had her own culture. It's a point of her character that she's a fish out of water, unlike Clark who grew up on Earth.

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Why isn't she more popular?

Because she's shit and her fans are the most annoying faggots on Earth.

Well why isn't Supergirl more popular? Hell, she even got a TV show

Any details on Rao worship?

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her last (and pretty much only) good run was 10 years ago

Because after her JSA run the creatives forgot/ignored every single interesting thing about her personality. And now she really is just giant tits and nothing more.

Where do I start with Supergirl?

>Orlando Rebirth (V7)
>Loeb (V5)
>The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl
>New 52 (V6)
>Supergirl – Friends & Fugitives
>Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes
>Supergirl – Being Super

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She is. She's consistently had runs since 2004, crossovers into a lot of other comics, she's a well recieved character with plenty of staying power and outside of comic fans she's had a metric ton of merchandise and appearances in other media.

Read Supergirl V5 #30 it establishes why Kara's experience on Krypton makes her so different from Clark and is a pretty touching story of her finding her place in new world where she feels she doesn't belong.
Then all of Gates run, all of N52. Skip Orlando's run and read the current Andreyko stuff to catch up.

Action Comics #850 is also good at showing the relationship between her and Clark.

Legion of Superheroes is good, Being Super is okay.

Here's a pic with more general recs, Batgirl Vol 3 #14 isn't on the list, but it should be. It's just Kara and Steph having a fun night out beating up Draculas. She's also good in Brainiac, but she's not the main focus.

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>the current Andreyko stuff to catch up.
Isn't Orlando the current?
Also any of these any good? Totally fine with you replying here instead of the thread

Because shes more complicated.
Supergirl - "she's Superman's cousin who actually lived on Krypton is more of a fish out of water"
PowerGirl - "she's Superman's cousin but from Earth2, the alternative Earth that is based on the DC golden age continuity (which is to say comics from the 30stoearly60s) which is why she's slightly older and she's in this Earth reality cause NO COME BACK I WAS ABOUT TO GET INTO THE ANCIENT ATLANTIS STUFF"

Melissa beniost more like Melissa makes me moist

No, Andreyko took over after Orlando's shit run.
His first issue was #21.

Friends and Fugitives is just a collection of some of the New Krypton stuff. Which is an entirely different headache, and honestly skipable knowing that the ending is really disappointing and if you wanted to follow it you'd have to jump through multiple other books.
New Krypton takes up a chunk of V5 (#34-52), and it's not really mentioned after it's over, so it's 100% fine to skip those issues entirely.

I just read issue 30 of V5 ;-; big oof
When does Gates run start? I imagine it's somewhere in V5, but not sure where

Nevermind, issue 34. Thanks!

Okay friendo, I've got the following reading list atm. Tell me if I've accidentally put something out of place.

>V5 (i30) Just read it, but mentioning that first
>Gates run (I went for the old TPB instead of the new releases)
>Waid Legion of Supes
>New 52 run (all of it)
Is there any events in the nu52 involving Supergirl? I sorta remember the Lobo looking Kryptonian guy, but I've not read it since it came out.
>Supergirl: Being Super
>Orlando V1 (Half interested enough in what Orlando did with Robo-Supes)

Stop posting, Hal.

Her vaginal walls would rip your dick off assuming you could even break her hymen if she has one still.

No they wouldn’t I’d tear it up

>Lobo looking Kryptonian guy
That event was H'el on Earth, it crossovers with Superman but it wasn't super long just a couple of issues.

Being Super is it's own continuity. So there's no right place to read it.

The hymen isn't a barrier, if you've done it right then there should be no need to break it

The whole concept of Kryptonians is they're so similar to humanity that it's valid to view them as something we could evolve into, which is why one of Superman's nicknames is "The Man of Tomorrow"

Except that particular version of Supergirl was more of a THOT than PG ever was.

Nice libel

Not how it works

In the modern world of 2019, alien women impregnate you.

What if she wants to impregnate you?

Cryptonians get what they want.

Sorry Lena, women can't impregnate other women.

Could a human sperm cell even penetrate her invulnerable egg?