Dilbert the animated series

>ah black betty. we thought about replacing her years ago, but then we figured why not just cobble the new system to the old system using untold miles of spaghetti code and obsolete coax cable
>why would you do that?!
>it was an EXECUTIVE decision. we figured it would save money short term and only LATER send the company into ruin, at which point the executives had all left for other companies
>but you're still here
>brinksmanship! I live for it

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I was watching this on Netflix but then came across an issue where the audio for some of the episodes were off so I never finished watching it. Thoroughly enjoyed what I had watched though, remember watching it on UPN, which had quite a few good animated shows.



protip: YOU CAN'T!

i swear we just had this thread

Dilbert's been banned from Yea Forums ever since its creator came out as a sociopath that doesn't care about lying as long as it's "persuasive"

Man why can't modern cartoons look as good as the Dilbert intro? It's been 20 years, technology has advanced.

t. Crazy person

Tripfags are 0 dimensional and unlikable.

imagine being as deranged as this faggot boy. yikes.

Are engineers actually this unlikeable?

Anyone in any science field really

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it's so weird that the dilbert cartoon started on UPN. Like the Clerks cartoon being on ABC

I need this.

There's something about this show, about the quality and nature of the animation and voice acting that are particularly resonant with a time, for me. Kind of like the Men in black animated series. They scream of some half remembered and nostalgic era that I cannot quite pin down. I don't know what it is about them that causes that.

It's on Crackle last I checked

>Remember: The first rule of brainstorming is to openly mock the opinions of others.

1. No it hasn't
2. The animated cartoon is actually pretty different in a lot of ways from the original comic strip. It tends to be a lot more toned down and comedic.
3. Scott Adams isn't a socipath, he's just an incredibly arrogant idiot. He thinks the scientific method is comparable to a marketing scam. He doesn't understand much of anything but he likes to think he does.

I refer to this era and the Grimy or Muggy era, the art isn't as clean or sharp as our recent designs but that gives it a more lived in feel to the shows atmosphere. There is a kind of flaw that makes it very human, I think anyways.

>Dilbert's been banned from Yea Forums ever since its creator supported DRUMPF in the 2016 election

What you really meant, snowflake.

deserved more episodes

He clearly has some sort of autism.
He talks about his attempt to market a food product with the Dilbert license on it in his book. He blames not understanding things like shelf space and not having proper connections, not in the fact that he named it the Dilburrito.
Would you fucking eat a Dilburrito?

>netflix reboots dilbert

>doesnt buy into climate change economic models
>sociopath, nazi, white supremacists
Yea Forumsmblr never ceases to amaze me
also you just outed yourself as a newfag and you dont even know how

I have nothing else to contribute. Please post Wally.

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Is the whole Dilbert cartoon basically pic related, or am i missing something

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>I'll bet you 20 dollars it doesn't feel good to give.
>You are on, my cynical friend!
>Okay, to settle the question, give me 40 dollars and then tell me if it feels good.
>That wouldn't feel good.
>Okay, then give me 20 dollars because you lost the bet.
>Did I just make a bet that would cost me 20 dollars whether I won or not?
>Yes. But you also got to help someone more fortunate than yourself.

I love Dogbert. The manipulation in the voice activated shower was great.

You'll only understand it if you've actually held a job.

>science field

He probably meant STEM.

>just because one instance of giving doesn't feel good, all instances of giving don't feel good
This is exactly the type of double-speak Adam uses.

What a nerd

it's a joke about engineers being retarded

What i meant was that the cartoon portrays everyone as a massive moron, which makes the author look like a massive douche

Congratulations, you got the joke.

In real life, everyone is a massive moron. Wow, humans are flawed! Or perhaps your ego is too big to handle that concept...

Dude, most people are stupid.
Why the fuck do white people get so triggered when someone (rightfully) points out that the average person is a fucking moron?

>In real life, everyone is a massive moron.
I don't know where you live but i would hate to live there

>Wow, humans are flawed!

And stay out



I thought it was pretty good. The comic is garbage tier and the creator is a crazy person but that didn't really bleed through.
The only scene that kind of bugged me was the scene where Dogbert tried to convince Dilbert that creationism was true and the scene treated Dilbert like an idiot for not buying it. It was like watching a Bizarro Brian Griffon scene.

He didn't even mention Creationism.
Did you know that the guy who discovered the Lucy fossil sawed it apart and glued it back together so that the bone structure would better facilitate upright walking?

You are aware the cartoon is ~20 years old, right?

Fuck off anti-science retard.

He did it on live television.
Last I heard Australopithecus was a better candidate as a common ancestor for both chimps and humans.

>This is exactly the type of double-speak Adam uses.
i wish you where aware enough to realize the point of dogbert is that he doesnt try to be right, he tries to get away with shit

Well I mean if you are trying to debunk evolution then that really doesn't leave a lot of other options.
>Did you know that the guy who discovered the Lucy fossil sawed it apart and glued it back together so that the bone structure would better facilitate upright walking?
Source? It doesn't really matter since evolution has pretty much been proven but it is interesting if true.
Yes. Why does that matter?

>Yes. Why does that matter?
I shouldn't have to explain that to you, but okay.
People change over the course of 20 years. The Scott Addams behind the cartoon is not the same Scott Addams you know today.

Australian tv special if I recall correctly.
The bones were also found over like a 100ft area in a gravel riverbed
Fossils are a crapshoot anyway because the require very specific conditions and there is just no way that every single specimen required to "prove" anything exists.
Genetics are what you really need to look to.
Also at what point did humans go from being birthed face up to face down?

>Also at what point did humans go from being birthed face up to face down?
Presumably around the time it turned out that face down had better odds of surviving said birth, and would live to pass on the face down genes.

>Dilbert creator tries to explain why Trump's persuasive techniques are working
>instead of trying to listen and understand your enemy the left just instinctively REEEEs and ignore what he has to say

Shit like this is why you lost.

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Wheres your Tod now?

But climate change is real

There is no Todd.

damn great episode

here on Yea Forums, we punch nazis
Trump fans gtfo

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yes, the climate changes all the time
congratulations on that discovery

how can climate change be real if leonardo dicaprio flies in a private plane and has an obnoxious personality

As a engineer drop out who dropped out due to hating everyone in the engineering field I can say yes. You'd think they be able to design themselves a personality but they wont.

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>Well I mean if you are trying to debunk evolution then that really doesn't leave a lot of other options.
Dogbert's alternative theory was that extinct species never went extinct, just went into hiding. Which is absurd and has no bearing on the origin of species, mind you, but that's the alternative presented.

Scott Adams is based, and anyone who disagrees is cucked.

It's more reasonable in Dilbert where dinosaurs do still exist

>t. Scott Adams

>2. The animated cartoon is actually pretty different in a lot of ways from the original comic strip. It tends to be a lot more toned down and comedic.
Thank Larry Charles for that.

I'm amazed how easily electionfags get baited.


>ah black betty

Remember the time Dogbert made Wally cum?


Man i honestly thought you were exaggerating and I've watched the series but this is pretty solid animation!

The only things banned from Yea Forums are horse show and hamsteak.

As some one who had both of his parrents be engineers I can say yes.

Does Ram Jam have any other songs

Or any non-leftist comic.

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>Or Chasm

>As an engineer drop out who dropped out due to hating everyone in the engineering field
We call that "working as designed"

>comic has been banned from Yea Forums
>because the creator isn't a faggot
you need your meds

1. No
2. He's talking about what's effective, not what's moral. The problem with philosophy, legal systems and debates in general is that to win you don't have to tell the truth, you just have to say the most convincing thing to the most people.

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"lying doesn't matter as long as you do it convincingly" is one of the most normal things he said

So dilbert is set in Northern Virginia?
I thought it was LA, but I guess either works when it comes to the commute.

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Wasn't the pitch that it was barely edible, but met all of your nutritional needs except for calories in a single serving? That's exactly the kind of product you throw Dilbert onto. Your only possible market is disappointed cubicle-dwellers.

Like the Tomeato?

Portrait as a Young Ram has 3 songs all of which should've been chart toppers.