These are the people making hundred-million-dollar decisions in the entertainment industry

These are the people making hundred-million-dollar decisions in the entertainment industry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I bet they think that kids have a similar attention span so they try to emulate that to see if they still like the show. It's dumb but I can see it being how they think

Execs are scum
What PS2 Game do you think he was playing?

Reminds me of some of my friends when I watch a movie with them.

based exec plays ps2 then takes you out to lunch even thought he not picking up your pitch

Makai Kingdom or Monster Hunter

Tony Hawk

did he mean psp?

That's nothing didnt you see the Sony email leaks a few years back? Then theres shit like Loonatics unleashed that gets greenlit.

Yeah, they worked the system to get them into a comfy position of power that pays them well no matter what happens, success or failure. They'll have a financial parachute ready and likely will find another job because they have experience and that's what is in demand. Sorry you fucked up in life and didn't think to do this.

>trust me bro...

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Thats pretty much how I always imagined it.

CN Racing

It means you aren't interesting and neither is your pitch.

And then he backs the pitch

>tindle made a movie that made no money
>gutierrez made a show that got no ratings
they're just jaded
>success or failure
this doesn't exist. Have you seen the profits of these companies? the execs know what theyre doing, the ones who dont get sacked

Honestly I can't blame them if that is indeed the case.

Why wouldn't they tell him to turn his phone off sooner?

Why are Sony so obsessed with having cartoon characters get isekaied into our world.

your pitch should be a few sentences long at best. if you get carried away enough to give the dude enough time to cyber then you made a mistake.

A lot of them didn't even really put that much effort it into it but got into the right school through connections and used that as a springboard to a higher position.

He should've been fetching pokemon creatures.

Because this never happened or if it did they were vastly less confrontational about it which would not make a good story.

>corporations antagonizing evil leftist artists
How many posts until Yea Forums starts defending this?

no, that's the elevator pitch/logline, which isn't and never will be the entire presentation. you don't know what you're talking about

wanna run it by me how Jorge is evil, smooth brain, i doubt your ass even knows who he is.

Tetris. The King of all games.

>not that's not a pitch it's a pitch, you just DON'T KNOW
yikes. No matter people prefer to browse pornhub than listen to you.

>jorge gutierrez
>not an evil leftist

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They're trying to emulate the attention span of children because they're too stupid to realize that someone presenting a pitch is gonna get pissed off when an adult does the same thing because they should have developed discipline related to their job at some point in their life. It's not eccentrically brilliant, it's unprofessional and indicative that someone has to hide behind erratic behavior because they have no way to justify or demonstrate that they actually know how to do their job properly.

>he made fun of god emperor
>man bad
nice cult mentality smooth brain

Final Fantasy X like an absolute pleb

do you seriously think pitch meetings are arranged for the creator to walk in, say a few sentences, and walk out?

Yeah but a pitch and a pilot are radically different things. Your idea works fine for a pilot, not for a pitch.

They aren't doing this to be a dick, it's a tactic to maintain a front of disinterest to always have the advantage.

It's almost like the capitalist meritocracy is a lie...

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weren't Loonatics supposed to be like descendants of the Looney Tunes rather than the actual Looney Tunes?
and I heard an entire live action show got lost in the Sony cyber attacks that were linked with the Sony Email leaks

If anyone has a legit beef against Trump it'd have to be the Mexicans.

What did she pitch?

dude he's mexican, of course he's gonna make fun of trump

Is he an illegal?

I don't mean to be "that guy" or anything, but what does it even matter if an exec is on his phone or playing PS2 during a pitch? He helps run the company, he gets to decide how he'll listen to pitches. It's not like he's putting your project at a severe disadvantage by doing so, because he's likely doing it to everyone else who pitches to him.

two things:
1-the exec got bored of the stupid shit you brought, obviously you took an insane amount of time to explain it all
2-you are EXTREMELY STUPID if you believe you can speak like that to a exec, YOU are the one looking for a job, not them. the only thing i bet he got from this are the execs sharing the idea of "lets not hire this disrespectful jackass"

If it was any Sly Cooper game, I would understand why he would prioritize that.


I was going to say that exact game!

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Its the easiest story to write when you have a shallow grasp on the property youre developing.

Why are they remastering this one and not the sequel?

To appeal to Japan audience of course.

>I don't mean to be "that guy" or anything
And yet there you are.

>"I dont want to work in a cold business hostile to creativity"
>complain when their superiors dont act like adults
Some people just must have their cake and eat it too

El Tigre would have survived on Cartoon Network with more creative freedom. Kind of a bummer it failed. Maybe he should have played the PS2 with him.

Thats like saying anyone who shits on Cortez must be a neonazi

No, see, I get where the exec was coming from. I can't take a man named Shannon seriously either.

I hope you realize it's a figure of speech, because I 100% absolutely did mean to be that guy.

That exec? Albert einstein.

the show that was lost was "Max's Midnight Movies"

>and then everybody clapped

If I saw shit like this from an pitching artist I'd text the whole time too.

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San Andreas

They did...

Perhaps he should pitch it differently. I would go like: "Well, I was tžhinking about how to make the mkkost porfitable show and then I realized htinking is not necessary and so I used my expert knowledge of machine learning to analyse the cultural trends of now and have the machine generate the script, no human needed"

I think Jorge is a real cool dude and fine artist but I think I'll pass on his political advice.

The PS2 example sounds so bizarre that it must've been some sort of attempt at psychological trickery. Like, "we are competing with this, take my attention away from it" or something.

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>Be a network executive
>Sitting through another show pitch from a literal who
>Suddenly get text regarding a possible multi million dollar problem
>Literal who gets angry

>not understand because you werent paying attention
>blame other people for your not paying attention
yup thats an exec. worthless and incapable of personal responsibility

>He can't understand what's happening around him when he's texting

You're a fucking retard. I'd like to offer you a position as Cartoon Network's CEO.

reminds me of this

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>Please let's see if we can get this meme going.
This is why I hate the modern internet.

have you never been to /wsg/?

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They really fucked him good with Harvey Beaks huh? I feel bad for him but I dont get why he expected anything better from modern Nick; They only care about their live action schlock now.

It’s rude, inconsiderate, and just straight up being a dick.

How would you like it if you spend weeks possible months. Hell maybe even YEARS of your life getting this pitch ready for your baby. The cartoon you’ve been working on for so long.

Come to find that the executive you’re pitching too doesn’t give a shit. Isn’t paying attention or straight up ignore you, then act like it’s you're fault they aren’t following.

It really is rude to be on your phone when someone else is trying to tell you something.

>how dare he not want Mexicans to leave Mexico, does he think that Mexico is an actual good place to live or something?

dark cloud 2 or maximo

Non creatives who know how to make money or market a product are always the ones that get promoted to the higher up positions.

Its fucking shitty but they know how to make the company more money so they move up.

Trump to mexicans is like that guy who called your momma fat. It doesnt matters if hes right you are still supposed to be angry at him.

He's still mad about Harvey huh

I am too

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It’s a good test tho

What game were you playing, Mr Executive?

Paying attention to someone that is speaking to you or making a presentation is one of the most basic manners a child is taught.
Are you telling me an executive is incapable of the most basic forms of human respect and good behavior?

Drakengard, my nigga. Pumps me up and gives me the right tone to survive and excel the day in corporate entertainment industry.

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The George Costanza method doesn't work irl

The executive is so high in the social ladder he does not have any obligation to show respect to some artist lowlife in the same manner as the artist lowlife has no obligation to show respect to a dog.

>grown ass man acting like a child
>”well surely he does this to everyone equally and fairly and he isn’t actually a capricious overgrown child”

It’s amazing how easy it is to get someone on Yea Forums to suck corporate cock. Your Mousebucks check go through for the month?

>defending suits without good reason
I hate artists too, but corpros are just as bad.

Well that's a shitty test. Because if I'm playing ps1, its gonna be fuck hard to get my attention away from it.
I'm focusing on the game man.

So I guess anyone can get a show on CN if the execs are this unattentive.

1. ever listen to Kevin Smith's story about pitching his Superman script? That John Peters character remained the gatekeeper for all Superman projects for decades.

2. ever notice how many movies get made where the hero starts a business and gets rich? how many Steve Jobs movies alone are there? It's because movie execs identify with Big Money Alpha Bro who abuses his employees and tricks his partners, because the bottom line justifies the means. And if it trains the little people out there to accept abuse from their bosses because they are such great men, so much the better, right?

I am just grateful that all those Rachel fem-frog threads here on Yea Forums just remind me that no matter how much noise the angry people make, kindness and inclusivity are profitable. So whatever else capitalism's faults may be, it proves that there are more kind and inclusive people out there, than there are frightened chuds. They are so grossly outnumbered that they can't hold onto this power for very long.

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Your post was good until the last paragraph, I just contracted AIDS from how faggoty that was.

>those corporate shills in the thread

Keep waiting for that trickle down, user. Any day now.

Stay mad, little man. Enjoy the dirt while we plant the money tree seeds.

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>Kevin Smith's story about pitching his Superman script
Thanks for the recommendation user, pretty interesting story.

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>Your post was good until the last paragraph

Shit like this is why I'm working on my small animation on my own (and freinds ask why i never pitch it to a network).

Because he was expecting him not to be a dick and turn it off. Also it could have been taken as being rude and condescending to his senior.

Care to share?

You do realize that the higher you move in the ladder, the less work you actually put in, right?

>Kevin Smith's story about pitching his Superman script

How do these nutjobs get so rich and powerful?

Man, you're licking that boot so hard you're gonna gag on it

I'd unironically bro it up with them if this was the case. Onimusha 3 needs more love.

But Trump doesn't even want Mexicans to not come here, he just wants them to come here legally. That's half the reason why /pol/ hates him (the other half is, predictably, their antisemitism).

If I was throwing a presentation to an executive to get my show concept greenlit and they weren't paying attention, I'd probably(hypothetically, of course) be like " OK, let's do this again from the top, but this time you need to do three things--turn your phone off, eyes forward and pay attention ".
I'd probably get my ass thrown out and blacklisted for being a rude, disrespectful smartass to the head honcho. But, it may also show that I'm serious about my project and have the gumption to try to get things done, and done right.
If an exec is not paying attention or ignoring you, it likely means you're boring them or its a shit test to see if you really care about what you're doing. At least I'd like to think so.

Companies can make money in spite of their executives. Besides, the modern business situation is quarterly performance and wild promises. These new guys come in promising 300% increase in profits within five years, but their market is already saturated.

So they just lay off employees because cutting costs will mean having more money in the quarter, even if it hurts the product in the long run.

There's no genius or meritocracy here. It's more like a prisoner's dilemma where the people who get to make choices always choose to screw everyone for the short-term gain.

That’s what you gotta do if you wanna get ahead in life.

Y'all joke, but this is literally how execs think.

I think this user is on his way to becoming something great.

>bootlicker thinks he'll be rewarded for degrading himself
>bootlicker doesn't realize he's going to be replaced by an AI Bootlicker software in 10 years

Work is a dead end

>not that's not a pitch it's a pitch, you just DON'T KNOW
Are you a third worlder or just retarded? I can't comprehend what you were even trying to say.

>bootlicker doesn't realize he's going to be replaced by an AI Bootlicker software in 10 years

I think one of the genius things about the Netflix algorithm is that it provides the perfect cover for anyone taking a risky investment. I'm not even sure if the algorithm is real, but throwing money at someone to remake Devilman Crybaby when the franchise is dead in the ground would never happen with execs anywhere else

Good goyim, keep encouraging corporate suits to axe artists because long term investments in quality aren't as profitable as churning out content that they know to be garbage in pursuit of permanent fiscal growth, it's a totally stable model of business

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These are both silly but oddly reasonable and understandable explanations.

I will die before it collapses, so yeah it is stable as far as I am concerned.

Would YOU have funded their show, Yea Forums?

Ace Combat 0

If you're okay with encouraging long term damage to an industry solely to avoid personal hardship like a little field mouse, why don't you do the rest of us a favor and just kill yourself now

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>Netflix algorithm
From what I read, it's as bad at finding good content as the Youtube algorithm is - there hasn't been a math solution for subjective experiences, and using metrics like "watch time" has only encouraged high-volume spam rather than quality.

Basically, the creative staff fights with the tech staff. The creative staff wants some curation and traditional advertising, which is why Netflix won Emmys and has shows like Stranger Things, while the tech staff wants to go full Youtube - which is why Netflix now has dogshit like Little Baby Bum, because it's algorithmically "good" even though it's Indian sweatshop content.

Algorithms are terrible for creative people. Look how many people on Youtube have massive hate bases. It's not because the popular guys are beloved and clever.

>I'm not even sure if the algorithm is real
There definitely is an algorithm (really it's several algorithms, but The Algorithm is more catchy), but people misinterpret what exactly that means. Algorithms are designed to do most of the work by themselves, but they're still designed by humans with specific agendas and biases. A lot of people threw their hands up with Tuca and Bertie like "Welp, the algorithm didn't promote it. Nobody's fault, nothing we can do" despite the fact that a lot of Netflix's promotion decisions comes from the top down. It wasn't the algorithm that decided to shill the hell out of Birdbox or The Cloverfield Paradox. Humans made that decision and told the algorithm to do the grunt work.

>cancelling Tuca and Bertie

I don't know why Netflix did this. I don't know how many views it actually got, but cancelling it after only one season sounds like a PR disaster.

My main theory is that it's retaliation for the Bojack Crew unionizing.

>i replied

No, nobody replied that way to someone whose opinion actually mattered at a pitch meeting.

>These are the people making hundred-million-dollar decisions in the entertainment industry.

They're really not. They're more like gatekeepers. The money for most projects never really materializes even after a successful pitch - you get some dev money and you overreach yourself trying to produce your magnum opus, then at your progress meetings people get surprised that what you're producing isn't what they had in mind from your pitch and there's no more money (which, again, to be absolutely clear, is your fault for not having a riveting pitch that nobody slept through or misunderstood - if you can't pitch that well, you shouldn't be making tv or movies, because you're shit at storytelling).

Theoretically these people might have creative roles, but in practice they tend to be more of a financial background (which is the reason they were hired to hold the purse), or a technical background (the other kind of producer - the one who knows whether you're proposing something possible or just wasting everyone's time). In either case they aren't listening to your pitch so much from a creative pov as from their own speciality - and they have other considerations besides the twenty pitch meetings they take for the one budget they have each week.

People being mad that their pitches failed is nothing new, but it's always on the pitcher. You have to engage an audience - if you can't engage a single room, what chance does your product have with general audiences? Why should anybody put their money up for someone like you to waste?

Been replaced.

The Netflix algorithm is the reason even popular shows don't get that many seasons - it's more expensive to re-hire people, and Netflix is about keeping costs down to rapidly produce as much output as possible with the income that they have.

Nothing to do with popularity, purely down to basic accounting.

user, you aren't alone, despite what other anons may tell you. I feel the same way.

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>ITT lazy socially inept anons defend lazy socially inept execs

They know how to pump up a quarterly report in the short term while steering the company toward long-term disaster.

>Stupid artist discovers what everyone else already knew; management are scum.

That's not a word.

it is now

>It’s rude, inconsiderate, and just straight up being a dick.

I have more money than you, what does it matter?

It's Isekai but verbed.

i cannot even fathom the amount of kool aid drinking in this post

even asking this question demonstrates that you’re a sociopath. congrats user

>That John Peters character remained the gatekeeper for all Superman projects for decades.
The dude straight up got banned by Christopher Nolan in the Man of Steel.

God, Chris should have directed a Superman sequel.

>poorfag mad that he's not being treated above his station

Probably Tak since it came out shortly after El Tigre

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These are the same people that start whining when rich corps ban them from social media platforms.

>even asking this question demonstrates that you’re a sociopath.
Congrats user, you almost got the point.
You're so close.

Why not bring actual kids to watch the cartoon?

maybe theyre boring, you dont know

Yea, gonna have to agree with .
You don't seem to realize that the people pushing kindness and inclusivty and the corporate chuds are the same people.
They only push for kindness and inclusivity because they want to expand their markets.

>Cartoon Network executive Playing PS2 while El Tigre was pitched to him.

That's aesthetic as fuck.

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were you doing an ironic thing, was this marxist irony
i’ve been burned by assuming irony before, that’s like 2016 in a nutshell for me

what do you think a pitch is bud

I'm not that user, but I am indeed assuming he's being ironic and isn't genuinely that retarded.
Then again, this is Yea Forums...

Holy shit somebody else remember this. As a kid I drew this for my grandma. Everytime I saw her she would mention she still has it. She just recently lost it.

>It took Man of Steel for them to finally tell him to fuck off.
That's impressive.

How many kids were rocking dual monitor setups when the PS2 was big?

If I was playing games back then, that means I'm playing them on the TV they expect me to watch cartoons on. How do you steal my attention if I can't see your cartoon?

Do people pitch their shows by desctibing how they can be made for dirt cheap?

>show does terribly for ratings due to obvoius reasons
>complete miracle it got picked up
>Gotta be salty and find a way to be blacklisted

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The Guy Game


remember when he made a good show and then he followed with harvey beaks?

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Normies and kids have terrible attention span so it wouldn't surprise me if they did that on purpose. Whenever I watch a movie with my friends or mother they just start texting or go to kitchen make food. That's why I now refuse to watch anything with anyone who's not kind of nerds because they're the only ones who actually pay attention.

SHADE LEWDS WHEN? Hell, same could be said for all the females from that series, all that's there is gay porn.

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>Getting a good price for a fifty year old IP that was always quite successful

Those corporate scumbags! (Carl Harvey should've just swallowed his pride and made Harvey Beaks like SpongeBob/Billy and Mandy/Chowder)

what I don't understand is how animation enthusiasts haven't banded together and started their own burbank somewhere in the midwest where it's dirt cheap to set up shop

Not much to share till i finish the opening short, writing humor is tough.
What would that accomplish? All tv shows/contracts are done internally and all their animation is done on the cheap via outsourcing. Even if you band together and form your own animation crew, theres no buyer for your original series, and online isn't gonna pay the bills of animators/voice actors/sb/color/etc.

It's why places like that are a 1-3 man operation and they do comics, or storytime stuff. Everything else is too expensive to produce for any kind of sustainable effort.

Same reason why flashgitz are having problems getting their series made (the ywere partnered by RPS who then dropped them cause turner told them to), blackpllz people as well. No one pays for animation if it doesn't air on tv.

Yeah, I remember Harvey Beaks

>How do these nutjobs get so rich and powerful?
it is possible to commit only mistakes and still win, if the right people just wave you through.

Kevin Smith in that very speech was the first time I heard the phrase "fail upward" and now everything makes sense.

Jeffrey Epstein was a nobody math teacher, then he spends a few years on Wall Street and suddenly he had enough fuck-you money to do both the shit we already know about, and the shit we're all about to find out about. If you still believe we're in a meritocracy, then you must secretly be counting on your own ability to fail upwards somehow.

not enough gay porn, user
i want more

Then go to FA my friend, bask yourself in the dicks.

>You know why we're gonna do a good job on Superman? You and me, we're from the streets
I fucking lost

it might still be a “meritocracy,” except that the merits being rewarded are not those that we relative normies would otherwise ascribe value to. most people don’t acknowledge or realize that the “merits” in this case are almost entirely anti-social, and the less hangups you have in that arena the more money and power you’ll accrue. just don’t be stupid enough to get caught up in the proletariat’s social movements and you’ll do fine.

I don't imagine any of the actual creators do but I can totally see their agents doing it.

How to get greenlit by execs.

>Appeal to their egos
>Have a cheap product

So how come there aren't any cartoon shows about how awesome it is to be a business executive?

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>*completely misses the point of the book it’s based on*

Sounds about right for an adaptation.

>Aussie Rouge
Oh well, I'll add this series to my backlog

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>Right, this time turn your phone off.
How about you tell a better story so he wont have to pull his phone out and keep himself interested.

People just buy and watch whatever has a brand on it, so they don't even have to try.

Being stupid and irresponsible isn't a good quality at the top. But since there are a lot of monopolies and oligopolies now, it's hard not to make money even if you're a fuck up. Just run Comcast, or own a pharmaceutical company.

The sociopath thing is useful for shorting people and burning your business down over the long run, normally, but when you're one of the only games in town, now you can short your customers and employees, and honestly what will they fucking do about it? Go to your competitor? You know the guy and he's a fuck-up too.

Word of warning user, she's just an NPC in the third game. Cute voice though, as for the games, they're still fun.

I heard a lot about the Ty games before, it's sad she's only in one game but it's fine I can stand the other ones.

And even if you do end up burning the company to the ground, there's a good chance you'll get a golden parachute out of it. When Sears went belly up the executives got $25 million dollars in bonuses (idk if that's in total or each but either way that's ridiculous) while the employees got nothing. AIG lost $61.7 BILLION dollars, had to get bailed out by the government and yet still wanted to pay out over a billion in bonuses. Makes me sick whenever I hear people say "Um excuse me, business owners risk everything while employees risk nothing so they deserve golden yachts while their employees are on food stamps."

>P-please be nice to these morally righteous creators even they would fuck your shit up and get you banned/fired by bitching to the rich corps because you pissed one of them off.
Fuck them both

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did anyone see that reply to that tweet where an exec went to shake a guy's hand, clearly realised the guy was not as famous as he thought, tried to walk away, was forced to shake hands, then went to go put on hand sanitiser?

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tindle is very good. better than most.

here it is.

yeah i’m not saying you’re wrong, just that the “stupidity” thing is what i mean. you don’t need to be not-stupid to achieve financial success. you just need to maximize your luck, and the best way to do that is by stepping on others. the golden parachute thing is what i’m talking about — they wouldn’t do that shit if they cared about anyone but themselves. but they stay in a cycle of wealth because they have no qualms about using and objectifying other humans by the thousands/millions/billions.