Quick Yea Forums without thinking, if you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?

Quick Yea Forums without thinking, if you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?

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As a daughter obviously

My own show where I own 100% of rights.

Or if that counts as "two wishes" whatever the rule might be, my own production company, that way I can just make the show right now.

A blu-ray release of Hey Arnold

... Obviously.

Hair and a good reason to get fancy.

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Endless 2d animation Renaissance

Bob Iger and his posse to leave Disney and the parks to be restored

This cat ass

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Noelle stevensons head in a trash bag

Somebody to love me!

Wait, no! I want an Italian sub.

The ability to immediately fall asleep without browsing boards and refreshing every couple minutes on my phone.

I can only be one of those two, user, not both.

More appreciation and generally more 2D movies instead of having those keeping it to tv shows and have the movie landschape be oversaturated with Pixar and Dreamworks

a Job in the Animation Industry

I'd love too have these too

Chocolate cake.


A non-garbage computer.

>you can't love your dom as an italian sub

Sex. Wait, no, a bike. Fuck.


To write and get paid major stacks for writing for either one of the big two, alongside a great set of artists to work with.

a gallon of whiskey and some coffee

Whoa, hardcore and cool.

a pastrami sandwich.

A friend

Some good ass pussy on a cute, sweet and loving girl.

Full automated luxury gay space communism at niight

eh sue me it's in the am and i'm tired and bored

A big tiddy goth gf

the knowledge and position for/as art teacher at a high school in a cheap part of the land, with uttermost peace. Or a shortstack gf who will become my wife


actual meaningful time with my ex before it went to shit



the ability to do my life over.

cocaine and hookers with a side of salt

I wish Steven was my friend.

To be able to send my current conciousness and memories back in time into my past self's body and make different decisions.

a bag of chips

A machine that allows me to bring any number of comic or cartoon characters into the physical world with them treating me unquestioningly as their master whom they must obey.

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