Why didn't they kill baby thanos?

Why didn't they kill baby thanos?

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because you're changing someone else's timeline

Yeah. It would just be him murdering an infant.
If he really wanted to change things for the better then he could have raised thanos to be better and helped his world.

Imagine a universe with a Thanos who was a force for not good but balance and growth.

How'd that work out for you, Frank?

Because Thanos has to be a threat before they can kill him and still be seen as heroes.

but that means getting old like old mjolnir cap

I knew an alien that wont hestitate to murder

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Who is that supposed to be, Rhodey with the body of an autobot?

Yea, why not throw a bone at them

because you didn't pay attention to the fucking movie

>brainwash thanos
>make him a good guy
>he fucks carol
>she dies though lol
>he's still a good guy

>because you're changing someone else's timeline
saving and entire other universe sounds like a good deed

Because Thanos did nothing wrong.

They already do that though plenty in the movie.
Ie. cap changes Peggy’s timeline, they completely fuck the timeline Loki escapes in.
And they completely changed the 2014 timeline by killing that thanos

Why is Gizmoduck in the Avengers (and also a black man now)?


why there is none butterfly effect in endgame?

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Frank and Eros both tried.

It gets things worse

do you have more of these cringe avenger comics?
I fucking love it when people shitpost with these

>"Hey Peter,Im stuff"

its so hard to tell if its made ironically or not

Probably because any butterfly effect they caused was in a different timeline so we didn’t see it. That other timeline is super off course though since no Thanos or Gamora means no GOTG

What do you think would be happening in the 2014 that no longer has a Thanos?
The dwarven king still moping, not realizing that Thanos never even got to use the gauntlet his people made for him?
Ronan trying to find Thanos to speak with him but absolutely no trace?
Peter Quill getting the power stone completely unchallenged and probably just selling it?

>do you have more of these cringe avenger comics?
I like some of them. Unless you mean the r/marvelstudios low effort bullshit.

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The Loki streaming show is set in the timeline where they fucked up the Space Stone, depending on how the show will go its possible for that timeline to find some way to connect to the main timeline.

Cause it wouldn't solve their problem. If they wanted to do a "good" deed and stop somebody else's parallel universe from being snapped, that's nice I'm sure, but it wasn't the goal. The goal was get the stones, bring them to the present, use them to bring everyone back to undo the damage Thanos did.

Baby thanos did nothing wrong. If anything itd be better to steal baby thanos and raise him to be an avenger.

this shit once every blue moon I see a pic like this posted and it makes me chuckle.
kinda reminds me of gangweed autism

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because they raped him instead

All that would do is cause a timeline split. It wouldn't help them at all beyond sick catharisis. The Avengers were time travelling to undo the snap, not to fight Thanos again, since it would be pointless. The final battle only happens because he gets in their way, not because they were seeking a fight.

Why didnt cap back in time and stop 9/11 or hitler ?

Because it wouldn't affect the main timeline. For all we know, Steve fucked his new timeline as hard as he fucked Peggy and its 2023 looks completely different from the main one.

Because even if they managed to locate and get to Titan, the people of Titan wouldn't exactly welcome some child killing alien strangers.

Harder to kill someone as a kid when you don't know what part of an alien planet to go to, how old they are, or have any information about them besides a name that could easily be their Joe or Mike

>its possible for that timeline to find some way to connect to the main timeline
It's almost certain, how else is Loki going to get revived?

Reminder that ONLY the time stone has ripple effects in the timeline because if the timestone doesn't exist then the world ends.

It's fucking stupid and time travel is shit and the writers are hacks

another team already did it in one of the millions of other timelines



because that would be different split timeline, and not solve things for the people in the "original" timeline

If the whole schtick of Time Travel was that it was actually travelling through spacial dimensions, why didn't they just loop back around to the past of their own "timeline"?

I finally get to respond to this after every thread where I did post this got closed before I could reply.


Kill Thanos there and you create a single split timeline: one where Thanos died before executing the snap and HAD ALL THE INFINITY STONES that you could take back to the "prime" universe and perform the unsnappening with.

>Travel back to the end of Infinity War,
>Cut Thano's arm before he can use the gauntlet
>Save that timeline and bring all the stones in a single swoop.

The only reason any of this happened at all is because Thor was a moron of universal proportions and doomed trillions to die just because he had to have the satisfaction of looking Thanos in the eye as he died.

So you speed up the process because of his dumb ass (preferably by sending fat Thor back to undo his the shit of his own making) and there are no more problems.

They explicitly didn't want to reverse the timeline/cause a paradox. Also Thanos's father was a powerful motherfucker himself, no way he'd let some apes murder his baby boy.

Nah, if they went back to the moment Thor was still smack talking Thanos, future Thor could come out nowhere like at the start of Endgame and cut off Thanos arm/head. Then they just borrow the stones from there to fix their timeline and return it easily.

In their defense, I think they went for the time heist since it "seemed" like it had the lowest risks for them, since most of the stones were easy pickings during those times. There's a case that they fuck up going back to that moment between Thor and Thanos and get themselves killed or even lead that Thanos to do a total remake like the one in Endgame planned when he learned of them going back in time.

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The other problem with their plan is they only had enough Pym Particles to send everyone back and forth once.

But if you only send one person back and you fuck up the first time, you can correct the mistake and you won't be out of the substance you need to keep doing it.

So it's also more foolproof.

Let me try and break it down like this; imagine that the flow of time is like you laying tiles down on a path as you walk. The future does not exist, there are no tiles to walk on because you didn’t do that yet. Now say one of those tiles you laid down is a different color, or you just don’t like. You can walk back to that tile and remove it, but it ultimately doesn’t change the path you’re walking at all. Does that make more sense?

I'm surprised this needs to be explained so much, it's one of the easiest forms of time travel to understand as a layperson.

I personally think it's how time travel actually works but we'll never know.

Right because the future is infinite potentiality thus impossible to travel/navigate. Time travel and the infinite multiverse go hand in hand, and you can’t travel somewhere that hasn’t happened yet. It’s like when Owlman ranted about every choice splitting worlds in two

Or just go back to the primordial piss pond and throw a penny in it.

You know, the Pym particles thing also highlights an oversight that Scott didn't think about, either cause he was dumb or was still thinking about time paradoxes. Why doesn't he direct them to Hank's building to take some of his Pym particles from when he saw it in Ant-man and the Wasp? They just go back to steal some during that couple of hours/minutes when he was in the van with Hope and Hank after they had just abducted him.

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Time doesn't really exist so I don't think Time Travel could work at all

You’ve destroyed reality

Why didn't they raise baby Thanos to be an upstanding person?

They could just blow up Titan i mean its not like they were going to live anyway

Probably the same reason Cap let Hitler,Hussein, Bin Laden, the 9-11 terrorists. and many MANY others live the second time around.

Cap didn't live out his whole life in a separate timeline, did he? He just lived quietly on the sidelines of the original timeline and had Peggy keep his existence quiet, right?

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I wondered the same thing during the movie, would have been the easiest solution.

Stable Timeloops suggest that yeah, he was always there living with Peggy. Was Old-Man Steve at the funeral? I can't remember which movie it happened in.

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Couldn't they have also just gone back to just after the snap? They knew where thanos went at that point and he still had all the stones.

Probably knew he couldn't show up without blowing his cover

I thought that explained how Loki escaped and got the cube in their current timeline? Haven't watched SHIELD so would Cap staying behind mess that up too?

The problem with writers using Time Travel is that it's used to guarantee something, if the writer is limited in creativity then it's going to be an extremely simple solution when there could have been millions of better ones.

because time travel in the way it gets depicted in every story is bullshit and impossible, and if we want to still enjoy time stories we have to tolerate a high minimum threshold of bullshit.

Why not just go back and save Titan?

Yeah but why let it happen at all? It only happened because Thor is a revenge-obsessed moron (granted it was a good reason for revenge but it was still stupid of him).

If the point is to create as little timeline disruption as possible, why not create a single timeline where everyone wins?

I wish there was more stuff with Reed and Ben hanging out. They are best friends

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The time travel itself wasn't really that bad (even if what Steve did at the end was very confusing), it's just their use of it is contrived and basically killed Natasha for nothing.