You know he has a point

You know he has a point

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I do, yes.
I think his reminder is a little self-righteous and smug, but he is correct.

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What’s with the tranny

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Yes, his point is that he is a racist, and instead of going where his kind is the majority, he instead demands that other groups put his race ahead of theirs.

>"Maybe I could self-publish my own comics with ethnic characters!"
>"Nah, I'll just make a comic complaining about it."

hey and the new magneto? he's black and captain america and spiderman and johnny storm, You know what!? Let race swap them all and no one will know what its about since thats all you fucks care about.

The most ironic part of all of this is his own comics had pretty much an all white cast (on top of just being terrible)

I notice that he's still using the style and techniques of those dead white guys.
What I don't get in the least is why they always make it a point that they're dead. Every civilization is built on the works and ideas of dead men. Are we supposed to only use ideas from the last 20 years?

He's bitter and disrespectful and feels like he gets to be that way because feels disrespected. It's a vicious cycle, because it just makes me want to call him a cunt l the more.

Attempted discreditation through it being in the past.
You have to remember, these are the same people who believe we've simultaneously reached the end of history and that they are on the right side of it.

>look at all these different asian cultures!
>but whites are a monolith

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>I want to create stories with Filipino-American and other AS-AM protagonists.
Fucking why?
'cause you're super fucking stoked about your own race?
Great, go do that.
Why the fuck do you need that guy's permission?
Is he your boss?
Then fucking deal with it and do your job.
>The market is bigger than that
It's his job to know what the market is and you're making claims without the numbers your boss is making that decision based on.
>I don't really read stats on Asian-Americans
Pot meet kettle.
Holy fucking shit, not even the non-racist people are good enough because they don't want to spend every hour of every day trying to find bigots for him.
SJWs are a fucking cancer.

Luna isn't an SJW, he's simply racist and misogynistic and playing the race card.


into the trash it goes

Why doesn't he just make the type of comic he wants instead of demanding white guys to make it for him? He knows how to draw. He could easily make something he feels is representative of his people.

Well, he's speaking purely from an Asian-American perspective. Asians, proper ones, all fuckin' hate each other. Koreans hate the Japanese and vice-versa.

Like, I remember this news article from a few years back about a geisha exhibit that came to a museum. The local Asian community complained about how sexist and offensive it was. The actual geisha from Japan were like "What?"

They've got a very different, sensitive perspective.

t. guy who banged an older Korean lady a few times.

I don't get why he just doesn't make his own comics about a Filipino protagonist. He just do what he's doing now, but make an interesting story instead of bitching about white people all the time.

I wonder how he would feel about white people liking one of his stories if it got popular.

I guess for some people. Personally I'm more annoyed that too many such artists underline the minority status of their characters in triplicate, making it their only defining aspect.

The irony, of course, is that Major Kusanagi is a 99% conversion cyborg, who's platform of choice is a caucasian sex bot.

(Also, this guy is Filipino, Wet Mexico is still Mexico.)

Actual pinoys dont give a shit about america's problem with diversity

Sino tong bobong to para mamura

This. The ones who make the biggest deal about race usually don't have anything worth saying.

Only white people say shit like this

It seems this way of thinking(?) knows no ethnicity

>Flips are generally Austronesians (Taiwan), Iberian mix, or Malay
>Not even one ethnic group

>Asians, proper ones, all fuckin' hate each other. Koreans hate the Japanese and vice-versa.
"Proper ones". How does someone stop being Asian just cause they moved?
Also why are people so fascinated with acting like they understand racism in Asia like it justifies their own raxism

Honestly 90% of the problems this guy is complaining about in his comics come from romanticizing bullshit every normal person hates. I mean:

Mainstream comics are fucking dying, the top-selling stuff has less readership than a breaking-even web comic.
Literally everyone prefers the source material to the whitewashed versions.
Art school is a fucking trap that no healthy person assumes teaches good lessons
Everyone hates and ignores the people depicted. Not because they're racist, just because they are awful in literally every other way.

The most offensive part about his comics is that he assumes he's special for realizing shit every non-artist knows.

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Looks like the guy doesn't even get traction in the Philippines, kinda saw an online article that tried to let the Flips know this guy

Name's Joshua Luna maybe

There is nothing wrong with racism.
It needs no justification.

I'm pretty sure his point is more about how Americentric any delusions of Asian brotherhood would have to be.

Because user, if he did that he wouldn't have anything to cry about, and Joshua gets off on being a victim.

Why would he

>Hour long bitch fest about woke media intenisfies.

>comics based off american politics
Yeah no.

Maybe if he made manga

>stop being Asian just cause they moved

A unique thing about America is that, unlike the Old World, it is more on liberty and freedom rather than circumstance

This is from an Asian American context though, it was never masquerading as being a whole world thing

No one likes to tell white Americans they aren't white cause they don't live in Europe
Or blacks they aren't really African

Either way, he's as asian as the guy that mows my lawn.

Why are white people like this

Yeah. That. My point is that, outside of America, all Asians fuckin' hate each other. The lady I was fucking wouldn't let her kid watch anime because she hated the Japanese, for instance. Asian-Americans, particularly second and third generation ones, have this idea that they're all Asians. When the Japanese think they're Japanese and the Koreans think they're Korean. "Asian" is a second or third identity as far as the totem pole goes.

I'm not sure Asians even like each other here, either. It sounds like he wants a black brotherhood type thing, but is only going to get a Hispanic situation at best.

>all Asians fuckin' hate each other
Stop pretending you understand racism in Asia
Stop saying you understand the mentality of over 2 billion people

lol this dudes filipino and he thinks he gets to call himself asian?

asians are the most racist motherfuckers on the planet they absolutely don't count island mexicans as asian

I would love to see more Asian characters in Yea Forums.

They have a pretty long history of fucking each other over, user. What's your belief about them? And what do you base it on?

I like it how his self-portraits in these comics are usually so realistic.

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Asian American unity and culture is an entire mess that white people don't understand but always like to say they know after they've simplified one aspect


Danes, Mediterraneans, Anglos, Baltics, etc

Bantus, Zulus, Hutus, Tutsis

>Even some people forget that the Bantu majority in South Africa are actually foreign to the place since the Bantus came from Central or North Africa
No wonder a portion of the actual natives in SA want the British back

What's with Asian-Americans being crazy.

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>He just do what he's doing now, but make an interesting story instead of bitching about white people all the time.
Fucking exactly.
You want to know the best way to prove that white boss strawman wrong?
Fucking prove him wrong.
When your Filipino-American comic does super well and publishers are asking to buy the rights then you fucking gloat about it on Twitter all you goddamn want.

Are you serious?
Asians are very racist towards other asians dude.
Do you think this is a racist screed by other races who just don't understand the actual racist taunts and hatred that asians have against each other?

the japanese and koreans and the rest of asia don't count asian americans as asian at all regardless of their heritage, well India and Pakistan do but no one ever thinks of them as asian

Oh, like you're some anthropologist either. Grow up. People other than white people can be racist. The Japanese are notoriously rough on Koreans and half-Japanese. Romi Park and Mark Ishii (Two Japanese VAs that are both half-Japanese/half-Koreans) repeatedly got a lotta flak from other folks in the industry for being mixed. When the Fukushima meltdown hit, there were tons of Japanese boomers ranting online about how they needed to watch out for Koreans. And vice-versa.

But, sure. Obviously, I've done no digging at all.

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He knows that. But that's not a big deal, he hates asians too

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Enlighten us then.

There you go again
The fuck is your problem dude.
Racism in Asia is a lot more comparabe to racism in the Balkans or south America (between countries not between ethnic groups) actually
For entirely different reasons but it's nothing like racism like white americans see racism as

Indians and Pakis only count as "Asian" in Bonglander newspapers.

I didn't they weren't

based accepting white dude

>you too american
>you also american
>not asian enough

huh wut now? so this is just the ravings of a madman that never grew mentally past 14

Are they not countries in asia

ok sweetie just stop talking before you fall further behind.

A good chunk of Russia is in Asia too. What's your point?

>it's nothing like racism like white americans see racism as

asian racism is the same as american racism from 1928

how do you think siberians look like user

is this comic supposed to be shitting on gene luen yang for making new super-man?

>The fuck is your problem dude.
The fuck is yours? "They" is a basic pronoun. And you're just using more examples of people who all think each other are inferior or defective or problem people in some capacity. Ie they're racist.

And by the way, don't think I didn't notice how you avoided my question about sources.

yeah but now white people think Ricky Martin is white so America kind of has a weird view on what racism actually is like outside of BLACK MAN BAD

>hey Yea Forums i mean Yea Forums i found some propaganda.
>it sure has a point doesn't it?
>i'm not a racist but

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They look a hell of a lot more Asian than Muhammad and Raj do.

Pretty bold of you to ask me to do research for a thread that can get deleted at any moment

>now white people think Ricky Martin is white
No they don't.

"white hispanic" is a term people like to use often

He kind of shits all over Luang, Miyazawa and Pak and all the other Asian creators who really have made a dent into the Western comics scene.

But, WHITE MAN BAD, or whatever. I guess.

yes, racism like all social constructs is fluid and changes rapidly, ricky martin would have been considered white in 1928 it wasn't until there was a mexican population explosion that california invented the hispanic race as they were all considered white until they needed to be marginalized for voting purposes.

sshhss sweetie this is a comic that white people won't be understand
don't feel bad that you're left out

At least you admitted to never looking anything up.

when did sinfest go from "fuck the patriarchy" to "kill all trannies"

This is just sad.

are u retarded? of course Ricky Martin is white

Well i'm not gonna cite my sources for Yea Forums
You think i really need that shit on hand to know you're a retard

is this some new style of asian bad grammar?

At exactly the wrong time, apparently.

is this a gamegrumps comic?

when trannies started to get more obnoxious and directly fuck over the rights women fought for decades for
>finally now we have our own carts on trains!
>week later tranny gets arrested for molesting a woman on a women's only train

Of course you won't, because there are none that support your fairy tale of a non-racist Asia.

Yeah. Self hating HIspanic people and politicians looking to gaslight hispanics into voting for them and against their own self interests.
It works beautifully I might add.

What backwards shithole to you hail from where trains are sex-segregated?

>including china/russian into "asia"

You are the one that don't understand. No country in asia think that china is one of their own.

It is not even chinese/korean/japanese at this point. Even SEasia is fragment as fuck.

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This is the most esoteric Powerpuff Girls comic I've ever seen.

>oh and those blackwashed heroes? they don't count mmkay

I didn't say that racism doesn't exist in Asia
I said that you don't really understand it at all and its fucking arrogant that you think you do cause you read an internet post

god this chink is annoying as fuck

What blackwashed heroes?

Like....uh...nick fury and the doorman for the nords and that dyke who plays the dyke valkyrie?
Who else?

>omg they aren't including white people! white genocide! white genocide!

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any point he might have is undermined by the fact that he's such a raging douche about it


only white people say this


Silly user, don't you know that Europeans (lol, what even IS a European anyway?) don't have cultures of their own?



ignored how kira was whitewashed and not asian though didn't you?
you do realize that l was made black so that kira being a white guy wouldn't be looked down on...or that kira was a limp dick cuck and the chick that no one liked was the real threat thing?


Holy shit this guy makes me hate FilAms even more.

sorry user, he doesn't care about race change, he just doesn't like seeing black people on the screen

I don't know wtf you're talking about I was just answering your question

You tried to mitigate their racism with an appeal to other regions that only further demonstrated your misunderstanding of ethnic attitudes. I want to know how exactly Asians aren't racist and spiteful as hell toward each other and who put that idea in your head. Brass tacks, solid examples, no more of your vague assertion bullshit.

Especially in the US, a lot of woke brown/mixed people get bad anxiety about how their own races perceive them. White mixes get real fucking insane about wanting to identify more with their brown half.

I understand wanting to tell "your story" but at this point you don't have to ask permission from publishers. You have quite a few ways to get your book on the market and if you think it would be too hard to crowdfund then you're proving THE MAN right.

You don't get it. Luna publishes this stuff because he's no longer as successful as he used to be. It's easier to blame a racist conspiracy of industry and society keeping you down than admit that the last series you published undersold compared to your other works. The simple fact is that Luna's works are kinda schlock and trashy, and that his brother is better than him.

They finally got around to that huh? Guess the gropings really did get out of control.

I know. I just find it hilarious when people say shit like that.

Are you retarded?

At a certain point, biracial "black white" people had their own actual race in america. They called themselves creole and quite honestly had their own society going for a while.

Then I don't know what happened.
Even across american biracial people tend to stick to each other but even saying as such or admiting it and then concentrating on how they'll not fit in on each side and choosing a side in media is...
I don't know.
It's odd.

>Filipinos are Pacific Islanders
I don't really give a shit but I just adopt the opposite whatever the person I'm speaking with just to one-up them.

>Full Filipino
>Believing this
There's a pretty good chance you have Jap/Spaniard/American blood in your ancestry.

>A Filipino trying to not be a victim

I wish him the very best of luck.

He's gonna need it.

>I want to know how exactly Asians aren't racist
im not saying that they aren't
how many times do i need to say this

I compared the racism being more similar to how racism is in different regions to give you an idea beyond thinking racism in Asia is anything like how racism is in America

>no more of your vague assertion bullshit.
Wow user, excuse me for being careful about making a statement on the ideologies of over 2 billion people
I guess I'm not a fucking retard!

Lets put it this way, on one hand you have Korean Nationalists still hung up on Japanese war crimes, on another lots of different Japanese franchises are super popular in Korea.

Well you asked which heroes were blackwashed, which was stupid because the context was about anime but in your raging retard mode you aren't able to discern subtlety so you rattled off comic book characters instead. So I answered in context anyway with L, I haven't watched the shitty netflix version of DeathNote and never plan to because live action adaptations of anime have a 150% chance of being pure liquid shit with a side of corn.

So I don't know wtf you're actually trying to say in regards to Kira or anyone else other than you seem to think I'm defending Kira being white which makes no fucking sense except in your overheated brain.

>Write white character
>Make them look Filipino, and claim they’re Filipino
>Get praised for a non-racist interpretation of a properly integrated minority
Gief monies nao plz

Creole is a very specific southern Louisiana/Mississippi thing. Like Gullah. Not a widespread thing.

>Then I don't know what happened.
Discrimination from white people citing the "one drop rule" happened probably. But I'm sure some /pol/ user can find some case where a black guy was bad and that will erase all white crimes forever.

>I'm defending Kira being white
you didn't say you had a problem with it user, so you must have been defending it!
at least thats your logic here

The entire anime/manga market proves that white people don't mind consuming Asian media. Not to mention that karate movies were a huge thing over here for a while. The hesitance to use Asian characters in western media these days is a little odd but I don't think there is a real push against them.
The dude is really just trying to come up with excuses for his stuff not making it big without it being his fault.
I mean he isn't really wrong with this one though I am surprised that Jesus isn't Asian.

Hispanic is a cultural/geographical designation, not an ethnic or racial one.

yeah that's not me dick whistler and you reading into shit with your faggy bias just makes you look like even more of a half lobed retard

well its the same logic

Why in the fuck are you people so insistant on pretending that you're white you just have funny accents or eat different foods?

Do you hate yourselves that much?

So if I say that you can also put mustard on this hotdog that means that I'm arguing for ketchup? This is the logical leap you want your petty argument to die on?

Ah, sorry, I just read the comments.
I thought you were one of those retards who bitched forever about some character they never gave a shit about in the first place being replaced with a black person.

>I compared the racism being more similar to how racism is in different regions to give you an idea beyond thinking racism in Asia is anything like how racism is in America
And yet you still haven't explained how exactly they're supposed to be any different from each other. Bit of a flaw in your argument.

>koreans are ok with Japan because they buy their shit
You might as well say China doesn't look down on America despite us being largely not Han because they like our Transformers movies.

They changed the race of all the characters though. L is white/Japanese. Watari is white. They were throwing darts at a board with the casting.

>L is white/Japanese. Watari is white.
In the original that is.

The end of the Civil War more or less removed the cultural and societal reasons for Creole existing as its own category. But Creole existed as a category well into the 20th century, and was killed off by a combination of a batshit insane record clerk in New Orleans obsessed with strict black/white racial categorization who'd autocratically declare a person black based on the flimsiest of pretenses and would often do so retroactively to a person's deceased relatives if she couldn't find a reason, and the Civil Rights Movement, ironically.

>And yet you still haven't explained how exactly they're supposed to be any different from each other
whats really to explain?

Why do I feel like this dude secretly wants to fuck white guys?

Everything. Hell they're more racist toward each other than most Americans are, but all you'll do is insist otherwise without giving any evidence or examples, as is the pattern.

he'd fuck anything, I doubt anything is giving him the time of day long enough to even get to that point without cash in hand

Colorism is a thing.

you do understand how this burden of proof thing works right? you're the one making claims of something existing FIRST
i'm saying that its not so SECOND

No, he's pretty adamant about wanting to fuck Asian women, and how Asian women are oppressing their race if they date non-Asian men.

so you are saying that argentina is actually white?

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But that doesn't mean all black/white people belong to it.

It's the same as Cajun. Most people assimilate. Few people speak the languages any more and in the case of Creole most black people around here want to be seen as Ghetto fuckers with Mix tapes. Not pigeon french speaking swamp dwellers.

argentina where all the nazi's fled

first one seems like it worked out better cuz in all the others she got to keep her teeth

who the fuck cares about filipinos lol


Obviously not, and Creole as a racial categorization was much more expansive than simply "biracial." In fact, Creole was much more strongly related to having French ancestry than black.

half philippine mongrels are especially annoying

Kek, okay then. Japanese look down on any non-Japanese Asians, that's well known. Same as the Chinese, who especially hate the Japanese for obvious reasons. Korea got fucked by both but especially the Japanese as of late so there's no good blood there. Pakastan hates India (and vice versa) while acting as a buffer state for China vs India. And of course there's Tibet, which recently got fucked by China because, again, racism. And of course there's what the Japanese did down in the Philippines, which made them a ton of friends for sure. Then of course there are the Chinese concentration camps up in the northwestern region of the country for those pesky non-Hans. And that's just fallout from the 20th Century. There is a LONG history of xenophobic antagonism in Asia.

yeah but they mostly kept to themselves,most of them never even bother to learn spanish,

I like this one. It's clear, concise, and its message is pretty applicable to wide range of people. Also the design on that Chinese pirate is aesthetic as fuck.

Okay, he has a point with this one.

>be asian (viet)
>wake up everyday grateful I’m not Filipino, Chinese, or Korean
It’s always these faggots that get uppity for no reason. Imagine your only trait being you look like Mexicans
What causes people like this Autist Artist to think this?

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In short, each Asian subsection looks down on the others as being sub-human bug creatures.

because of their mad scientist cloning projects

>he's simply racist and misogynistic and playing the race card.
So... an SJW?

cultural failure, they feel like the don't belong anywhere and there's a void to fill but they don't put in the effort to join a religion or learn a language to fill it.

must think you're so smart for knowing a few bullet points in history

Really helps you understand how that even plays into the 21st century

yeah thank you for helping me understand shit i already know, you taught me nothing and all i learned is you're a fucking moron with no actual understanding of people and culture.
Trivia information really lets you understand the complexities of racism!

>Full Roman
>Believing this
There's a pretty good chance you have Greek/Celt/Etruscan blood in your ancestry.

He does know the Yagami thing was played by ampuppet and thus accurate, major has changed faces and bodies enough that we could preaume one of them was like Johanson, Goku is a space monkey and not actually asian at all, and Jesus came from a long line of jews and royal egyptians and more than likely had lighter skin, right?

He also is missing the point that anime characters often have the opposite of asian features for stylistic reasons ans thus making their actual realistic version depictions totally up for interpretation.

roman?? the fuck?

You have yet to contribute a single piece of actual information. It's all just insults and vague assertions with you, as always. It's pretty clear said bullet points are your first and only education on the subject. Again, who put these ideas in your head? What even are your ideas?

>i-it's not like in America

Fucking how, you moron? You STILL haven't elaborated.

Yeah sure.
Imagine expecting any kind of solidarity from his fellow Asians.
His comic will barely sell if at all, and he'll blame white people (despite white people virtue signalling likely being the biggest buyers).

But great of him to show how racist he is by demonizing people based on skin colour.

Apparsntly part of unlearning is forgetting fucking dynamic poses and perspective. But hey! At least he apparently draws the same way as when he was 5.

no that was in brazil,or paraguay i dont really remember,here in argentina we got the crazy one that told everyone he invented nuclear fusion, but the bastard lab was not even properly functional,to this day we discuss if ritcher was crazy or a conman.
we also got one thta desing planes,that went better

It's been that way for a few years.

>I want to create stories with Filipino-American and other AS-AM protagonist
Okay then do it.

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Does he have a career in the phillipeans? I would think all the novelty he has disappears and he would face hard competition.

damn i forgot the wikipedia link

Sounds like he got blown the fuck out and is bitching about it on his comic.

I don't know how it is for asians in america but fucking hispanics all fucking hate each other. First gen Cubans and pueto ricans do not get along.

Dude that country has one city with cell service you think they give a flying shit about some bullshit comic?

Fuck off, Nazi.

>Fucking prove him wrong.

Because it's so easy to compete against the Big Two, who solely dominate the market, right? Getting wide spreading mainstream comic press (which is a niche in itself) as an indy title is pretty difficult

That would take independent thought and drive. The subtle message in these comics is that he can't do it himself on his own, he wants a big white man to come in and acknowledge him and tell him to do what he wants to do. He wants to be controlled and complain about being controlled.

Also that he has no clue what Asians actually are. He has no interest in his culture becuase learning if might damage his self persecuting world view. He is enraged at whites because he believes he is a white man with an pinoy face but doesn't know what being white or asian means.

Fucking 2nd Gen
>hate their birth country
>don’t bother to learn the culture of birth country
>don’t bother to learn the culture of their ethnicity
>praise and idolize their home country
Granted I’m 2nd gen but I’m fine being a viet living in dixieland and being a burger

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I know he's just a lazy hack, but is he insinuating that the very same people was conquered both by Spanish conquistadors and THEN pirates on the same day, since the people depicted didn't change in any way?

Is racism in America as simple as "whites had black people as slaves and that's why whites and blacks hate each other!"

because that's how it sounds when you say KOREANS HATE JAPAN BECAUSE JAPAN INVADED KOREA

racism in Asia is much different from how it is America because
America: lots of fucking reasons, but black vs whites a lot of fucking reasons mostly laying down on whites viewing blacks as inferior, violent, untrustworthy, they look different
Asia: lots even more fucking reasons laying down to nationalism, uncomfortable borders, history, governments

in the 21st century that history isn't so important due to a lot more, and we aren't even talking about people on a case by case basis

What is your average 18-34 Korean really think about when Japan is mentioned vs how his father or grandfather?

Also a note: Vietnam should be really mad about America everyday since the war wasn't that long ago, but hey thats really not the case!

1st gen and 2nd gen cubans barely get along

Imagine being a white person being asshurt that their characters are getting replaced when they did the same to asians for way longer.

Reminder that no white countries has ever been successful without invading/colonising/regime changing another country.

>Vietnam should be really mad about America everyday since the war wasn't that long ago, but hey thats really not the case!
Generally people are only bitter when they lose.

yeah America just scorched their land, poisoned their people, and killed their babies
nothing they should be mad about

but you also don't even have vietnamese people that mad at the french

I am 99% sure everyone commenting here is white. But, speaking as a second generation Korean American...

>All asians are racist against other asians!

Kind of true, but not. There's definitely stereotypes, but most of the full-blown hatred is isolated to the older generation. Most of the people in their 20s/30s dont really care.

>t. guy who banged an older Korean lady a few times.

Excellent taste.

I think he means proper in that they live in their respective countries and behave as their own cultures. Even when they are exposed to cultures that don't care anout that they keep it up, in my experience.

Here's the run down of epitaphs:
Chinese: Dirty, heartless, and greedy.
Taiwanese: Shiftless whores and cowards.
Phillipinos: Scrawny, lazy drug addicts. Mexican rape babies. Land mine bait.
Japanese: pale psychopaths. Just can't go a full day without killing something.
Mongolians: Rednecks.
Tibetians: illiterate wet blankets.
South koreans: Materialistic whores.
North Koreans: People who should be killed on sight for the crimes of the regime they live under.

inb4 you're not really korean

>You don't have to share resources
I'm John C. Consumer, I don't make the media, I just consume it. Instead of complaining on the internet through a webcomic, prove that there's a market for multiculturalism.
Oh wait, lots and lots of people have tried, and they never do as well as white stories because they always end up focusing on race which no one likes.

>I think he means proper in that they live in their respective countries and behave as their own cultures
no what he meant was that Asian Americans don't conform to his ideas of what Asians are supposed to be to him so they don't count
Asians are supposed to be as easy to understand as an rpg race to him

Phils have real problems to worry about. They have a law that allows you to murder drug addicts and drug dealers. They find victims dead in the street with "i am a drug dealer" taped to the body. Their PM has seorn that steven seagal will be beaten with clubs if he ever comes ro the country, the people like him there though.

Japanese trains are not like European trains. There's no romantic sightseeing, you're crammed in nuts to butts into an underground sardine can and shot through a tunnel at 300 mph. They absolutely needed women's only cars.

im latino but aparently thats consider white nowadays,also i hate other latinos,damn venezolanos, i wish they stop coming to argentina,the country is going to hell why they even come here? go to chile thats a far better country

And that’s what makes you a true American

I think he forgot to put them in the right order they should be flipped

Because asians can figure out how to get that dark light dark light diagonal patern like on the golf course.

>>praise and idolize their home country
i dont think there is nothing wrong with loving your home country,i thnik thats a good thing,is where you live after all

Most of the racial hatred comes from a long history of wars, genocide attempts, and slaughters from on nation to another. Centuries of back and forth has bred contempt and distrust.

Imagine if we went to war with canada five times and a few of those wars we gave specific orders to rape and kidnap women, then they did the same ro us. There you go.

You realize that Luna has already seen a lot of critical acclaim and is very successful for an indie creator? His biggest issue is that he hasn't published anything major since 2012 and his last series was plagued by delays and even that did decent numbers for Image. Considering his current output is mostly niche interest political cartoons, I'm not exactly sure what he's expecting.

His coloring doesn't help either.

Why do all these panels seem like points he could avoid distress if he spoke up in these conversations.

This isn't my little pony, you're not going to change people's minds about that sort of thing.

Because it's a comic. It's communicating an idea

It's not really their home country for people born in America. While the culture they're descended from can play a massive role in their life and how they relate to America, it's not the same type of relationship a native has to the culture.

you probably are some 2nd~3rd gen faggot

t. ESL gook in korea

>Okay grandpa, I will try. Learning about our culture is important.
>Well, my grandpa says we're filipino. I'm learning to figure out what it all means, you know?
>...Are you saying I have a large penis? Because I will accept that, brah.
>Apparently I'm a 'banana asian.' Wanna see? Aw c'mon, that was a good one! Dont run away!
>Wanna get a drink with a pacific islander then? I could use some cheering up after half of Chinatown played "prejudge GPS" with me.
>Thanks, your ability to accept me with understanding anything is strangely comforting. Lets drink beer and play halo while I explain how asian women are either snoobs or dirty hoes and that there is no inbetween.

It's so weird that a guy can campaign on vigilante justice and end up being the leader of the entire country. Do Flips really have it that bad?

it's a third world dumpster fire with muslim and christian para military terrorist groups and most towns don't have paved roads, wtf do you think?

This could honestly apply to just about any person trying to claim "pure" heritage, he's got a pretty good point here.

>Ching Ching Ping Pong
>Herro, me Korean
>Me Bomb Pearr Harrbor!
whatever, chink. fucking communists. The nukes were well earned.

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>Why the fuck do you need that guy's permission?

The comic book artist wants to make a profit out of making stories with Filipino-American and other AS-AM protagonists (but he knows that comics with white male protags will be a lot of more successful)

Baron Mordo, korath, Gwen Stacy. There might be more. Miles morales doesn't count because he is an original character.

Even if they had Asians playing the main characters, they'd still be theatrical dumpster fires

This guy is so fucking obnoxious I can't stand it. If you want to write a story with a Filipino as the main character just do it. if you want to write a story where the main character is a trans-Jewish black lesbian just do it. No one is stopping you. Why should other people make what YOU want to make instead of what they'd want? Whiny little cunt.

It's how he draws male lips

>(but he knows that comics with white male protags will be a lot of more successful)
It's not because they're white, it's because when you make a protagonist who's defining characteristic is their race, you end up with the kind of shit Gabby Riviera wrote.

Yeah, the history of the region is basically a revolving door of being conquered.


Just take the L, my man.

Proof in the pudding, they have a drug trafficking problem so bad that they approved of citizens just blasting people. That means that they are thinking that if you shoot anyone, statistically, he has drugs.

Its like they wanted to instate town militias bjt thojght that was to restricting and organized.

Except people aren't just gunning down random people; they're shooting cartel members, and his popularity is through the roof because of it.

LOL, Based Image Comics

Thread: For #APAHM I'd hoped to announce the release date of AMERICANIZASIAN, a book collecting my online comic strips about Filipino American & Asian American identity & experiences, but since my publisher @ImageComics
doesn't seem comfortable publishing it, I need your help. 1/

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>The comic book artist wants to make a profit

And thus he he retarded. He clearly didn't hear how lots of comic artists die or are just messed up from treatable illnesses. Many die owing debts despite the fame they may have earned.

Rlbert kirkman said, "When someone says they want to make a living in comics I want to grab them and shake them while shouting, "If you're good at anything else, do that instead!"" You don't make money in comics, you work your ass off and die because comics is all you're good for.

Whenever I hear about these kinds of people having cultural awakening all I can think is that these motherfuckers never went out into their neigherhoods as children.

>People aren't murdering eachother and spouting a radical new law to get out of it...
>They are going full Bronson and its actially working.

I do not know how I feel about this.

So.... to learn how to draw better, you need to completley and utterly disregard and forget anything a white person has ever said or done?

... Okay.

>His biggest issue is that he hasn't published anything major since 2012 and his last series was plagued by delays and even that did decent numbers for Image

So one of those artists w/ "who-cares-what-you-think-I-am-famous-and-rich" money?

Wasn't his comic so hateful even Image refused to publish it?

Instead of bitching about white people, why doesn't he just creat his own comic about asians? I really don't get it


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>shoot a random person without trial
>"no it's ok he's a cartel member"
>"but how do you know without a trial"
>"it doesn't matter i killed him already just call him a cartel member and let's get on with our day"
yeah nice system you got there buddy no way it can ever go wrong ever

>Not showing that brief period the British conquered Manila and then handed it back to Spain in the peace treaty five minutes later
2/10, crap history

I like how he draws himself as a chiseled Filipino Adonis in the comics while complaining about discrimination.

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Welcome to most of human history. Due process is a luxury. If there is a legitimate threat to the safety and stability of a nation, rights start disappearing pretty quick.

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>yeah nice system you got there buddy no way it can ever go wrong ever
It's clearly working, so I don't know what your point is. If people were just gunning down random other people, it wouldn't be as popular as it is.

>How does someone stop being Asian just cause they moved?
If you were born in the US, never left the US, only speak english I'm sorry but you aren't asian, you are an american with asian ancestry but you aren't asian.

His art is good, gotta give it to him.

Ok I laughed.

No, Lord, no. In the context of Image Comics, remember? His last series debuted at 8,000 units.

There is lots of that too.

His art is incredibly stiff and kinda amateurish.

>Welcome to most of human history. Due process is a luxury.
Welcome to the civilized world where constitutions and other such documents exist declaring due process a basic civil right of an enlightened nation's populace.
(Y'kno... in theory.)

that must be why Marvel doesn't sell anymore these days

Porn of the girl when?

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>it's a stretch

>Image, which has published everythibg from gorefests to furfag comics won't touch his whiny webcomic


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The Filipino superheroes look a bit too americanized in that spandex, but IDK, perhaps they should look that way I am not filipino.

So it’s a comic book by an asian stating that their aren’t enough Asians in comic books. Why not just make a comic book with an asian lead character? Unironically I mean, rather than just bitching about the lack of representation in an industry that your in make the representation using the support you clearly have

Everyone is indigenous to somewhere.

White people don't like respect you

Because the guy don't want to make a webcomic with an asian lead he just want to complain about how opressed he is to get headpat from SJW.

Wow what a smart ass answer

t. white with no culture

>Image Comics famous throughout the industry for their candid and insightful exploration of the contemporary Asian-American experience.

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White people say this trivia shit like it's secret knowledge
Does racism in America only exist because whites enslaved blacks?

But sure dude, but explain to me, what does any of that really mean in the 21st century

Modern white people view themselves as anthropologists. Whites have been taught to believe that only other races/peoples have authentic cultures whereas whites are inauthentic and destroy other races culture. This is why it seems that whites sole goal on the modern world is to erase their peoples presence.

Whites are of a mindset that we are already post-historical or post-modern. I'm not sure anything can be done at this point that will overcome this feeling other than utter crisis...

Unfortunately this anthropological countenance is the culmination of the enlightenment..

That's globalism for you

Asians had wars with each other
But what's white peoples excuse for racism against Asians

How can it be globalism if only one single racial group is affected? Maybe it's something else?

I get the comic writer's beef. He feels marginalized and he's lashing out. It's not in any way productive, and he's going after people that ostensibly agree with him while imagining that they're just secret racists, but the underpinning emotion is valid.

I don't get why OP or anyone ITT cares

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Outrage farming

It's not
Han Chinese isn't really a race
African countries have arbitrary borders
Senselessly mixing cultures until people are unaware that separate cultures existed is a globalist trait

>Art school is a fucking trap
While they do let in lots of retards for free money, some art schools do teach well and have strong industry connections.

Still, only maybe 5 or 6 kids in an entire class should be there

He won't self publish and sell his comics to the Philippines version of Comiket, because he knows he's above those Filipinos living in the Philippines.

He acts just like those Americans he hate. Typical of expat children.

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If you aren't always sucking up to white people that's white genocide

Only white people think like this

Weird eyes

He's mad that, as a non-white, he made the decision NOT to have a culture, a group, a race, etc. and now that he's seen how hollow and meaningless that is (something all whites know) he's angry at the people he's found himself surrounded by.

Ask for a description of styles of cultural song for various groups, and you'll have no problem with any of them until you get to white people. And while you might not know the specifics of where that style originates, you could get pretty close. Now, try that with whites, and you'll realise that there is no traditional song style. The most you'll get is The Beatles or something.

I can't wait for these bait threads to be banished to /trash/ where they belong.

So it's white peoples fault they destroyed their own culture

I see. You care because you, too, define yourself by identity politics and how superior you are to random online personalities.


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