/lap/ - Lapis General
/lap/ - Lapis General
Have sex
Does lapis wanna fuck Steven
Dilate tranny
Your virgin tears taste so good
Yes. She made her tits bigger just for him
>durr hurr spread your ass cheeks for feminism or else ill call you a Virgin
So much for equality for sexes when you use sexist insults to people who dont bow down to your insanity
It's so easy to trigger kissless virgins because they know that's all they're ever going to be
Does anyone have the edit of Sardonyx with eyelashes
Oh boy, projecting your own rage at never being picked by a guy because your a misshapen feminist lard isnt going to make your argumentative points any less ineffective
Your crusty neckbeard crying pleases me; please continue
>abloopo abloooo guys wont fuck my pig disgusting ass better start a gender war against them
Keep crying like a bitch because chad wouldnt fuck you and you became a dyke to cope with the rejection.
Oh yes, please keep going; my popcorn needs some more salt
>y-yeah keep c-crying, im smug s-so im not the one u-upset here
Chad will never get a stiffy from your repulsive form, feminist slimeball.
Will you guys shut up
This is great. It's like watching a constipated Dachshund squirming around like crazy
>still doubling down on the vapid attempt at smug
>not even counteracting my point
I accept you concession, dyke
Keep those tears coming. Gotta wash all this popcorn down.
I accepted your concession, now go
Indeed, you should go have sex. What's stopping you?
I want her to sit on my /lap/!
InB4 Venom, Godzilla, Peter Griffin
>if you dont act like a sniveling coward and lick my boots then ill deny you sex
Who ever said i wanted to have sex with a feminist cow anyhow?
>Venom, Godzilla, Peter Griffin
Those three would play off each other's personalities masterfully.
But would either of them play off Lapis?
I thought Lapis general would have more picturez of lapis.
user, she's a flat insane lesbian who's also technically a rapist.
I don't see many people having lapis folders.
SU doesn't get porn. Good porn anyway.
>I accept your concession
Yeah, sure ya do
Seriously, unwashed homeless guys have sex; what's stopping you?
No one said anything about porn. This is a blue board.
Also nice memes
A bitch that has been fucking awful to everyone and somehow deserves to be treated special by the main character.
You have no power here
Why do people like Lapiss so much?
a thread about lapis is genuinely more tolerable than those past threads about gabby gabby
Godzilla wouldn't even notice her, Peter will ask why Lois is blue and her attitude would make Venom want to kill her
Just the power to make you reply with your angry sexless tears over and over
Says the person projecting their own virginity and man hating rage stirred from being unable to make a single dick flinch up.
Can you two just skip into the sunset together or better yet, perform a suicide pact already?
mmm your point-proving salt only pleases me more
>point proving
So you admit your misandry is fueled by rejection and your perma virginity, she dyke?
Lapis is an abusive cunt. Sugar glorifies the high rate of domestic abuse and in lebo relationships
Found the obese femanon. Always trying to shame men with sexist put downs. Yikes!
Can you guys get names so I can easily ignore your posts but you still bump the thread
They see value in themselves based only on what's between their legs. It's sad.
>lapis can inspire all this belligerent rage just ny existing
What kind of hair cut does she have? I want to call it Bobbed, but I'm no hair dresser.
She looks cute. I am sure the summer dress and bare feet figure into it. She's a victim.
Personally I did not care for her until she was revealed to be ornery and antisocial.
>OP as fuck
>best dressed gem
mmm yes, empower me with more of your your man-child tears
Oh because being a woman child stomping and pouting about not getting daddy dick is somehow permissible because of your female privledge, yes?
Seriously, just go out and have sex with someone; anyone.
Why is that such an impossible task for you?
>drawing her with shoes on
Putting shoes on Lapis is considered a hate crime.
>a woman child stomping and pouting about not getting daddy dick
I don't know why...but...that gave me stone bone.
I'm ashamed of it.
But yet.
There it is.
She is generically pretty, sad and her personality is completely inconsistent so she can be anything a waifufag wants.
Personally I think the actual character is one of the biggest garbage fires in a series with a lot of garbage fires but the porn is nice.
this thread is a fucking trainwreck
Just like Lapis' characterization.
Holy shit it all makes sense now
"The only thing I like more than drowning people is drowning people with piss" - Lapis Lazuli, April 20th, 2019
I wonder if I’ll be here on Yea Forums in like 30 years from now and I’ll see this user still on /aco/ and Yea Forums spamming “Bitch” on Lapis threads still?
very likely, yes