South Park

Can you Yea Forums-fags give some idea of what you though of the latest season with minimum fujo-posting please?

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It was marxist garbage. At least the last two were. The manbearpig episodes were also total pandering. The rest of the season was mediocre (at least the episodes not ruined by Randy anyway) but still superior to anything since 19, although 18 and 19 were garbage so thats not a high bar to clear. Also
>asking people not to fujopost when your op image is total fujobait

How is mocking monopolizing and worker-abusive mega-corporations Marxist inherently?

That's like saying you can only be a Nazi to criticize open borders immigration.

Because Matt said it was Marxist in the episode commentary.

That the guy was Marxist in the box? I mean obviously he was.

How would you write South Park episode for the events regarding Epstein?

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Oh god, i can totally see them doing an episode about that and just blaming it all on drumpf.

Trey and Matt are the most retarded centrists in existence, they would say it was BOTH haha but actually it was Cartman or some retarded cop out from actually having any sort of message

Make Epstein get anal vored by Hillary

>Wacky races episode.
>Main boys working together.
>Butters gets shafted into jimmy and timmy's group.
>Stans dad takes this as an oppertunity to market his farm and basically becomes the boys spokesperson.
People are actively trying to kill eachother during the race
>Mid race kenny suicide bombs a cluster of drivers to give his friends an actual shot at winning.
>Butters timmy and jimmy are just having fun with the race avoiding the bloodshed
>Im the end due to some meddling from cartman himself he destroys the boys cart and takes off in one he had prepared ok the side.
>it doesnt even matter cause due to some other hyjinks where they got slowed down butters team ends up winning by a landslide.

How about no stans dad though
Hes stolen the spotlight enough.

cartmans eyes are wrong and he isnt fat enough

It was pretty good. But I want to know what happens to Hell when Satan is gone.

There was a Wacky Races episode with rare Timmy as main character

Funny you say that when they represented Bill Clinton as a rapist during the election arc

Possible Saddam episode?

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Damian takes over?

Fujoposting is literally the only thing in SP threads that's even mildly entertaining.

>The G-God-Emperor never visited Epstein's island Rape Palace! S-Shut up!

Imagine being this much of a smoothbrain

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cartman dies this season and takes over hell

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South Park had characters from literally every political movement show up
so why is it that when a marxist shows up it suddenly is the greatest crime in the universe?
fucks sake they even killed him off in one of the most gruesome ways in the show

no it's an episode about everyone blaming everyone else for being part of a conspiracy to kill Epstein and the whole town tearing themselves apart over it
only for the boys to reveal that in the end, there was no conspiracy and it was just a pedophile killing himself in prison

You could tell in the commentary that Trey really hates Marxists, I’m still unsure of why they included Josh the Marxist box in when he didn’t do anything.

I thought for sure they would make an episode where the demons and dead people rise out hell and try to get back in America to simulate the boarder crisis.

and then have the absurdity of all the horrible conditions in camps, being applied to people who objectively deserve it

Plus you could have just one person, Pip, trying to get back in the legal way but getting shat on every step of the way.

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Last season was so unforgettable, I have strong memories of season 19-21 with PC principle, wholefoods, Heidi, Skankhunt42 and creek

Will they follow the pattern of having a creek episode every other season?

I hope they give focus on a background character next season like they did with Heidi, she was great but they should have made her horrible without just being a cartman clone.

Matt and Trey seem to have made promos much earlier than usual. I’m not sure what that means but I would assume they have an idea for long plot-line. Maybe they will flesh out another character if that’s the case.

I really enjoyed season 19 with their world building with every episode tied in someway to the overall theme of the season, I want them to do something like that again. Skankhunt started off great but it dragged on for too long

something about tegridy and dna spirals

Do the promos ever even relate to the season itself? I don't remember them ever being.

i dont know but episode 300 is coming
if there is a plot its gonna be connected to that

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Oh snap is this the season that will have the 300th? I wonder what they will do this time. I prefer how they handled the 100th cause it just sort of came out of no where.

the 300th will likely air around halloween, and kenny did promise us that the last halloween was the last time it was good

If the 300th is a Halloween special I'd go crazy, I felt the season 21 Halloween special was one of their best.

There has been only two in last 4 years

I don't think enough people appreciate season 18. That run felt much more put together than 16 or 17, the interactions between Cartman and Kyle was just plane charming and the first few episodes gave off such a positive vibe.


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Season 18 was solid and had several great episodes but the final two episodes were lame

Season 16 has some good Cartman and Kyle interactions but it had that really awful Faith Hilling episode which is probably the shittiest SP episode along with D-Yikes and About Last Night

the girls of south park gets kidnapped and trafficed by epstein and its up to the freedom pals to get to the island and save them
in an unpredictable move coon is the one that saves the day because epstein was a sneaky jew and cartman hates sneaky jews. president garrison personally thanks the freedom pals( due to the fact that epsteins files on him got destroyed) cartman having saved karen becomes bff with kenny again and makes up with heidi
At the end of the episode shows a bunch of billionares with covered faces sneaking into epsteins cell and kills him in a cartoonish fashion

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That's funny, I was just watching the Faith Hilling episode. Most of the time an episode comes together before Wednesday but I that felt like a mash up of ideas that just jump from scene to scene.

If M&T are starting on this season early then I hope they plan out their episodes in advanced. I think considering their age, one episode every two weeks might be better for them... of course then each season would cost twice as much money to make.

The Epstein story should hopefully stay alive long enough for South Park to do something with it. I still don't fully understand everything or what kind of blackmail he had on other people but it's been a crazy ride so far.

damn she looks like she does coons

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>Dude drumpf totally raped kids with epstein
Hello retard

Hey I know trying to rationalize fujos is crazy, but what is the reason/origin of the Tweek x Criag pairing? Was it the fight in season 3?

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But user, the only good episodes from the recent seasons have been the Creek ones.

Yes, Tweek vs. Craig. Some other interactions, such as in South Park is Gay! also added fuel to the fire.

They fought in that episode (where they never exchanged a word with each other) and then Tweek was part of Craig's group in the metrosexual episode

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even if trumd didn't do nuthing, it would still fit garrisons character


yes one in season 19 and one in season 21

I did not want love from a young boy! I like men my own age. Aah! I mean, I like women! What did I say? Oh God! I love titties!

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Yes but they can't do anything with Garrison without it being a commentary about Trump, because they turned him into a Trump stand-in.
I wish I had a cute boyfriend when I was their age. Being a faggot who didn't get to have a real childhood sucks.

Don't all homos have some child molester that "shown them to embrace their gayness" or some other crap like that?

homos reproduce just like vampires

I didnt.

I know there's a fuck ton of episodes now, but does anyone have a complete mega?

No, but allsp has just about every episode (a few are missing) if you don't mind watching in lower (non-HD) quality.

They go to Detroit?

And just like vampires they spread horrible debilitating diseases

By having it be a running gag that everyone laughs like it's an inside joke when it's brought up.
The only people who care would be the boys and the parents would think that it was out of nowhere.
They would first be the actors and directors laughing about it but then it would also be anyone who owns a business and their families.
They could do something with Token since he comes from a rich minority family so they should be aware of what was going on while being on the outside.
Wendy would be doing something feminist because that's what they have been doing for a while now.

They could also do something with the police and taking the issue seriously until they find out that the person is neither black nor poor.

This thread brought me some pleasure.


Butters definitely looked the gayest in that episode

Now that socialism has been actually talked about in the show, will that open the flood gates for socialist stuff?

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It will open the floodgates for Matt to insert more of his "lessons on Marxism" into the show.
Marxists should be killed..