THAT scene from Star Vs. the Forces of Evil

>"Ain't nothing wrong with that!"

How did they get away with this? Imagine for a moment that this played out with the genders reversed. There'd be outrage for sure.
Either way, it's weird and inappropriate, feels like something that belongs in a Dan Schneider show.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This show is a power fantasy for fat Jewish women, dont think about it too hard

Fuck off

>How did they get away with this?
A combination of double standards and it being funny.

Don't care, I laughed. Also lolled when she told Jackie to smell his butt.

>bro, smell her butt

Damn, Male!Janna's a Chad

It's the same shit that makes it ok for for Billy to be naked every episode, but never Mandy.

Drawfag checking in, requests? Preferably sfw, dont want another ban.

Jesus Christ just kill yourself already

Wait, why does Star need curlers? Her hair is straight.

Marco and Janna dancing to 1990s dance music

Female showrunners everyone. Rather than make something genuine, they make shows that are considered one gigantic subversion of "patriarchal" tropes, and their real target audience eats this shit up.

Why? What if I want to see Mandy's phat ass? What if I'm not a faggot like you?

>This show is a power fantasy for fat Jewish women
Fat Jewish women want to sexual assault latino boys?

I think this is the first time I've actually ever heard Marco's voice. It's weird, now what I expected.

It's for those instances when she actually wants to curl her hair/old habits die hard.

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That happened to me at work, girl slapped my ass while our other female coworkers awkwardly laughed. She also seems to be running around with guys everywhere despite having a boyfriend. If the roles were reversed the manager would've gotten involved and people would talk about the actions of a guy who is dating always hanging around girls shameful.

>get away with this
There's nothing to get away with. It's not against the law to have a cartoon character wear a towel or get slapped by another cartoon character.
>Imagine for a moment that this played out with the genders reversed.
What is it with you autists and thinking men and women can just be swapped out for one another with the situations they're in remaining the same? Believe it or not men and women aren't the same. And when you change out one for the other you get a completely new situation.

You’re the biggest of faggots you deranged shit

>What is it with you autists and thinking men and women can just be swapped out for one another with the situations they're in remaining the same?

im rubber your glue

Do you guys just bitch about everything?


I just want a lewd, invasive gypsy to slap my ass.

It’s okay because Marco consented

Who was in the wrong here?

This, Marco basically cucked Star twice that night with Jackie and then Janna because he consented.


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>How did they get away with this?
That's America for you.

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These gender swap images are an atrocity.

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chicken butt

Oh cool, is it /sveg/ time again? Your show is over, nobody liked it, fuck off.

Thanks for stopping bye to bump the thread! Very sweet of you to not care :)

It's ok user, we know the truth hurts. Let it all out

Men and women aren't equal.

girls are supposed to come onto guys aggressively and treat us like meat. that's just nature. it's wrong when we do it. we don't like it, the girls don't like it..
but girls DON't do it. even though it's their job. that's why we're all so dysfunctional.

girls, get horny, get grabby. perpetuate the species.

Equality can refer to treatment under the law, such as parity. If you believe in treating the sexes equally or fairly, that is.
Unless don't believe women and men should have the same rights or be treated equally.

just because men are worse than women, doesn't mean they dont deserve equality

Best thing that I got out of this show.

whoops. wrong tab. Sons of anarchy brothers.

Marco and Janna hanging out while star looks on sadly from a distance. Alternatively POV shot from Marco’s perspective as he wakes up in bed in the middle of the night to Janna straddling him.

>Imagine for a moment that this played out with the genders reversed
Nefcy would be forced to drop Starco on early S3 in favor of Manna because the massive female support

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It's hot, don't be a reverse-feminist.

Why do the girls sound like 40 year old women?

Probably because that's who's playing them, I think?

>because the massive female support
Women have objectively shit taste in male chars and ships. So far I haven't been proven wrong

Sage is a thing. Not like it matters, you'll be bumping this one until it hits 500 replies either way

Who cares? OP asked to imagine for a moment if the genders were reversed. Not my fault that burgers can't move from their puritanism and acknowledge women are horny as fuck

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You know why Between Friends is one of the only good things to come out of the show?
The real Star in the TV series is a self absorbed feminist wannabe. Area's Star actually cares about Marco beyond a physical attraction like Star has for Marco's abs. TV Star has no substance, just like her creator Daron Nefcy.

As St. John of the Cross once said,
>"Where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love."

The very epitome of Starco's image as a cute and wholesome ship is no better personified than in Area's comic, creating an interpretation of the character that trumps canon and creates something beautiful where canon has failed to.

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Ironic that it isn't coming from the puritanical right anymore.

>and acknowledge women are horny as fuck
Like Big Mouth?


I hate to be the one to complain about this, but I feel that feature has been discouraged in the past few years. You're not allowed to encourage people to use it and you're not allowed to mention that you used it. It's frustrating because unless someone reads the FAQ (and let's be honest here: Most people don't) then how are people going to know how to and not to bump a thread while replying?

seething Starfag

I think both VAs were in their 20s at the time of the episode. Star's still is; I think Janna's might have turned 30 in the last ~3 years

People sometimes seem to think these characters sound too old/low for high schoolers, but I think it's the opposite and that certain anime/cartoons make people expect higher voices than you might hear in reality

The real irony is that both the religious right wing and the progressive corporative-friendly "left" are puritanical at their core.

>Big Mouth
Didn't they make the characters intentionally hideous because they were afraid of giving sexual thoughts to the audience?

wait. so I'm not supposed to want to fuck the Hormone monstress?

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A lot of people here are saying it's because of female showrunners, but I'd say it has much more to do with the beta males on the show who honestly think it'd be cool to get sexually harassed.

Janna is totally the "wacky cool girl" that geeky guys fantasize about taking them away from their mundane lives. When a girl is portrayed as totally cool but has an extremely underdeveloped gimmicky personality, and then there's a raunchy element out of nowhere, you don't need to be Sherlock to figure out that some people are writing with their dicks.

Hanna hypnotizing Marco would create so much outrage that Disney would be ruin.


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He means the underage characters, honestly her design's too good for that show. Also
>male hormone monster is a hairy Roger with a facelift, while the female's that hot piece of T&A
I'm sensing a trend here

It's shit. Jackie looked like an ultimate cuck. Gender swap doesn't work for Janna because people wouldn't tolerate such douche bag around them.

>It's shit. Jackie looked like an ultimate cuck.
No that’s literally Boy Star. He’s after Fem Marco who’s been with like four characters over the course of the real show. Remember Hekapoo and the lightning goddess and Kelly?

>Gender swap doesn't work for Janna because people wouldn't tolerate such douche bag around them.
See You're completely clueless about women

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Based as always St. John

>lightning goddess
You mean Brunzetta?

>Another thread
Admit you liked season 4 and hate animation because you wouldn't keep bringing it up. I'm expecting 33 responses for each IP stating this

You really want to see two dudes sniffing one girls ass? That’s pretty gay bro, ngl. Everyone knows a threesome with two girls and one guy is ok but a threesome with two guys and one girl is fucking gross.

Threesomes in general are gross, and you should feel bad for favoring one just because it makes ur peepee hard

You don't call it a threesome, you call it a gangbang. But it only really works if the guys don't have any affection for the woman.

>In an AMA about Star vs this past week a user asked "How did you manage to get away with all the creepy stalker stuff that Janna does to Marco? Because obviously it would never fly if they were genderswapped."
>Adam McArthur wrote back "Marco gave his consent. Although he doesn't remember."

This is practically the "I was drunk and therefore was not in my right mind to give consent" but with a double standard.

>a threesome with two guys and one girl is fucking gross.

Actually DP is outrageously hot and is one of the top sexual fantasies for women.

>staff actively shits on male mcs for the lulz
No shit sherlock, where have you been this past decade or two?

Marco gave his consent to Janna because Star is into that shit (look at her face)

With genders reversed it also works because there's nothing wrong in wanting to fulfil someone else's fetish voluntarely.

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who doesnt?

So is this
>he gave consent to one girl, so another girl can do it too
>he gave consent to one girl, so another girl can jill off to it later
Because I can't tell. Either way it's gross and weird

>one of the top sexual fantasies for women
And they wonder why they were kept in check for so long.

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Reminder that Tammy did nothing wrong

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>hurrr durrr if this was reversed

These things just aren't the same when the genders are reversed. Women do not posses danger to men same way men are danger to women.

Males who scream and cry about this sound like those idiots who defend pitbulls by going that "chihuahuas bite too!!" yeah, because it's the same when chihuahua nibs you and when a pitbull tears your leg off as if it's totally the same when a woman slaps someone and a an kills someone with a single punch

Fuck off

Wow sexist much?


This, but instead sincerely and unironically.

Despite my crassness, that was meant as genuinely as possible

Let's be brutally honest. When a woman does it to a man, it isn't threatening, because there is nothing more to expect from a girl beyond pervy teasing because the girl is weaker than the man, when a guy does it to a woman, there is a likely chance he'll eventually get instinctual and become more aggressive, which could lead to the r-word, because he is stronger and more imposing.

I'm sorry user. I guess I simply agree with you then.

>woman is inherently weaker
>man is always a potential rapist
You are part of the problem

Suddenly their voting patterns make a lot more sense

>A lot of people here are saying it's because of female showrunners, but I'd say it has much more to do with the beta males
And they are beta males because the show is written by females what is your point?

I'm just telling it like it is. There is a massive power gap. You have to be a real pussy to be intimated by a woman making a move on you. What can she even do? Overpower you and penetrate you with her vagina?

If you want women and men to be treated equally you have to, well, treat them equally.
Unless you're not in favor of that. Don't want to make any assumptions about your beliefs here, user.

So is roofying an exclusively male thing? Can they not have other girls to help them? Can they not rely upon social pressures to take advantage of him and not worry about allegations?
Like I said before, people like you are the reason those kinds of cases aren't taken seriously

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The show literaly had a male stalker for two seasons, they don't care.

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This does not disprove even remotely what I said.
Either you want to treat men and women equally, or you don't. Simple as. Equality of outcome is entirely focused on treating men and women differently.

It means women should be treated better. Do you upset about this?

Motte and bailey argument ahoy.

Refuting the point directly:
It means women being treated differently from men.
People who believe in treating the sexes equally should and will disagree with this position.

people like you are the reason everything sucks

fuck off

>t. a moron

Tom = male stalker
Skywynne = female stalker

The show isn't sexist at all and portrays predator behaviour equaly.
Just because there is no male teaser (like Janna) doesn't mean Nefcy wouldn't have the balls to incorporate it.

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>Just because there is no male teaser (like Janna) doesn't mean Nefcy wouldn't have the balls to incorporate it.
You know after everything, I believe the mad woman actually would.

How about the Piefolk King? He seemed really manipulative and possesive towards Moon to the point everybody assumed he was fucking her.

Seems like the male teaser type to me.

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because its actually funny

ITT: people who aren't outraged about this are salty because other people aren't outraged about this.

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Equality in equal opportunity you massive retard

is there anything worse than
>How did they get away with this?

>How did they get away with this?
because it makes my pp hard

genders aren't equal, and even sjw cn writers subconsciously know that.
thats why this is funny and ironic and hot, while the opposite would be inappropriate.
I don't know why anyone who isnt a soiboy point out this scene is bad for no other reason than to point out le doublestandards to muh sjws, becoming so counter to them that they just sound like sjws themselves.
But as I said, save yourself the breath and energy, they know deep down that the genders are just not the same, otherwise they wouldnt write jokes like this. So stop, you don't gain anything from pointing it out again and again

How did they get away with the mother's protagonist commiting terrorist attacks, almost having the whole kingdom tored apart due to her selfish issues and later murdering in cold blood those who supported her?

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kinda this
it's just a spin on sexual roles nowadays

What ass? Her body is a square

I want a girl to slap my ass, only other guys slap my ass.

the girls at my HS did this all the time
they also grabbed the crotches of the boys they liked and such stuff, for laughs.
They can do it because they are the weaker ones and no one really minds this kinda attention from girls, unless you are gay. Because magnetizing females like that is pretty much normal

I could get behind that.


>Sjws projecting they fucked up views in their works!? it ain't so!

Meanwhile in Japan

>female writers and animation directors make lolicon

not if its social justice

Alot of dudes daydream about girls molesting them without their consent randomly, like just imagine sitting on a train and a girl next to you just starts rubbing your crouch.So if a girl starts slapping your butt that really makes the erection stand up.

this kinda shit happens in anime all the time
why don't you point it out to them I wonder?

>Tom has this behavior paraded around on screen
>Skywynne's relegated to a book no one has the time or money to read
Haha yeah totally equal

So just continue to let them do this while they continue to push for absolute "equality" between the sexes, but whisper that men are worse behind their backs? Sounds like something rotten is brewing, and within time it'll boil over.

Could say it's a subversion

And a lot of women have rape fantasies and can get visibly aroused while being assaulted. Guess that makes it ok :^)

The same way they got away with a possesive and aggresive stalker dating the girl twice and even deciding when to break up.

Nefcy gives no fucks and I love her.

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More like she can't fucking write.

I doubt everyone who works on cartoons is an sjw that pushes equality. It sounds idiotic to base your argument that this is inappropriate on the fact that you assume the writers definitly have X mindset and therefore they are hypocrites.
but as I said, deep inside they know it even if they say otherwise. This equality stuff is just a fad, like the peace stuff in the 70s

We're not talking about legal protections for opportunity, brainlet. An user is trying to suggest a scenario with the sexes reversed should somehow be the same, which is wrong, exactly because men and women aren't the same.

>I doubt everyone who works on cartoons is an sjw that pushes equality.
Certainly the ones that seem to have any sway, lest we sweep ol Sabby's transgressions under the rug. Oh but wait they seem to push for misandry more than anything, guess you were right they're not hypocrites.

>This equality stuff is just a fad, like the peace stuff in the 70s
Can't die off quickly enough, though that'd mean it ends up falling upon ears that accept such ideas unquestioningly.

She sure can, but given where she is from her moral code is... weird.
No wonder the first big villain ended up being in the right.

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prove that everyone working creatively on SvE is a tranny trying to push an agenda

She just made up some bullshit twist at the end to make it appear deeper than it actually was. Most of this shit rings hollow, especially since we know they didn't come up with this shit until after S3 and 4 were announced

The problem is women has been part of the anime & manga industry since the beginning while comics & cartoons have fought for decades to alienate women for the boys club. The first Comiket was full of women, Grendizer groomed the first generation of fujoshits and Z Gundam's viewership was 50% female. That's why female authors don't see anime & manga as something out of their reach but instead they have fond memories from them. Meanwhile female cartoonists work in a very male-oriented medium and the current conditions promoted by late capitalism (narcissism, nepotism, social media, the writers strike in 2007, etc) aren't helping so these female showrunners end making shows for no one, except for a very vocal audience on twitter.

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Sab's the main one, but you could argue Nef's a sympathizer as well, same goes for Dana. Big surprise they're usually the ones pushing for lesbian/"bi" shit too

Different sets of women, different sets of values, different sets of circumstances. Good to see the nip girls have been showing them up for generations

Osamu Tezuka received them with open arms though (see Princess Knight) while Stan Lee showed open contempt toward romance comics and eventually they were phased out in the 70s despite they sold millions of copies

I wanted to wait till Halloween but how about witch Janna?

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Cartoons always do and get away with this shit. Look at steven universe where a female character does something to a male character that gets shouts of "YAAS QUEEN" that if the roles were reversed said shouting would be for the shows cancellation. It's pretty basic sexism modern day 'feminists' ignore because it's their power fantasy.

Oh now I see, well nothing of value was lost from the west. At least now I can see why so many of these female showrunners are weeb trash that no one wanted to be around.

Manga sell millions of copies around the world while the American comic industry isn't about selling comics anymore. Mangas even outsell comics in America

Not my fault western comics have turned to shit because a bunch of entitled women are basically throwing a shitfit, and now people have to turn to the gooks for better "plot."

An example of this in SU?

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draw jackie smelling marco's butt

Star telling Mariposa that she is her true mother

The episode the tiny old black woman runs for mayor she slaps a guy on the ass. The entire deal with Kevin. Vidalia pointing a shotgun at steven.

>literal space hitler is depicted as more redeemable than Kevin

As a sort of inverse, how many cliches can't be played straight nowadays? I know the "damsel in distress" stuff has come under heavy fire in recent years, and they've constantly been trying to subvert it by making the hero a woman for dyke points

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Girls molesting boys is hot, that’s how

Steven hates Kevin for no real reason and even he admits it.
It's like that episode in Recess in wich CJ tries to make another kid like him but he just can't explain why he hates CJ in the first place.

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Boys molesting girls is even hotter

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They probably belong to Marco's mom

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Steven's hatred of Kevin was intentionally OOC to make the point that obsession is for retards. It's the only episode Steven ever even uses the word "hate" and I'm surprised so many people took it at face value.

Or his dad, gotta keep those chest hairs in top shape for his wifey

you just fucking typed this and are telling OP not to think too hard about this ? holy shit lmao

Always choose the Janna over the Star. Always.

Janna was originally Marco's twin sister. They have the exact same skin tone and act more like siblings than schoolmates. It was rewritten because it seemed like a Gravity Falls knockoff.

imagine letting an autist on Yea Forums live rent free in your headspace

Reminder that Marco fucked his life up in season 3 and only left Jackie because the blood moon warped his mind to make him never want to be away from Star.

Even if he couldnt find the words to describe them, Gordy had plenty of good reasons to hate that fat fuck CJ

Talk about a fall from grace. Everyone liked him back during season 2 for actually having the guts to do something and then here comes 3 to neuter him and make him Star's yesman puppet.

Don't worry, he might have fucked up his life but Star fucked up the universe

>Moon sends Star to Earth to practice magic because her wand is dangerous and can potentially fuck up the universe
>In the end, Star's lust for Earth dick drives her to fuck up the universe

>a matriarchy surrenders its, and by extent its people's power to minorities for some ancient injustice
True kino

>mass murder and the destruction of your nation is okay if you see your boyfriend fuck other girls
Nefcy was playing Connect Four with our expectations.

What the fuck WAS dark magic even, in the end?

Evidence of magic being more harm than good I guess. Doesn't matter it's all dead now, praise the monster cock overlords

Even though the Star vs ending was pretty dumb, I gotta admit that there is something comfortably relatable about Star and Eclipsa sacrificing everything for the sake of pure horniness that I deeply appreciate.

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I have the exact opposite sentiments towards their actions

>I gotta admit that there is something comfortably relatable about Star and Eclipsa sacrificing everything for the sake of pure horniness that I deeply appreciate.
I only find solace that in that Nefcy left it open, meaning it's possible Marco will wisen up and drop Star when the shit hits the fan.

I'm not really interested in all the shipping stuff but I can't be the only one who thought for a few minutes that Manna was going to last-minute hijack this show's ending, right?

Realistically speaking, combining the two dimensions would only benefit humans as we would use our superior weaponry to gain control over new resources and get monster slaves on top of that. Just because you saw the larger monsters temporarily overrunning a defenseless town doesn't mean that is how it would end up. We don't even need magic desu.

>I can't be the only one who thought for a few minutes that Manna was going to last-minute hijack this show's ending, right?
For a minute there I thought so too and it was a pretty wholesome end to Marco and Janna's feud.

Humans are fucked as soon as Septarians get guns and overrun any military base

The foreign population explosion is going to bite us in the end considering Star let Mewni's ecosystem loose on ours.

They'll willing join our side in order to get some leverage over the other monsters.

>Believe it or not men and women aren't the same
you cant said that user, thats misogynistic

>monster slaves
>implying #woke earth culture won't lead most civilians to take the monsters' side
>implying nations aren't prrtty much doing that right now

It's going to be split considering some monsters did wreck shit as seen with the spiders.

This is why when I hear about the problems of women I don't give a single fuck. Because at the end of the day they're asking to be cared about in a way they are unwilling to in return. Enjoy being the 3rd best gender now that mentally ill men are more important than you. This is the future you chose.

Depends on how may there are. Mewni didn't seem overly populated based on what I saw. Septarians would be on the same level as Indians in the 19th century. Great warriors but still only tribes that are out numbered and doomed to fail.

>let Mewni's ecosystem loose on ours.
That just more resources for us to use. Earth gets a second wind; no need to worry about deforestation/dwindling wildlife for a while.

>>implying #woke earth culture won't lead most civilians to take the monsters' side
Slaves in all but name. They can become low paid wage-slaves and debt-slaves i.e. normal workers.

Reminder that they can interbreed with humans for some fucking reason. In a few decades time, literal creatura and goblinos will most likely be the norm.
>"50 years from now, humans will be a minority, AND THAT'S A GOOD THING"

>That just more resources for us to use. Earth gets a second wind; no need to worry about deforestation/dwindling wildlife for a while.
user, you can't be that retarded. Have you seen how fucked up the ecosystem will get if a foreign organism gets in the web?

I want Janna to sexually harass me.

t. Marco

>Have you seen how fucked up the ecosystem will get if a foreign organism gets in the web?
Considering how our own various ecosystems on earth are nothing but "foreign" organisms constantly invading each other trying to replicate, a new group of organisms this will just remix and add in new species. Just imagine the leap we would make in the sciences having access interdimensional life.

Also Humans survived on Mewni for hundreds of years, so it not like there is a suipervirus that will just kill us off.

>Reminder that they can interbreed with humans for some fucking reason
Maybe you watched the last few eps, maybe you didn't, but they outright stated that mewmans are humans that got lost in the magic realm and ended up on mewni.

Our ecosystem isn't evolved to take on giant spiders, dragons and whatever lurks in Mewni.

I was talking about MONSTERS, user. I fucking know mews and humies are the same thing.

When a new (invasive) species enters a different ecosystem, it generally wreaks all kinds of havoc on that ecosystem. We have had problem all over the world with things like asian beetles, asian carp, zebra muscles, and cane toads to name just a few examples where they've threatened local ecosystems and species - some being pushed to the brink of extinction. It can't be overstated how delicate the balance of life and our ecosystem is, and how the roles of predator and prey in any given ecosystem can be easily disrupted by species being introduced artificially.

That was also disturbiinnnnnn.... *passes out*

Maybe I'm over confident, but I'm pretty sure that the species that invented Nuclear weapons could handle big animals.

>I'm pretty sure that the species that invented Nuclear weapons could handle big animals.
user, we can barely handle rabbits. That's how fucked it can get.

I am now imagining Recess but starting fully grown Carl Johnson and everyone calling him busta

My mistake.

>It can't be overstated how delicate the balance of life and our ecosystem is
I'm not an ecologist but none of the ecosystems that exist today even existed a few million years ago, right? Earth's history is nothing but the constant change and development of new ecosystems.

If other dimensions exist and they are already connected to our dimention then any change of ecosystems would be analagous to new "foreign" species evolving and dominating all life around it thus changing the ecosystem it originally evolved from.

>I'm not an ecologist but none of the ecosystems that exist today even existed a few million years ago, right?
Some animals do, actually; they're what we call "living fossils." Some animals, fish, bacteria, plankton and other life on earth is relatively unchanged from millions of years ago.

>If other dimensions exist and they are already connected to our dimention then any change of ecosystems would be analagous to new "foreign" species evolving and dominating all life around it thus changing the ecosystem it originally evolved from.
Evolution is tiny, minute changes over a long, LONG period of time. Hundreds of millions of years. A life form might only change ever so slightly over a million years. The natural course of evolution is for these new species to be introduced and develop over a very, very slow period.
Introducing a radically different species through migration (which sometimes happens through climate) can cause rapid changes that other animals cannot adapt to. If the population of animals changes too rapidly or a new population is introduced, then other animals have to find a way to either compete with or survive against them, and they're evolved to a specific environment and animals, and they can't quickly adapt or change to something so radically different.

Here's a real world example of this delicate interaction with animals that are all native to an area, for example. Because of human intervention, the natural hunting areas of the north american gray wolf are diminished in addition to hunting of the wolf. while deer can continue to thrive. deer population increases in recent years because they don't have as many predators, and humans aren't culling them as much. Thus, there are more deer. Too many deer and another predator, the coyote, takes its place. The coyote also hunts things like rabbits, skunks, raccoons, etc. These animal populations can be effected, and instead of - for example, the fox - being able to hunt them, the coyote "out competes" the fox, and the population of the fox goes down. This is a very real example that happened fairly recently where I live. Because we have too many deer and not enough wolves, the fox is affected. Wolf, coyote fox and deer are all NATIVE species to this area.
Now imagine you introduce species not native to our region and you can see how that would upset this balance. Introduce an animal that isn't even native to this DIMENSION, let alone planet and you have a recipe for disaster.

Bros, Star fucked up so badly.

Maybe. But the show's over, so we'll never know. Maybe nefcy will retcon the ending and say, "yeah no everything's fine because magic." Which would hardly be the worst thing in the world.

It's all good as long as she gets to sit on that Marco's dick.

>so we'll never know
Nefcy did say that one solution opens up another problem but I hope she doesn't retcon it. It does leave a lot open for us to think on.

>thinking that Janna will consensually hop off his dick so Star can get some
Not even

I was less bugged by the double standard (I guess I just didn't think about it at the time) and more the inappropriateness of the gag. Yet this is not the moment when I started to hate Janna. The episode I began hating Janna was when it was revealed she had hypnotized Marco to fall asleep whenever she says "chicken butt". It would have been one thing if she used it, but then at the very end of the episode STAR uses it against Marco too because "lol boys talk too much".

I don't remember who wrote that episode, but fuck them.

Fuck off faggot.

Spicc dicc is a hell of a drug

No one ever points out that all three of those little shits should have bought tickets, are technically stealing, and should be beaten into comas like the little Marxists they are.

completely false


No u

Taking into account how retarded Earthlings are in SVTFOE universe (even more than in Steven's) I feel no pity.

Star was literaly murdering innocent civilians in Season 1 and never faced consequences. They even had an episode in which she thinks she might get arrested but cops simply don't care.
The only reason Mina didn't conquer them was because "muh democracy" so it's obvious they couldn't care less about the Mewman/Monster/Demon/Ponihead... alliance fucking with their fauna.

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>Actually DP is outrageously hot and is one of the top sexual fantasies for women.
t. man

>t. man
>implying the typical male acts like this, as though you're part of an outgroup

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I'd rather them willingly be made into my slutty boi harem.
t. normally heterosexual male, but Princess Marco compromises that.

Attached: Marco's Big Night.png (2133x2952, 1.43M)

Earthlings in SU aren't even retarded, I don't know where that idea came from. They evacuate every time an invading force attacks their town, it's just that living with the CG's just makes random weird shit ordinary after a while.

You have Mariposa now, no need to go native

But there's something very appealing to me about slam-fucking the cummies right out of a trap.

Can't argue with that

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why Jewish?