Pizza dude’s got 30 seconds

Pizza dude’s got 30 seconds.

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>only 30 seconds
No wonder Donatello looks so unsatsified

Unironically the best live action kids' movie of its time. And one of the best comic book adaptations ever made to this day.

Rewatched it recently for the first time since I was in elementary school and I was stunned at how well it holds up.

Too bad about the sequels though.

>kids' movie
the 2nd movie was solid fun, even if it was a disappointment it got dumbed down, and the 4th movie was a triumph of visuals, even if the plot got a bit muddled.

Good to see others recognizing this soulful movie. From the incredible creature suits to the gritty setting, it's a joy to revisit this movie as an adult to appreciate all the effort and faithfulness that went into its making.

It WAS a kids' movie. The MPAA used to be a lot less strict and soccer moms didn't have any influence then, so what kids were allowed to see was less strict at the time. Movies like Ghostbusters having sexual humor was the NORM for children's movies back then.

it was a movie for everyone, y'dingus. people didnt pigeonhole as much back then. just like comics were for everyone.
ghostbusters was not a kids' movie, christ. kids found it boring.

>practical effects giving something tangible and real to emote and interact with others
>April being likable for the first and arguably only time
>pretty sure Casey Jones is the best thing ever in any film
>every turtle has an arc relating to family
>Michelangelo hiding the fear of losing his father through comedy
>Donatello being almost too jokey signifying he’s in the same boat as Michelangelo
>Raphael acting out frequently and yet can’t ever win anything alone and acts devastated over the loss of his dad
>Leonardo desperately trying to make splinter proud and instigates the acts that save him
>the direct contrast with the foot clan being outcast children drawn in with the promise and games but most of all family turned into borderline cult members is horrifying and should be done in another incarnation
>Shredder’s identity being almost a mystery and him being chilling and threatening throughout the whole film
>iconic soundtrack
>hilarious with a multitude of quotable lines and quips
>and......and.......fuck guys this movie is amazing

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April's been likeable 3 other times, this is just the only time she's had dimension and not been either grrl power mary sue or an oft-rescued normie
I forget what she was like in the comics, I only remember how she looked.

the REAL rarity is a non-retarded michelangelo. The end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s was the last time people understood that lazy jokesters are actually smart, so smart that they get bored of following lessons and try to find something else to do

>Mikey and the Foot Ninja showing off with their nunchuks, with Mikey doing it effortlessly
>The Foot Ninja flubs up and Mikey enjoys a taunt at his expense before the fight starts

Classic, and the prime example of how Michelangelo should be written.


That's II, my dude.


Glad to see a movie that portrayed NYC as the shithole it actually is

was it not both? either way, mikey was on-point and the suits were great.
I've heard it's not that way anymore... and I'm torn. On one hand, entertainment media centered around new york crimefighters has been my entire life since way before I was born. it's a staple we can't just get rid of
on the other hand, it proves once and for all that poor people are garbage, and an island of all rich people is free of crime..


>4th movie
Are you from the alternate universe where that didn't get cancelled?

so awesome, i have it on laserdisc.

eh? there were plans for an earlier 4th one that got canceled?
I'm talking about the 4th one we DID get.
aw man, everything's better on a laserdisc
whatever happened to the laserdisc, laserdisc

>kids found it boring.
I loved it as a kid watching it on vhs again and again.

There is no fourth movie, just a weird CGI-based one-shot film that had fuck-all to do with the TMNT.

so you didn't see it then

funny too
i found the strongbad email dvds at a yard sale.
i never thought i'd find those out and about.

I miss that NYC. I love watching filsmm from the 60s to 80s set in NYC, it was so gritty and industrial then.

Fuck nigger jannies and their retarded image range ban. I hope you love loosing traffic chink moot

its funny too, around that era right before times square was cleaned up, its like people forget what it used to look like. NYC was just grimy and shit all over.

i miss that time too with the cabs and cop cars being still from the 70s and 80s.

>an island of all rich people is free of crime
Maybe not basic crimes, but...

remember that The Critic episode where he blows a ton of money on a big NYC cleanup effort, and they throw a huge tickertape parade to celebrate its success and coat everything in garbage in the process

yes yes, but i'd rather be on the watch for someone who might get me in a ponzi scheme or embezzle money from my bank or something than be on the watch for my fucking bike to get stolen or my house to get broken into
and right now I have to worry about both

>"It's 'cuz of that &#$# 'pizza', that people underneath are sufferin'!"

>get two evil mutants in the sequel
>if it had been allowed to be just like the first film they could have been intelligent and deadly opponents with less nuance and skill than the Turtles but with frightening power and tenacity and unexpected teamwork ability
>Turtles could have barely managed to escape with their lives after suffering some injuries, need to regroup and plan out a strategy to defeat them in the climactic fight
Instead the moms and babies cried, the studio dumbed down everything to the level of the cartoon, and we got two villains even more useless than Bebop and Rocksteady. Fuck this planet.

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So let me get this straight
in your mind, bumbling idiots bebop and rocksteady are a more mature choice than two creatures so vicious they literally gave my dad nightmares

At least B&R weren't literal baby-minded brutes crying "MAMA!" at Shredder. T&R look scary but that's about it, you couldn't even call their encounters with the Turtles fights because like with the Super Friends cartoon nobody was allowed to be violent. B&R got to use weapons, could at least think for themselves, and managed to knock the Turtles around every now and then.

oh yeah the movie was censored and that sucks
i'm just saying tokka and rahzar are fucking awesome. Laird designed 'em himself.

What happened now?

Believe me, I'm not knocking them for that, I love how they look. I just wish their personalities and abilities matched their designs. I wouldn't mind a third Michael Bay TMNT movie if it brought them back and made them actually scary and competent. Imagine if it had a four v four showdown between the Turtles and Rocksteady, Bebop, Tokka, and Rahzar.

Barret. Realist nigga.

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I liked the babies aspect. It made them even more dangerous. They couldn't be reasoned with.. even the foot couldn't actually control them. they could be trained, they could be tricked, but they were dangerously chaotic.
If Rocksteady and Bebop are an interesting counterpoint to the turtles due to being mutated street punks, Tokka and Rahzar are even more for being totally untrained and undisciplined and no older than the turtles were when Splinter first found them.. but stronger than the turts have become in 15 years, presumably due to the HUGE and controlled dose of mutagen vs just briefly touching a spilled canister

If it was "They're more animal-minded than human-minded" instead of "They're mental infants", it would have worked better. Alligator snapping turtles are ornery bastards who can amputate digits with a single chomp, and everyone knows the power and ferocity of the wolf.

A thread about pizza!? I love pizza!

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Ah, the rat. So it has a name
... it HAD a name...

I like this Donnie the most. He's smart, he's a tech guy but he isn't assembling toasters into ray guns.

Why can't other Donnie incarnations get that right? Just make him smart and laid back.

I liked the contrast between them being super powerful but also being mental infants. It's comedic, sure, but it's entertaining.

desu I feel like this version had little to say or do until the 2nd one. As much as I love Corey Feldman, my mental donatello voice is always the 2nd movie one. He really sounded smart. This guy was just kinda 'the fourth one, who sucks at quips'

what went wrong?

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let us never speak of it

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It was a hell of a lot better than the first one, at least.

If I recall, him and Mike played off each other a lot since the first movie, so he was a bit more fun than usual.

everything. it would be easier to list what went right

They were recasted as blacks.

They're turtles.

NYC before the 90's was so kino. Excellent setting for a movie.

huh, apparently Nagi was mentioned in the shooting script, they just simplified it later. Makes sense.

that user was racist. he meant they were recast as poor uneducated people instead of more or less disciplined children of an asian immigrant.

They. Are. Mutated. Turtles.

>kids found it boring

You have absolutely no idea how MASSIVE of a phenomenon Ghostbusters was with kids in the 80s. That was the whole reason why they toned down the sequel. Because kids were the main demographic of the original.


Weakest part of the movie. Without his "super scientist" shtick they just didn't know what to do with him.

user, we're not talking about the color of their skin, but the content of their character

they were recast with poor content of character

Who owns the Street Sharks now?
Maybe IDW will make TMNT Vs. Street Sharks a thing.

I'm sorry, but you really should have told Michael Bay this.

>Unironically the best live action kids' movie of its time. And one of the best comic book adaptations ever made to this day.
>Rewatched it recently for the first time since I was in elementary school and I was stunned at how well it holds up.
100% accurate. It’s not just a good adaptation of the TMNT but it’s a really well written movie. you could replace the turtles with humans and it would just be a solid movie. making the foot clan be wayward alienates teens in gritty new york who just wanted to belong to a family and get the approval of a father figure, and shredder manipulating that was a genius way to introduce what would have been a silly concept (hundreds of ninjas appearing in new york)

the dialogue was brilliant (“I never even LOOKED at another guy!!”, and then on top of that joke he rolls down the truck many clever moments like that) and the music was awesome (seriously listen to shredder’s suite on youtube, shit is super dope). it had heart and good comedy, treated the property seriously instead of goofing on it, the lighting was dark and low budget gritty which was perfect for the more realistic costumes vs the gay cartoon character versions in the next movies, the guys used their weapons a lot...and that final fight and the dialogue in it. MAN...” HAD a name.” “RGGGHHHHH YOU LIE!!!” “(chuckle)...DO I?” fuck that whole thing was all so based

and raph’s lesson about letting the sai go, then his rage scream when splinter’s kidnapped and then a funny af gag with the guy walking over the sewer

man the whole movie is just great. it’s from back when scripts were actually edited and revised until they were legitimately good (ghostbusters, goonies, lethal weapon, a million other 80s movies), instead of all this shitty improv and sjw pandering garbage.

ya GB was so huge the cartoon was the shit. the movie was fucking terrifying, i literally couldnt watch the librarian ghost scene. there wasn’t as much “for kids” separation back then...most movies had obvious comedy etc for kids but then subtle stuff that only adults would understand so they weren’t bored taking their kids to see the movie

I would argue that Donnie’s story is about respect and feeling like he doesn’t fit in with the rest of the the start he’s the one who’s sort of autistically miscalibrated, with his bossanova chevynova and the guys make fun of him, then he tries to have a heart to heart with Michelangelo about his feelings and Mikey snubs him for OPs pizza gag, etc there’s a lot of Donnie being that guy who’s trying to bond or joke with everyone but isn’t hitting the mark. And then at the end the guys are all helping him come up with the catchphrase to shout and cheering him on like they’ve accepted him. Casey is the first one who really treats him like an equal when they’re doing the alphabet insults fixing the truck together


Man I never realized that. That's cool.

>pretty sure Casey Jones is the best thing ever in any film
BRUH. he was literally the best thing ever. that was Casey Jones on screen. And his whole plot was fantastic, scrapping with Raph but then coming to help him out and being the human to go infiltrate and rescue Splinter and everything. he was just always doing the right thing by his code of what’s right and wrong. and he acted like a man not taking April serious and then of course he gets the babe in the end. just a great character and performance.

when I saw the shitty new casey who’s like a full prettyboy and he’s doing lame CGI ninja flip impossible moves and stuff it’s like ugh you ruined the character that’s not Casey. Casey is a blue collar scrubby guy with a strong sense of what’s right and wrong (even if it’s a little off), who’s just sick of what’s happening in his crime ridden city and he’s trying to change it the only way he knows how...he’s not some Kung fu ninja master he’s just a dude who’s played some sports and is out there trying to clean up the streets with some basic scrappy fighting skills he’s picked up as a guy growing up in a rough neighborhood in the city he loves.

Elias Koteas wasn’t in much after that, and I know some actors end up hating their roles in children’s movies or whatever, or got typecast or something, but man I hope he never regretted his Casey Jones performance cause he was such a fucking hero and role model to me as a kid

>”you call THIS, here...and THAT, over there...FAMILY??? pahhh”

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>and soccer moms didn't have any influence then
There's a reason why in the second movie the turtles don't use their actual weapons dude

>>Shredder’s identity being almost a mystery and him being chilling and threatening throughout the whole film
Literally the best version of shredder ever. His intro was incredible as a little kid I was jaw dropped watching him walking in and he was terrifying in general. And he didn’t need giant fucking robot claws or whatever the fuck he had in the shitty Michael Bay movies. He was just a normal guy who had ninja skills and was manipulating teens who needed a father figure forming them into a criminal gang just like what happens all the time and is totally believable.

>the REAL rarity is a non-retarded michelangelo.
this. mikey’s humor was clever, and he was good at his ninja shit and could be serious when he needed to be, he wasn’t just a goofball moron klutz
lel that’s 2 I think but god that moment was subtle just the camera panning over and catching him. I liked the second one a lot, even thought it was more goofy I thought it was still full of clever dialogue. “A little TOO raph” “which ones the ugly one??” “Can I hurt him?? PLEASE tell me I can hurt him!!”

But as a movie the first one is just rock solid across the board

>strongbad email dvds
god. I’m so old.

I hear what you’re sayin user...even then just being silent or making an animal noise would have been more what that other guy is describing about how they’re menacing because they’re uncontrollable etc. when they’re going MAMA it ruins that. if they had just been silent or growling etc it would have conveyed the same “oh you can’t reason with them” stuff but it would have been legit scary

As a kid tho I couldn’t understand how they didnt use rocksteady & bebop tho

>he isn't assembling toasters into ray guns.
ya this Donnie and movie 2 were like, anything he made was just scrapped together with what’s available. It was cool cause if you were good at engineering and welding etc you could do the same thing in theory so it wasn’t unbelievable. But now he’s doing the toaster lasergun stuff and it’s like meh. All the turtles were the most realistic in this first movie, they weren’t even super expert ninjas just really good at it, but like the foot raph was beating up we’re teenagers with a few months of training so it made sense he could beat a bunch of them easily but then gets overwhelmed by numbers and they were struggling and had to run and shredder beat them up etc. they weren’t unstoppable ninja gods

kek’ed. Also I loved that Raph’s shell had scars in it in the second movie. Can’t remember if the first had them but it was a great subtle nod to him being the one who gets into more scraps when he’s off blowing off steam.

I do like the different body types that have become a part of the tmnt now, like it makes sense raph would be lifting weights bulking up and Donnie would be a skinnier nerd and Mikey could be the short one etc but that’s the only thing I would add to the old movie


Ok, Yea Forums, answer me this: regular or methanol?

Admittedly I had to think on it because it’s pretty subtle and the arguments that he’s just “the fourth one” are fair, but if you view his behavior from the perspective of being sort of socially awkward around your cooler bros or family members or whatever, you can see kind of an arc where he seems to be more accepted by the end. It would have been great to see a scene alluding more obviously to this though, like a deeper conversation with Casey or Mikey maybe when Mikey is scared/depressed at the farm while Leo is taking care of Raph in the bath or something...but I think Donnie being the only tech/engineering guy, getting to meet Casey who can repair a truck with him is sort of a moment of like hey I’ve found someone I can relate to maybe I’m not doomed to be the social outcast of the group

ya I remember the news stories about kids going into sewers looking for the turtles and dying tho you never knew what was real or a playground rumor back then. they got a lot of flak about a lot of stuff in the first movie and had to make changes

I’ll tell you over at the corner of Eastman & Laird

Okay, Yea Forums, answer me this: which one's the ugly one?

This. I will never forget watching some tabloid news show (it MIGHT have been Hard Copy, not sure) with a lady going on about how the turtles movie was going to result in kids sharpening screwdrivers and going looking for fights in the sewers.

The fucking fundieconservashits managed to do a scare about dungeons and dragons, and that shit's just math and bad improv. Of course they threw a fit over TMNT. And since Henson was the Real Deal and genuinely obsessed about trying to make sure his work had a positive influence on kids, he got cold feet about the sequel until they placated him with shit like "the boys will try to look for ways to solve problems without using weapons."

You did some good thinking. Movie keeps finding new ways for me to appreciate it. Damn.

2 is trash no matter how you look at it


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now I want to rewatch it and purposely look for scenes or moments or character reactions to Donnie that back up my theory...which I’ll happily do because I haven’t seen it in a couple years and it’s so fucking good I could watch it a million times.

member being able to watch the live action movie and then play the arcade game in the lobby...comfy memories

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if it had maybe some drugs and prostitution, TMNT would have been the most realistic version of pre-Giuliani New York ever seen in a movie.

Got that green dick
Got that little green dick
Got that Halloween snicker dick

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Fuck You!

*"Hello" translated to New Yorker

no it's translated "stop being a forced meme cock sucker"

I remember borrowing a TMNT game for the Gameboy from my cousins.
...I still have it.

Guy who posted here and, honestly I completely missed that, kudos.

wouldn’t have thought about it without your summary giving me comfy feels. check out pic attached I just realized! who’s the one that reaches out to raph when he’s distressed? Donnie! and what happens? Raph shoves his hand away rejecting his attempt to bond with him, just like Mikey’s pizza dude part. The first part of the movie is basically Donnie trying to connect with his brothers and being rejected

this movie really does cover the whole gamut of relatable problems whether you’re the serious one that’s trying to get fatherly approval and scared to disappoint, the frustrated one who pushes loved ones away and can’t ask for help, the one who masks their fears with humor, the one who feels like an outsider of your group, or the father who’s trying to guide your kids and help them with their individual problems and make sure they all feel loved, there’s something in this movie that resonates and makes you wanna shout cowabunga with them at the end

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and that’s not even getting into relating to the foot clan teens and their issues, or Casey and his journey from loner to bonding with his new family. even Danny’s plot where he’s rebelling against his dad and you see the frustration of his Dad wanting to reach him but not knowing how to, and Danny is forced to realize his “new dad” is just using him and his reckless actions cause consequences for the new people he cares about and he has to make that decision to abandon one family for another...”all fathers love their sons...” like damn a big rat puppet is makin me chop onion wtf

that whole scene where Casey and him walk Splinter out, the kids don’t even stop them because their illusion of being part of a family has been shattered and they’re all kind of realizing Casey’s line about family is something to think about...and then Danny realizes his Dad loves him but also needs to feel respected as a man by his Dad now that he’s entered the adult world and it starts as simple as being called Dan instead

god this movie gives me the comfy feels. I wish they were still making movies that focused on brotherhood and family, and masculinity being a good thing, and the bond between fathers & sons, instead of all this men are bad, toxic masculinity, women kick ass, single moms rule etc stuff

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*care for. I really gotta rewatch this thing ASAP

>his rage scream when splinter’s kidnapped
fun fact: originally it was mikey, but the people at the test screenings didn't respond well to the goofy turtle being so angsty. They dubbed over with raph's voice

you meant re-filmed it right? cause this def isn’t a redubbed mikey:

man what a moment.. the way he barges through the other guys and then realizes that HE’S the one that got followed because he disobeyed Splinter (didn’t let the sai go, went to get it and ended up saving April & bringing her back with a foot tail) and his impulsiveness basically just ruined their whole world (on top of losing their dad they can’t even live there anymore) and then the lighting makes his eyes dark and the camera gets shaky and he doesn’t even shout “NOOOO!!” it’s just a howl of pain

I prefer Donatello being a wrench monkey mechanic over being able to build transdimensional portals out of trashcans.

The CGI film had more in common with the 2003 series than the original movie trilogy.

No I meant the one where he's screaming on top of the farm at night

This movie is the only TMNT I'll ever need. They can keep fucking up cartoons and movies, I'm fine as long as I still have this masterpiece!

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oh awesome that makes more sense. I had no idea, thanks for sharing. good choice on their part.

love this moment esp that music:

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This image makes me happy.

anyone else have this?

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Loved that game

>all that Korg M1 in the soundtrack

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Glad to see so many other people still appreciate this movie and agree that it holds up after nearly 30 years. I loved it as a kid and there is still a lot about it I can appreciate as an adult.

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Their designs were horrible.

Worst casting for April ever.

Originally a white Shredder.

Splinter learning ninjutsu from a book.

Too much military shit and not enough ninja shit.

>Would you like Penicillin on your pizza.
>*Sings Taps*

These are the most amazing toys I’ve ever seen

Everything but Bebop and Rocksteady.

There was never a more kino a villain entrance than Shredder's.

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>Grrrrr... YOU LIE!!

>The CGI film had more in common with the 2003 series than the original movie trilogy.

It references the original movie trilogy a few times, and has this scene. It's meant to be the fourth movie in the series. Did well with ticket sales too, only reason we didn't get more was because they decided Bay would sell even more tickets.

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I only wish Shredder was more buff. His helmet looks too big for him.

I’ll never forget seeing this in theaters as a kid. literally couldn’t believe my eyes. up to this point the only shredder we saw was the goofball cartoon one and most kids had no idea there was even a comic book where he was a serious character. so when this happened shit suddenly got real

I agree the helmet seems a little big but at the time I remember just being amazed that they were able to make it in 3D and have it look you only saw it in the comic and cartoon and it looked different in both and looked like it would be impossible to make in 3D. I remember disliking the mesh mouth covering because it was supposed to be a ninja mouth cloth or whatever, but now I love the whole look and seeing him do an evil grin or snarl his words through the mesh just adds to his menacing vibe

the tinfoil cape was weird but again I appreciate the visual of it now, reflecting light in that dark room, and they didn’t try to have him fight wearing it which was became just like a bath robe for him to wear around the house kek and the red was confusing, why red over purple? and I remember not liking that it basically sparkles

but the helmet design and claws and voice and music, man that made up for anything else. and they didn’t give him a bunch of screen time hanging out with the boys shooting the shit, he was just a mysterious badass the whole movie

pic attached was what I expected but would’ve been gay

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>only reason we didn't get more was because they decided Bay would sell even more tickets.

Also because the animation studio, Imagi, went bankrupt after their god awful Astro Boy movie flopped. They'd already done a lot of the preproduction work on TMNT 2 when they went under.

Though honestly, the info on the plot of Imagi's TMNT didn't sound so good. The Shredder comes back and retro-mutates Leo, Donnie and Raph into regular turtles and it's a Mikey solo movie until the conclusion. Mikey was annoying as fuck in the Imagi movie; I dunno if I'd want to sit through a whole movie that's just him.

Steal someone's bike and you're a criminal.
Fuck up the global markets to the point where an entire generation is stuck in perpetual debt, destroying countless lives... that's just Wall Street, baby!

We need to bring back the guillotine.

>Too much military shit and not enough ninja shit.
Your favorite childhood franchises, brought to you by the US Army

is this the movie where Michaelangelo uses his nunchuks to actually hit someone once, and then never connects with/uses them again in the movie?

they were up in arms about nunchuks in 1990, user, that's as negotiated a settlement with the censor as your one F-bomb in a PG13 today

>Worst casting for April ever.

She was poorly cast, but at least it wasn't "let's make a SASSY April!"

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It's kind of amazing how low-key the fight with the Shredder is. It's just the five of them duking it out on a regular rooftop and he's clowning all of them with nothing but a spear.

She looks like someone's grandma trying to be cool

I swear, everyone here seems to have far sexier and younger looking grandmas than me.

that’s what I love about it. it felt kidnapped our dad and we’re gonna fuck you up to get him back. and shredders perspective is this rat fucked me up and now his kids are fucking up my underground crime ring I’m building. no one is up there watching, there’s no April shouting “look out Leo!!” or something, even Casey isn’t up there. and Shredder isn’t even in a hurry, he’s curious and testing them to see what his old rat foe passed down to them from Hamato. and then it gets as personal as possible with Shredder’s face scar and his “what I began with your ear” line

in the comics the fight was just as personal, it wasn’t some wacky hijinx situation with some giant mecha shredder. it was just some ninjas settling grudges that meant something to only them. they weren’t even out to save the city by stopping shredder, they were just trying to save their dad.

pic attached is a fucking abomination to me, and I love over the top action movies but not like this not with this license that had such a great first movie to follow the lead of

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Bay wouldn't understand a word of what you just said.

They didn't even know who Shredder was for most of that fight. Leonardo had a hunch he knew where Splinter was and they only discovered he was Oroku Saki when Splinter outed him.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is this

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It's... right in the file name. Voice cast of the new show.

>They didn't even know who Shredder was for most of that fight.
good points user. how crazy is that, honestly. the heroes didn’t even know who the fuck they were fighting and don’t find out for sure until halfway through the literal final fight. imagine trying to pitch that script. but it worked so good...”THIS guy knows where Splinter is...” is such a turning point edge of your seat moment in the fight, like they just got their asses handed to them but oh man NOW they’re gonna try even harder

and the fights. man. I loved how they moved in those suits. no crazy ridiculous CGI moves or defying physics or superhuman strength, just basic solid martial arts choreography, some weapon use and flairs, and the occasional ninja flip. and they moved FAST and AGILE, not clunky slow like Batman 89’s rubber suit and others we’d seen. having “action” versions of the suits was genius

and I loved the acting in the costumes, tons of body language stuff like the lick the hand slick the hair back move and all the good gesturing as they talk

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the pic burned my retinas out with its horribleness so I didn’t see the title. what the actual fuck why is it so hard not to rape our childhoods

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You think THAT'S bad? Look at this shit. Bunch of fucking fossils pretending to be turtles and April.

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>do I?

Shredder also doesn't realize Splinter is Yoshi's rat until Splinter tells him they've met before. Neither side knows who the other is until the very last minute.

more great acting. these little body language flairs are totally unnecessary but they just add so much to make the turtles feel like they’re actually emoting instead of being stiff rubber costumes standing around

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how insane is that. just imagine pitching that now
>”ya so they have a showdown at the end of the movie and that’s where Ironman first meets thanos”
>”ya and he has no idea who he is or anything about infinity stones or gauntlets. until right at the end of the fight, before thanos does his last attack, that’s when Ironman learns who he is and what the stones do”
>”fucking what”
>”oh and Ironman doesn’t even have any personal beef with the guy, he’s just fighting him because he showed up on the roof. halfway through the fight he figures out thanos might’ve kidnapped pepper but really if thanos was like “huh who’s that?” Ironman would probably leave him alone to snap the world. Really if thanos just didn’t kidnap pepper Ironman would have been sitting around eating pizza with his bros”
>”get the fuck out of my office”

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>sjw pandering garbage

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>Casey Jones
>such a fucking hero
>kills a dude with a garbage truck

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you fuck with Casey’s neighborhood you get the trash compactor

Koteas has actually been in a ton of stuff, but he seems to prefer indie/arty movies like Crash or Exotica.
He loves the weird shit.

I still chew popsicle sticks because of this scene.

It was Mikey speaking/waiting iirc though

its all helped that it was filmed in 89 and not like 91/92.

>I still chew popsicle sticks because of this scene
no you do that because of have an oral fixation

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Yeah, that's the sort of retarded bullshit he would say all right.

"Hmmm, a lot of women coming to see me have told me that they were molested by their dads and uncles. Well there's no way that old rich white guys could be pedos, so it MUST be that all women go through a phase of dreaming about their dads molesting them!" - Sigmund 'Goddamn Idiot' Freud.

Pizza Time!

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>seduction theory
definitely some pedo rape culture bullshit
but science makes no progress without failure

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do you think anyone has ever drawn donatello dressed up like freud?

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If he hadn't landed in the garbage truck that fall would have killed him

>good job dudes we defeated Shredder
>he fell off a building
>but the garbage broke his fall
>good thing too
>a criminal mastermind with connections to asia probably dabbles in human trafficking
>if he talks, we could save countless lives
>let me just call the police

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I'm not paying for those.

raised in discipline by an Asian martial artist master.

Bay Turtles acted like they were hood niggas and looked like Shrek.

Bruh, you're like 18 hours late
You think I'm paying for that shit?

If that's what you think hood niggas act like, I assume you live in a very white neighborhood and everything you know is from television.
Bayturtles don't hold a candle to the real deal.

No that's why I chew on things in general. I chew on popsicle sticks because of mikey.

> I chew on popsicle sticks because of mikey.
That's repressed homosexuality

>Bayturtles don't hold a candle to the real deal.
compared to the east coast turtles tho?

Unfortunately yes.
In a Total Film interview some years ago (I think he was promoting Let Me In), he seemed embarassed to have done those movies, or III anyway.

>Let Me In
But... Let Me In was shit...

The TMNT sequel we got is way more interesting than whatever hypothetical script you're pitching. Secret of The Ooze is a legit fascinating movie about pop culture and commercialisation and generational shifts.

I need something to relax to tonight. I'm going to find a used copy of this and order a pizza

Good taste.

in the rooftop scene, and the shot of the turtle training, it still Mikey

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You just reminded me how everyone else got screwed over in the CGI movie, besides Raph. He steals Leo's narration shtick AND Mikey's catchphrase in the end.
Still fun movie, though.

>not clunky slow like Batman 89’s rubber suit
I was surprised a lot of the action in that movie didn't hold up as well as I remembered. If I recall, from the point Batman starts fighting Joker's game, the fights get more dynamic.

Donnie's too smart for that. But you reminded me of the back of the toy cards, there were SO many variations of them, I was pretty hyped at the time. For some reason, there were, like... hockey and football versions of some of them, and maybe one or two with the signature trenchcoat look.

*Joker's gang

fuck this pic is awesome. why couldn’t the Bay movies just do this?? why was it so hard to not fuck this and the Transformers designs up

>Casey killed Epstein
dammit Casey!!

>he seemed embarassed to have done those movies
aw man. I know that’s common with actors, like Orson Wells hating being Unicron, but I wish these guys knew how much their performances in these “kiddie movies” meant to us kids. That’s why as much as I hate what Bay did with the TF and TMNT designs, being able to head Peter Cullen and Frank Welker doing their Prime & Megatron voices again even just in interviews and stuff let alone the movies or videogames, I get such comfy feels. Prime’s voice instantly sends me back in time to being a little kid looking up to the noble leader of the Autobots

like I hope Elias has all the success in the world in his career but no other Casey will ever hold a candle to his.

fucking love pic attached moment.. the guy had already seen so much weird shit that he comes across a giant talking rat and is stunned for a second and then is just like “ehh fuck it” and just accepts it

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>Secret of The Ooze is a legit fascinating movie about pop culture and commercialisation and generational shifts.
have to agree with this. as a movie I think what the other user is describing would objectively be a better “movie”, but the TMNT2 we got just works, and the same way TMNT1 was like a little time capsule of 80s NYC, TMNT2 is like a little time capsule of 90s culture. and it was a little goofier but not full out goofball, with lots of cool moments (“I’m bein punished, aren’t I?” “I can still HEAR outta this one!” finding out about TCRI like in the comics, Donnie’s fear that they were just mistakes, raph helping Keno infiltrate the foot, ninja rap is super gay now but as a kid in the 90s when vanilla ice was cool it was a fun moment, and shredder’s junkyard return was legit scary...super shredder looked cool but was a disappointment since he didn’t do anything but accidentally an hero)

and it gave us the most savage comeback in movie history:

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sounds cozy user have fun

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ya I just mean that up to the TMNT most full body size costumes we had seen were like, shitty stuff rubber people couldn’t move easily in or crappy Godzilla costumes with minimal mobility or big slow moving costumes like Big Bird, and hand controlled puppets were more agile but were small Sesame Street half-body “guy under the table controlling it” things

So seeing these turtles both fully emoting with facial movements and even eye movements and tears and elaborate mouth movements, and then ALSO being able to do super acrobatic fast flexible fighting moves and wield weapons properly, and all while looking like tough solid skin, was just incredible. The TMNT costumes were a technical marvel all around for Jim Henson’s workshop

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gorgeous looking modern remastered trailer:

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It was refreshing to hear about Frank Langella still enjoying his Skeletor, Sir Christopher Lee doing his thing or how the bad guy from Die Hard enjoyed playing Snape in Harry Potter.

Jason David Frank is another one, dude is still super passionate about having been the Green Ranger

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Wise men say forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza

Wells died before the movie was even finished. I can't imagine he ever would've been ~proud~ of his Transformers work, but I'd like to think that if he saw a scene or two of Unicron in action he might have shifted his stance from "this is mortifying" to "while I was slumming, I became space Satan. As one does."

And that is Langella is GOD.

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You can't be serious, dude

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>”while I was slumming, I became space Satan. As one does."
read this in his voice and kek’d thanks for the laugh

I had the storybook.

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I do this in my mind alot

So much this.

I had the comic versions:

man I love Eastman & Laird’s old covers and the double page spreads where they have a hundred foot soldiers closing in on the turtles. These were always so kino and they were my favorite style of the turtles...simple heads, white eyes, jacked af muscles, square chests

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>Having been adapted from an earlier draft of the screenplay, it contains a lot of scenes that were either altered or deleted from the finished film. It sort of gives you a peek into the movie we might have gotten, though largely it plays the same.
>A few of the more interesting differences include the epilogue with the comic publisher (which was filmed, but never used) and a back story that actually included Oroku Nagi (the version in the film combines his character with Oroku Saki). What I really thought was cool was that this adaptation contained the original version of the scene where Tatsu punishes the young Foot Soldier, murdering him. The scene in the film is exactly the same, but they dubbed in groans to indicate the teen survived (though the reactions from everyone around him are incongruous; they clearly think he’s dead). There are other snippets here and there, like Casey watching April’s news report and being inspired to fight crime (in the movie, he just randomly shows up already as a vigilante with no build up) and a bit of character development for Michelangelo, who takes being defeated the hardest and begins to train more seriously.
>It’s a bizarre situation, because while these little odds and ends that were cut from the film but retained for the comic adaptation actually help to improve the narrative cohesion of the plot, the flow of the story is INCREDIBLY condensed
interesting I actually didn’t know why the comic was so different, I thought it was just E&L changing stuff to their own tastes or making things easier to draw or whatever. if this was based on an earlier version of the script then man are we lucky they kept going with revising it

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>a bit of character development for Michelangelo, who takes being defeated the hardest and begins to train more seriously.
That's in the original Mirage comics too, where it shows how each of the turtles adjust to life on the farm. I think that's in nearly every adaption, or at least every adaption I've seen.

Casey Jones believes in street justice, user.

>implying Shredder would have talked

>that uneven shell
Splinter fed the turtles way too much meat. Their shells should be smooth. It looks like Donnie hasn't shed his scutes in ages and they've started compacting.

That's not healthy. He needs to bask more, or maybe get Splinter to use a knife to help peel the old scutes off. I had to do that when my turtle had problems shedding.

I would pay money to see the boys in the IDW comics give that kind of advice to the newly-mutated turtle.

You'd think Splinter would look up turtle care. Mutant turtles still need to shed their scutes regularly.

Probably could rig up a tanning booth top so the turtles can lay down and properly bask. That and balance their diet, red eared sliders eat a lot of protein as babies but they start a more balanced diets of leafy greens and meat later on.

So they should probably have some lettuce with their pizza. Given they live in sewers I can imagine they have easy access to fertilizer, so I imagine Splinter could have made a small garden.

Also since the turtles are all male they should have huge fucking front claws and more arched shells. Female RES shells are more rounded.

What did you think Donnie became a cyborg ?

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Are the Turtles ectotherms? They never really seem bothered by the cold.

Just... no


The scene when Splinter trying to counsel Raphael about his rage is one of the rawest thing fucking ever.

>I am here... my son.

Totally helps sell when they comeback and find Splinter missing, with Raph letting out that blood curdling scream, because you realty feel like Splinter was just about the most important person in the world to him.

I hope there are some good scenes of Jennika adjusting to being a turtle mutant. Campbell said something about a scene where she tries to figure out how to open a soda can with her new sausage fingers.

I hate to say this but thats a hot look for a black woman. I'm more worried about Ruby rhod there.

>or how the bad guy from Die Hard enjoyed playing Snape in Harry Potter
That was Allen Rickman. He was a legend. You will learn his name and respect him.

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Yeah man I know, but for some reason the name just wasn't coming to me. Didn't feel good about cheating with google.
Besides, bringing up Die Hard is a credit for anyone's carreer.

This makes me appreciate the subtle differences in the Turtles' faces.

That fucking music
the fucking shadow
I get goosebumps just watching this webm

>that pic
I still remember thinking it weird that they made April so...kinda homely, girl-next-door in this movie. Like, I only had comics version to go by and she was stunningly hot in all of those. I remember I thought she was closer to that in the second one.
And while I still think that, based on looks alone, I kinda appreciate how the first one makes it more down-to-earth with stuff like that. April isn't some super-model who happens to be a reporter, she's just a reporter.

>ninja rap is super gay now but as a kid in the 90s when vanilla ice was cool it was a fun moment
I still think it's a fun moment. I mean it's more retro/nostalgia at this point, but I still barely know who Vanilla Ice is/was, so it'll always be a great mix of music and fighting to me.

I'm not sure how embarrassed he could've been if he returned for TMNT3. Being ashamed of that one...yeah, that I can understand.

it's a shame all the ADR sounds like it was done on a home VCR, really spoils the effect

Not turtley enough for the Turtle Club.

... that is the most hilariously accurate Orson Wells line I've ever read. I wonder how much it would cost to get Maurice LeMarche to say it.

If LeMarche can recite almost word-for-word Welles' infamous frozen peas meltdown, he can do anything.


ya she’s just a local news anchor. it’s like Casey. pic related isn’t Casey to me. Elias was perfect, he looked like just a normal dude you’d see in a bar in some shitty neighborhood with grease stains on his clothes or still dropping by the skate park when he’s too old for it, probably living in some dumpy apartment, like when he’s trying to fix his reception on the roof. he wasn’t 6-pack jacked with pretty boy model looks wearing freshly bought clothes, flirting with a supermodel news anchor who can do ninja kicks and keep up with the turtles. she literally just gets mugged helplessly and her big empowerment moment is a realistic managing to knock a guy in the head with a pipe after Leo sets her up lol

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I choose to believe that it was 3 where he decided ok this is awful I regret this and it affects his looking back on it.

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98 preview

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What I mean is, in Secret of the Ooze the turtles are less urban superheroes and more like entertainers. They were entertaining in the first movie, for sure, but in Ooze that's the whole point and there's heightened awareness in how the film shamelessly presents itself as consumerist propaganda and the turtles as commercialised pop culture icons. The movie begins with perhaps the greatest pizza advertisement ever made, and ends with the turtles performing on stage with Vanilla Ice. Keno's character arc is wanting to become cool and popular, and Shredder is less of a credible threat and more of a nuisance who struggles with irrelevancy in a world that cares less about traditionalist values and more about entertaiment.

At least April doesn't have the dyke haircut Campbell gave her anymore.

Movie crossover when?

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>gave my dad nightmares
Have you looked at the art that young modern fantasy design students do. Aesthetitcally so many of them are the same. Character designers want to be Feng Zhu