Anybody care to speculate how this was meant to end originally? It was cancelled on a cliffhanger after all

Anybody care to speculate how this was meant to end originally? It was cancelled on a cliffhanger after all

I hope Kid Miracleman was going to return somehow

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>It was cancelled on a cliffhanger after all
Im pretty sure it got an ending. You mean it was on hiatus like vendetta? Or gaimans run?


Are you talking about Gaiman's?

Yeah, Gaimans run where the final issue was young miracleman running away after Miracleman kissed him (do you think he legit misinterpreted things, or is YM deep in the closet?)

Also, while Kid Miracleman was killed in his human form, we see his supernform fucked up but still survivable in the stasis pocket dimension. So I get the feeling he was gonna come back somehow

I also want a resolution to the Young MM kiss thing. It's goofy and Yea Forums would flip if it happened today but honestly it's one of the most interesting character moments and conflicts in a supe deconstruction series. I don't think its about him being in the closet or even MM wanting to fuck him, but more about MM testing how comfortable he really was with this new world, and YMs reaction had a lot to do with his idol breaking this big taboo to him.

>I don't think its about him being in the closet or even MM wanting to fuck him, but more about MM testing how comfortable he really was with this new world, and YMs reaction had a lot to do with his idol breaking this big taboo to him.

Wasnt the reason miracleman did it to begin with because Miraclewoman kept hinting/telling him how much YM “looked up” to him and how there was unresolved feelings there? I definitely felt it was meant to be some weird unresolved gay crush thing for YM while Miracleman is pretty much a “I’ll fuck anything” sexual like his daughter at this point, so he thought “fuck it, I’ll see if this helps”

Also, anybody else find it silly how quickly the world transformed in terms of social norms? Literally seems to be less than a decade or two and yet you have things like the idea of being straight or gay becoming obsolete

Young Miracleman can’t be gay, he literally had those dreams about wanting to bang women but failing

If anything I’d guess he’s jut sexually repressed from being a kid from the fifties

kid miracleman comes back.
there's a fight.
humanity gets fucked by to the stone age by it.
the miracleman family are all dead. possibly one live to lament the destruction they committed.

If its written by gaiman then it'd probably be something along the lines of the miracle family leaving humanity behind as they fly into eternity or some shit. Possibly followed by some nonsensical scene that somehow transitions into Mike Moran hiking in the mountains and walking away with a tombstone that says "Miracleman."

The Dark Age was supposed to have Bates returning and bringing MM's new world down. I think the fact people were getting sick of perfection would have played a huge role.

Ah yeah, weren’t there hooligans dressing up as kid Miracleman to rebel or something?

Yeah, also iirc, Bates' body was slowly healing in hyperspace. I think they were going in a direction of humans preferring an imperfect world of their choosing rather than a paradise imposed upon them by what amount to literal gods, who have even created an artificial afterlife. Even at the tail of Moore's run, Miracleman has his doubts of what he's done being right.

Apparently Miracleman will show up in Marvel #1000 as a prelude to Gaiman’s run continuing.

From what has been leaked over the years:

Miraclewoman was supposed to go evil, having turned Young Miracleman against Miracleman as part of a plan she had to isolate MM from everyone and be the power behind the throne.

This would have been explored (along with resolving the plotline involving Miracleman resurrecting Dr Garzunga) in a Miracleman mini-series that would have run as filler between Silver and Dark Ages, along with a "Miracleman the Missing Years" story that covers how MM established his normal life after the assassination attempt that killed Young Miracleman.

The last half of The Silver Age would have seen Kid Miracleman brought back (presumably by Miraclewoman) and another MM/KMM fight that would DESTROY the planet and render it a wasteland with everything destroyed.

The Dark Ages, would have focused on several hundred years in the future with MM (now revealed to be immortal) wandering the wasteland, helping people, and pondering the fact that his attempt to create utopia only led to the end of the world and the survivors envying the dead.

Just noticed Carol Danvers’ outfit looks a lot more like Marvel Man than it does Mar Vell.

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Christ, I’m not looking forward to them butchering miracleman with quips and having him job to Tony Stark

I still can’t get over her ugly boots

I'd love for Marvel to introduce MM as a villain. Basically Carol's evil WHITE, MALE counterpart.

they won't do it for the same reason Marvel won't let Moonstone be a Carol enemy (and the reason why they ran with the gimmick of Karla being forced against her will to pretend to be Carol/dress like Carol long after the Dark Avengers gimmick ended); they don't want anyone upstaging Carol.

Also, Neil's got a full on embargo in place with Marvel where NO ONE can touch anyone Miracleman until he finishes the Dark Ages. Its why Millar and Bendis never touched him, why Fraction rage-quit Defenders (he wanted to use Miracleman there), and why Quesada had to bend over backwards just to get Neil to sign off on letting Allred and Milligan to do their Miracleman story in that annual with the Grant Morrison Miracleman story (under the condition it had to be set in the dream machine world)


Is miracleman any good? Should I read moore's run, then gaiman's run?

oh god it's the marvel insider larper at it again

Yes it’s good. It’s only 24 issues or so, so just read it all

Yes to both of your questions.

>Yea Forums would flip if it happened today
you mean /pol/tards and casualgators would. No one actually reading comics could flip out because Gaiman is being progressive now, wouldn't they?

>Mike Moran
This guy didnt deserve to be shat on so much.

I can see that being the case, just wasn't the vibe I got off it on my reading.
As for the world transforming, idk. They do mention there's lots of sects and cults that fear or want to kill MM, including the guy who climbs the steps just to take a shot at him. I could see the general populace being quicker to drop ideas about sexuality etc after the world is devastated by a superhuman punchup to the end and alien races/tech starts showing up. Also like mentioned it's strongly implied to not last forever, so it works for me as a kind of hard push one way only to go right back soon after.

please no. I can't watch them ruin him with her shit.

> Neil's got a full on embargo in place with Marvel where NO ONE can touch anyone Miracleman until he finishes the Dark Ages

Gaiman is supposed to finish his run at some point but I think he either forgot or just doesn't care anymore.

Mike Moran has to return

I hate faggotman. We were supposed to have new stuff 4 years ago. Fuck this shit, and fuck all of you

His trials and tribulations were totally worth it for this amazingly evocative cover alone.

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Jesus, who is the TMS guy and who’s the blonde on the righ

That's the space where they store their bodies when they transform.
TMS guy is Dickie Dauntless aka young Miracleman's alter ego after he died to a bombing. Guy on the right is grown up kid Miracleman that stayed transformed while Miracleman was out.

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