Let's talk about Internet animation!
Does anyone remember Blockhead? I used to love it.
Internet animation
I used to watch these daily.
ive always been a big fan of Stick animations and i think theyre super underrated. they were awesome back in the day and theyre awesome now. Shock 1 and 2 are masterpieces
No one ever remembers Blockhead. Thank you, OP.
One of first internet animations I watched and it’s still good
Merry Ghostmas
I always preferred Mastermind.
I know him from a Christmas sprite animation.
That's all.
god its great to see krinkles is back and giving us new lore I hope madness 12 comes out this year
>Watch out for AIDS. It can really... ouch, y'know? AIDS. Ouch.
i literally just mentioned blockhead in another thread and it's the first time i'd thought of him in years.
gonna' go out on a limb, anyone remember a crappy flash animation that was satirizing hitchcock's 'the birds', i similarly remember the site it was hosted on had a flash about a pony named butterscotch(?) that is slaughtered, the ghost comes back to haunt the guy eating it and he chokes to death.
these flashes have been in my mind for what must be 15 years now and I can't for the life of me find them
3ali, the only cure for schizophreniwaaaaah
They're great as action pieces, and I figure animators in the future will refer to them for fight sequences.
Fond memories of so many downright weird stick animations clearly made by pretty young kids on SFDT.
Do these count?
man blockhead was THE shit
That time travel arc was absolute kino
Its honorary
Ummm. sorry??? Newgrounds is cancelled???
Daily? Theres THREE episodes
autistic kids delight on repetition and known quantities and dont deal well with change. watching three episodes repeatedly helps them not get triggered.
It’s great
Bonus Stage was good for its time
I remember this entire series used to be like the greatest thing in the world to me.
Newgrounds was pretty awesome back then
How would it be a world without the word "the"?