They just had to ruin my childhood with a fucking tranny

They just had to ruin my childhood with a fucking tranny.

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Does porn ruin your childhood too?

rocko accepted change why cant you

If you're childhood was so depressing that a cartoon character ruined it, I'm sorry.

get over it OP its just a cartoon

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>muh childhood

After you turn 18 you’re childhood is dead and only pathetic betas still cling to it. You’re an adult now and the world owes you nothing.

Look ma! I posted it again!

i don't even remember this character.
honestly, are you fuckers really that upset? if this came out 20 years ago, you wouldn't even mind it.

Good to see there's stil sane people on this board.

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Trannies and their supporters should ALL be exterminated because they DARE to be different than me.

cry harder you fucking losers lol

>I base my entire off of a fucking cartoon show

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All trannies or homosexuals, go back to Resetera.

Remember how people were enjoying the fatheads but Rocko got upset and started yelling at everyone because of the baby? That's you.

Its a cartoon OP, have sex

Frogs can change there sex at will

Seething this hard

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You mean Yea Forums?

I am homo, yet I don't support these stupid agendas of forcing tranny and homo shit everywhere when it is not welcome.

i am homo but I do, get fucked fag


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>people believe this falseflagging shit

Has sex, doesn't fix the current state of the industry.
Flamboyant fags need to be hanged, you shame the rest of us

>I'm a homo

Sure you user sure you are

You guys realize this is a jab, right? Ralph is one of the must unhinged, jaded characters on the show. He hates his “backwards” parents and aims to rebel against them, yet still ends up miserable. If this isn’t a subtle jab at trans, I don’t know what is.

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>another bait thread

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Why do I get the feeling every faggot saying "get over it, it's just a cartoon" would shit themselves in anger had a character been revealed to be a neo-nazi and everyone just accepted it.

Don't use RS for this shit.

>Every homo is a stupid flamboyant retard that forces his homo shit everywhere! otherwise you are lying
Cringe, get stabbed by your boyfriend.

Exactly how starved for affection and friendship do you have to be to end up like this?

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Because they are stupid sjws or flamboyant faggots that think "Ah yes I like dicks" is a phrase that should be said in normal casual conversations.

Your childhood deserves to be ruined if this is something that upsets you. You deserve to be sad and unhappy.

RS doesn't deserve to be involved in reactions for this stupid stuff.

Grow up /pol/tard.

Not even part of your argument but I rarely find "and yes, i-" terms of speaking as anything more than insufferable.

Oh well that's different. Fuck these people.

It's actually not you're a temp at coping is retarded

Fuck babies they're even worse than trannies.

Oh okay, you're joking. You had me going there.

Tell that to OP, not the people who are sick of seeing these posts

Neo Nazis are terrorist organization trans people aren't

You're showing how bad your lie was

How is being trans equal to Being a Nazi?

>rocko was against every single change that happend between those 20 years
>sees rachel
>its ok with it right away
>they didnt have the balls to do it didnt they?
But wasnt there a trans wolf in the original series? i think it was heffer family or something , he wanted to be a cheerleader and was dressing all pink.
A bunch of other stuff was discuss in the series but kinda hidden to pass the censors of the time.

That implies your childhood ever ended you manchild

You are showing how bad your agenda is.

So explain to me how being trans is equivalent to Being a Nazi

Yes, but nobody was ok with it. This time everybody sucked the butchered genitals of """"rachel"""""

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Third Reich, trans gender, do I have to draw you a fucking map?

Its not like Netflix is forcing you to watch it you dumb faggot. Don't watch it if you dont like it. Its just the water that is turning the frogs gay like alex jones said. Anywho if you dont agree with the show don't watch and dont give it attention you retard. This is why there is so much trans shit now because you keep giving it attention.

I am the other poster you replied to, god damned retard.

Well you got me there, Neo-Nazis do take far less lives annually than Trans do.

>If this isn’t a subtle jab at trans, I don’t know what is.
it's not because rahcel stopped being unhinged and jaded after she transitioned. And she also improved her own relationship with her family as well, turning a cartoon made to make fun of them into a positive celebration of her own childhood memories.

Why don't you /pol/tards just become leftists already? Pretty sure it will land you a qt nerd gf


0/8 shitty B8 M8

Actually no they're responsible for most of terrorism commited in the U.S. based of data and according to the head of the FBI

It is a huge one

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Who's forcing you to watch it? Literally you don't have to watch it or give it attention. The bait is you people Bitching about a fictional gay frog and making 50 threads about how Netflix forced you to watch it at gun point. Why else would you watch something that doesnt interest you?

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Regular show was unironically regular. Stop sucking its dick, fag.

We should all follow the lead of that Yea Forums user from a few days ago and focus on self-improvement instead of getting mad at shit that ultimately doesn't matter

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Neo-Nazis don't ruin my entertainment though.

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>all mainstream entertainment ruined by pandering
>actual art and anything with integrity outlawed for being "problematic"
>this "ultimately doesn't matter"


Cont. Unless you're a faggot yourself and watched it and then moaned about it. Normal people will go oh I dont like this and not watch it but fag retards like op will watch gay porn and then say why did they ruin porn for me with all these dicks and guys and then make a thread moaning about how many cocks he watched for an hour. Its the same exact thing with this shit. Dont watch it if you dont like trans shit. Watch it if you don't give a shit. Watch it if you're into fag shit. Don't make 50 threads about how much you hate gay frogs after watching it. It makes no sense at all.

>Yea Forums user
Literally worse than niggers

>butchered genitals
Did you watch a special director's cut of the episode that showed Rachel in the buff, or do you just spend a lot of time fantasizing about tranny genitals?

>Caring about limits when we have a board with infinite threads
Seriously, go and hang yourself.
I already fixed my life. I can't fix the world though. Fuck off and eat shit, not everybody is a loser basement dwelling incel.

How is anything being "ruined" by "pandering" you schizo retard

What a fragile little child you must be that one element of a show that you disagree with ruins it for you. You must not like hardly any current media.

Yes. Pal Comix is so fucking bad.

Every tranny has butchered destroyed genitals. You can't change gender perfectly, idiot.
They are all abominations.

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I dunno, ask a tranny. They have more experience.

Do you actually think every single tranny not only gets genital surgery, but gets genital surgery on day one? I mean, I know most of you guys are just going through the motions posting this stuff, but use some common sense.

Yes user, the problem people have with trannies is just that they're "different", and not because they're abominations who prey on children.

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like hell i'm going to fuck someone who sells their pee and bathwater on the internet

Kinda funny, considering that Ralph (the tranny) was personally based on the creator of the show.
What is the message here? Did he had to sell his soul to Netflix so that they could acquire the rights from Niggerlodeon?

Even if they don't change their gender they are mentally ill.

I know Joe went through a traumatic experience with his first wife committing suicide while Rocko was still running

I'm not sure the alt-right (or whatever you guys call yourselves now) has any business making fun of people for using anime girl avatars.

It deserves better than to be shitposted similar to SU, Loud House, and those 2 current cartoons that have a shitpost culture thing going on. I'd prefer it staying as the show Yea Forums doesn't remember.

>w-well even if they don't it doesn't matter
Way to dilate those goalposts, user.

Seemed like a normal Rocko episode to me, always did have disgusting shit in that show after all, honestly i think it is all for on you for expecting something else.

That's hilarious, seeing as on half these threads there are countless non-trannies talking about wanting to fuck underaged 2d girls CONSTANTLY.

Way to take things literal, like the stupid tranny apologizer you are.
They are still butchered in their brain, are you satisfied now? go and join the 40% that kill themselves.

>kill yourself for disagreeing with me on the internet REEEEEE
Well, at least there's nothing wrong with your brain, huh kiddo?

>He again takes kill yourself literal
reddit/tumblr/facebook tard, return to your shithole of hugboxing.

Honestly if they had a reboot season this would have been perfectly fine for an episode or two, making it the entire purpose of the movie was just, weird.

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>copy and pasted from the OP of another thread
and I'll make the same response I did last time: It was so subtle that they forgot to make jokes about it.

>2d girls are real girls
You just played yourself.
Oh, and by the way, you'll never pass.

Its probably all they wanted to make to see if it had demand.

>making it the entire purpose of the movie was just, weird.
but it wasn't the entire purpose tho. more focus was put on ed bighead and rocko reacting to change than any of the trans stuff. You could literally cut the entire trans subplot out of the special and replace it with "ralph got an ugly tattoo that ed doesn't like" and the plot of the movie would be the same

That's almost as pathetic as transgenderism, OP.

Hiro please just fucking put this place out of its misery. Delete everything and keep a single "angry about trannies" venting board. It only makes sense at this point.

What woke subject matter will they force into the Zim movie?

Look at the image, now look at your hands.
Then, check your pockets.

>mainstream entertainment

So you expected pleb tier mass market shows to appeal to whatever standards you have? Do you expect McDonalds to be gourmet?

>don't watch it if you don't like it
Grand Duke of Faggotry, John Waters once said that a family watched Hairspray and loved it then rented Pink Flamingos.
The family sat through the kidnap and imprisonment of women to get'em preggers so that their babies could be sold to dyke couples. They sat through the grade-schoolers buying and shooting up heroin. They sat through the tranny flashing his tits, cock and balls to a dude.
They sat through the couple fucking on top of a live fucking chicken until it was crushed to death. They sat through the goatse-tier prolapsed asshole as it... idk wtf to call it... ass-synced? along to the song "Surfin' Bird". They sat through the cannibalism. They sat through the furniture fucking and the incestuous blowjob between mother and son. But what really fucked them up was the drag queen eating the freshly shat out dog turd. Which happened at the very fucking end of the movie. And they complained and tried to sue and all sorts of other bullshit. And John Waters' defense? 'Why did you watch it all the way through? Why didn't you just turn off the TV? That's what I did when Forrest started running.' They had a bunch of opportunities to walk away from the screen or turn off the VCR, but they sat and they watched.
This implies that at least some people go out of their way to get offended and outraged. Don't do that.

Flooding anonymous imageboards 24/7 complaining about the existence of a marginalized group of people isn't exactly the brightest indicator of someone with a good support system in their lives. Honestly asking, are you ok?

this will make you feel better OP

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Nobody wants you freaks here.
Fuck off.




The fuck kind of movie is this? The Aristocrats?

Almost every single post I've seen complaining about trans people outside of Yea Forums has been by Russians. I'm willing to bet that if we rangebanned them again then these shitposts would slow down.

I hope things get better for you user

>every time this episode is brought up

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After watching the movie i decided to serioulsly look into whatever causes people to become a tranny

and i have come to the conclusion that maybe there is some people that legitimately have gender dysphoria and sadly maybe their mental illness will never let them be happy until they do that shit

HOWEVER, teenagers these days are a bunch of idiots that have absolutely no real problems to deal with so they just make shit up, and they just stick to wathever shit can make them feel like a victim thinking that shit will give them an identity

i am not kidding when i say i saw a bucnh of examples of "trans" people that have absolutely no idea how a real woman acts, they just wanna become some kind of moe anime girl because that's the closest thing to a girl they have ever experienced, those are the actual degenerates that should be killed

seriously body dysphoria feels like it should be way more rare, there just shouldn't be that many trannies in the world, they should feel do a lot of mental health test and really talk to them for a few years in theraphy until it is completely clear they have the dysphoria and is not just some faggy teenage phase

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Neither is flooding image boards promoting a mental disorder effecting less than 1% of the population that most people are willing to tolerate in a 'live and let live' kind of way. So how about we all just shut up about god damn trannies.

Basically, yeah. Oh, and the dog shit at the end? It was real. You watch the dog shit it out and the drag queen eat it. Not cut away. All one take.

Things are great for me, save for you /trannypol/ refugees fucking up Yea Forums.

>He responds by moving them all to /lgbt/

>they should feel do a lot of mental health test and really talk to them for a few years in theraphy until it is completely clear they have the dysphoria and is not just some faggy teenage phase
That's literally what they do

They clearly aren't.

He'll be better when you die.

>user says that nazis are a terrorist organization and trans people aren't
>posts an example of a single person, who is not a member of any organization, doing a shooting
please for the love of god learn what words mean

Turn it inside out, throw out the shaft.

good one

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There aren't that many in the world. They're like a tenth of a single percent or something ridiculously small like that.

Hey if transgenderism is real then why to dementia patients who transitioned freak out about it and beg to be treated like their birth gender again

Yeah I bet all the Ralph fans are just devastated.

>how about we all just shut up about god damn trannies
Good idea, maybe the people who keep making these threads should get on that

presumably because they think it's 1940 again where they could get institutionalised for being a tranny

Your childhood was already shit op

It so so fucking subtle that the entire cast supported her lol. You really think Joe Murray was going to take his only opportunity to give Rocko a proper ending after twenty years and use it to make fun of trans people? Did you really miss how much more chill Rachel was compared to Ralph? Or the part where she say, out loud, how happier she is now?

>Literally watching uncreative reboot trash

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Yea Forums - tranny apologizer central

Literally was the same exact gross, retarded show until the stupid tranny became a glorified mary sue.




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You never even watched the damn show.

Why are people offended so easily nowadays? A show can't even have a trans character without one of you right wing snowflakes getting triggered. So fucking pc.

Both sides are at fault, there''s people on one side shitposting hardcore about it and then there's the other side instigating with their own shitposts. It's cancer all around and is expected of Yea Forums at this point..

because trannies kill more trannies than nazis do.