How would he fare in the DC universe?

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Everyone would get crushed by a cow and instantly die

why "DC" in particular ? seems like he would do fine in any comic book universe. Marvel and DC both have space heroes, wacky humor characters AND talking animal characters
literally would do fine

how would both fare in the same universe?

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Reminder that Doug Tenapel says trannies are mentally ill


They're not?

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fuck i miss the NeverHood

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>Implying he's wrong.

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Literally Adam Strange

Well it would be wrong to say that they don't have problems.

Well, he's not wrong.

They are, but you don't need to look down on them for it.
What they need is help, not ridicule, but also not blind enabling

Homosexuality and transexuals correlate insanely high to mental instability caused by childhood trauma, cause a disturbingly amount of sexual abuse on children themselves, and transexuals have around a 40% attempted suicide rate.

It's just not politically correct to look into whether or not it's a psychological problem because they were abused in the past.

I'm am so damn hype for the new book Doug's working on.

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zero people disagree

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Being willing to change your body by human intervention is kinda worrying. You are denying your body the right to do what it was biologically designed to do. There is, in fact, a major mental issue there.

Agreed. These people should be helped, but there will be always retards who will see helping them as a form of oppression. I remembered one situation where leftists went full rage mode over some nun who worked in a facility that helped gay people go straight (yes, there are times when gay people want to stop being gay) because she advised a journalist, who was pretending to be gay and was the one responsible for the outrage, not to watch porn or come into contact with anything porn-related.

Get a better looking DVD release. That was actually not interlaced.

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That really is about the single cheapest DVD release I own. But I'm happy to have even that since before that was just a smattering of VHS releases.

Fuck, it wasn't even available in stores and had to be ordered online. I only got my copy because somebody sold theirs in a MovieStop and I snatched it up ASAP.

I told everyone shaving was a slippery slope. Did they listen?

Pretty sure I just got mine off Amazon.

It's more dangerous to let it grow.

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Nice beard.

This thread feels familiar.