Any anons here ever thought about creating their own cartoon?

If so, what would it be about?
It can be a goal for TV or just on YouTube or whatever.

Attached: Jay and Silent Bob.jpg (1024x1024, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I've thought about it since I was five.

I’ve had a few ideas (that I will never share because I don’t want someone to steal it), but I’ll probably never get it done.
It’s something you really have to invest your whole life in, which I can’t because I’m already busy with other non-entertainment related things.

who were the bugs supposed to be?

OP here, I have an original animation project in the works. (I might put it up here one day.) But right now I'm working on a stupid parody video.
Pic related.

Attached: Iron man animation - Frame 0.png (3840x2160, 366K)

What software I using?

Moho pro 12 (formally known as Anime Studio)

Attached: MOHO MOFO.jpg (962x1320, 233K)

I was once commissioned to storyboard an entire pilot of an animated series that was pitched to Nickelodeon.

A friend of a friend and his cousin had an idea for a cartoon series and had connections with someone from Nick. The Nick employee said they needed storyboards for the entire 1st episode. I don't know too much how pitching a cartoon to an animation studio works, but do they really want to see an entire episode storyboarded?

Either way, they paid 50% upfront. I was mostly a comic artist but knew some things how storyboards are created. I did my research and ended up drawing over 600 boards in 8 months. All while I was working a full-time job.

I was also asked to create character sheets for a pitch bible they were putting together, which they paid me extra for.

I get paid the other half of our agreed fee, send them the boards, and I dont hear back anything.

Years later, I find out the cartoon was never greenlit, and the dude's cousin enrolled in the army. They're still trying to find a studio that will pick up the cartoon.

Though thanks to this job, I've now been interested in becoming a storyboard artist and I've been focusing on building a storyboard portfolio.

I've had several ideas throughout my life. Right now, I have two in mind. One is more developed than the other, with an animatic, script, and bible already made. However, I am now going back and revisiting them.

Countless ideas. But they're just ideas.

Ideas alone are worthless, user. You've got to do something with them to prove their worth. That's the philosophy I use to help motivate me.

>hiring someone else to do all the art
That's a surefire way to just make a crap cartoon.

I had a pilot produced. It did not get a season order but I learned a lot.

Really? Care to share your story?

Yes I have and I'm currently working on it with a buddy of mine who's a good fellow writer. I will never pitch it to TV because fuck the animation industry. As an independent animator and writer that shit will be exclusive to the internet/YouTube for free.

I will not go into detail on what it will be about but I'll say that the cartoon will feel very... "nostalgic" to some people.

Attached: EBCw71ZXsAA5UBv.jpg (960x960, 203K)

>that persona-esqe logo font

Mostly just ideas like literally anyone else. Also video game ideas. So I've learned some programming. Then I started learning to draw. Then indie boom poisoned my interest in video games.
Also following some animators I've learned that animation is pretty much unfeasible without a team, if you want to have both reasonable schedule and passable animation. By that point if one decides to tell a story, it's probably better to go for a webcomic.
But then again I don't really draw well enough yet and once you start thinking characters through it gets much harder than it seems. So for now I'm aimlessly drawing crude furry porn, not even learning to draw anymore.

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I have enough material lying around to create a pitch Bible, I just wouldn't know where to shop it around.
Amazon isn't open door anymore and I don't live near The Industry. I don't want to bother my friends who have the proper experience either

Attached: 1563162880247.png (419x370, 127K)

>I have friends who can help
>No I won't ask them for help

I wrote a script for a cartoon pilot once, alongside some characters I drew for it. I would like to pitch it to CN some day.
t. Terrible artist who cannot draw

They were originally going to be part of a C-plot that would've been in every episode. Like a lot of dropped elements from the P&F pitch, they did end being used eventually, once in season 4 and in the OWCA special.

They're off doing their job, I can't bother them all willy nilly like that. That's not how it works. Besides, it's not given that they can "help" when the issue is visibility.

Yes, I have. First I always wanted to be a comic book artist, then when Flash came out and Newgrounds was big I started to do my own cartoons. I had a dream for a show for many years and I think it would even be successful but I am European and I am not even French.
How many European cartoons are there?
I would need to go to the USA and pitch my show to an American network and what a pain in the ass.
Also doing animations all by myself is a terrible pain in the ass as well. If I ever win the lottery I will hire animator people I still know from Newgrounds days and I will start making that show- I know this will never happen and I am not sad about it anymore. I got used to the idea.

I started to become a video editor and I make a good living with that. It's enough for me, working, making money, enjoying my life. I don't need to tell a story to people anymore. I do NOT want to be famous in any way. I know/have met people who are famous and it is annoying as fuck. I also don't need to entertain others, the story exists in my head for me and it is entertaining me. So why should I do it? I don't want fame, I don't want the money.
Maybe one day I will combine all the ideas I have for the single episodes, take the ones that stand out and create a fake trailer and upload that one online.

>I don't understand networking

MOHO vs Toon Boom Harmony.
Pros/Cons, why Moho?
I only know Harmony, Animate (previously Flash) and AE.

can you tell me all the steps and details how to pitch and all this. like this is the first time i even hear about a bible, how can i learn about those things? thanks in advance.

just ask, worse they can do is say no

that sounds cool and would be a nice thing to hear about, but I'm sure you got an NDA about it.

I've always liked the idea.
I can draw and animate just fine.
My problem is that I don't know how to write and even then I don't really have any stories to tell.

The only reason I picked MOHO was purely for price. A perpetual license for TB can cost 375 to nearly 2,000 dollars. I got MOHO for $160.

Yes, I've been trying to get a pilot done since around 2014 but I can't for the life of me meet my own standards. Plus I have zero following because I don't do fanart, so at best I can post it on a barren youtube channel and share it with my friend which hopefully helps it spread, because I will never be that fag that posts his shit here to get views.

I thought it might be neat to have it on TV but I am nowhere near able to go to Cali or anywhere else to support getting my show idea beyond a youtube channel. The sad truth is I will never be able to do that, but if I can get it to work on youtube, or even meet my own standards to finish the damn thing, then I'd be fine. I imagine I wouldn't work well with people/a crew, not as in difficult to work with, just anxiety.

>Years later, I find out the cartoon was never greenlit, and the dude's cousin enrolled in the army. They're still trying to find
I was fucking sure that this was going to end with "his body."

Search for story bibles online, if you can MAKE A PHYSICAL COPY AND SEND IT TO THEM as well as a digital copy if you're serious about it

I feel like my idea might have been good around the still experimental 2010 era. I wouldn't be surprised if it was as short lived as Robotomy though, especially budget wise.

I've never pitched anything myself, but I am familiar enough with the process from research that I've done on my own.

A bible is pretty much a document that describes your show. It's what you use to sell your idea.
>What's it about?
>Who are the characters?
>What's the world like?
>What happens in the show?
>Episode ideas
>Concept art
>Overall feel
>Whatever else you think needs to be said when selling your show

You can find some examples of pitch bibles online. This was Adventure Time's bible:

When it comes to pitching, the bible is essential. Maybe you might have other material like an animatic, but the bible is key. Every show starts with one.

Getting a pitch meeting is the hard part. My advice is to keep an eye out for any opportunity to submit your idea. These are usually contests or incubators. Comedy Central had one last year. Aside from that, networking is key. Look into events like CTN or Lightbox Expo for a chance to mingle with industry people. Put your work online and share it. There is no easy way to go about this.

Do NOT send anything unsolicited to anyone. Legally, they cannot accept it.

Speaking of pitch bibles, Spongebob's was really cozy to look through. Look at this rocko looking Mr Krabs.

Attached: a fucking c.jpg (1019x796, 64K)

The legend goes that Hillenurg's pitch was so charming that they had him do it twice just to show the other guys.

Phineas and Ferb was originally going to be a three segment show with the time divided between the boys, Perry and Mittelshmirtz, and the bugs. The bits would occasionally bleed over into each other as well.

Spongebob is basically a spiritual successor of Rocko.

This is great!

and Zim's, it's weird and I associate the art with Billy West Zim (which is fine) but I really liked the style before the main series.

Attached: zimart.jpg (1700x2338, 374K)

OP again, here's a quick little test I made for one of my characters.

Attached: Animationforthechanners.webm (1280x720, 58K)

Forgot to mention that, sorry. Also take a public speech class

I have several Animated Series' in development and because of that, I don't feel comfortable disclosing what they are about at this time l.

In case anyone wanted to know what goes into a pitch bible, here is the complete one for Adventure Time.

Attached: pitchbitch.jpg (768x512, 66K)

I like how the examples of what his parents could be is infinitely better than
>deadbeat dad who he never gets to connect with, causes heartache and suffering
>cool mom


This was pretty awkward and embarrassing to read.

>Look into events like CTN or Lightbox Expo for a chance to mingle with industry people.

Yeh totally cool if you live in central Europe. Like I have said you are fucked if you are not in the USA or maybe France/UK for Europe.

It had a very juvenile sense to it that perfectly fit the tone of the pilot. I wonder if CN got a separate bible because things had been updated between the pilot and first episode.

Now I am wondering what it was like. I don't know what pitches are like. Are there videos somewhere? Like how goofy or serious can it be? Reading the adventure time bible was cringe. If an adult talked to me like that I would kick him out even if it was for a cartoon show.

I think I remember hearing that he brought in an aquarium and had Hawaiian music playing

what ever happened to those flies?

Nothing is stopping you from making something, putting it online, and sharing it for attention.

To be fair it was for Nickelodeon and Nick was really childish around that time. I assume the more childish stuff on TV has similar bibles by adults. Though Pen's humor really is "son of a patoot!" stuff.

I think Disney either didn't like the characters or it was hard to fit them into the formula Disney did like. They managed to show up towards the end.

shows I have never heard about, did they even get greenlit?

This one looks >9000 times better than the adventure time one which was embarrassing

it really helped that adventure time was already popular because of the short that aired on frederator. is that thing dead now anyway? was a cool thing with new shorts for upcoming artists.

I wrote a pilot. I submitted to a contest and didn't win. I don't know any people in animation other than this one guy from college. he works for Dreamworks as an assistant editor. He and I were never good pals. It'd feel weird pushing my material on him. The cartoon I want to make isn't something the industry seems to be interested in. It'd be a semi-serialized 22 minute action cartoon focused on an audience of 18 to 35. I feel the best bet is Netflix.

I'm hoping to break in with the features/other pilots I'm writing and then getting a meeting to pitch that. This industry is so relationship based and I have zero connections. It feels impossible. I'll keep trying though.

best of luck to you, user.

I dont wanna shop my pitch around for 15 years only to be picked up by fucking Disney

Why not?