I don't get it

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Other urls found in this thread:


That guy is so pathetic he turned into dust because he's never going to have sex. Tragically, he was about to get pity sex just as he turned into dust.

High Quality Men have no need of used goods. The woman is upset that a man she could have leeched on for the rest of her life AND gotten dickings from Jamal on the side will never be hers because she wasted her cherry on a fucking chav

Promiscuity in women is incredibly unattractive.

>stonetoss is a seething incel.

Speak for yourself. I want a woman who’s experienced.

Go dilate dudes

roastie getting toastied
later ramona flowers

Why would someone edit the dialogue but not the balloon?


He's an incel. Stone Toss is legitimately over 40 and still a virgin.


Is Stonetoss ever gonna get laid?

Did he ever said that? Some of his comics seem to imply it or at least some weird simpathy for virgins in general.

It's amazing how so much about conservatism stems from weird ideas about sex

Freud was right

>I want a woman that have a an ex boyfriend every street corner
When you try to be ironic but you sound like a retard.

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>aggressive milfs and gilfs sucking you dry

Attached: 1356759201548.gif (276x232, 1.38M)


Prostitutes are very experienced

Don't have sex with anyone unless you've confirmed with a fortune teller or some other mystical means that any given individual is the one who will marry you. Only then may you have sex.

What a shame, he was going to propose to her, he even got all ready for their new life (the balloons were probably a bit too early), but when the time came...

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hahah what a cuckold!

Attached: 1507518090407.gif (260x349, 1.4M)

Women get to the age where it bites them in the ass pretty hard in their 30's.

They are also 3 times less likely to remarry than men and almost 5 times if they have a child from a previous marriage.

When they learn how willing men are to fuck down they either lower their expections in age or get super bitter and become winos or cat ladies.

donet get pergat and kil babby

Attached: stonetoss thread.png (1870x1308, 98K)

Wait, IS it an edit? I just assumed the balloons were some kind of advanced 25th level kookery.

Why can't he still marry her?

That women both want to sleep with sleezy looking men but also want a dependable, good man later in life.

The comic is also saying that cannot have both and choosing one or the other groups will affect your future.

Attached: stonetoss one piece edit.jpg (540x181, 36K)

>Incel comic

It's your wife, retard. She will gain experience with you over the decades you are together.

Deeper analysis seems to imply that men like getting lied to due to porn's popularity, then. It doesn't matter if you're justifying with self-insertion, on some level, any mentally functional person is aware she's getting dicked by someone else.

he made it funny

>That women both want to sleep with sleezy looking men
That's a tranny. You can tell from the luxurious beard growth, whereas on planet Stonetoss all normal men are clean shaven (or possibly have no facial hair at all).

There's being a safe sane responsible adult that likes sex, then there's being a straight up hoe with terrible judgement and little or no regard for consequences that chalks it up to ''having fun'' ''a phase'' and ''discovering herself''.

In my experience, women who are virgins until well into adulthood tend to be really weird and closed-off about sex. At worst case averse to it. Women who have gotten it out of the way earlier know how to have fun with it and are open to trying more stuff.

ITT: virgins get mad at women fucking other people instead of them

Nah, it's just some "Go The Right Way, White Woman!" style stuff. Because this promiscuous whore had premarital sex once, she'll never ever meet a Nice Guy who'll give her a nice comfortable life and 2.5 nice white children.

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You have no experience

And? Assuming he's not married yet, it would be morally wrong for him to have any sexual experience, right?

It's okay for guys if they repent and seek out an actual mate ASAP. Women only get a little bit of oxytocin over her entire life to use for forming bonds with lovers. If she takes even one dick too many, she'll never genuinely love another man again.

>Women who have gotten it out of the way earlier know how to have fun with it and are open to trying more stuff.
Given that you're on Yea Forums saying this, you're either talking about fatfag shit, facefarts or pegging.

Thats why you dont wait until adulthood. It is only a recent phenomena that people marry late, and in particular women. Also, sex shouldn't be a central tenet of a relationship. Important, yes. But not central


>modeling your life beliefs over porn

what's wrong with wanting women to fuck me? we're weird to procreate yet roasties like you have to be snobs about it


Incels won't use this woman as a broodmare to repopulate the white race because she had premarital sex. Take that, roastie!

there's nothing wrong with wanting women to fuck you

it's understandable to be frustrated when women don't have sex with you

it's wrong to be mad that women are not fucking you, just like it's mad that you don't get invited to parties

it's sad to post about it online like an incel

it's beyond pathetic to talk like this openly irl

>"I want an experienced woman"

Attached: IMG_20190729_052745.jpg (602x585, 42K)

i don't care what you think about me.


Attached: i skeeted on it.png (625x1215, 103K)

my god the face expression on the right hand side when he says he skeeted on it

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Attached: stonetoss.png (1925x1101, 66K)

They don't like it when you call them the name they gave themselves

You would think that, but using the term incel as an insult only validates and reinforces the incel "ideology". The high IQ choice is to refrain from using meme words to describe reality.

Is posting Stonetoss comics just easy shitposting?

Yes, the guy literally gets his material by looking at the shittiest, most commonly-spammed /pol/bait and making drawings based off it.

Well Yea Forums?

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yes you should die instead tranny

shmorky already had an alter ego, there's no way he could keep up with a new one.

Attached: PSHHHHHHHHH.png (877x1009, 59K)

Well tough luck sugar-no-tits, you still haven't.

I think it's a joke about abortion.

Then don't become an unjustifiable abomination? :)


Attached: iq-and-race-comic.png (940x300, 51K)

Occasional questions are every second?

Also, I work at a place that employs lots of trans people, and basically none of them have this mentality.


Did they really make 220 of these?


Attached: antifa-shooting-comic.png (1500x500, 99K)


Attached: confederate-flag-comic.png (625x390, 44K)

This is just getting embarrassing.

>more partners proven to make long term relationships harder
>but hey guys, i want to turn my dick inside out, pls celebrate my bravery or else youre a racist

It's an alt right incel comic. You were expecting it to make sense or be funny?

How many boards did stonetoss manage to piss off?


Attached: antifa-are-terrorists-comic.png (1500x500, 75K)

just the ones that deserve it

Literally no one in this world cares what you find attractive, fatso. Nor will they.

Only Tumblr trannies get upset by Stonetoss.
Who also happen to be jannies.

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>fashies aren't people

This but unironically

t. seething slut


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>*Sips the lead paint*

Enjoy your lonely death.

is this a pet name commies have for fascists? because it sounds gay. and i doubt they want to seem like they are casting any negative light on their turd-packer allies

Compared to the latest crop of Democrat psychopaths, yeah, he is good.

Imagine trying to be a comic strip artist when your entire sense of humor is "lul triggered libtards??" and your art looks like Schmorky.
My heart goes out to this man who is surely leading a difficult life.

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there should be a mass shooting targeting men

words of wisdom. Also, always give a 1hr heads up before you mass shoot because stephen molynuex told you "vagina bad!"

im a man. my self-value is not determined by my social position. please stop thinking we arent different in this regard

god damn it I was looking for this one.

>reddit antifa edits

Attached: antifastonetoss.png (1439x2267, 448K)

be the change you want to see, brave sister

>these MADMEN want to stop tonguing the anus of rich pedophiles who dream of the day they watch me die in the streets from their guarded conclaves!

Why is "cuck" such an obvious projection?

The leftist edits of these are quite hit and miss but this one was really funny

If he isn't tapping into the funds of the "dumbest group of voters" (to quote Donald) through Patreon, I have no words.

>*Posts a low-effort bait comic*
>"Hey, this comic is low-effort bait"
I love having this conversation over and over

It's amazing how this guy can trigger so many people by using the exact same formula for every strip.

>Make strawman.
>Imply blacks are inferior, gays are hypocritical perverts, trannies are over-sensitive and suicidal, and women are shallow bitches.
>Character 1 says something and Character 2 makes a dry response that makes Character 1 start to sweat.
>Something something: Liberals burn money.
>Anifa are terrorists.
>Occasional pokes fun at the audience he caters to, which goes over their heads.

This is every comic.

>a human is the same as an object!
brain worms, the only explanation that makes sense. It's weird though because with that much of your brain eaten away you wonder how anyone could C O P E and live their life

Huh, I thought slavery was illegal

if it makes you feel better, men are by far the more targeted in all manner of violence and always have been

They want open borders and for the middle class to pay for the welfare of the entire southern half of the continent.
Who exactly is that supposed to appeal to?
>n-no theyre n
We've all watched the "debates". Its too late to pull your denialism

>anifa shooting
cool speculative fiction. too bad that el paso shooter wasn't antifa huh, awww, i no da widdle wright wing babbies wreely wreeely wish they werent but he was, awww.

>my self-value is not determined by my social position

Way to tell on yourself there, dude. But yeah, I'm sure your social isolation has zero affect on your psychological well-being.

its just as low effort as the original, lets not get too serious in our hate here


Attached: haircut-immigration-comic.png (940x300, 63K)

Too much koolaid is bad for you man

Wait, I thought /pol/ liked Muslims

Its about the Dayton shooter, you brain damaged retard.
Congrats on outing yourself as being infinitely more stupid than a Stonetoss comic.

they call it marriage now

This one goes out to you Yea Forums

Attached: Stonetoss just-be-yourself-comic.png (1500x500, 88K)

>antifa chanting "no border no wall no usa at all"
Yes, I agree, drinking the coolaid is bad for you.

They're already paying for the useless southern half of the country, at least the migrants have fuckable women. But besides closing your precious Hispanic child-rape camps, what specifically did any of the Dems say that gave you the idea that they'd open the borders?

Alright. Now post the real version.

Attached: oycp9vjg.jpg (400x396, 25K)

Flavor Aid.
The Jamestown mass suicide was with Flavor Aid.

It's called a war.

Incel humor. It's good for you if you don't get it.

>theres people on this board right now defending Inceltoss
Fucking yikes

>at least the migrants have fuckable women.
Mexico's obesity rate is even worse than America.
You're a nigger.

I'm still amazed the left hasn't been able to dox stonetoss.

Imagine being the guy who pretends to beleive this.

lmao what a waste of time

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You don't get it because you aren't an incel or a nazi, OP.

If he were to be doxxed, do you think he would be beaten up or murdered? I think a lot of people genuinly hate him

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>Woman dates you
>Has sex
>Both grow apart
>Don't marry
>She does this 10 - 15 more times

I bet you're going to say next to wait until marriage, ChristianCuck.

>your psychological well-being
im bitter and hateful but i at least i direct that inward at myself for being too cowardly to actually do something about the ills of todays disgusting world, im sure it'll turn into a nice cancer someday

i refuse to be some sputtering disgrace that deprecates who he is and the society his ancestors built over the millenia or some oblivious activist with no end goal and no chance at happiness

there is one path to happiness and we are not on it, no matter which way we go

When men started wearing noserings, there were endless questions and judgements. Soooooo take yer lumps Trannystein Monster!

That is the real version

Do we even know what the nigga looks like?

The left doesn't really dox people. It's kinda the playbook for right wingers and neolibs

we admire them, but dont exactly want to give our daughters to them

Attached: IMG_20190812_014754.jpg (1500x500, 78K)

stonetoss cant get pussy.jpg

Attached: 164.jpg (720x720, 161K)

Trump is doing the important work of rounding a few thousand up for a campaign photo-op, while deporting less than the Democrats (and hiring them under the table.)

looks more like it's for Yea Forums

Many don't know or care about nutrition, just eating to subsist. Otherwise they wouldn't eat such unhealthy carb heavy food in dozens of different varieties. Newer arrivals I know of though that have assimilated aren't getting fat as I've seen. Going to the swapmeet weekly over the past 5 years, many young couples are thin. I've seen plenty of older couples where one of the partners is obese, strangely enough most of them the guy is a fat fuck with a hot dainty wife. I'm hispanic and being fat isn't really looked down on like it is with whities.



>The left doesn't really dox people

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"So what do you think about that Hitler guy." has proven to be an ineffective pick-up line.
I'm sure he was crushed when he found out the Nazi-hotties on the internet were just larping for traffic.

>I want a haircut to make Muslim migrants feel at home.
I guess we can add that to "open the borders" and "more pineapple on this pizza please" on the big list of things nobody in the world has ever said.

I think they hate him because he's a self aware shitposter who doesn't take himself seriously and enjoys the edits
the american far left are just edgy neolibs which is why they get support from mainstream journalists

>Dayton shooter
The one who went on a shooting spree because his brother/sister was a tranny? Not sure that's something the (inexplicable) Stonetoss fanbase wants to draw attention to.

Trump has shown that all attention is good attention. You don't actually have to believe anything, just cater to the feelings of your audience.

Attached: Ben Parker.jpg (259x195, 8K)

>Dayton shooter was antifa! Brietbart told me so!


I think this is the one comic that debunks the excuse that Stonetoss is just an “ironic” Nazi. It’s sorta cryptic but it’s literally the Jewish white genocide conspiracy theory.

i love people who are literally afraid of other people being happy and comfortable

I'll make sure they arent happy or comfortable either. i purposefully pass over job applications for grumpy-ass white guys at my business and employee morale has never been better

stop startin' fights and start lookin' for lights.

i mean i wouldnt care if he was killed...but im not gonna do it.

>there is one path to happiness and we are not on it, no matter which way we go

I mean having an intimate and supportive relationship brings a good amount of happiness into most people's lives. But hey. Good on you for being too good for meaningful human connection. Really rising above it all.

sure you do neet

You're not allowed to make fun of conspiracy theories now?

>with no end goal


Yes seriously. Cancel culture is a product of social cpaital and clout chasing

he doesn't trigger shit, he's not funny and his art is bad. stop denying reality, you're overdosing on delusion.

Everything in that comic is statistically accurate. You can choose to interpret it however you want. If you see a "white genocide" in it, it tells more about you than the creator of the comic.

You seem triggered hun

Do you really think that comic is poking fun out of the conspiracy considering he's already made other comics about the subject already?

Oh btw, stonetoss if any thing is just a white supremacist considering he made a comic (I could be with this identity or with redpanels) decrying the 88 (hail hitler) holding down the 14 words.

There’s no “making fun of” here. He’s literally just illustrating it which is a good sign he believes it.

Christ, is he secretly more left-wing than the cruel Dems and more inviting to the immigrants, or is he the only thing stopping those soft hearted Dems from letting them overrun the country? You absolute troglodytes don't even have a narrative anymore

makes me laugh more than anything itt

im sorry. can you repeat that?

he shot up a boomer blue lives matter-tier bar
hours after liking tweets from people calling the el paso shooter a white nationalist extremist

He was a member of the socialist gun club and joined counterdemonstrations against the kkk in ohio
his entire twitter was spattered with RT'ing self proclaimed 'antifa' accs as well
and he put he/him in his twitter bio

If conspiracies weren't true, the left wouldn't feel threatened by them.

Which are the defining traits of Twitter, a liberal hug box, not a rightwing thing.

Why is this child talking like a twenty year old.

Star Trek?

>We need to kill the Jews before they replace us with Mexicans!

because its the persona an adult tranny came up with, otherkin sort of shit

The white side sweating nervously and the 2% representing Jews in the last panel is pretty indicative that he believes it’s a conspiracy.

>Christ, is he secretly more left-wing than the cruel Dems and more inviting to the immigrants, or is he the only thing stopping those soft hearted Dems from letting them overrun the country? You absolute troglodytes don't even have a narrative anymore
Factually he has deported less than Obama. He represents a party that has amnestied 10's of millions of them on more than one occasion.
I'm sorry if you can't do the math, and his transparent puppet-theater has you enthralled.

I bet you think he is keeping Israel in check, too.

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