*ruins discussion of your series, Forever*
*ruins discussion of your series, Forever*
Other urls found in this thread:
Rocko was the only one that wasn't complete shit
Rocko actually made sense
AT was somewhat coherent, but them kissing in the last episode overshadowed the actual finale
Korra was sloppy BS
Was Korra not confirmed on twitter or something. Compared to it, AT and Rokko are flexing. But then again, nothing compares to the meltdown Yea Forums had on Korras finale.
Korra was always shit, nothing of value was lost.
Adventure Time too.
Rocko, well, it's kind of a shame but I've been rewatching the show recently and it hasn't aged well. Meh.
You act like dumb fucks here wouldn't find something to bitch about if the "wokeness" wasn't present.
>Putting Korra in the same tier as the other two when it was so half assed and safe they had to confirm it on twitter
>lets blame the shows and not /pol/ that keep shoving the same pictures over again
yeah sure
>Sitting back and lurking while laughing at how conservatives and Trump supporters are Reeing about how a cartoon telling people that gays and trans exist is destroying society.
You guys never cease to make me laugh. Next you're gonna tell me that violent video games deserve to be banned because orange man said so and that gays are wrong because it said so in my book of fiction run by a corrupt religion that should be outlawed
>they KEEP doing this pattern of putting LGBT stuff in the finals of cartoons
>every time Yea Forums still insists it isn't a forced political agenda
You'll say the same thing next time they replace a ginger with a black person.
/pol/ doesn't give two shits about us. In fact, most boards hate us. Anytime you post a cartoon in Yea Forums, they say "go to Yea Forums". Post something like Stitch! or PPGZ at Yea Forums, "fuck off to Yea Forums with your shit adaptations". Hell, try to talk about Steven Universe: Save the Light or Adventure Time games on Yea Forums: "Nobody cares about your bad Yea Forums games".
Did you mean to post a picture of /pol/?
/pol/ was whining about the cartoon frog being a tranny and the gay rat wedding earlier, so you are wrong.
/pol/ doesn't care about the fact that it's Yea Forums, they just want to complain about trannies and gays and will look for any excuse by falseflagging as pearl-clutching mothers.
I never understood why people take that board seriously. It has incorrect in its name!
I look forward to 500 replies making excuses like "it wasnt that bad" or "the show was old anyway", ensuring this shit will keep happening.
it becomes a serious problem joking or not when they start trying to get people fired from there career to own the libs user.
I didnt realize you fags were pro censorship
Most of the people in mass media right now should be fired.
Maybe a few more shootings will get people to change their minds.
that's not your choice to make keyboard warrior nor should it be enforced.
They literally removed the "with finn and jake" part once the show started going downhill years ago, it was a steaming pile of dogshit from 2013 onwards.
Oh look, another thread about Rachel. What a surprise.
this. trans people are weird but so are furries, aspies and many many other kinds of people. even Yea Forums people. Also, the adventure time kiss is the PERFECT microcosm of what was wrong with the show, the writers liking Marc and Bubble gum more than the main character to the point where it completely overshadowed everything.
overall, there seems to be a very strange pattern of daddy issues running through a lot of animation lately.
The state of cartoons, film, television and video games are in a terrible state. The creative/artistic integrity of these platforms has taken a drastic, noticeable, quantifiable nose-dive in the name of profit. The people who produce them are responsible for this, but the drones who actually create it are content to be lorded over so long as they get to soapbox their political drivel. All of them should be cleansed.
It isn't "real" Yea Forums, the board has been overrun with tumblr refugees since that site shit itself. There's no going back to 2009 user, Yea Forums will never be love again. Now it's just trannies.
Most of this board is lurked by crypto-lefties. Even the mod is or was one.
I didnt realize you fags were pro propaganda
The AT kiss wasnt the problem with AT, it just gave retards an outlet to whine about muh gays, muh SJWs.
The problems with the finale ran way deeper but you dumb fags just want to bitch about legbutts.
>The AT kiss wasnt the problem with AT
The AT kiss demonstrated that two female characters being turned LGBT and kissing on-air was more important than the protagonist, to the point where he ended up totally alone and received no closure. How low is your IQ?
except for you brave straight white men, right?
Yeah, white men are the best. The internet (and most industries) were great when they alone ran everything. If I could press a button and make people like you disappear I would do it immediately. Go bleed out of your pretend vagina over it.
no different than tumblr faggots crying to get people fired and careers destroyed for your precious feelings, absolutely fucking pathetic.
Thanks for proving my point, fag. They even gave Finn a fucking girlfriend, but you retards werent happy because you wanted Bubblegum's ass on Finn's face.
Also did you even watch PaS? How hard were you assblasted at Stocking's taste in men?
I don't really care. I'm just waiting for the federal government to put legal bounties out on lefties so I can start shooting them and getting paid for it.
>A world that is only white men
this but unironically
you should start at your local walmart
That was a jewish false flag.
every time one of your boys goes on a rampage it's always a falseflag, right?
Its like someone hired jean simmons for their brisque!
I don't get why people get angry when "/pol/" complain about forced pandering, after all the only people to blame are the ones injecting their politic views in cartoons AKA networks and showrunners.
/pol/tards are annoying soccer moms
>its only okay when WE force our message!
>a cartoon telling people that gays and trans exist
It doesn't matter if they exist. If cartoons kept telling me that people from Luxembourg exist and patting themselves on the shoulder about it so proudly I'd get annoyed too.
I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but they keep shoving themselves into everything. They're like furries or ponyfags. There's a reason people hate those people too, because they wouldn't stop insisting on shoving their fetish into everything. There's probably more ponyfags than trans, so what if TV/shows felt a need to constantly shove stories about THAT insignificant portion of the population into everything? Having pony parades and pony flags everywhere? Dedicating entire months to ponies? Spending a sizeable portion of the Rocko special about Ralph's new ponysona? It'd be fucking obnoxious.
And repeatedly calling me a ponyphobe wouldn't change my mind.
Are you implying Mableland wasn't terrible from your related image?
>implying that transgender individuals can't identify as straight white men
You fucking bigot.
politics in cartoon have existed since the damn near dawn of the medium, sorry the states don't have middle east tier censorship laws.
So you're pro censorship.
Because getting triggered over a few minutes of something is retarded.
Korra was already low in quality because Nickelodeon fucking around with the pacing and season revivals, forcing the writers to constantly Frankenstein shit. Nobody had the show "ruined" for them because of a gay hint at the last minute.
Adventure Time had a similar case. It was already rollercoastering in quality around season 4. If you loved the show for its entire run, then Marcy and PB's kiss shouldn't have affected you because you clearly have shit taste.
And Rachel isn't played up as some woke thing for us to stand up and clap. She's in three scenes and primarily serves as an obstacle for Bighead and Rocko's shared character arc of, "being annoyed how fast everything is changing". Rachel doesn't demand people accept her, she doesn't go on a soapbox talking about trans rights, she doesn't hate her father because he doesn't want a tranny son. Just "And now... Ralph is Rachel?! Too much change!" is enough for the moral of the story.
See what I mean? Would've found a way to ruin discussion of an entire show no matter what.
AT was shit long before the kiss. everyone knew the finale was going to be garbage before it aired. the kiss just gets reactionfags in.
There's about 50 episodes of Rocko's Modern Life and a tranny only showed up once. That's 2% of the show. Sorry they couldn't get it down to 1% to exactly match the population but you're still bitching about literally nothing.
This board is just so shitty. There is so much crying about "MUH /POL/ BOOGEYMAN" at even the lightest of bait that far outweighs any actual /pol/ comments about things to the extent that it just clogs up discussion for the things that the original Yea Forums posters claim was being ruined by /pol/ to begin with. It's just a constant retarded witch hunt that causes way more damage than it fixes.
>not liking something means you're pro censorship
Retard level argument. Not liking something doesn't mean you think it should be banned. I hate pasta but I'm not asking to ban that either. I think CGI is grossly overused but I'm not thinking it should be banned either.
Gays and trannies are the furries/bronies of sexuality.
>people ruin discussion because of "reee gays"
>"dude no its totally not the same people who do this everywhere else dude lmao"
shut the fuck up and go back to shooting children you obese amerifat
then why were you calling for everyone who wrote it to be fired like some kind of maoist keyboard warrior?
It's 100% of all Rocko episodes since transgenders went mainstream.
You know full well I'm talking about modern shows... you can't shove in a bunch of episodes from the 90s with modern TV and pretend this means modern TV isn't overusing certain topics/tropes.
>shows keep shoving gay shit into your face
>"dude just accept it, if you complain you're this pic of a fat ugly guy saved to my harddrive"
Here's $5, its more money than communism ever generated, now fuck off.
Its not about you not liking something , its about you being a triggered homophobe. You guys forgot you already celebrated Arthur getting that second banned episode.
Those people work in cartoons because literally nobody else would. Nobody else would work so hard for so little respect and virtually no pay while being forced to live in the worst state in America.
>then why were you calling for everyone who wrote it to be fired
Because I'm literally not you strawmanning moron.
Why are you watching cartoons if you cant handle them?
Why do people come to this website, browse for 5 minutes and try to post despite not grasping how it works?
>I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but they keep shoving themselves into everything.
The mantra of the homophobe. You obviously give a fuck about trannies and fags, retard.
Whatever I watch I pirate unless I like the message/director.
>What's wrong with making everything about ponies?
>Hurr it's because you're a triggered ponyphobe isn't it.
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>mashes homosexuality into your face
>mashes transexuality into your face
>"I'm not racist but-"
You made everything qualify as "racist" so I dont care about being called it anymore, or differentiating between actual bigotry. You should chalk me up as a racist and someone who will never, ever be on your side or cooperate with you.
Why is it okay for Really Really Big Man to exist in this universe but not a Trans character?
>And repeatedly calling me a ponyphobe wouldn't change my mind.
See you have no real arguments so you just default to calling the other person a bigot. Shit like this is why a lot of people can't take you seriously.
Like this guy:
You're very clearly a triggered homophobe, though.
Dude if you whine about gays why are you shocked at being labeled a homophobe? More importantly, why do you care so much about being labeled a homophobe? Does it bother you to be labeled like that?
I hate it when /pol/ raids Yea Forums. I thought liberals were the ones who are supposed to get triggered by dumb shit?
>Mad Men, The Sopranos, and The Wire have gay characters
>those shows are considered classics of television and fans can discuss them without /pol/ baiting
another reason why live-action Yea Forums > cartoons
I'm going to pack every show and movie with teutonic actors or characters who goose step and praise white supremacy. If you complain you are a racist.
Way to sidestep the question, homophobe.
not him but go for it, the question is where you can host that kind of content and who would actually pay you to produce it, good luck.
China and Brazil
>eeeeehhhh sorry dipper i'm aware a bunch of people are dying outside of this bubble and that i'm the direct cause, but lookit at this 80s rad replacement i made of you!!
Good luck with that
fags die in all of those shows, nice examples.
>homophobe you can't refute
You can call me a homophobe all you want but the point is it doesn't refute anything from my original post. It's just a lame ad hominem tactic to deflect from the argument I was making. Like I said, no different from calling me a ponyphobe. Meaningless.
That wasn't the homophobe that guy was referring to. I'm apparently the "homophobe".
>Im racist- but im even more transphobic
ftfy, brokewoke
Mad Men, The Sopranos, and The Wire have characters who happen to be gay & it's plot relevant
So why are you so surprised at being called a homophobe when you're triggered at gay shit?
I hate gays so I must thank you for making everyone more likely to hate them as well. You are doing it singlehandedly.
>a piece of media praising white supremacy being hosted in china and brazil
try the internet first user it's how all independent creators share there work now a days anyway.
So does Rocko and you fags lost your minds.
Everyone can see that you're pussywhipped, yes.
exactly, the lowest common denominator attracts the stupid people to get outraged at things to give their life meaning
imagine how miserable people must be to go through life searching for things to hate
I also don't buy for one second anyone upset at Rachel watched the old show because its not as out of place as they are making it out to be
Brazil thinks they're white and China makes all their film or television 50% white at the minimum. You could unironically produce a show about white supremacy there, and if it was written & acted well enough it would probably be a big hit.
What Chinese shows about white supremacy are airring over there? Sounds like you're full of shit, my man.
>Still mad about a finale from three years ago
You're the one who sounds whipped.
>I cant read
Horseshoe theory is real.
Nah, because people would shut up about this sort of thing if there wasn't some retarded overreaction every time someone said "trannies are dumb" that leads to the constant baiting and ruining of discussions on this board. Idiots like you are your own worst enemy, I don't care about gay or lesbian or whatever shit in cartoons, I do care when I see such massive crystorms break out in response over suspected /pol/ boogeymen that ruin entire threads.
your gonna have to get some connections if you try to go through any kind of tv broadcast user, the internet is literally your less money consuming option.
Anime about Nazi Germany winning has been done many times in Japan
Neither can you dude. Why dont you give an example show to prove your point?
Japan aint China, boyo, and anime aint live action.
>So why are you so surprised at being called a homophobe
I'm not I found it completely predictable. That's why I put the line about "ponyphobes" at the end. Is that seriously that hard to understand?
>And repeatedly calling me a ponyphobe wouldn't change my mind.
You guys are fucking predictable.
But has it been portrayed as a good thing?
Every single Rockos thread since the finale has been 500 posts of tranny shitposting.
>I don't give a fuck about trans/gays
I usually don't spend hours on end talking about something I don't care about on an anime imageboard.
White supremacy plots would be way more successful in China than ones about gays because white supremacist shows wouldn't be banned by their government.
>unironically arguing about gays or trannies on the internet
When does the acceleration start? Just start shooting each other already
The ponyphobe thing seems like a pretty limp attempt to deflect from criticism. Why do you care so much about gays and trannies and why are you so upset at being labeled a homophpbe if you feel its a meaningless term?
Can you just name these white supremacy shows they have, user?
>why are you so upset at being labeled a homophpbe
Does anyone actually care about this? Nobody likes gays, they are merely tolerated. The moment they get annoying a majority of people insist they go away or make them.
It's probably going to be the status que of a Rocko thread from now on.
>can you name these shows that only exist in a hypothetical
The only thing I can name are terrible writers who jam SJW shit into programs, lowering profit margins and viewer counts. Unlike my hypothetical those actually exist.
Yeah, followed by 1000 posts of dumb outrage whining about /pol/.
>Does anyone actually care about this?
Yes, considering how hard you guys bitch about the label
i like gays, blacks, mexicans, etc. but i hate trannies, what does that make me
Ah, so you have nothing and was just blowing shit out of your ass the whole time. Okay, thanks for telling us.
The only thing I bitch about is gays not being publicly hanged yet.
Dude you just admitted you have nothing, lmao
you don't speak for everyone, i figured a poster from that old /n/ general would know this but hey time warps.
I know gays have low IQ but come on, learn to read.
>I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but
i think you hit the wrong post on the bottom there champ
>waahh waaaahhh the scary lady is wearing a costume waaaaahhh
how is that picture supposed to convince anybody of anything
Lets have a run down of shows that can no longer be discussed
No, nothing at all. Just keep listening and believing.
I love that this crossdressing demon has terrified /pol/.
All of them.
And heeeeeeeeeeeere coooooooooooooooome the infographs
hardcore damage control
>begins spamming red pills when people don't agree with you
>i just don't understand why Yea Forums hates us
I don't care about trans/gays EXCEPT when it's shoved into my face all the fucking time. I don't care about Backstreet Boys but if I constantly heard it blaring out my window I'd tell them to shut the fuck up about it because it's become an annoyance.
>The ponyphobe thing seems like a pretty limp attempt to deflect from criticism
It's not to deflect from being called a homophobe, it's to point out that calling me a homophobe doesn't refute my point. How many times do I need to explain this to you?
My point BEING that having LGBT stuff shoved in everything is annoying because it's overdone, not specifically because it's LGBT. Nearly anything can become obnoxious when you overdo it.
>muh communism
>muh children
america is the only ones consuming faggotry, so get used to it
>I don't care about trans/gays EXCEPT when it's shoved into my face all the fucking time.
So you do care about trannies and gays to the point where you have this chip on your shoulder like you're getting it shoved in your face all the fucking time.
I don't know how you're this lacking in self awareness, my dude, but you clearly care about trannie and gays.
damage control
Hello, Mr. CIA agent.
The problem comes from fags like who keep trying to argue it wasn't total absolute garbage
>It's not to deflect from being called a homophobe, it's to point out that calling me a homophobe doesn't refute my point.
It kind of does. Would you expect a racist to be unbiased when he talks about how annoying niggers are? Its the same way with homophobes and fags. I dont really trust you about that subject because you're biased and seemingly really insecure about it, to the point of freaking out about a label that identifies you as such.
At least Rocko's modern life did it before the last 5 seconds of the show.
>that violent video games deserve to be banned because orange man said so
I can't stop fucking laughing that Trump blames video games for this shit, is trying to pass an Internet censorship order that would nuke sites like Yea Forums from existing, passes gun regulation and talks about nuking the 2A by getting rid of due process. It's like he needs to shit on every single thing his supporters here value. I can't wait for him to pass an executive order that people must all worship trannies and gun down NEETs and incels to get in good with Caitlyn Jenner or some other Hollywood celebrity trainwreck since he only really cares about their opinion of him.
They didn’t give Finn a GF. It’s open ended and giving him a GF at the end would go against the message given to him.
>wanted PB’s ass on Finn’s face
Which was the fact if you stop at Mortal Recoil, but identity politics reared it’s ugly head into the shoe and once again, contradicts the lesson Finn was given and beaten into his head.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Keep arguing with those mean alt-right nazis, I'm sure that will make the board better!
>is our culture fucked by being a corpratist hell hole that allows mentally ill people to obtain military weapons to do whatever they wish with?
>no, its the CIA is doing it. cant be our fault.
But I didnt argue that it wasnt total absolute garbage you fucking retard, can you even read? I said that the episode had tons of problems. Fucking moron.
>literal seconds apart
i mean your wrong but whatever, anti lgbt laws aren't exactly in every country minus america, localization is a thing my man.
>exposing yourself this hard
your search history, hand it over.
>proving me right that you wanted FinnXPB
Fucking shipperfags, you people are retarded.
what other country produces so much faggot shows as america? the answer is none. you mutts made your bed, now lie in it.
Yea Forums likes good Yea Forums games like ducktales on NES.
>that allows mentally ill people to obtain military weapons
Found the Eurofag.
>what other country produces so much faggot shows as america?
Japan has made way way more for a long time. Like America lots are pandering to fans while others are actually made by lgbt Japanese. Not that different.
The President's only appeal now is that him winning "Owned the Libs". He hasn't kept a single promise and basically backtracked on many things, but posters on here don't care about that because him being in the office is "Owning the Libs". He's a fake novelty, nothing else.
>military weapons
This is the sort of person endorsing gay shit in cartoons.
So you guys want gay shit in cartoons censored?
Which Jezebel article told you all this shit?
I also wanted Finn and FP and a developed Finn and HW.
Fucking brainletfags refusing to look into the show they’re complaining about.
Me on the left
Your fault for watching the show when it was shit for years, faggot.
I dunno user listen to him yourself.
>this thread
all Americans are mentally ill. youve proven it by having people shot in the hundreds daily and doing absolutely nothing about it.
>I dont really trust you about that subject because you're biased
According to you it seems that getting annoyed by the overuse of LGBT makes you a homophobe. Therefore you can't listen to the person who is annoyed by the overuse of LGBT as to why they are personally annoyed by the overuse of LGBT.
So let's assume there are some people who genuinely aren't homophobic but are annoyed by it's overuse in media. You can't listen to what they have to say because apparently they can't exist.
I think it was from this guy named Donald Trump
there was nothingin the series that indicated lez. nothing. and the bs excuse of 'well, it's written by the creators but never made it on screen' is complete bullshit. nor the creators/writers saying 'well yeah of course they're scissoring nonstop and pansexual/bi/etc power!'
All Europeans should be killed.
>wont someone please think of the children!
One angry gamer is a leftist false flag.
Go fuck yourself Boomer
Yeah pretty much. I mean that's standard for politicians but Trump is embarrassing and keeps tanking the stock market by tweeting stupid shit (unless he's making $$$ on manipulating it which is possible), it'd be doing a lot better if anyone but him was in right now, plus America self-destructing on the world stage and becoming a joke, no country respects the U.S. any more and now the leader is gonna have to be fucking China of all countries instead. Trump was really fucking funny for about a year but even as a fat old fuck joke he's used and busted
>According to you it seems that getting annoyed by the overuse of LGBT makes you a homophobe.
To the point where you feel like they're "shoving it into your face constantly" yeah you come off like a homophobe.
Do you feel that homophobe is a legitimate label that can apply to certain people or do you think its SJW nonsense?
>he's against gun violence
Fuck off, white supremacist
Call me a homophobe, whatever.
Can't engage with you on the original topic when you keep turning the point to "dude but you're totally a homophobe".
>all Americans are mentally ill
I mean most are yeah
>inb4 people who can't refute your data just call you a racist or whatever ad hominem
user, why are you so racist against black people?
I mean since Trump is going on about how evil video games are again it just proves he's been consistent in his "video games bad!" position for a decade which is practically the most consistent he's been on anything.
Don't forget "video games bad! we should ban all video games!" is the standard Fox News talking point.
Korra was already ruined by the time Season 2 happened, then Season 4 was just icing in the disaster.
Adventure Time had gone with such a bad trilogy of bad seasons that the finale week people felt more and more dissapointed.
But Rocko's reveal didn't really kill the movie, or was a sign of the worst to come, especially because it's obvious the movie was a one and off thing.
It's just a way to distract from gun control. We all know he's not going to do jack shit. You can't act like Trump is beholden to big business and then pretend violent video games aren't a big business.
Nobody is taking them away.
kill yourself loser your media has ruined all that good about the human race
I can't believe humanity was being held together by the threads of Arthur and Adventure Time.
it being held up by pushing subhumans like yourself down
>dude its 5d chess lmao
Or Trump is just an impotent boomer.
You didnt answer the question. I think you're being disingenuous when you say you dont care about gays and trannies but I'm at least willing to talk to you about this. Not sure what you expected from this thread my man, but if you dont want to get calles a homophobe dont whine about gay shit being shoved in your face. It sounds super gay to do that btw.
Trump doesn't do anything for rational or logical reasons, dude has straight up dementia which isn't really his fault but he only acts on tantrums and has the attention span of a toddler. If Tucker Carlson called him and told him to ban all video games he'd put an executive order out tomorrow damn the consequences. That's what you get when an Alzheimer's patient is in power and surrounds himself with other idiots who can't mitigate it like they could with Reagan.
In her mind, she probably didn't want someone uptight like Dipper to tell her no.
stop breathing gay you are a genetic dead end with no value
Gays arent sterile, dumb user.
This poster is a non-American, you can tell by his general retardation.
All media is pandering just because its not pandering to doesn't make it forced
Call me a homophobe. Don't. Whatever. Stop acting like I care about my reputation on an anonymous imageboard. The thing is people can't discuss things with you if you keep going
>"You're a homophobe, thus your arguments are invalid."
>"But I'm not."
>"But you totally are stop being defensive."
and refuse to talk about their original points.
>Do you feel that homophobe is a legitimate label that can apply to certain people or do you think its SJW nonsense?
Sure of course there are people who hate gays. I think the ___phobe part is stupid though because hate != fear.
So answer me this, why do you seem to think only homophobes can get tired of LGBT in media? Whether you want to believe it or not there are a lot of people who are sick of stuff like that, despite legitimately not being bigots.
>He hasn't kept a single promise
You're legitimately stupid
But you clearly care or you wouldnt be this bothered.
A single post has triggered a lot of responses, all of them confirming what we all know.
You should look up the definition to phobia, by the way. It means an unnatural fear or aversion.
When is Mexico paying for that wall?
That its pretty weird and contradictory to say "I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but they keep shoving themselves into everything"? I agree.
That user isn't going to answer that question. It would mean having to look himself in the mirror and realize all the fucked up parts of himself.
Not exactly. Just that critizicing a perpetual victim is a waste of time.
To be honest I was on my phone in line and didn't really spend that much time on it my reply - you can even see that I did that little "by the way" because I posted to early. I'd be happy to answer it though.
But yeah to answer this user:
If you're tired of seeing any LGBT in media, yeah, you're probably a homophobe, and I use you in the general sense. Its one thing to complain about forced diversity quotas or badly written characters, but a gay character shouldn't make you legitimately upset. And if you're not upset, why are you complaining about it? It doesn't add up to me, user.
>a perpetual victim
You mean conservatives on Yea Forums?
Wendy and Soos had Dipper's back too until Mabel bribed them with things they wanted. MABEL, a main protagonist, not Bill.
I didn't know things stopped being bad because some time pasted, user.
>You mean conservatives on Yea Forums?
No, homosexuals and transexuals.
Conservatives are pretty gay, so I don't get the difference.
Yeah, Mabel was a bitch.
Pretty aesthetic couple though
Homosexual conservatives sucks cock in the privacy of their home.
You do it in a parade in front of hundreds.
If it ruins discussion of your series, you were discussing it with retards.
>You do it in a parade in front of hundreds.
I think I would remember sucking dick in public in front of a crowd. Do you have any photos? You might be confusing me with someone else.
No, user. You are that type of person. Don't deny it.
Are you coming on to me, user? I'm sorry, but I'm taken.
>If you're tired of seeing any LGBT in media
I'm not tired of seeing "any" LGBT characters in media. You're acting as if having some random side character happen to be gay is the same as devoting a huge portion of a special people have been waiting 20 years for to a trans story arc specifically about being trans. There's clearly a difference, you don't understand that?
The problem people have is the forced nature of this sort of political pandering.
So does "I will be the most LGBT-friendly president in history" and "Give everybody better, cheaper health care" not count as unkept promises since nobody with any sense believed them in the first place?
>I'm not tired of seeing "any" LGBT characters in media
I'm going off what you said, though. You said you're tired of having gay characters shoved in your face.
And really, was a huge part of the special devoted to a trans story arc? I didn't get that impression from the special at all.
>The problem people have is the forced nature of this sort of political pandering.
"Forced", you're hitting all the cliches my dude.
It's cliche because it keeps feeling forced. That's why people are tired of it.
The last 2 Yea Forums-related things I watched were Rocko and Archer. I have never once gotten "upset" about the character of Ray in Archer being gay. It's not about "gay characters simply existing".
>And really, was a huge part of the special devoted to a trans story arc?
It's literally the first and last genres that Netflix list it as. They went through the trouble of hiring an LGBT "expert" to make sure they did it without offending LGBT. They apparently leaked it to news outlets with full screenshots because they wanted it to be a big deal. It's not just some one-off joke or subtle side thing.
>hurr durr homophobia
>hurr durr transphobia
Oh for fucks sake, not this again...
Jesus christ you people are everywhere, aren't you?
People are allowed to not like things, whether it's because it feels forced, feels like pandering, feels like it's everywhere/shoved down their throats, tired of seeing company after company using the same old tactic to reel in new consumers, or just don't like seeing currently-highlighted and already-overblown real-world issues/struggles being portrayed in their cartoons.
Not liking this recent, massive push for progressivism and left politics in media and actually not liking actual LGBT/non-white individuals themselves is not the same.
I fucking hate that these facts have to be relevant and that they're required to make opinions valid nowadays, and that I have to constantly step in to defend others from this kind of retardation, but I'm a trans guy, as well as a male-preferring bisexual.
My thoughts?
I personally feel like, in media, we've been reduced to selling points. Ever since the success of Steven Universe, and seeing the intense praise it's gotten for it's "inclusiveness", it feels like nearly every show is trying to jump on that marketing bandwagon in one way or another, regardless if it fits or not.
And that it's OKAY FOR PEOPLE TO NOT FUCKING LIKE IT. I can understand every single reason listed above and making their opinions out to be invalid, or making them out to be bad people for having them is just going to make it harder for trans/gay/bis to actually be properly accepted. All you're doing is making us look petty and drive away people who may otherwise support us, so stop whoring brownie points.
>That's why people are tired of it.
You say "people" but I'm not really sure how large of a group you're referring to. Static Cling had a really positive reception, so it doesn't seem like people are tired of it.
Also Static Cling was written before Netlix picked it up. You're really showing how misinformed you are here, my man.
>If you're tired of seeing any LGBT in media, yeah, you're probably a homophobe, and I use you in the general sense. Its one thing to complain about forced diversity quotas or badly written characters, but a gay character shouldn't make you legitimately upset. And if you're not upset, why are you complaining about it? It doesn't add up to me, user.
I wish I saw this comment before I posted Fucking stop, please.
I'm tired as shit of LGBT media being thrown into every little thing, and I'm part of the community myself, so fuck off.
You can dislike whatever you want, dude, but if you're going to whine about fags and trannies you're going to likely be called a homophobe, because that's what homophobes do.
We can't judge them tho, this board is trash latelly now Starautists found their Shieeeet version of the show to spam.
Whining about pandering to fags and trannies is not the same as whining about fags and trannies. Pandering quickly becomes obnoxious regardless of who it is aimed at.
Sure, but when you say stuff like ">I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but they keep shoving themselves into everything" you're complaining about gays "shoving themselves into everything" and by extension, complaining about gays.
This isn't rocket science.
>and that gays are wrong because it said so in my book of fiction run by a corrupt religion that should be outlawed
Ebin upvote my fellow redditor
Korra and AT was bullshit because NONE of the girls were lesbians to begin with.
But then again, Korra was a genuinely bad show which only good part was the worldbuilding, so they had to gain attention whenever they could (and chickened out of it anyway. Twitter my ass, it was subtext at best, meaning you don't wanna see it, you won't see it).
AT was braver in that regard, but yet again they only started to ship them, once the series jumped the shark.
Basically it's sweep weeks all year round nowadays. Once a show goes bad, expect straight women turning bisexual, so that the low quality of a show gets overshadowed by a nontroversy.
>I didn't know things stopped being bad because some time pasted, user.
You should at least stop being angry about it over time.
Fag creators pandering to fags. It is still the pandering that is the problem, not the fags.
you dumb tranny nigger go dilate and do some reading comprehension while your at it. also kys
Tumblr. Bryke had to come out and state that they were in lesbians because of how ambiguous it was in the finale.
Another day, another ESL /pol/babby insisting /pol/ posters are boogeymen
So wait, you want to limit the content that fags can make? Fags aren't allowed to make gay characters? We're back to you guys being pro-censorship.
I'm not a tranny though. Also not sure what that screencap is supposed to show, user.
honestly you rarely ever see black/brown females in interracial relationships, so I accuse that of helping the aesthetic.
Plus, Korra and Asami are hot. I wish there were an animation of them fucking. Seriously, why has nobody animated them fucking?!
Creating != Pandering
>but I'm a trans guy, as well as a male-preferring bisexual
I'm one of the guys getting a ton of the "homophobe" comments thrown at me, which is strange because I don't seem to hate you at all and completely agree with your post. It's ALMOST as if I'm judging you based on your character instead of labels.
You can like and hate people of all types without it being a fucking prejudice thing.
The Avatar and the head of a major company. Pretty good power couple. Really the only thing that lets them down is lack of development in-show, otherwise Korra and Asami are fine.
If you have to go in the internet and explain then that just says you did a shitty job showing the audience what was going on and wanted brownie points
>Also Static Cling was written before Netlix picked it up
Yeah dude I fucking know. That doesn't change what I said. The Netflix labels show that it's not just so-called "homophobes" who consider the LGBT stuff in the movie to be a big deal.
FUCK trannies.
Okay, I'm going to be honest, I'm a tranny and I spent all weekend posting stupid anti-trans comments in these threads both for the lulz and to make right-wingers look bad. Is ANYBODY here who is sincerely seething about the trans frog, or do we all just really need to dial back the shitposting?
Then why is it only homophobes whining about it? The special is well received critically.
Based and red pilled.
A shame people won't engage much with what you're saying because they can't just disregard it by calling you a homophobe.
>"Then why is it only homophobes whining about it?"
>"only homophobes"
Why don't you respond to what
>"I'm tired as shit of LGBT media being thrown into every little thing, and I'm part of the community myself, so fuck off"
when are you guys going to realize you are brains inside of pods like those Martians from The War of the Worlds and stop shoving stupid shit into media
it's okay to make a message but pandering is just fucking annoying
why can't any of you talk about anything but this
cry about it
Korra and AT was shit.
Rocko Special, while hammered the moral a bit too hard, was good and the LGBT addition actually made sense and added to the story as a whole.
I honestly can’t tell if it’s shitposting or actual upset people. Either way, it’s annoying.
Trying this hard has to be exhausting. How long did it tid it take to shit that one out?
>ruins discussion of your series, Forever
Yet there is another thread about this subject here over and over and over and over and, you got the idea at this point.
Rocko special was decent.
Korra and AT finale's are still objectively garbage.
This is a child's show and I'm tired of pedophilia and childfucking being normalized
>*browses the cunny central that is Yea Forums*
What did he mean by this?
It isn't forced because these shows often wanted to show the relationship, but they had future seasons to worry about. When a show is ending, not only do you go into "now or never" mode, you're given more leeway with what you can show as job security isn't much of an issue anymore. It isn't "forced".
So you're admitting all the faggot defenders in this thread are promoting pedophilia?
>He typed in the board in which several threads are dedicating on lewding cunny everyday
The vast majority of comments about the special have been about the trans bit. No one is talking about any jokes from it, it's all about the tranny bit whether you love it or hate it.
In comparison, you could look at a show like Archer that has a gay character and people would post clips from the show just enjoying it being funny. That just isn't happening here with Rocko.
Dumb user.
Technically the ones who ruined discussion were the people who didnt just deny these scenes happened and ignore them, as god intended.
see Thread is full of Jeffery Epsteins and trannies. Now the only thing left for you is suicide. Don't let me hold you up, go ahead.
>What happens on Yea Forums is morally equal to what happens in ones own community and broader society
Thats just retarded.
Peak alt-retard humor. Might as well make the identify as helicopter meme while your streak is hot, grandpa.
>He thinks cartoons are real life
Actually retarded and tumblr pilled.
You're the one that should commit seppoku fag.
Fucking yikes.
Can’t you just skip all of these? AT went to shit long before the kids.
The AT one is probably the best example of actually ruining the show for people, since it revealed so much about how the writers actually felt about the characters. For a while people could debate whether the characters really were being that bad about how they treated Finn, then suddenly you get a firm bit of evidence with the whole finale that the writers by that point pretty much hated everything people thought was fun about him.
If you don't agree dont watch it, no one forced you to watch it nigger, no one told you to watch it. So don't Bitch and moan about it.
The vast majority of discussion on Yea Forums, sure.
You cripplechan niggers are so obvious.
>2D porn is just like actual CP
You should kill yourself.
But unironically.
Most trans people I've seen on Twitter hate pedos tho
It's only a matter of time cuckchan is taken down now that we're all bored and censored. We'll make you famous.
Gonna shoot up another walmart?
Fuck off, glownigger
What the actual fuck are you talking about
what in the actual fuck is a "glownigger" a glow in the dark black man?
>People complain tumblrinas are here trying to stealth change board culture while right wing fuckheads are out here openly doing it
>not knowing Terry Davis, creator of the greatest OS ever made
They've been disingenuous hypocrites from the start.
I sometimes forget Yea Forums is a lost cause.
It use to be funny, now its just depressing.
Projection is a winning strategy, user
You can’t accuse me of what I’m doing if I accuse you louder
Honestly I didn't think that was needed. It wasn't particularly ambiguous unless you live a very sheltered life.
How long have you been here, newfren? This place used to not have actual trannies telling everything disagreeing with them to have sex while they promoted childfucking
Only if its anime.
Because fuck Japan, amiright.
Genital mutilation is crossing the line for many.
Yeah the idea that the REAL old Yea Forums has always gotten offended about making fun of trannies is a joke.
Does this board even have mods?
you forgot her
This website used to have a loli board, newfag
Keep trying to act cute. We already won in Europe. Insha allah we come for you soon.
Why do you guys like to roleplay so much?
Prove I'm not muslim? You got photos? I'm waiting.
I'm the goat you fucked last night, and your peepee is smol
>This conversation isn't going my way!
Literally rebbit.
Enjoy your rang ban
>either you get triggered over cartoon lesbians or you're a tranny and a childfucker
But calling people nazis for anything other than being actual German nazis is going too far, right?
Cry more loser.
You guys are literal redditors though.
But you're making me laugh.
Getting triggered by a gay frog, lmao
where have I seen that before
The answer is simple, we destroy the entire human race.
>This place used to not have actual trannies telling everything disagreeing with them to have sex while they promoted childfucking
There used to be a literal loli board and one of the "queens of Yea Forums" was actually trans (no not boxxy).
>Comparing the absolute fucking hilarity of Tranny Phantom to a bunch of literal nothing
I don't think you can simultaneously paint a man as Adolf Hitler and a delusional, hallucinating dotard. He's either a threat or he isn't. Talk to your manager and revise the script.
I mean the middle one was foreshadowed
Korra was the only one that actually seems hamfisted
Yet we still come here.
it's just market trends Yea Forumsmrade
>complain about "political agendas"
>make thousands of threads and derail perfectly good threads by shoving their agenda down our throats
I just want to enjoy my cartoons ;_;
They want to believe Trump somehow succeeded in business, television, and politics all while being a failure who has no clue what he's doing. The most dangerous enemy is the one you underestimate.
Hitler was a delusional hallucinating dotard. Dude just got lucky and rose to power in a country that was still learning the ropes of the whole "democracy" thing and kinda wanted Kaiser 2.0.
execute everyone who approved this cancer
remember when Yea Forums called Yea Forums "the friendliest board on Yea Forums"?
kinda hilarious in hindsight
Bubbline was a case of fucking over Finn and meshing two straight characters together so the writer could be “stunning and brave” for 15 minutes before fading into irrelevancy
>Succeeded in business, television, and politics
He was born absurdly wealthy and had lawyers on hand to advise him on how to best game the system to get more money. Oh, and he had a dad willing to throw more money at him when he ran into trouble. He's a narcissistic sociopath, so it came pretty naturally for him to lie left and right to inflate his own image. That didn't take great talent on his part, just journalists too shitty to bother checking to see if the numbers he threw around were real. He succeeded in politics by running against the worst candidate any major party ever produced, even then failing to get the popular vote, and never managed to pull to 50% approval even when the universe handed him chances to improve his image if he could just stop being an ass for a couple weeks.
>They want to believe Trump somehow succeeded in business
He was worth negative $295 million dollars in a growth economy until literally Russians bailed him out. Trump is objectively terrible at business. There's even a saying in the business world: "Everything Trump touches dies."
Maybe so, but bubbline is still dogshite and you’re not proving me wrong you fag
>somehow succeeded in business, television, and politics all while being a failure who has no clue what he's doing
It is entirely possible to fail upward if you surround yourself with enough sycophants, cut enough corners, and screw over enough people.
The idea that success is always earned is antithetical to reality.
I wish they do this more often to spite you and your murderous kind.
>can't refute anything so bring in a more convenient conversation that's non-sequitur considering Trump wasn't called Hitler
You are so dumb.
>becomes the president of the most powerful country in the world
>h-he's a f-failure!
>Trump wasn't called Hitler
If you're going to lie, at least choose something believable.
Which is why The Apprentice is his only success story and even as president of the United States he will not shut the fuck up about it.
isn't Rachel an adult?
>he didn't have any illegal help to become president!
>what's your argument for that.
>my argument is that he became president so he's just naturally good at success!!!!!!
We have an entire report by a veteran Republican war hero that took down the mob telling you that you're wrong.
Spy was the first to mention Hitler in this thread. I thought he/you meant that that user had called him Hitler, but you're going with an angle that's easily disproven by this thread. How stupid.
>There's probably more ponyfags than trans
The really funny thing about this is that you're probably right.
If you come to Yea Forums and unironically cry for moderators to save you because a conversation isn't going your way, you are significantly worse than a redditor.
Because you already have a website where you can be censorship-obsessed soi chugging numale faggot: it's called reddit.
Demanding Yea Forums be the same way makes you... can you guess...? a fucking redditor.
There's more trans than redheads yet you cry whenever a redhead gets changed into an actual normal person.
>If it wasn't for those Russians posting memes on Facebook Trump would have never become president!
Also Mueller had to admit to a judge they had no proof Russians were involved with the emails.
That's right you dumb tranny; reality didn't exist before this thread was created. You are a very clever person.
>wtf you want rules to be enforced on your website?? no i SHOULD be allowed to post here while i'm underaged!!! fuck yuou MOMMMM
You're the one astroturfing acting as though Yea Forums hasn't been shitting on trannies for years before muh culture war.
Yeah redheads being unrepresented is the ONLY reason people hated the change. It couldn't have been because they changed the classic look of an already established character.
>Yea Forumsmblr tranny jannies
>enforcing the actual rules
he never had any illegal help
no collusion no obstruction
Thanks for proving you didn't read the report. You probably kept your head in the sand about those hacked voting machines in Florida, too. I bet you know about them but pretend they don't exist because then you can't pretend it's just about Facebook memes. Money, hacks, exploitation, the Russians did it all for Trump. And you just let them because, what? To win an internet argument against an anonymous person you think is a liberal? Well good job, now you don't get anything you want in exchange for your whole democracy getting undermined by a foreign power. Hope it was worth it, retard.
You're fucking pathetic.
Trump always had illegal help.
>muh collusion
Collusion is not a legal term, you don't get charged for collusion for the same reason you don't get charged for "smorgasbording", because it's not a charge in the first place.
>no obstruction
Obstruction is in itself a crime because it impedes and disrupts the investigation into the original crime. Saying that obstruction is not a crime because the original crime isn't proven is pure monkey nonsense logic.
unga bunga me make post
>random screenshot
Good job, how about actually reading the report.
>We understand the FBI believes that this operation enabled [Russian military intelligence] to gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government
And if they got one, it's certain they got more.
Pathetic AND illiterate.
>h-he's a f-failure!
JFK became president and he needed that in his life like a hole in his head. Nixon became president and it ruined him so badly that you couldn't even find his death date in encyclopedias for years after he died because nobody gave a shit. I had to do a report on that fucker in the pre-wiki era and I knew he was dead, but I couldn't fucking find when with a fucking library card and multiple digital home encyclopedias. Harding was a walking shitshow.
Literally all winning the presidency means is you were popular with the right people in the right places.
>wtf he didn't buy my random edited screenshot and used a real quote from the real report... oh no no no... i'll just use ad hominem that will show him!!!
Good job, you have no arguments.
And you're throwing around wild accusations based on sweeping generalizations no one in this thread embodies. Genius.
That's literally a screen grab from the real report.
Retards like (You) are why Trump is going to win in a landslide.
Fuck off, newfag.
>"DeSantis said that the “intrusion” by Russian hackers did not affect any vote tallying, which is handled on a completely different system. He also said there is no evidence that the hackers were successful in altering any of the data that they accessed.
>“There was no manipulation, or anything, but there was voter data that was able to be got,” DeSantis said.
Don't pretend that non-government related Russians trying to get people's personal info is the same as changing the election totals. You guys cling to everything some random Russians did as a desperate coping mechanism to deny the realty that Trump won the election. You're an idiot if you think other countries weren't doing the same. Countries like China have done far more but you ignore it because it doesn't fit the narrative fed to you.
>no one ever called Trump Hitler
Apparently you have brain damage, because the rest of us remember the last election.
>Posting a screencap from 2012 means you started posting in 2012
Amazing deduction skills.
And yet we get dozens of poorly hidden Yea Forums threads and Yea Forums threads on here.
Stop deflecting by going "r-read the report". Have you actually read the whole thing or just speaking out your ass about the conclusions as fed to you by the news and social media?
The report makes it clear no vote tallies were changed.
Needing to lurk fucking moar makes you a newfag. I don't give a damn when you started posting.
Have a screencap from 2013, also before muh Gamergate culture war.
They're like gambling addicts; they're in too deep to just take the loss, and make the loss exponentially worse.
>i'm the direct cause
is she bill now
These idiots just parrot back the same talking points they've heard elsewhere.
Their method for deciding if something is true:
>if make trump sound bad = TRUE
>if make trump sound good = FALSE
>someones favourite show was korra
Because apparently, people here think there's such a thing as "honorary Yea Forums". But try posting OG Teen Titans on Yea Forums asking, "How do you feel about Western anime?" and watch how fast it gets fucking deleted.
I don't know why this is the only board where people just think anything goes and random on-topic threads get deleted for no reason.
Notice they didn't make a big deal about "Russian meddling" until AFTER they lost. Obama and Hillary were saying the election CAN'T be rigged (even after Hillary claimed Russians stole the emails). A few months later and they're all saying the complete opposite because they needed it as a coping mechanism.
Biggest case of mass sore loser syndrome ever.
When will /pol/fags learn that western cartoon is just not for them.
Ever since the 90s it was trying to be invasive, they were just too young to notice that it was shitting on the conservative values of the time. But now that they grew and are conservative themselves they should just move on to entertainment more accepting of their ilk.
>When will /pol/fags learn that western cartoon is just not for them.
Oh they know. Pic-related was from a Rocko thread earlier there. /pol/ is too busy talking about elite pedo-rings and the destruction of Western civilization than to give much of a fuck about cartoons.
That's what the "go back to /pol/" posters don't understand.
Sounds like you need to dilate.
How the fuck is this thread still up?
Why wouldn't it be?
Rocko was never good. Neither were Cow and Chicken, Catdog, Real Monsters, and Angry Beavers.
Wrong, dilate beats everything, because it makes trannies kill themselves.
Because it isnt about comics or cartoons.
Because theyre fake ass 'fans' using this as an excuse to bitch about nothing. The show has had far worse than trannies in its previous run before these fags were even born.
>RML isn't a cartoon
dial8, then 40%
>Cow and Chicken
eh it had it's funny moments
>Real Monsters
to be fair it made use of Klasky Csupo's shitty character designs
>Angry Beavers.
now you're just trolling
How have these and incel not been filtered yet?
This thread isnt about RML.
You're only proving OP right.
Yes it is.
dial8, then 40%
People died for this?
Because this is the safest board for people to post to after being scared off by /pol/ and Yea Forums because normies come in, and they think, "Hey, I used to watch cartoons", so they'll post their shit on here; not realizing that the board topics are supposed to be topics and not suggestions like a fucking discord.
faggots hate /pol/ because they can actually talk about the subject of the thread
they are the last board capable of doing that.
So you got called racist a lot and instead of wondering if you were doing something racist you just decided to not care?
>"But I'm not."
Declaring yourself not homophobic is like declaring yourself a nice person; it's not really a label that you can self proclaim and can only be placed on you by others in accordance to how you act. We can all try our best to be nice but ultimately if you are a nice person or not will be determined by others, not by yourself.
The same goes for being racist, homophobic, all that stuff. And just like how you would second guess someone who calls themself a nice person others are gonna second guess you when you proclaim that you are definitely not homophobic.
What are you saying?
you know it would be fine if the hacks didn't make it the focal point right?
>it's not really a label that you can self proclaim
Just like you can't proclaim yourself the opposite sex. Funny how that works out.
I know that's why I didn't even bother saying "I'm not homophobic" except in that imagined scenario. Like I said
>"Call me a homophobe. Don't. Whatever."
I already know saying "I'm not homophobic" won't accomplish anything but get me called a homophobe some more. Point being if they wanted to keep making the discussion about whether I'm homophobic or not than I'm not going to bother. Talk about the points I'm making rather than just repeatedly going "you're homophobic" because than the discussion won't go anywhere.
Nice guys and homophobes getting triggered.
If you say "I'm not a homophobe but I'm sick of gay stuff being shoved in my face" you're a homophobe who is just scared of being labeled as such.
What got you called a homophobe was saying you were tired of gays forcing themselves into media.
Yeah if I'm a homophobe because I'm sick of LGBT stuff than fine. You're only forcing more people to identify themselves as homophobe. Good job, really worked great just like how you overused "you're a racist!"
Is the trans/bisexual person from earlier a homophobe too?
>Yeah if I'm a homophobe because I'm sick of LGBT stuff than fine.
So then why are you so assblasted about the label? Am I not quoting you correctly? Are you not sick of gays being shoved in your face and gays forcing their way into media? That's what you claimed here:
Also for someone who doesnt give a fuck about gays or trannies like you claimed, you sure seem invested in this thread. I have a question for you - can you name any gay cartoon characters you actually like? Do you actually have any?
>Is the trans/bisexual person from earlier a homophobe too?
If they're just a normal person rping as a tranny/bi dude, then yeah. Otherwise they're just a moron.
I doubt that there are more trans than gingers.
Dykes are fucking scum and you man hating shitbags deserve to burn for forcing yourselves into cartoons so heavily
>an you name any gay cartoon characters you actually like? Do you actually have any?
Ray from Archer. Shoreleave from Venture Bros. Feel free to name more if you want to know if I like them. Not that it matters.
>If they're just a normal person rping as a tranny/bi dude, then yeah
Knew you'd refuse to believe LGBT can actually think like that. They apparently have to conform into your way of thinking. I'm non-white, if they kept shoving in references to my nationality in cartoons in such a self-congratulatory way I'd think it'd be extremely cringe.
>Not that it matters.
You have a very fatalistic approach to conversations.
>Knew you'd refuse to believe LGBT can actually think like that.
Like what? Self hating morons? i already said that's what I believed the guy to be. If you're wanting to press me further on if I believe there are gay hating trannies and tranny hating gays, sure, that's absolutely true. But all of that falls by the wayside since this was a conversation about you saying you were sick of gays forcing their way into media.
If you heard someone on the subway saying they were sick of gays forcing their way into media, do you think it would be a fair assumption that the person saying it had issues with gay people? I don't really get why you're so adamantly opposed to the idea that such an expression is a sign of caring about gays and trannies.
Only total faggots say cringe btw, so I guess it is possible that maybe you're a self hating gay.
And yet, it's okay for some people to scream how they're tired of "all media" having straight romances and are never called heterophobes.
Two things.
1."Wokeness" is just cheap shock and awe bullshigt losers use to get views and attention from angry fucking losers
2.LGBTQA shit is being whored out by complete fucking scumbags at the behest of people who are hard at work gaslighting children and tweens. No, I'm not kidding.
3.LGBTQA being pushed in childrens shows is an easy way to get money power and influence and work in cartoons now.
Why do you think "bryke" was able to get their shitty tv shows on netflix.
If you want to go around twitter calling people heterophobes, be my guest dude.
>LGBTQA shit is being whored out by complete fucking scumbags at the behest of people who are hard at work gaslighting children and tweens.
Would you like to elaborate further?
Im sick of dykes being shoved into cartoons at the expense of male characters. Bubbiline is explicit anti male propaganda and you man hating dykes should be outsed from ruining cartoons. Same goes for jackie lynn and dyke ra.
Prove it. Give me a source. Give me someone whistleblowing. If I were to make claims that big pharma companies are doing some underhanded schemes as a way to push doctors to prescribe drugs on patients, I would be able to pull up reports on it. If I were to say that the academic field has been plagued by political correctness and people have tested the system by writing fake papers lining up with their agenda to get effortlessly published, I could point to you groups of people who did it. If I wanted to say that Disney pushes their crew to discuss agenda talking points in interviews by giving a list of "Do's and Don'ts", I can link to an interview of Tom Hanks pulling out the Disney list.
Now you need to prove whatever babble is coming out of your mouth, otherwise it's just a theory you have with no actual evidence other than you trying to insist "It can't be coincidence". That's not how it works.
Hey, guess what, it's viewed as "not okay". If only you read the first four words in my post.
What, calling people heterophobes? Have you done that before? That's pretty funny.
But I dunno dude, you seem incredibly sullen about this whole conversation, so I'm not really sure what you want from me. You ignored the question I asked, by the way: If you heard someone on the subway saying they were sick of gays forcing their way into media, do you think it would be a fair assumption that the person saying it had issues with gay people?
I never did that?
>That's what the "go back to /pol/" posters don't understand.
you're forgetting the fact all this happening bullshit has brought back a million /pol/ browsing tourists who have not only put /pol/ back at #1 in activity after months of being behind /pol/, but have also spread out into all other boards. I've noticed a rise of /pol/ based shitposting on Yea Forums too (to say nothing of autists trying to start epstein threads on the video games board). The ones who are actually here though will discuss Yea Forums stuff but with a /pol/ based slant
because they aren't spammed nonfucking stop like soi was, though imo they are leagues more retarded, I would also say that about /pol/acks tranny obsession which is the dumbest one yet.
calling literally everything you don't like a tranny is just retarded, I want back to the days of plain old shill or even JIDF
I never said Trump was Hitler. He's not. Hitler was more capable and together overall, although he was heavily drugged and obviously had major fucking problems, but in a much more challenging environment and situation by a thousand times. Oh yeah and all the mass-murdering stuff.
Trump is dangerous because he has dementia and can't make rational choices, he's distracted by random shiney objects and mostly sits around watching tv, eating fast food, and ranting all day about teevee celebrities he loves and hates. Typical in a retirement home but he shouldn't be President. If he is, he should have incredibly competent people around him to run everything instead. He doesn't. That's why he's dangerous and scary. If you put someone senile in for a few years, it could be just fine, or it could be catastrophic, and it might be decades before we find out what the impact is if anything.
He was born super-rich, kept getting bailed out by his dad, friends, banks, and probably yeah sketchy mod money laundering shit like a fuckton of real estate guys in NYC did all the time. He mostly made money by being a con man who plays "generic rich guy" even when he was up to his eyeballs in debt and just sold his name and image as a brand. That's a smart move by lifelong wealthy don't neccessarily come up with any of those ideas themselves, they have handlers from day one who are professionals paid to prop up people born into money, so it can be hard to tell how much he did right. I mean the thing he was known by when he won the election was being on a reality tv show where he played a character and the shit wasn't even real, like in almost all reality tv.
Americans are just dumb.
Well also cripplechan is down so we have plenty of tourists and retards crawling back to cuckchan.
Korra discussion was already shit by the time season 2 ended.
>he has dementia and can't make rational choices, he's distracted by random shiney objects and mostly sits around watching tv, eating fast food, and ranting all day about teevee celebrities he loves and hates
I'm pretty sure you just described yourself here.
>Like what? Self hating morons?
Dude being tired of LGBT pandering doesn't make them self-hating. You apparently have a hard time understanding things from another person's point of view.
Imagine you were in a classroom, and the teacher kept calling on you and making a big point about how great YOU are specifically just because of some superficial reason. They clearly are putting too much attention on you and showing interest because of some specific aspect of yourself you had NO control over. Other students are noticing and getting resentful/annoyed about all your attention. You don't see how you might feel self-conscious and dislike this?
Some people just want to be treated as regular people, not a political pawn to be fawned over. The fact that you think that person must be "self-hating" is disgusting and says a lot about you.
>do you think it would be a fair assumption that the person saying it had issues with gay people?
No, because forcing gays into the media is also coupled with shitty clickbait and pandering by the studios who are often overblowing their wokeness for brownie points even though it's often done in the most inoffensive and least groundbreaking way. That's why, "I'm sick of gay pushing in the media" is a completely different sentence from "I'm sick of gays".
Nobody is complaining about gay characters in Steven Universe, Clarence, Gumball, She-Ra, whatever. We're complaining when a hetero character is randomly shown to have a gay crush. Or when Simpsons showrunners are forced to push "Lisa might be pansexual!" in interviews because it'll get clicks. Or when a story about a teen boy growing up in a world where he has to save the princess becomes a story about the princess and her gay vampire lover.
I don't know about you, but it's getting really fucking annoying when you hear, "There's going to be a Daria reboot WITH A TWIST!" and you know the twist is she's gay because of course she must be. She wears boots and isn't that feminine, that means she MUST love pussy. As if it's progressive to ignore a character's previously established sexuality when that shit wouldn't fly if it was going from gay to straight.
Then that's that, homophobe.
>Nobody is complaining about gay characters in Steven Universe, Clarence, Gumball, She-Ra, whatever.
How new are you? Especially with She-Ra, that shit was all over Yea Forums.
That's literally "I know you are, but what am I?" not a credible point but let's say it's true, you don't think the President should be held to higher standards than random anonymous Yea Forums posters? Everyone who works inside the WH or with this admin says Trump does jack shit all day and we can actually confirm that by watching him tweet in real-time about some rapper, actor, or talk show host all fucking day instead of doing any fucking work.
>Then that's that, homophobe.
No one here even likes dyke ra, so way of outing yourself as a tourist bud
Oh, you're baiting. No wonder your arguments are so bad and short, thanks for letting me know with this bad post.
But you forgot that Yea Forums is filled with trannies. Also I've seen numerous She-Ra threads with people discussing the show, so you're wrong.
No I'm just not really interested in humoring you, dude. If you don't see what's homophobic about saying "I'm tired of gays forcing their way into the media" then thats that. We are at an impasse.
You're just projecting.
This, Trump is super smart.
>Also I've seen numerous She-Ra threads with people discussing the show
Those tumblr tourists arent supposed to be here
Whatever helps you sleep at night, friendo.
this, first post best post
Rachel wasnt being beaten over our heads a million times over like other pieces of garbage like let us say America or Lesbian Time Or Steven Lesbo-verse. This was simply stating she changed and wasnt being such a fuckwad about it.
>t. spends all day ranting about teevee celebrities he loves and hates
>Person gives good arguments and establishes repeatedly they hate pandering of any kind, not gay people
Let me guess, you're a woman who thinks black people can't be racist?
Not who you're arguing with, just curious of something tangentially related. Sorry if this comes off as presumptuous, but do you think that finding two men kissing disgusting is homophobic?
>Person gives good arguments
lol where was that? I must have missed them because I'm not wearing my glasses that make non-existent posts materialize.
Sorry dude, saying "I'm tired of gays forcing their way into the media" is a homophobic statement.
I have no idea who or why, but there is a real honest to goodness attempt to hard push homosex and transexualism onto kids and tweens.
You only need to look at 10 cartoons released in the last 5 years to see it.
It's real and it's fairly troubling.
The worst part, is that children and teens are becoming extremely intolerant of the LGBTQA and so are adults who weren't hateful but were just "who gives a fuck" about the entire thing.
Want a link to the articles where rebecca sugar says that she's trying to change the minds of children on homosex? Want to see the stuff the people who write SU are into and that there are a ton behind the scenes that are into younger people?
Want me to post the list of cartoons that are still on the air in spite of them doing poorly with the target demo and having nothing goign for them?
How about if you want a cartoon show on netflix that's supposedy aimed at children then you have to go full queer.
I think you're going to post the maggot article image regardless of what I say, user
Okay but how does that relate to gaslighting children and teens?
>How about if you want a cartoon show on netflix that's supposedy aimed at children then you have to go full queer.
>"I'm tired of gays forcing their way into the media"
Gays have always been in media.
You ignored the question I asked, by the way: If you heard someone on the subway saying
You're responding to the wrong person genuis. These aren't me either:
But I see you reflexively called him a homophobe too.
I'm the one who responded in Regarding the subway question: you're confusing what the person in the subway is saying with what I'm saying. Being "sick of gays forcing their way into media" puts the blame on gays. I'm saying "I'm sick of media shoving LGBT into everything". There's a difference. See if you can figure it out.
They were in various posts, you're just too stubborn to see them. I mean, by responding sarcastically to people's complaints, you basically admit you're totally for studios pandering using gays and trannies and not treating them like real people but just tokens meant to be exploited for views. So you're kind of scum, aren't you?
>I think you're going to post the maggot article image regardless of what I say, user
I have literally no idea what you're talking about, actually. I just want to know if you think that's homophobic, user. And being totally upfront with you, I don't think it is. It doesn't mean you actively hate gay people.
Yes. Links to those articles would certainly be an easy way to end the conversation instead of sounding like a /pol/ conspirator.
Well user I have a question for you: Did you write this post?
>I don't give a fuck about trans/gays but they keep shoving themselves into everything.
Because if not then I dont know why the fuck you're butting in.
It's impossible to find a straight guy who's ever played that character.
>So you're kind of scum, aren't you?
You're projecting, user. Its also a dangerous assumption to assume I'm okay with Disney's handling of gay characters, or by extension, the execution of every gay character ever.
But none of that has anything to do with the fact that saying you're tried of gays forcing your way into media is homophobic. Sorry dude, I'm right.
>Its also a dangerous assumption to assume I'm okay with Disney's handling of gay characters, or by extension, the execution of every gay character ever.
Oh, what's that? You're not okay with how the MEDIA is PUSHING GAYS?
user, it's not a conspiracy.
It's not some strange clandestine thing from some tom clancy novel.
It's obvious to everyone what's going on.
I'm not even one those fake outrage "woke" people. Hell I've plowed my share of reverse traps and allowed a twink to suck my dick once.
I'm not full on het and I'm friends with queer folk.
It's obvious what's going on and everyone sees it. And there is going to be a backlash.
The powers that be are going to start throwiing people under the bus and there is going to be a MASSIVE conservative trend in the next few years.
>It's obvi--
Link the articles, bitch.
You're really bad at this, user. That's a pretty weak gotcha, because I never claimed that I was tired of gays forcing their way into everything.
butting in
See /pol/ is made for actual discussion this is part of why they have IDs. This thread is a clusterfuck of people responding to the wrong people.
>because I never claimed that I was tired of gays forcing their way into everything.
No, you just constantly insinuated it by saying anyone who thought that was is a homophobe and that they're pathetic for thinking that way.
Sorry, it is a gotcha, and you just outed yourself, retard.
>See /pol/ is made for actual discussion
Yeah really great discussion happening on /po/. I like that you guys decided the El Paso shooter was a Jewish false flag.
Nah, you're bad at this.
>No longer can refute me other than ,"N-no you!"
Wanna know how I can tell you lost?
Probably because where you live, its opposite day.
>Resorting to anime posting because he's at a lost for words
Ah, classic.
Less than 50 posts from bump limit, I'm fine speeding that up
At a "lost" for words, lmao dude
They can actually discuss things knowing who they're talking to within a thread. This thread is just a bunch of people yelling into a void thinking they're reaching the right people when they're not.
All this
back and forth becomes a shitshow when nobody has IDs and everyone is just assuming the other person is who they think it is.
>I'm offended gay people exist
>I'm not offended gay people exist
>You're a faggot
>You're a neckbeard
>repeat for infinity
Well to be fair its like, what, the 12th thread about the tranny in RML? How much more is there to talk about?
I think thread IDs should just be on most boards at this point though, Yea Forums has gotten too big and infested with too many people who want to stir shit in threads.
>But none of that has anything to do with the fact that saying you're tried of gays forcing your way into media is homophobic.
Not him, but I disagree with your opinion.
Ponyfags don't force us all to change our language and education to children to accommodate their fetish lifestyles.
>I-I win because I'm gonna reach the bump limit!
Ew, no, yikes. Unlike you, I'm not desperate enough to think I'm doing the world justice by making a thread I don't like hit the bump limit so it'll go off the catalog. This'll be the last post from me, enjoy what you think is a noble act, I guess.
>"I'm offended gay people exist"
That's the strawman faggots use against people they disagree with.
You're a faggot neckbeard.
That's cool dude, but you're going to have to elaborate on it if you want me to take you seriously.
No, I won because I proved my opponent to be incompetent and incorrect. Keep up, furfag.
>How much more is there to talk about?
None. So why do you keep going into these threads instead of just hiding them and moving on?
>No, I won because I proved my opponent to be incompetent and incorrect.
You've responded to five different people talking to you, lumped them all as one, and then screamed I won when you were actually the most confused person of all because you have no idea which person you're talking to.
Why are you in this thread, user?
Mods are probably going to hate you posting gay anime, user.
I'll continue to point at how every single new cartoon is gay as fuck or hard pushes homosex onto kids and tweens.
You'll sit there and stew and say nuh-uh over and over and over and over again and prove it.
I don't have to get a notarized letter from a fireman to know that the house is on fire.
Hey guys guess which homophobe I am!
>on Yea Forums
user, stop embarrassing yourself.
Here, I've got just the artist for you.
I'm not tired of these threads. I'd rather moan and bitch in a pointless thread my grievances with PB and Marcy than post in another, "Claim your waifu" thread.
Mods are probably a-okay with it.
Have you seen Yea Forums?
lol you lose then
Man, Adventure Time blows and it blew for a long time before that kiss.
>you're going to have to elaborate on it if you want me to take you seriously.
I'm not trying to antagonize, but if you're not interested in hearing my opinion, then elucidating here would be a waste of time, mine or yours. If you're sincerely interested in hearing my thoughts I'd be happy to share though. I guess I should phrase this as a question; are you interested in hearing my opinion?
Also, artist?
I don't know, man. I got a warning for posting fanart of Gumball's mom the other day.
>when you focus on the trivial "screaming" point because he's right about everything else
Laughing at you. Not him by the way.
>Man, Adventure Time blows and it blew for a long time before that kiss.
That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to point out the kiss AND other stuff.
>then elucidating here would be a waste of time, mine or yours.
>are you interested in hearing my opinion?
Not terribly. But I'd be more willing to spoonfeed you the artist if you give me a decent reply.
That's true dude, more power to you.
I have to be honest, I barely skimmed his post and just laughed at the screaming part, so that's what I focused on. But yeah, I'm right - if you say you're sick of gays forcing your way into the media, you're a homophobe.
Why are you so upset at that? Does the label really hold that much power over you?
Rocko played it better but Static Cling was an awful special in general. Most of the jokes fell flat despite being beaten over your head several times in a row, and they kept pulling out the "things are different compared to the 90's" card as if that was the only one to play the whole half hour. The only thing I genuinely found funny was Chokey's Chicken being a thin bird instead of fat, which is a shame because they didn't give focus to that kind of humor.
>Why are you so upset at that? Does the label really hold that much power over you?
StarVs and SU fags have been a problem on Yea Forums for years, before them it was Korra, before that it was AT. Essentially put, if there's a general for a show at nearly all times and the main discussion is waifu horseshit or character romance drama, it's gonna fuck up the rest of the board.
You're actually a piece of shit because you think it's okay to exploit gay people for clicks.
0/10 work harder for your (you)'s.
user you are aware there is more than one homophobic person bothered by that label in this thread, right? Are you that retarded? You suck at this.
Also goddamn that is the filename of a sperg.
Well, I found the artist, but I suppose if you're interested in a reply either way:
I think if someone's not interested in homosexual-oriented main characters or cartoons, then that's prerogative; there's nothing hateful about being disinterested in something that doesn't appeal to them, or they can't identify with. Some people really prefer characters that they identify with or feel represents them. If the main character or a strong number of characters are homosexual, and that person can't identify with that, then it stands to reason they'd be disinterested if they can't identify with the character.
I can't personally say I feel the same way, as I don't feel I need to be represented to enjoy something. But I can understand and know people whom that is important. I can think of some exact examples where this has been the case, but I'd be boring you with details, I think.
lightsource was the artist. All it took was a reverse image source. I do hope you found the correct one.
Yeah, he's taught me so much. Like about the Battle of LaGuardia Airport during the Revolutionary War, that the RW was the same war as the War of 1812, that Tim Apple is a cool guy and Frederick Douglas is out there right now doing amazing things, etc.
Oh also:
>If the main character or a strong number of characters are homosexual, and that person can't identify with that, then it stands to reason they'd be disinterested if they can't identify with the character.
Sure, but that's completely different than stating "I'm tired of gays forcing their way into media" so while you do bring up a good point, its unrelated to what the earlier anons were posting about.
>lightsource was the artist. All it took was a reverse image source. I do hope you found the correct one.
I did, as a matter of fact. He is on pixiv and deviantart. But thanks all the same.
>because it said so in my book of fiction run by a corrupt religion that should be outlawed
indeed, islam, judaism and christianity should be banned, they are horrendously homophobic AND corrupt.
>inb4 i'm banned for a day or two and this message is deleted while the person i'm replying gets off scot-free, despite him doing the exact same thing i'm doing
>Sure, but that's completely different than stating "I'm tired of gays forcing their way into media"
I suppose, but I don't feel that explanation excludes this one. At this point, I'm guessing at the best why he's tired of "gays forcing their way into media." Maybe it isn't. Your guess isn't any worse than mine. I didn't take the time to stop and read his reasons why, which isn't fair to you because now I'm arguing against you with a guess of his intentions, and it's unfair to him, because I could be putting words in his mouth.
But I thought I'd offer my smelly opinion all the same. Thank you for hearing it out.
>Sure, but that's completely different than stating "I'm tired of gays forcing their way into media" so while you do bring up a good point, its unrelated to what the earlier anons were posting about.
It's annoying to lose interest in a thing you used to have interest in. I'm sure plenty of anons were interested in the Rocko special and lost interest once they find out it's about transgender Rachel. That's why stuff like Rocko and Ghostbusters annoy people more than something specifically meant to appeal to LGBT / women from the start.
>>inb4 i'm banned for a day or two and this message is deleted while the person i'm replying gets off scot-free, despite him doing the exact same thing i'm doing
>this nigga worrying about getting smacked by the jan during dead hours while we've had a fucking Lk r34 thread up for literally two days.
>I'm sure plenty of anons were interested in the Rocko special and lost interest once they find out it's about transgender Rachel.
Its really not about transgender Rachel, though. The people who think it is are tranny obsessed.
That's cool dude, I think you're making fine points. I just think they're not relevant to what the guy was saying. And yeah, if someone is tired of gays forcing their way into media, I think its a completely fair assumption that they're homophobic.
>yeah, if someone is tired of gays forcing their way into media, I think its a completely fair assumption that they're homophobic.
Do you think anyone here who's tired of your LGBT pics is also a homophobe?
>Kung Fu Panda adds a gay couple
>not a single person cares
>not even one article about how this is a good or bad thing
>Do you think anyone here who's tired of your LGBT pics is also a homophobe?
>I just think they're not relevant to what the guy was saying
Yeah, not strictly relevant, but I felt it worth sharing.
Though in the interest of fairness I'm genuinely curious what his reasons are for being tired of it.
to be fair user i'm pretty sure you me and like maybe 30 other anons are the only people who watch paws on Yea Forums. and that's stretching it.
legend of korra is terrible anyhow, is she being a girlfriend stealing skank really what people focus on?
Well he's probably just a homophobe.
And that's it folks, we're at bump limit.
What's the difference?
In what?
1.No one is watching kungfu panda. It's a dumpster fire
2.Absolutely no one is suprised by gay stuff in kung fu panda. It's mostly expected.
>guy gets called x
>says he's not x
>lol you're x because you denied being x
Fuck off, U.
Getting tired of LGBT pics and getting tired of LGBT in media?
>Its really not about transgender Rachel, though. The people who think it is are tranny obsessed.
People are just sick of sexuality and gender politics being forced into stories where they don't belong. Would you be okay with a romance plot being shoved awkwardly into a story just to appeal to some niche demographic?
Nah he's X because he said that he was tired of gays forcing their way into the media.
This. The kiss was the shit icing on the inedible cake
You're comparing lewd gay pics to gay characters existing in the media?
>Well he's probably just a homophobe.
Maybe, but I would like to make up my own mind.
What is your reason for being tired of LGBT in media?
Discussion devolving literally into
>"what did he mean by this?"
That and a lot of stupid people think Wong is actually a girl.
>People are just sick of sexuality and gender politics being forced into stories where they don't belong.
Seemed like it fit the special just fine. Did you watch Static Cling?
Actually, a better question is, why am I still here? Don't reply to me anymore, because I'm bailing to play Dark Souls.
The love plot being shoehorned in happens in almost everything, and in almost all of these examples, no politics exist at all. They just show gay or trans people exist for 0.2% of the show sometimes very vaguely and that's it.
>Seemed like it fit the special just fine. Did you watch Static Cling?
Why does it fit the special? When did Ralph ever show signs of feeling like he wasn't a man? He was a dissatisfied artist. He was never dissatisfied with his physical being. That only came up in the special in a flashback in a single line of, "I'm still unhappy" out of nowhere. Heffer's brother who was heavily implied to be gay and a crossdresser would've fit the bill more.
Yeah. Too much of anything can get tiring.
>Straight character in something, no one cares
>Character revealed to be gay, gets nominated for a GLAAD award and labelled as an important contribution to animation
Hmm, gee, I wonder why it's viewed as political.
>character revealed to be gay
>/pol/tards get triggered and get wet at the thought of censorship
Yeah, I wonder why people would get excited when a small, extremely loud and annoying community that has gained lots of academic, political, and social-based power would have some pushback. It's almost as if people hate whoever has power or is in charge.
It's almost as if, just like how gays start going, "omg but can we talk about" when they see a gay character because they just love the idea of sticking it to the "heteronormative society", straight people like seeing the exact opposite. Hmm. Gee. I wonder why it's viewed as political.
>Character revealed to be gay, gets nominated for a GLAAD award and labelled as an important contribution to animation
>why would adding in a gay character when they weren't a thing until the last decade or so be seen as a milestone for those who push acceptance of gay people?
I'm not that guy but there's an obvious reason for that user
I mean you could switch out gay person for interracial romance or any other relationship that was traditionally frowned upon and make the same argument
That's just clickbait's fault. The producers don't mind it because they just want money. AT and Korra were very low-key on the show, and Korra was so low-key most people didn't realize it even had lesbo content. Loud House also low-key. Stop reading clickbait.
Steven Universe is the only one where it does feel there's a "love everybody and shit" and even that never gets into gay rights and political struggles and shit.
>comparing some random blogs and Yea Forums neets to the reaction of major news outlets and the animation industry in general
>Yeah, I wonder why people would get excited when a small, extremely loud and annoying community that has gained lots of academic, political, and social-based power would have some pushback. It's almost as if people hate whoever has power or is in charge.
Probably because they hate fags
>That's just clickbait's fault.
Netflix on the Twitter account has an entire thread pushing the whole Rocko special as being about Rachel coming out as a trans woman despite it making up a small portion of the 45 minute special. Companies push it just as much.
So how much longer we have to pretend that gays in media is a milestone? We've had gay characters for fucking ever.
And fags hate straights. They're both phobic people.
Sounds like their marketing is working, particularly on you.
Well, how long until you guys stop having spaz attacks about gay characters?
>that was traditionally frowned upon
Except people are acting like it's just as traditionally frowned upon as it was in the 40's. Just because some states continue to live in the past does not mean America as a whole has not moved on and for studios to prop up Wonder Woman as being "finally, a movie for little girls!" if there wasn't an entire movement in the 90's trying to push "strong, independent girls" is very disingenuous.
People literally selectively chose to erase Hancock and Blade as black superheroes because it ruined the narrative of Black Panther being the first black superhero movie.
>I read it therefore it worked
That isn't the point of marketing. That's like saying I watched a commercial, therefore I fell for it.
You didnt just watch a commercial, you came into a thread to inform everyone about their twitter thread, thus advertising for Netflix further.
You're a fucking moron.
Marketing departments aren't the creators user. Not making such a huge deal about it would motivate them to stop. Getting outrage is a marketing tactic too.
>No, I won because I said so
You literally made a post saying someone can't call themselves a nice guy and that it's up to others to decide that. The same goes for arguments and it's plain to see from everyone lurking that you lost, hard.
Not him but I torrented it. I specifically don't subscribe to Netflix because of stuff like this.
People didn't use to "spaz" about this stuff so much in the past. It's because it's being pushed so much and everyone involved is turning it into a political culture war. There's a reason the old Supergirl movie didn't get anywhere near the hate of Captain Marvel. Stop pushing politics and people will stop getting annoyed. It's more the execution and self-riotuous way it's done then simply the gay characters being there.
>Me mentioning Netflix's Twitter on a Yea Forums thread will get people to subscribed to them
Again, that's not how it works. Are you a child? Do you not know how marketing works?
What does Wonder Woman have to do with gay characters?
>So how much longer we have to pretend that gays in media is a milestone? We've had gay characters for fucking ever.
in cartoons? name a non lesbian one from a show made before 2010, you've got probably another decade honestly
>Except people are acting like it's just as traditionally frowned upon as it was in the 40's.
interracial romance or homosexuality?
because in both cases user hostility to the former didn't die down until the new millenium, and attitudes towards gay people didn't really shift until this decade, or do people memory hole the fact California voted to ban gay marriage in 2008?
>Not making such a huge deal about it would motivate them to stop.
You mean how like people keep saying, "If you just DON'T go to those Disney live-action remake movies, they'll stop making them!". Because you know that doesn't stop the other people from helping it make a billion dollars.
The outrage stopping does not mean the overhyping will stop.
Nah, you mixed up the posters.
>There's a reason the old Supergirl movie didn't get anywhere near the hate of Captain Marvel.
Ease of access to the internet?
It's an example of how people are acting like old milestones that were already achieved never existed.
>name a non lesbian one from a show made before 2010
>or do people memory hole the fact California voted to ban gay marriage in 2008?
And now we have gay marriage 11 years later and people's attitudes are capable of changing rather quickly. We're at a point where we have entire shows that are gay and lesbian paradises, but people keep acting like it's revolutionary when some girl in a show is revealed to be bi or whatever.
>Ease of access to the internet?
People also didn't get as annoyed as they did about Wonder Woman which wasn't much earlier. Like I said it's in the execution and how it's handled.
I saw plenty of people pissed about Gal Gadot, but you're right - Captain Marvel was on a whole other level.
Because there's literally nothing wrong with having in-group preferences, i.e. racism.
Not the other user, but Wonder Woman has always been the prominent trio in Justice League while it was painfully obvious that Marvel was trying to ride that train and push Captain Marvel as being on the same playing field. Wonder Woman's, "She's a female hero" was organic and Marvel's felt very calculated, phony, and pushed, and people were able to tell. Especially with how phony Brie acted in her interviews.
Yeah I'm tired of this "if you say it's shit on Yea Forums more people will pay for it!" excuse people keep making. Most normal people don't go to movies because they got "hyped" hearing it's bad.
>attitudes towards gay people didn't really shift until this decade, or do people memory hole the fact California voted to ban gay marriage in 2008?
public opinion in favor of gay marriage and rights has been increasing since around the 90's or so. At least, to my recollection. I remember seeing it increase in popularity right around then as a lad. Back then, I was really staunchly against it, but that changed with time, and is another story.
>virtually all japan or adult oriented cartoons before 2010
the billy and mandy one and 6teen I will give you though
>And now we have gay marriage 11 years later and people's attitudes are capable of changing rather quickly. We're at a point where we have entire shows that are gay and lesbian paradises, but people keep acting like it's revolutionary when some girl in a show is revealed to be bi or whatever.
we were having this shit with black people/black and white relationships for decades user, you're just going to have to accept they can keep doing this for another decade or so.
>you're just going to have to accept they can keep doing this for another decade or so.
Just accept that these people are being exploited for headlines, clicks, and marketers even if it diminishes them as individuals?
Nah, I won't accept that. "Just accept it" to a shitty attitude is a retarded argument. That's like saying gay people should've just accepted they can't get married because the country is mostly straight.
What policies has he put in place that hurts gay people? And healthcare reform would have been passed if McCain hadn't back-stabbed him at the last second and changed his vote.
true, however it did not become accepted by a majority of the population until 2010ish
I should have worded that better but a bit tired tonight
>Just accept that these people are being exploited for headlines, clicks, and marketers even if it diminishes them as individuals?
how does a marketer shilling for some trans character diminish me as an individual? and I'm not sure how you're equating
>pundits eating up supposed milestones
>fighting for the right to marry
in terms of a necessity for a fight.
I mean we could be doing this discussion about Kirk and Uhura and you can see why I don't get why people get so up in arms about a media industry that latches onto whatever it thinks will get it positive publicity
>What policies has he put in place that hurts gay people?
I recall they were going to really push the religious exemption clauses which apply but I am not wading into that retarded shitshow and am not that user
>We understand the FBI believes
I remember when Mueller was head of the FBI and went with the CIA report that Iraq had WMDs. But I'm sure this time it's different!
>how does a marketer shilling for some trans character diminish me as an individual?
>What is a token character
>how does a marketer shilling for some trans character diminish me as an individual?
Not him but it makes them seem like political pawns. Instead of getting to be treated like genuine people they're now the GAY, or BLACK, or TRANS or whatever one.
Giving these characters a tons of extra attention or love for something they had no control over makes them feel like they just won a participation trophy for showing up. Doesn't help to normalize people when you keep going "WE'RE GOING TO KEEP TREATING THEM DIFFERENTLY THOUGH".
I remember a very old South Park episode that was relevant to the message of the correct way to treat people who are different.
>obstructing an investigation into a crime that never happened is illegal
>even though the investigation was never actually obstructed in any functional way
Just stop. You're not convincing anyone here to impeach drumpf.
I have OCD and I try not to draw much attention to it. If people and media kept talking about how great and amazing I am for living with it I'd feel awkward and dislike it.
If I became President or whatever I wouldn't want my achievement to be overshadowed by everyone calling me "THE FIRST OCD PRESIDENT!" and that's all I was known for.
>What is a token character
which have also been a thing for years?
I'd mostly agree with this argument as a theoretical notion but I'd point out they've been doing this shit for decades and most people don't actually give a shit about the medias self-fellating industry if we're talking about the headlines/clickbait/marketers, like to the guy who mentioned twitter only like 1/5 of the population even uses that garbage
>If I became President or whatever I wouldn't want my achievement to be overshadowed by everyone calling me "THE FIRST OCD PRESIDENT!" and that's all I was known for.
ironically in the poster child of this Obama you really don't even hear anything about that anymore, most people point to obamacare which I guess is a good counterpoint and tells you to stop buying into the medias bullshit
They consider Trump simply asking his lawyer if he's legally allowed to do something to be "obstruction". It's clear this is just to distract from the failure of the collusion narrative. Once one narrative failed they jumped right to the other.
"They've been doing it for decades" does not mean we should accept it.
>like to the guy who mentioned twitter
Twitter has gotten so popular, it can get a person fired and was one of the many factors that got Trump elected president because he was able to talk to his followers on a platform other than news outlets who aggressively hated him. Twitter is objectively very powerful.
>"They've been doing it for decades" does not mean we should accept it.
but as I said it doesn't affect real life nearly as much as you think it does, and it's simply not worth the amount of rage you find on here over it
like I don't get some grand applause any time my being gay comes up which is not that often anyway
>Twitter has gotten so popular, it can get a person fired and was one of the many factors that got Trump elected president because he was able to talk to his followers on a platform other than news outlets who aggressively hated him. Twitter is objectively very powerful.
>got them fired bit
is a different matter entirely that we could have another discussion about if it wasn't 3am for me
and as for
>that got Trump elected president because he was able to talk to his followers on a platform other than news outlets who aggressively hated him. Twitter is objectively very powerful.
the first bit is because the media obsessed over those tweets, and for as much as the media hates trump they covered him literally nonstop and gave him more free media than any other candidate by a country mile, like Joe Scarborough having him on his show what, 40 times or something? then now he shits others for doing just that lmao but I digress
while again, only 1/5 of actual people even use it and only a fraction of those are major posters
>ironically in the poster child of this Obama you really don't even hear anything about that anymore
If anything has overshadowed talk of Obama it's all the comparisons to Trump. As it is the future of Obamacare is pretty shaky.
I more meant among historians/talking heads/actual people
wikipedia would do that for anything that was a first or last time, like to give you one I was looking at today
the second sentence is
>He was the last Liberal to serve as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
>talking about the last Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and his historical legacy
Now this is why I come to Yea Forums.
You're right, we need white women too. Can't have a glorious white society without the fair sex.
Like in Star Wars, Captian Marvel hatethreads.
Correlation between pushing agenda and quality of media can be seen if plot is not good enough for audience and it's filled with propaganda.
So by shortening "pushing aspect" still gap to fill can be seen and would be used for upgrade and rewrite plot which would be more acceptable.
Call me homophobe despite I'm not scared or anything like that and /pol/ish poster.
Just accept, there was wasted potential to picreled show which would be easily repaired.
>ctrl + f "homophobe"
shut your face. bubbline is cute and perfect.
>where it completely overshadowed everything.
confirmed for not watching the show.
stay there and fuck off
it's not that hard
The show ended when he and HW were together. There is nothing contradictory about PB and Marcy ending up together. Fuck off you delusional autist.
White men make the best girls too.