I just caught up to the series. God knows I will miss it. Help me cope bros. I don't want this show to be gone. It's too early
I just caught up to the series. God knows I will miss it. Help me cope bros. I don't want this show to be gone...
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I can't believe they killed the black guy off and then brought him back as a robot with an awful mustache with zero personality. I don't think the actor was that interested in being a part of the show.
he didn't have much of a personality before, at least now he gets to be creepy
I call it an improvement. there's not much you can do with a nigger
There is not a single Kerry scene that isn't utter cringe.
and not a single Aubrey Plaza scene that isn't pure Kino
Season one was kino, season two was shit, and season three is somewhere in between the two. I'm glad it's finished
she will never be that good and relevant again, and I bet that this kills her, because she knows it
the only thing that was shit is your opinion. please do not post in this thread again. go poop somewhere else
>liking season two
In many ways, this show encapsulates perfectly what the x-men are all about. weird, strange and unnatural. it has this morrison edge, albeit done better
You can make them into a princess or mermaid, if not a robot.
Kerry was fine in season one, she actually had a personality and was a character. Season two went down the rabbithole and she became a bland stereotypical stronk female. She's still better than fucking Syd though
not that user, but season 2 wasn't as good as 1 or 3 but it still had plenty of great stuff. The fight scenes between Farouk and David are kino as fuck.
>it has this morrison edge
of fuck off with this meme. This is based off Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz
Don't get me wrong, season two did have some great moments but the writers heads were too far up their own asses. It's like they went "this is what everyone loved about season one so let's do nothing but that" and it went from being artful to pretentious. Season three is still a bit pretentious, but it actually feels like they have a real story to tell. The best episode of season two is when the plot stopped for David to grief through the multiverse over his sister.
I feel like the Summerland characters started out as "what if we had so-and-so on the show, but with somebody else's powers and personalities, and then give them a different name" type of ideas. Like they wanted Wolverine, Psylocke, Multiple Man, Jubilee, and Forge, so they made the Loudermilk characters.
season 2 was great, kindly fuck off. idk what your problem is, but it was really really great
not at all, they talked about how they didn't want any of the main X-men characters. Just wanted David those very close to him. Should have used Blindfold instead of Syd but I'm glad they didn't ruin her.
characters? yes. plot and concepts? nope. it borrows heavily from spurrier, but yes, it adds some morrison here and there
what was Morrison, please point out one thing that was Morrison. Or kindly fuck off. I hate people that just have to bring up Morrison any time anything is weird.
how can you not love the Shadow King? I mean, really. He reminds me of BOB, only better. The show feels inspired by Twin Peaks though
where did I say it's wasn't good? Just not as good as 1 and 3 IMO.
I will kindly fuck off, because you are frustrated by the truth. I don't remember Claremont going full artsy intellectual. Unlike morrison
Best cbtv ever.
Hell, it's better than most tv shows in general.
Season 1 was an appetizer. Season 2 was great. Season 3 makes the previous seasons wholesome and better.
cause you never read it
I've read when it was published kid. You have strange standards for weird. I guess that my dick in your ass would be artsy too
and intellectual of course
fuck off, you just been sucking too much Morrison cock to know anything else. You know Bill Sienkiewicz has been working on the show too, right?
I don't. Morrison has its faults, but if I see his touch of the tip of the penis, I name it. What did Sienkiewicz contributed to the show, though? I would like to know, because he is a known drunkard
(I don't want to diminish Claremont or Sienkiewicz, it's that they never made Legion, the character, the character that is in the show, he was always more of a device)
Bill hasn't drank anything in over 20 years. He's producing lots of design pieces and random props for the show.
The Shadow King is great, having the entire cast turn on the hero because an evil chicken crawled into their head instead of having an actual believable reason for them to all turn on David after he more than proved himself to not be the psychopath everyone thought he was in the previous season is not. The only reason David turned "evil" is because everyone decided to trust the villain of the previous season for no reason. Everything that was special and the beautiful relationship that season one built was just pissed all over. Season three was a massive step up, but it's main goal was having to clean up all the shit that season two made.
good to know, I would like to see the source, but I believe you user. I don't see why you would lie to me. Good to know that Bill is getting better, albeit I don't believe in him not drinking anything, considering his erratic behavior but that's another story
Someone who gets it. But keep in mind that David is also a villain, even worse than Shadow King, only just not as obvious. And no, David doesn't deserve to be loved
Not that user. This was in 2017, but
>He admitted to enjoying alcohol too much from his days when he was bored on the farm. "I broke my drawing hand while I was drunk. Immediately after, I realized this was my whole career. I ended up giving up booze, cigarettes, sugar, caffeine, my marriage. I freely admit to that. I'll own it." However, he heard much wilder tales of his life than he enjoyed. "It sounds like my reputation was having a hell of a lot more fun than I was."
which is why he proposed to punch the trump and frankly, it's not that he wanted to punch him, it's the way he wrote it.he is full of shit. like all alcoholics he says one thing, but does another
oh, it's a Trumptard, go figure. Bill's just being Irish.
it's funny how you assume everything despite what I said. eat shit you illiterate faggot. but let me try again. there was a situation when bill was rambling about punching the president and taking prize for that. he was going on and on and on about it like a drunkard. that's why I don't believe that he is clean. but go on, make it all about trump, you fucking retard
To be fair Trump winning broke a LOT of people. I ended up losing friends simply for just not voting Clinton and doing a write-in. I got cussed at and was told I "wasn't doing enough" by Nick Spencer himself on Twitter.
>defending the
It wasn't okay when Obama won and Texas wanted to leave the union either, user
David is a selfish egotistical asshole who is hurting people because he's too wrapped up in his own insecurities, I'm still not convinced he's a villain though. Just a sick man who needs help and instead of getting care from his friends they turned on him because some asshole told them to. The finale will reveal the truth I guess though.
again, don't make it about trump, I mentioned him, because bill wanted to punch him publicly and even had it all planned. if bill wanted to punch obama, I would say that bill wanted to punch obama. it's not about president, it's about bill being a drunkard. I swear, it's like you guys see a word, and ignore all of the context
Charles Xavier is a jerk. David is his son. Being a jerk is a villainous thing, and David is more of a jerk than his father was. Idk about you, but that makes David a villain in my book. The truth is already revealed, it's just that people refuse to accept it
Syd's rape of her mother's bf being contextualized as her and women as a whole being victims of male power Dynamics was weird. I found it patronizing of females when it comes to sex.
I wasn't making it about Trump, I accidentally didn't finish my greentext. It was supposed to say "defending the insanity". Trump isn't the problem and neither was Obama, it's psychopaths who have been radicalized to the point of violence.
to be honest, I don't give a shit about that part of that story. I was busy fapping to how they perfectly portrayed Shadow King. Finally, someone made this character to live up to the fullest potential
This is easily the worst part of the show, that sex was entirely consensual. Syd knew exactly what she was doing and she just regretted it. It's as bad as women who regret sex and later claim they were raped.
Spider-Man can be a real dick sometimes, doesn't make him a villain. You're trying to paint this as black and white when it's grey at best. Good people can slip up and make mistakes, how David comes back from them is what will define him and we have yet to see that.
Which is why we should stop here, before it escalates into another boring thread
She never was. Shes not that good here and the show isn't relevant. She hasnt been relevant since parks and rec ended.
Youre just a bunch of fan boys waifuing the shit out of her.
to be honest, we don't know how much of it was David. later, she just stopped loving David as well. I thought that it was implied that the romance between her and David was all him influencing her
Parker is not a dick, nor a jerk. He is a fuck up. Sending kids to their death? Now that's a dick move. Manipulating your students. OMG, pure dickery. And David takes everything after his father and pushes it further
There is literally nothing wrong with waifuing her. Here I said it. You are not wrong, but I do not want to abandon her. She could had been more
Peter has definitely taken it too far before, even without the symbiote.
Guilty as charged, though I've only seen her in Ingrid Goes West and Legion.
She was always a wannabe tough girl.
Season 1: 10/10
Season 2: 7/10
Season 3: 8-9/10
Your waifu a shit, user.
I took it as her using her "trauma" to find an excuse to hate David so she could hunt him down, as in the idea of David manipulating her was a creation of her own mind. I just saw it as Shadow King playing her like a fiddle.
The way the show portrayed Xavier vs Farouk battle with all that prep talk was pure comic book kino. As a person, who knows these characters well, who grew up with various interpretations of these characters, it was a fuck yeah moment
Wannabe is not the same as being one. Season one showed her as vulnerable, especially with with other Kerry. When he would get hurt it was a huge emotional deal for her, now she's rolling it off and even getting annoyed by having to be connected to this guy. The transition didn't feel natural and it's also making her come off as a huge jerk.
I'm hoping the finale we see the fight from the comic that was teased in season one
that's what Shadow King does to be honest
I don't think we even know Sid, Lenny was portrayed better
And yeah, rewatching the penultimate episode, it's as depressing as any good x-men story is. there is no hope kids, but you keep trying anyway, even if you know the outcome
The last episode will have Legion failing hard. And shadow king winning, because that's the way it ended