ITT:Rate the waifu shows Yea Forums is talking about/Amphibia/twelve forever/infinity train/Hilda

Amphibia was a solid 8/10 to me,i love the characters,background,music,the interaction,design,vilan,mystery and the premises of most of the episodes.
Twelve forever was a solid 6/10 to me,i liked the 3 MCs,reggie ia a brat but not too annoying,some episodes goes nowhere but its kind of fun, would like more of butt witch interaction with the trio tho.
Infinity train was a solid 7/10 to me,i liked the premises but the execution was kinda of underwhelming,i like tulip but the places she's is just wasn't interesting to me,also we don't get time to really know how wich train wagon place works(my favorite was the mirror one),whoever i liked the personal themes a lot.
Hilda was a solid 8/10 to me, it's been a long time since i watched a show so chill and excited at same time,and that sound track my god it's good,it gets you right in the mood, every character was interesting to me,never thought "hum this new character is boring".
she-ra is just teenage drama, with no adventuring so i find kinda boring,but hey! Catra could maybe finally get beat up for real by Adora,so I'm looking up to the new season.
Pic 75% related

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Are you the guy who wants them to bully you?

>making a 4-show joint thread
You already called for chaos.

Amphibia - 8/10
Infinity Train - 7/10
Twelve Forever - Didn't watch aside from first ep/10
Hilda - Same as Twelve Forever/10

Infinity train - 7.5/10
Amphibia - 6.5/10
Hilda -8/10
Twelve forever -7/10

>Infinity Train
>Twelve Forever

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>75% of co right now.jpg
lol no. everyone is talking about Rachel. your waifus lost to a tranny toad

Post cunnies first, then I will rate.

Hilda is the only show that has some substance, and at best that would be a 6/10
The waifu shows prove that just because it has a vocal autistic fanbase spamming threads doesn't mean it's good. Because, like you said, they are only liked for little kid waifus

Amphibia: 7/10
Infinity Train: boring/10
Twelve Forever: 7/10
Hilda: didn't watch, looks too childish

Infinity Train: 8/10
Hilda: 8.5/10
Amphibia: N/A
Twelve Forever: N/A

Hilda is a deerfox now and has low deerfox IQ so she's just for cum 4/10

Tulip is okay, personality is meh. She looks way better without her glasses and headband on. 6.5/10

Anne looks like shit, but she's got boobs and a chill personality 7/10

Reggie is an autist and not attractive at all. 2/10

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I'm currently watching Hilda, does it get to a point where she returns to the forest? it was much more interesting than the city.
Right now the best part of the show is the music. It's gondola-tier of comfyness.

Yes, there's an episode or two outside the city.



>Infinity Train
I don't like black girls/10
>Twelve Forever
Would protect/10


What he mean by this?

>I don't like black girls
She is not black, she is asian-brown.

I don't like thai traps

Amphibia >>>> Infinity Train
Haven't seen Hilda and the Owl House hasn't premiered yet.

Haven't seen 12 Forever either

Also, I've seen most of a couple Episodes of She-Ra & the Princesses of Power and I'd say

Amphibia >>>> Infinity Train >>>> She-Ra & the Princesses of Power

Amphibia >>>> Infinity Train > Hilda >>>> She-Ra & the Princesses of Power >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12 Forever

I'm curious. With brown girls, do they ever reveal their ethnicity?
Like, I'm sure some white races can darken in the sun, but when their skin is really brown, the character usually has some ethnic background that sorta ties into the story.

They literally say she's thai.

>rating she-ra above anyone
>rating it above an actually kino show like twelve forever
Shit taste faggot.

>12 Forever