Anyone else feel like Ed was a lot more mellow in this special? He was still a grouch...

Anyone else feel like Ed was a lot more mellow in this special? He was still a grouch, but less nasty overall and played more as frustrated and overwhelmed.

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He's well aware that of he acts the way he used to he'll be considered problematic.

He flat out said in his song he had 20 years to calm down a couple of notches and finally be happy with Rocko gone.

Rocko was gone for 20 years, dude.
Without Rocko there Ed's life goes pretty well

Rocko was gone and he was happy and successful. He used to be the guy who put bottles on bottle caps and worked his way up to chief accountant.

he seemed like a weak pushover compared to his 90s alpha version

20 years makes you ugly

>Rocko was gone for 20 years, dude.
>Without Rocko there Ed's life goes pretty well
I thought that this was obviously implied in the episode too

He realized his lineage ends because of his only offspring's choice to castrate himself

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He hit middle age during the main run, he's probably over 60 by Static Cling

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>why is a man in his 60s/70s weaker

I dunno bruh

Based green lex luthor

I cannot help but feel off put by the light being shown on such a small group of people for being different. From what I understand they enjoy some of the spotlight and want people to know and understand their condition but I am not convinced that is the interest in the irregularity. I think they are seen as a oddity, like a freak in a circus. I do not know if I would want anyone to know about a condition like that, considering.

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If he reacted to Rachel the way a normal parent would and more like himself in the series, it would have gotten too real and controversial for a fucking children's slapstick animal cartoon. The plotline was weakly executed since nobody is reacting realistically and it doesn't belong there in the first place.

Just like in real life, a lot of grouches can mellow out of they get the right amount of push and enough time to fully contemplate their actions. Being constantly criticized for every single flaw and confronted directly allows them to constantly strive for better.

Ed Bighead is nothing like Clay from Moral Orel. His life isn't so bleak that he needs to escape adversity and pretend to be a highly successful person to make his nihilism. He's more closer to Squiward in that the influences of his neighbors causes him to change. I'm guessing that having a great wife like Bev constantly pushing him to be a better person allows Ed to be more mellow.

Its kind of refreshing how nice Bev is in general. Still I feel like she is always trying to get Rocko into some sort of threesome with Ed.

he was still an asshole but not againts his family, as shown during the car and conglom-o scene at the start.
he was indeed more mellow towards rocko though.

I think GLAAD probably told them to tone him down so trannie kids who watched the show wouldn't be overly scared to come out.

nothing wrong with that though, rocko should marry bev and start a pologamy relationship. Rachel would aprove.

GLAAD is a shell of their former selves. Just like Planned Parenthood, they've gotten increasingly political over the years and moved away from helping people to advocating for social causes.

He could adopt.

He was broken because he has no son

Still not the same. He be better saving his sperm before changing then find a surrogate mother to give birth. If he really is a true woman then she just needs to find the right man to impregnate her.

While I was glad he got a happy ending considering the way the TV series shat on him so tremendously in every episode... is it really a "happy" ending with his son becoming a tranny and basically dooming him and Bev to never having any grandkids and thus the extinction of their genetic line?

Did Rocko even get a happy ending? He has been gone for 20 years. Everyone he knows has either changed or gone away. His home is fucked up from the the rocket. He has no job that was taken over by machines. His dog is spending a bunch of money on mop porn. He still is single and probably a virgin. I wish they didn't focus so much on his obsession with the fatheads since it made him very flat.

The special wasn't about Rocko, it was about Rachel.

No shit everything was pushed aside for it. Which made it not really that endearing.

He got older. He has seen a lot of shit that he didn't give a damn about most things. Just when his food supply is in danger is when he starts to lose it.

If that's what you consider happiness, then incels are a much greater prevalence and danger to the general household.

There's an episode where Ed comes out of the closet so I don't know why people think he would be against LBGTQ.

I would totally do Bev

I don't think Ralph ever had a gf anyway. It wasn't going to happen

He was clinging to Fatheads as a way of remembering his past. In the end, he realized he still has his friends and the town he loved, and that was what was really important to him.

I thought it was about Ed Bighead. Ralph changing into Rachel was just another sudden big change in Ed's life, and him accepting Rachel was all a part (albeit the most important) of him accepting change so he wouldn't miss out on the good things that come with it.

I felt bad for him.

>If he reacted to Rachel the way a normal parent would and more like himself in the series, it would have gotten too real and controversial for a fucking children's slapstick animal cartoon. The plotline was weakly executed since nobody is reacting realistically and it doesn't belong there in the first place.
This, fucking this. Even with all the innuendos at the end of the day Rocko's Modern Life was a children's slapstick animal cartoon. Having the son of Ed being trans comes off as petty and mean against the poor guy and unnecessary since his brothers is a crossdresser.


>Did Rocko even get a happy ending?
Not really but the show acknowledged that. Rocko only cared about Rachel/Ralph because he just wanted his show but when he found out what the creator wanted and what he wanted didn't line up as he expected he turned against them.

The ending is Rocko realizing the show isn't going to fix his problems and he has to adapt.

Ed outright says this in the beginning of the special and it's why the show ends with Rocko saying "okay". He didn't get the happy ending he wanted but he's still "okay" and still treading on.

I doubt Charlie Adler could have managed the same crotchety Ed from the early 90s without coughing up blood.

The Bighead song is literally the best part of the special and no one talks about it

It's kinda ironic to have a classic show come back the way it was just to tell us that things can never go back to the way they were.

Well gee, we haven't seen your show in decades, of course we know that, we've consumed other media for a long time and know the world changes.

I dunno, just seems like the guy's a bit stuck up his own ass to believe this is any sort of enjoyable deconstruction and not some obvious bullshit by an intellectual wannabe that he believes "is what society is about these days".

I can take messages, even hamhanded ones. But this is a level of gimmick that makes me go "What's the point?"

He had a 20 year brake from his worst enemy thats bound to make you chill out

>Well gee, we haven't seen your show in decades, of course we know that, we've consumed other media for a long time and know the world changes.
consider that this guy had to deal with 90s kids on the internet for 20 years

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>and pretend to be a highly successful person
What? Clay repeatedly said that he's at a "stinkin' dead end job" despite being the mayor. He actually tells people that he's less successful than he is.

But what if Rachel is just a transvestite

Rightist here. I don't know anything about GLAAD or Planned Parenthood, but this is exactly how I feel about the ACLU.

>having kids is true happiness
Fucking cringe post, m8


I think that was the whole point. Send a message while telling a good story and being self referential
>come back home
>look for something that hasn't changed
>try to make something that existed in the past
>you succeed, but it's not exactly as you remember despite using all the same resources. It's ok for the rest but it's just not right
>everyone has moved on and you don't have any more options but move the fuck on
>accept it and stop whining

It's our biological imperative. If you exist today, it's because all of your ancestors managed to successfully procreate before death since the beginning of life on this planet. If you die without procreating and thus end your genetic line after millions of years of it surviving, then you are a failure.

I don't want to have kids, user

By my genetics are sort of fucked and I would rather not impart those fucked genes to my kid.
Im going the way of this user , user