DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years, if drastic aren't made to both

DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years, if drastic aren't made to both.
What financial and/or publishing changes would you make to fix them?

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kill bendis

>and Marvel
It cute that DC fans think Marvel is in any way going to be affected by DC going out of business

There's no saving DC at this point. AT&T couldn't give a rat's ass about them aside from the brands. DC has done a terrible job proving they are a worthwhile acuisition these last tens years.

money laundering schemes don't need to make a profit

less books, no tie-ins for crossovers.

No one implied anything of the sort, you dumb publisherwar fag. Marvel comics are doing terribly in their own right. The money they bring in is a zit on Disney's ass. Disney could shut down the publisher tomorrow and get along just fine with just movies and t-shirt sales.

it'd be bad publicity tho

i can't wait until the industry crashes. then we'll be free from all the sjw's. it'll be a new renaissance for real comic books!

For fuck's sake you ComicsGate types, the industry isn't gonna crash. There's single digit fluctuations in floppy sales year to year, but there's also a pretty damn big Image, a huge trade market and expensive omnibuses constantly going OOP.

Stop comparing sales to 90's bubble numbers (which foreshadowed a real crash).

Nigga, comics are selling worse than they were in the 90's and they weren't owned by Disney and fucking AT&T. What makes you think AT&T gives two fucks about being in the comic industry? They just wanted WB's properties.

As much as I hate to say it. Make it as much like manga as possible.
>less books
>cheaper paper
>black ink only
>writer/artist driven books
>no events
>release multiple books in large magazine-style issues
>create cheap short-lived animated series as advertisements

Disney will try to spin it in a positive note like wanting the writers and artists to focus on the movie side and trying to maintain one streamlined canon so as to not confuse fans. They might even go strictly digital with their comics for a bit to "ween" fans off of them.

Read my post again. Direct market floppies are selling worse than in the 90's, floppy sales are 50%ish of total sales, and besides that there's absolutely no reason for gigantic media conglomerates making hundreds of millions on these IPs to shut down an effective IP farm for pennies on the dollar. That's like NFL shutting down all of their feeder systems because their concession sales were low one year.

user, do you really think Disney gives a shit about bad publicity?
Have you seen how they've allowed the MCU to fuck off their customers?
What they did with SW?

They don't give a fuck.
They'll cancel the FUCK out of Marvel Comics tomorrow.
Who cares?
The comic shops are already fucked across the country the big two closing shop won't change anything.
They could help foster an independent comic scene and start selling back issues, trade paper backs, and manga, and other odds and ends and make good bank that way.

Marvel and DC fucked it up decades ago and were counting on just being left alone to keep the IPs warm.
Problem is that they stopped actually trying to sell the comics and the people who make moneyu off of the IP haven't taken them to task for making books/ip marketing material that don't resonate with the normie audiences.


Also sell them at supermarkets instead of dedicated comic stores.

>create cheap short-lived animated series as advertisements
most anime fags never read the manga though so I'd say this is wasted money

>wanting the writers and artists to focus on the movie side

They had that half retarded cocksucker who's "directing" thor say quite clearly "I'll ruin your canon in a second' there are other directors who are outright stating that they don't care about canon.

It's over.

They already have all of the IPs that are worth anything user.
They can make up their own hero's now and the audiences will like them and belive that they are part of canon.

Marvel and Dc are fucked and they know it.
Rumor says that Jim Lee is gettign the fuck out of DC and taking some of his IP with him.

user, comics are created as marketing for(and oft side material for) the animation, not the other way around.

They obviously don't have all of their IPs, one of their biggest IPs was created in this decade with DnA GotG, the next Thor will be fresh off the presses JaneThor, DC's single hits were good girl Harley and Amnesty Bay Aquaman, which are recent iterations. Stop outragefagging, pick up a funnybook, have sex and please seek sunlight.

user, do you honestly believe that the MCU guys or WB gives a single solitary fuck about any of that shit?
I'm serious. Think about it.
None of that will ever see the big or small screen.
Hell no one who was or is into comics gives a shit about it either.

I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee bro.
Everyone here is busy discussing identity politics and shit like what it means for she-hulk to turn into basically regular hulk but with moobs.

No one is discussing comic stories.

What the fuck is your point?

>do you really think Disney gives a shit about bad publicity?
if it's all over normie publications, yes

Manga-style collection in supermarkets. Also focus on making TPBs accessible, with at least a fucking run down of what’s been going on in the run that’s not obvious to the character. Which should be fucking obvious but they still don’t do it.

No one is discussing comic stories because Yea Forums quadrupled in size after 2012 and you identity politics obsessed surface level retards flooded every board besides the idol losers on /jp/.

The comic book market is objectively bigger now than a decade ago. The comic book market is more important to these media conglomerates now than when these conglomerates bought them.

This. And it isn't just the failing comics and movies although those certainly don't help but they're literally pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a streaming service no one wants in a time where their reputation is worse than The Happening era Shyamalan

What? in what world is that right?

>DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years, if drastic aren't made to both.
What the fuck makes you think that. They're healthier now than 5 years ago.

Comics sell better than manga in the US.

DC is dead and some people really want to believe that when they go Marvel will go with them

To make quick bucks. Have Marvel and DC crossovers comics but it will never happens

>DC is dead
That's inaccurate.

You were already called out earlier.

Who gives a fuck

Disney will let Marvel continue with their shitty comics because the movies and merchandise bring in way more than the comics could ever lose

I've been reading comics before I could read.
Hell I've been reading comics before most of the people on this board were even alive.

Comics are NOT bigger then they were.
The idea of comics and the IP are big now. That's all.
Comic shops are closing left and right and comics aren't selling for shit.
That is what's going on.

This one.
Comics are made as marketing material for cartoons. Not the other way around.
THE IP gets the cartoons made. Not the comics.
Even if both the MCU and Disney are both shut down those cartoons and movies will still be made.

That is how this works.
Right now Marvel and DC have to prove that they are worth keeping going.
AT&T shut down fucking MAD MAGAZINE do you think they won't shut down fucking DC comics dude?

Disney pourposely crashed SW with no fucking survivors because those greedy motherfuckers didn't want to pay george lucas and wanted their own fucking star wars to whore out.
Even brought in JJ(how in gods name does this nigga keep getting work)abrams to "reboot" it like he did with star trek.

No of course not they just shut down Vertigo and MAD and completely skipped out of SDCC because they're just doing that great

user, that's that's quite simply not true.

u wot mate

Which mean almost jack shit since what matter is the global market for media these days. if manga ( a Japanese creation) surpassed comics ( an american creation) in america they would truly be dead.

>op makes stuff up that has been proven to be wrong for years now
>anons eat it up and think he's not talking out his ass
It's amazing we still get these threads every week. But here's an easy one, DC and Marvel won't die because they make WB and Disney too much money through merchandise and farming IP content.

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WB is owned by AT&T now. They don't need the comics to sell merchandise or milk the IPs.

As brands/IPs, yes. As comics publishers not so much.

... you realize they don't lose their IP even if they stop making comics right?

This isn't made up.
This is happening right now.
This is reality.
This is bad shit happening and putting your head in the sand and saying lalalala over and over again isn't going to fix anything.

Manga has been selling better then comics in america for decades now user.

Anything bad about DC is made up by Ladderbro everyone knows this no matter how many articles or sources you site Ladderbro

First order of business, go on extended hiatus and focus on selling trades and reissues/prestige formats of older stories, since those are outpacing current product. Two-three years minimum. Second, make a strong, public statement assuring that there will be no more political correctness, that all readers are welcome regardless of personal belief. Third, do a hard reset of all properties under a unified plan/vision that reverts them to their "core" characterization. Dick Grayson is Robin, Gwen Stacy is alive, etc.

Dunno, there's data saying both things are true.

DC has cut their number of titles below their practically-trademarked 52. If that doesn't tell you something, then I don't know what's going on in your head.

This. Plus people are consuming massive amounts of Marvel media but are not interested in woke comics.

You realize that MUA3 has a bunch of characters from comics made in the last ten years? You know what the name of that game is right? And take a look at Spider-Man for the PS4 which owes a lot to current comics for stories and characters to use. They're not going to stop making comics even if they start operating at a loss because it's story content that can make them millions and billions of dollars. Comics make relatively little money for DC and Marvel compared to merchandise and other media.

No it's not because the amount of money (with inflation in mind) has been fluctuating yet overall been staying the same for several years. There's digital comic sales in addition to comics being sold in book stores, Walmart, and various other grocery stores. And DC and Marvel have branched out into other countries, with Batman and the Justice League and the various Spider-Man manga that are still being produced.

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Comic books considerably bigger now than 8 years ago. Comic shops shrinkage is an unavoidable side-effect of Diamond becoming less relevant.

>They don't need the comics to sell merchandise or milk the IPs.
Hope they don't need movies either because those are doing even worse

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>Manga has been selling better then comics in america for decades now user.
Tell the the anons on Yea Forums that because they're doing their own doomsaying, talking about how BNHA is selling less and overall manga sales have been declining.

DC Comics isn't going anywhere. Publishing comics costs so little money in the grand scheme of AT&T/Warner that its value as an IP farm more than justifies itself. They create hundreds of new stories each year, any one of which could become a blockbuster movie or cartoon. The formats may change but comics themselves aren't going anywhere.

>muh 2014 toy sales number

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1.They don't need the comics to get stories.
They can hire good comic writers to sit in and write stories for them


I didn't say they were doing great.

Perhaps they can use franchise as stocks and trade it. IP completely decoupled form any product, existing as pure expectation of future profit except we never get ot that future, wouldn’t that be peak capitalism?

>that its value as an IP farm more than justifies itself
Yeah people are really chomping at the bit for new DC movies and shows

Anyone saying comics are dying should immediately be ignored because this is the same thing that has been said for years and consistently refuted. These threads aren't new and they always end the same with graphs and sources posted pointing out that the comic industry at worst is having a minor decline but nothing major and other times shown to be actually growing.

But LCS's are dying. They're not going to survive in 5-10 years.

Manga outsells bande dessinée in France every other year and the French comics market is still healthier than the American one.

>Manga has been selling better then comics in america for decades now user.
I'm sure you can find figures that back that up.

>You realize that MUA3 has a bunch of characters from comics made in the last ten years? You know what the name of that game is right? And take a look at Spider-Man for the PS4 which owes a lot to current comics for stories and characters to use. They're not going to stop making comics even if they start operating at a loss because it's story content that can make them millions and billions of dollars. Comics make relatively little money for DC and Marvel compared to merchandise and other media.
Mate are you dense?: why would they need to introduce characters in comics if they are losing money when they can do so in movies and make money?
Do you think only comics book writers can create new things?

Explain why you think that.

They really are. Aquaman made a shitload of money, Suicide Squad was a huge hit and has two sequels coming out, Wonder Woman's sequel is a guarantee and non-King Batman is a license to print money. :^)

Why would you gamble new IPs with hundreds of million dollars at stake when you can gamble new IPs for cents on the comic book market?

Speculation about something that isn't even happening. Games have for a long time been using the newest characters and storylines and putting their own spin on them. Movies are still adapting comics and there are animated series doing the same as thing. You have no proof and nothing to back it up. All you're saying is "well what's to stop them from doing this?"

I'm just tired of seeing these exact same threads and made up conclusions all these years. Keep saying the sky is falling. Maybe you might be onto something in 20 years. You're better of making an argument about print dying in five years although even that is unlikely at such a short amount of time.

user, you would have a point if comics were seen as normie entertainment.
They are not.
No one is really reading comics anymore .
The audience that is reading it doesn't represent even 1% of the audience.

There are more people reading now than 8 years ago , why would they shut things off now and not 8 years ago?

Considering the fuckload of shows DC is putting out at the moment, I'm willing to think they are.
I don't even like the Arrowverse, but it's crazy how much it overshadowed the Marvel Netflix shows. Here's hoping the Disney+ shows have more staying power.

>Pretend legacy characters never happened
>Fire the writers and invest money on some competent ones
>Bring back one shot stories
>Dumb down politics in the X-Men and present valid arguments for and against them
>Cancel FF if they still have a comic
>More stylish fights

>all readers are welcome regardless of personal belief
not communists

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Marvel's comics don't need to sell at all you retard. They make retardedly massive amounts of money by having all those movies. And they aren't going to get rid of the comics for those movies, it's worth it to have them just for the sake of serving as advertising for their future movies.


We're still after the 2008 financial crisis.


Assuming 1997's generous estimate, and with inflation, we have 510.69 million dollars. Nearly half of last year's.

Do you not understand how the word "right" in front of the word "after" is a qualifier meaning "immediately after?"

I got crosseyed from the furious allcapsing.



we don't want no commies in our comics... no christians either

>no christians either
one nation under God

Comics were always destined to be niche

Marvel already did that.
So Marvel is safe.

>imagine thinking Marvel won't close up shop too
hahaha. Either one of them shut down then no shop would be able to stay open anyway

>DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years
See you in five years saying the same thing!


movies have no effect on comics.

He will go back to you guys eventually. Mark my words.

Maybe, but Marvel has a good 10 years before that happens. IF it ever happens.

DC has him in a LONG contract, he's got freedom to kill whoever he wants, and control over Superman AND Batman, so I don't see him leaving within the next few years. Besides, he hasn't even got to do a big event yet. We all knows how much Bendis LOVES events.

I'm curious, does anyone actually believe the OP? Anyone who has paid attention to this conversation for the last few decades ought to know better by now

Bendis can stay on contract and just get his own comics and take him off of Superman. I doubt he could overrule the publisher.

EVS believes him

Stop publishing so many superhero books.
Try to make a move to the mass market that isn't half hearted.

>mega corp
>a move to the mass market that isn't half hearted
oh yeah the big 2 are fucked

T b h just cut everyone but the JL 6 and have them ship-out TPBs and treat each hero in there own universe besides a separate JL universe and I’m fine with it

Release entire arcs in numbered volumes instead of floppies that contain 17 or so pages of actual content that cost $5.
Stop introducing characters and concepts in series/events that have nothing to with them and just cover that shit in issue one of their fucking series instead of alienating new readers.
Tone down the continuity and make more stories self-contained.
Make digital comics more accessible in a Netflix style online library service thing since the average American has no interest in anything in a book store let alone physical comics.

Seriously that man is a poison that irreparably hurts every series he works on.

Only by being apolitical can comics rebuild. Constantly insulting half your potential consumer-base seems like poor business strategy yet these companies continue to do just that.

>Only by being apolitical can comics rebuild
Retard, being apolitical is impossible in any storytelling medium

Increase page/price ratio of flopies. Print them on cheaper paper, with trades maybe being relatively higher quality, depending on sales. All printed material now includes code that unlocks same issue on online shop anf/or some random related issue. Start utilising newspaper stands with most casual-friendly serieses.

The entire Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages would disagree with you. Characters can have individual political slants but the overarching message should be acceptable to everyone. Go back and read older comics, they could be enjoyed by Liberals and Conservatives alike.

Most of the best comics are political as fuck but they weren't 'left good right bad with no subtly' or 'literally just a popular currently running manga but with Trump.' which is pretty much all we have today. The nuance is just fucking gone for the most part.

Allow people subscribe directly to comics so that they cold be send directly by mail.

not if they moved Marvel all digital

>The entire Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages would disagree with you.
Imagine thinking that Superman beating up corrupt CEOs, the F4 having a European dictator arch-nemesis, or Batman beating up a government-sanctionned Superman to make a point are all apolitical.

Those are all fine in context. Abuse of power isn’t a partisan issue. But When a captain America comic paints every illegal immigrant as a hard working man with a loving wife and daughter, and every person who opposes illegal immigration as a redneck, inbred, racist radicle. Then it gets stupid and alienates readers unnecessarily because the author has his head so far up his own ass that he can’t possibly understand any sort of complex issue.


>any one of which could become a blockbuster movie or cartoon

DC never uses anything other than Batman or sometimes Superman

>Make digital comics more accessible in a Netflix style online library service thing since the average American has no interest in anything in a book store let alone physical comics.

both of the big 2 already have this

IIRC the notion of gutting DC's line and just doing reprints has been floated around before, but that was pre-New 52

>Release entire arcs in numbered volumes instead of floppies that contain 17 or so pages of actual content that cost $5.

this is something I've been saying for a while

I remember getting comics through the mail in the early 90s. I got the Punisher that way in 94. Also B&R Adventures. Good times.

why is anti-communism a joke to californians?

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comics are dying
move to television, animation, and movies


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>kill floppies for good
>fewer titles, consolidate existing ones
>only release trades, make them bigger, release once a year and hype them up like big book or movie releases.
>tell a singular cohesive story within a trade that can be enjoyed on its own merit, so any of them can be picked up by anyone.
>clearly number trades so there's an obvious reading order. Stop with the endless relaunches and renumberings that confuse casuals on where to start
>kill the status quo. Allow characters to age, die, retire, and let it stick

>DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years
Y'all have been saying this for the past 20 years.

Sans the black white stuff, in second THIS.

You just mean non-partisan (and even that's highly debatable), you don't actually mean apolitical is all.

Yeah, that’s why I think if people’s just shift their semantics their arguments will stand better.

Just make stories that aren't designed to piss off half the readers in order to make the writers feel virtuous.

>DC and Marvel comic publishing will likely die within the next five years
We've been hearing this for years, OP

>move to television, animation, and movies
This. That way only DC dies

Comic shops are struggling all over. If you take away 25% of the market then they're all going to fold. Stop being a companyfag, it's making you retarded.

>bit for new DC movies and shows
Yes? DC has 16 live action shows right now

DC isn't really in any trouble then. Joker is projected to have an opening weekend between 60 - 90mil.so that's way out of the flop zone and WB's second biggest opening of the year

Easy way to fix the problem is lower prices and increase content.
They should have a 100 page minimum.

With an easy 4 step process:
1. Hire people that can actually draw
2. Get actual writers that can be bi-partisan
3. Make the men masculine
4. Make the women feminine

I see people tossing around the idea that comics can be saved if it mimics manga. While I am not opposed to the idea, it still needs to be drawn well to capitalize on the full ink approach which can equally as time consuming as just using colours.
Comics are big now but comic readers are going back to older issues and are not interested in modern comics overall. Modern comics revolve around ideals and virtues personified, not characters.

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>WB's second biggest opening of the year
because their year has been fucking awful

>Fire all current SJW writers and shit artists
>Make a large event that erases the 10-20 years of shit that has ruined Marvel
>Probably make it a simulation by villain and thus every single fucking shit SJW series that has come out has never existed in ANY universe in marvel. Same goes for terrible characterizations of beloved characters.
>Make a poll to normies for 5 series / characters they would want to read about.
>Hire competent artists who can draw in the "Marvel Way", and hire competent writers who don't force their political agenda.
>Have newsletter just like Stan did that takes in and addresses peoples legitimate criticism and complaints (no SJW bullshit criticism), and write back to them in a friendly manner like he did all while using this as a method to better cater the comics to people.
>Come out with an established mythos and make sure that every single writer who comes afterwards follows said mythos.

I'd want to company to give the people what they want, not what the company wants. Also bear in mind this only applies to Marvel, as i don't really follow DC comics...

that's definitely not true

Yup I personally think Marvel comic art peaked late 80s early 90s. I wish there was a modernized version of the pop art that used to populate comics instead of the hyper realistic stuff we have now (which is nice but not really what i want from comics).

Legends of Tomorrow
Black Lightning
Doom Patrol
Swamp Thing

Shit I guess I was wrong. It's only 15

But there is Y, Lobo, Sweet Tooth and Sandman coming up