Quack Pack

>Quack Pack
>Huey = smooth talker, Dewey = brains, Louie = jock

>Ducktales 2017
>Huey = brains, Dewey = jock, Louie = smooth talker

Why they did this

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they didn't change their characters
they just swapped clothes and names and never told anyone

>Nutales 2017
>Caring about anything made before it

Quack pack
Ducktales 2017
Dare i say it
Without soul
Without charm
based answer

Quack Pack was so aweful. Why were there human characters in the show?

Why wouldn't there be? House of Mouse.

Fun unrelated fact: in the italian localization they're called Qui, Quo, Qua

Wasn't Quack Pack the only other time they weren't just the same character with different color palettes?

Do you know what fun fact means

Should go without saying that it's not a "haha" kind of fun you dolt

Crossover shit, doesn't count

>>Ducktales 2017
>>Huey = brains, Dewey = jock, Louie = smooth talker
I'll have you know that according to their mom, they're supposed to be named Jet, Turbo and Rebel.

>not a "haha" kind of fun
is there a different kind of fun?

It isn't meant to be always taken literally, it can also have a figurative sense. In "fun fact"'s case, "fun" can mean trivial, "to shoot the shit" kind of information, you dig? Info you don't really need but that can still make you go "huh that's cool I guess". Enphasis on "can"

Wrong thread, here we complain about "reboot bad"

In what way is 2017 Dewey a jock?

He's adventurous, loves extreme sports and dangers and always puts himself in perilous situations

Well Donald decided to ignore those names.

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My brain could not fathom that he was sitting on eggs. It looked like he was wearing a weird thong that was way to tight for him and he was in pain.

>they're supposed to be named Jet, Turbo and Rebel
Something just occurred to me.

Attached: D_3NzkUXoAAFOr9.jpg (1200x900, 111K)

Athletic? He can pull off stunts with Webby.

Attached: 1545932170983.gif (600x338, 3.73M)

Just shows that Donald was the better parent who gave his nephews respectable names that won't get them laughed at by society.