Bunny and Ducky are the best Toy Story character

Bunny and Ducky are the best Toy Story character.


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I don't really care for their voices.

That's not Duke Caboom.

I don't think ill ever see toy story 4. CGI lost its magic the moment it stopped being impossibly hard to make.

wow, what a high bar

oh, and that's another thing, CGI was always about the WOW factor, especially at Pixar,Dreamworks then Disney.

I remember when Pixar talked how the fish in Finding Nemo were so realistic they had to tone (toon-y?) it down because they weren't pleasant to look by test audience, or when Dreamworks was proud of Donkey's horse hair in Shrek 2.

that was like 16 years ago.

For what it's worth, I did stop and go "wow, this cgi is amazing" while watching it, when I thought we'd gotten past the point I'd ever do that again.

They were a lot less annoying than I thought they'd be.

the toys need more "battle damage" , for example why is Buzz's helmet still pristine clear?

He keeps it down most the time.

The ending scene made me laugh in a wa I couldn't imagine

how are we alive?

They have little nicks and scratches, Buzz’s stickers are a little bit faded.

those a.d.d. toys are the reason i hated it

i would cum on ducky

Are they a single entity in two bodies somehow? Is it because they were stuffed from the same source, or a stuffing transplant of some kind? I haven't seen TS4 but that sounds really interesting.

They're carnival toys that are stitched together at the hand, but ran away before a kid could win one of them and be separated.

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I'd never even noticed they were stitched together in the trailer.

Imagine if one of them is a girl toy.

They very transparently were the comic relief for the babbies in the cinema. That doesn't necessarily make them bad, but they I didn't see them much more than that. I can't even precisely remember what their role was in the hostage situation.

They just tagged along because they were following Buzz.

When I saw this with my boomer dad he asked me if they were the angry birds.

Just came back from Cinema.
Gabby Gabby was the best.

If by best, you mean the most unnecessary, then I agree.

Unnecessary and the absolute worst.

Reminder: The Toy Story segment in Kingdom Hearts 3 was a better Toy Story movie than the entirety Toy Story 4.
