How well would he do in the MCU?

How well would he do in the MCU?

Attached: E15D0E69-2DED-4F3E-BE69-86E65CECDFD9.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not terrible.

>The third fucking MHA thread
I know this is the best anime ever made according to Yea Forums but you can stop the spam now

Literally who?

Hes probably the strongest hero.

>according to Yea Forums

Could classic All Might fly, or just leap?

Just leap.
Hes basically Hulk tier

Fuck the MCU. He's too good for them
You fuck off with your strawmen. Yea Forums shits on this constantly

Considering he can move massive amounts of air by clapping, he might be able to jump real high and then clap towards the ground and behind him to pseudo-fly, but it would look retarded,

He's already punched in mid air to launch himself quickly to a destination

Fuck off
MHA should be banned from Yea Forums

There's nothing more pathetic than a wannabe janitor. Are you the same asshole who tried to report a thread where a guy was asking for comic recommendations? Fuck off.

>where a guy was asking for comic recommendations
dude, MHA doesn't belong here

If it wasn't it wouldn't be the only thing that is constantly posted to every non-Yea Forums board related to anime
It's clearly what Yea Forums considers their "best work" like we consider Looney Tunes our best work

>it’s clearly what Yea Forums considers there best work
What/a/ have you visited?

I too have visited Bizarro Yea Forums.

Neither does half the porn, /pol/, Yea Forums, dragonball, and other stealth threads on this board but somehow THIS shit triggers you and won't shut the fuck up about it. You can actually talk about MHA make comparisons to western comics given the similarities and inspiration. You know, actual discussion and not power level shit like most of this board talks about.
>It's clearly what Yea Forums considers their "best work" like we consider Looney Tunes our best work
I dont know why you feel to lie, because Yea Forums adamantly shits on MHA because it's shonen. Fuck off


Next you'll argue that FNAF belongs here

>implying it doesn't
Horrorverse threads are Yea Forums, sorry.

No? What kind of retarded shit is that? Christ you're dumb. Go whine about it /qa/. See where that gets you

Yea Forums shits on anything that doesn't have shitty waifus they can jerk their micropeens to. That's just the nature of the board.

He'd likely eat a ban to the face. Probsbly why he hasnt tried depsite his cosntant use of "scorched earth moderation" via poneypussy spam.

Not an asspull. Was foreshadowed before the reveal.
Not an asspull.
Why even use the asspull meme for something you just don't like? God, this joke has lost all meaning.

>He unironically thinks I'm the pony porn posted
Ok that got a good laugh out of me

>Yea Forums shits on anything that doesn't have shitty waifus they can jerk their micropeens to. That's just the nature of the board.
You mean exactly like this board?

In fact, I'm fairly certain that that the Quirk Evolution thing is the entire reason why they went it that camp place that got attacked by the League of Villains. Yea Forums clearly speedread that part, no doubt.

You act exactly like him up to trying to backseat mod.

So would X-Men, and by extension the entire Marvel universe, benefit and reduce mutant racism if the X-Gene was 80% of the population just like in the MHA universe?

Attached: X-Men My Hero Academia.jpg (2250x1013, 1017K)

>Go to Yea Forums and the only anime mentioned is MHA
>Go to Yea Forums and the only anime mentioned is MHA (and DBZ by South Americans I'll say)
>Go to any other board and the only anime mentioned is MHA
>Go outside and the most popular anime is MHA
>Go to anime sites and the most praised anime is MHA
>Go to shops and the highest-selling merchandise is related to MHA
>Argue that it doesn't belong here since it's a Japanese-based animation and you get terribly offensive
It's universally considered anime's best work, and in that regard it's why anime will always be inferior to western animation. That something like that could be considered the highest quality is laughable as fuck, mainly because it's the only anime you can distinguish since every other anime's characters look the same

What an autistic spastic you must be in real life.

I think it's too convenient that Twice, Toga, and Shiggy are all experiencing a quirk evolution in one arc but I guess that's the consequence of their training with Gigantomachia so it still makes sense.

stop sucking Dick

>Go to Yea Forums and the only anime mentioned is MHA
>If I keep lying, and making strawmen, surely mods will thank me and even make me one of them
What bizarro board are you visiting? Go hop on your segway and do another lap of the food court

He can get wherever he wants to in the air, he just can't hover.

Honestly we need a caped board and we can talk about all these shit without some faggot complaining about it

Don't push him too much., user He'll be forced to bring out his horsepussy secret weapon to try and kill the thread! Again.

>Neither does half the porn, /pol/, Yea Forums, dragonball, and other stealth threads on this board but somehow THIS shit triggers you and won't shut the fuck up about it
Except I do also despise that shit you fucking failed abortion of a human being
>You can actually talk about MHA make comparisons to western comics given the similarities and inspiration.
Try and talk about Avatar's inspiration from anime on Yea Forums
Just fucking try
If those jackasses don't tolerate Yea Forums, Yea Forums shouldn't tolerate Yea Forums

Nah, I'm considered way too chill to people in real life
It's simple though, there's multiple boards dedicated solely to Japanese animation. If you want a good discussion about MHA that's where you should go.

Better yet
Fuck off to Yea Forums if you wanna talk about MHA
Yea Forums isn't a refugee board
Yea Forums is love was a mistake

>Noting that this is a board dedicated to non-japenese animation is backdoor modding comparable to posting porn

>If Yea Forums was more like these shit boards, then it would be better!
It's always amusing how every thread this ends up being your fall back. When it isn't pony futacock, it's this shitty backwards logic.

>Nah, I'm considered way too chill to people in real life
You're a known liar, so I doubt this.

Go bitch in /qa/ about it. See how the mods react to you telling them how to run the site as if you're staff.

>It's always amusing how every thread this ends up being your fall back.
I just want Yea Forums to stay on topic and venture beyond the comfort zone of Western comics and cartoons without resorting to fucking stealth threads because the faggots here can't figure out there's a time and place for everything

It usually immediately turns into some other form of bigotry, be it against nonmutants or another superminority in their ranks that or Marvel destroys itself in the process trying to avoid a mutant population shift.
Marvel has proven it doesn't do well with "Hero licenses"

I didn't know having a different opinion equated known lying. That isn't a civil way to discuss
I have and that has resulted in some of these threads being pruned

>I just want Yea Forums to become completely hostile and unrepentantly unpleasant like Yea Forums because nobody will suck my dick and make me a mod!
Fixed that for you.

Nigga, WE'RE the shit board

Attached: co sucks.jpg (1097x2578, 893K)

How about you go fuck yourself and let REAL MODS deal with it?
>REEEEEEEE they're talking about shit I don't like instead of trying to make threads that interest me!!!!!!
Oh wait, you just image dump in porn threads don't you? Great discussion there.

Lost in the shuffle of existing Marvel super-clones.

Attached: 640209_01.jpg (853x395, 262K)

>Yea Forums
>Staying on topic
Hell no
MHA threads are just a massive invite for more East vs West faggotry and idiots thinking they know everything about capeshit from just watching/reading MHA

>1. Too many female posters
/rk9/ level bait discarded not reading the rest


>if I use a shitty strawmsn of the entire board as perceived by a shitposter, i'll win!
Not gonna work. Try again.

He literally just admitted he screeches at the mods incessantly in /qa/. We should probably just mock the shit out of him instead of humoring his mentally ill ass.

>Implying we have real mods unless someone does the horrible thing of posting a cartoon with an animal in it

>If I keep strawmanning and throwing ad hominem, i'll win and get made a mod!

Ah, so it is you. Good that you showed your hand this early.

>Yea Forums

Except thats what MHA threads do
Every fucking retarded comparison between All Might and Superman
Every weeb baiting the retards on Yea Forums on how "Japan does capeshit better"

Can we just report him for impersonating Yea Forums staff? Because that's what he keeps pretending to be.

Except the other guy mentioned Yea Forums first

Can you get banned for encouraging stealth threads?
You even admit it is one

>/aco/ was made to contain waifufags
Incorrect. /aco/ was made because some fags on /d/ kept complaining about western art being posted.

>it is you
Literally who? How can you determine I'm a fag because I don't want to see Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry threads pruned because someone might joke about fucking one of them?

So you just live in your own little autistic world, make up shit, and admit you easily fall for bait? Because that's what it amounts to.

I've seen him get banned after enough time for continued shitposting and (likely) a staggering number of reports. But it's best to wait until he breaks down and starts spamming horses again, as he is want to do.

Probably be one of the top heroes and one of the most likable ones. Still has a small network of people who know what he really is

>Everyone who's sick of MHA fags must be the same guy
Wow user, nice straw man
We might as well be Yea Forums

>impersonating Yea Forums staff
No one in this thread is pretending they are a jannie

Are you dense?
Retarded? "All Might"/type/op/

>If I keep strawmanning and pretending to not be the same autist in every thread, they'll suck my little peepee at last!

Except you, right? Or perhaps you think you're an actual jannie instead?

Nigga I want you to consider for a moment the ratio of "MHAfags" who talk on this board, and the other shit posted on this board. Spoiler Alert; it's low as fuck.
Yeah, it's shitposting that your dumbass feeds. Yea Forums is the most easily baited board on Yea Forums and you enable it


Around battle of 2012 Thor to hulk buster level, so pretty good.

>If I keep screaming at the top of my lungs for the mods and pretending to be staff, I'll win and everyone I don't like will be banned!

Yea Forums also shits on
Gurren Lagann
Cowboy Bebop
Attack On Titan

If it's not "Loli Oppai Anime #19293 of the week" then Yea Forums wants nothing to do with it and thats a fact

There will be 0 pony porn posted because I'm not that fag and I can have actual debates

You aren't very good at this.

You deliberately made this thread to talk about MHA primarily
The MCU shit is a Trojan horse for your cancer

I want you all to observe this user and his autistic crusade. He thinks he's doing some sort of service.
And apparently he can't read. We've had good MHA/comic discussions on here in the past, and yet dumbasses like you feed the shitposting because you want it banned

>There will be 0 pony porn posted because I'm not that fag and I can have actual debates
Sure. And everyone here is literal Jesus too.

And as everyone keeps telling you, let REAL MODS fucking worry about such things. You just don't get it, do you?

>We've had good MHA/comic discussions on here in the past
>Implying it was ever good you filthy weeb leach

Not the OP. But it's okay, Lee. All the mean MHA and Horrorverse threads will get banned so you can jerk off to your futas in peace.

Even if you aren't just the one guy (which I doubt), you're still an autistic sperg trying to play at a role reserved for staff.

>If I just keep screeching and calling all the bad people names, they'll finally make me staff!

Complaining about mods is against the rules, user.

Couldn't I argue that with you saying a japanese anime is allowed on a non-anime board?

>Gurren Lagann
>tfw I was there for the fype over the last few gurren lagann eps
I miss when Yea Forums was better.

Attached: cares.gif (500x270, 864K)

And so is MHA

Answer his fucking question

Explain why Brightburn and the Horrorverse threads "aren't Yea Forums" first. Oh wait, you can't.

I don't expect anyone to get banned here and it very rarely happens.
If you insisting to discuss anime here there's even a general going on right now just for you the board manages to tolerate

Live action adaptation discussions are neither comics nor cartoons, yet are allowed here. Image dump porn threads aren't Yea Forums, yet are allowed. Twitter screencap threads and linked clickbait news site are allowed. And yet you draw a line in the sand over a similar medium that actually takes notes from western comics and can actually be disccussed? You're all kinds of fucking stupid

He had a question? Sorry. Didn't notice. But he can ask about it on /qa/ instead :^)

>If I act like I speak for the entire board, it means I'll win the argument!

>Because some shit is allowed since it relates to Yea Forums I should be allowed to post anything in the world not related to Yea Forums if I ask how it would fare in marvel

That's the difference
Yea Forums can talk about the Sonic movie because Sonic is Yea Forums
MHA is not an adaptation of any Yea Forums property
>Twitter screencap threads
I hate those as well

Brighburn isn't Yea Forums because its a live action movie
I don't go to Horrorverse threads because Yea Forums projects are abortions but horror properties do have Yea Forums adaptations and tie-ins like Friday the 13th comics for example

>If I continue to act like I'm the board's moral guardian and whiteknight, I'll get to become a mod and get rid of all the nasty people who bully me!

Wow, you're such a faggot

So the fact that MHA pulls A LOT from Superman, Spider-Man, and X-Men ultimately doesn't fucking matter to you? Oh wow, can't imagine the discussion there!

>I have no argument so I must resort to strawmanning

Ok, you're insisting something explicitly against rules is ok
Make a thread right now that's straight up porn and ask how that porn actress would fare in the MCU. That thread should be allowed under what you're saying

>Brighburn isn't Yea Forums because its a live action movie
Explain literally all of the live action movies the board regularly talks about. Explain literally anything involving live action shows.

>because Yea Forums projects are abortions
So you like dictating what the board should be like, but you dislike anything the board actually sets out to do? Wowie, how non-hypocritical of you.

Inspiration doesn't make you Yea Forums
Scott Pilgrim can't be discussed on Yea Forums
Avatar can't be discussed on Yea Forums
OK KO (prior to the Sonic crossover) can't be discussed on Yea Forums

Anime pulls a lot from Tezuka, who was directly inspired by Disney's output
Is it ok to post Disney films and Duck comics on Yea Forums now?

To be fair, no it really doesn't.
Elvis modelled himself after Captain Marvel Jr.
Doesn't make Elvis Yea Forums related.

Not as much as your dad was last night :^)

>Explain literally all of the live action movies the board regularly talks about. Explain literally anything involving live action shows.
Except they're adaptations of Yea Forums works
Like how Yea Forums can talk about the Sonic movie
Like how Yea Forums can discuss a live action Kenshin film

>If I continue throwing ad hominem and claiming everyone other than myself is strawmanning, I'll win!

By your own logic, none of those things are Yea Forums because they're all live action. Can't back out now.

>Resorting to ad hominem

You seem really obsessed with other boards. Why don't you go moderate THEM? And yeah, a case could be made about Scott Pilgrim/ATLA being discussed on that board, but that's their decision

>ad hominem
Stop being passive aggressive and post what I told you. Put your money where your mouth is

He would be. One of the strongest heroes physically, on par with the Hulk or Iron Man's stronger suits, but below Thanos. He would probably do well on the Avengers team

Not seeing any denial that your dad was howling like a banshee last night, user.

>And yeah, a case could be made about Scott Pilgrim/ATLA being discussed on that board
That's the difference
They respect the border and rules
Yea Forums tries to give itself as much special treatment as possible like some deranged college student

>Yea Forums tries to give itself as much special treatment as possible like some deranged college student
It's funny how you say this when you're the one trying to argue for turning Yea Forums into a police-state shitshow.

>By your own logic, none of those things are Yea Forums because they're all live action
But they're adaptations of Yea Forums material
That's the key thing

>Implying it isn't already

BASED mods.

>It's funny how you say this when you're the one trying to argue for turning Yea Forums into a police-state shitshow.
>Implying disregarding rules because I SAY SO logic isn't wanting special treatment

I said it was THEIR decision. And they likely wouldn't go for it because they're more porn obsessed than Yea Forums
>They respect the border and rules
No they fucking don't.

>No they fucking don't.
As bad as Yea Forums is, they keep things Yea Forums strictly


Attached: All Might.png (702x1138, 346K)

Don't know why they don't nuke the whole thread though

Rules are rules
>Images and discussion should pertain to media of Western origin.


If we talked about everything that was an adaptation from something else, you might have point. But we don't, so you don't.

And we should imitate them because...?

>If we talked about everything that was an adaptation from something else, you might have point. But we don't, so you don't.
>Implying its not too late to start now
And why shouldn't Yea Forums stay Yea Forums?

Ok make a thread titled "MHA general" right now

Wait a minute, its Saturday
Why aren't you taking it to the Toonami general?

They nuked only the msot obvious shitters and backseat staff.

Our best threads are almost always the ones combining something like DC with something else.

it doesn't
Avatar isn't Yea Forums
Scott Pilgrim isn't Yea Forums
Boondocks isn't Yea Forums
OK KO prior to the Sonic crossover isn't Yea Forums

>Our best threads are almost always the ones combining something like DC with something else.
>Yea Forums is at its best when it can talk about stuff that isn't Yea Forums while shitting on the stuff that is Yea Forums

Nope. Mods decree. MHA is now Yea Forums-approved. Fucking deal with it.

Haven't the mods given you the answer yet? They've pretty much expressed their stance on this "issue" and you're just being a cunt shouting in a void at this point.

>If I strawman as much as I can, then I'll win!

Enjoy more East vs West shit
Enjoy more people trying to argue why other blatant non Yea Forums shit is now Yea Forums approved because MHA gets a pass
Enjoy more threads turning Yea Forums into an Yea Forums refugee zone

He's pretty much just flipping his shit in desperation at this point.

>because MHA gets a pass
Because it's obviously the exception to the rule given what it is?

Bye now. Don't let the door hit your fat ass as you scoot on out.

This is the same guy who flips his shit at Yea Forums projects and LoD threads. Don't bother.

Except the exception isn't clearly defined at all

>Everyone who hates MHAfags is the same person
I like Yea Forums projects when they stay being Yea Forums, thank you very much

If this is still up tomorrow mods decided this show is allowed and a general will be made. Stayed tuned folks

So, you like none of them then? Well, at least you admit it.

I also like how you don't deny the LoD threads cause you to sperg. Not like we didn't know already.

I'd like to compare/discuss the MHA government to that of Marvel's proposed Registration Act; isn't it logical and right? Granted Hero Society isn't perfect in the MHA universe, but it's at least functional and actually adapted to super powered people. Marvel on the other hand threw a shitfit over Mutants getting registered because they thought it somehow violated civil rights.
>He's still going

Attached: 1541109076243.gif (400x500, 32K)

I don't go to Yea Forums project threads
I gave up hope for them because Yea Forums just makes trash and has reduced this place into a bigger laughing stock than ever
Yea Forums makes nothing of value (aside from Hope Corgi)

Don't get your hopes up. Most people probably only stuck around to tell the policefag sperg to fuck off.

>I don't care about the board at all!
>I'll still sperg about people posting threads I don't like on it and having fun where I can't have fun!
Ah, I see. You're just plain mentally ill.

I'm the guy you're talking about but I might as well answer your question
MHA and Marvel's key difference is that the Japanese government's relationship with its people isn't as bad as the US government's with its people
That's it
Its a simple difference in culture and history
Registration wouldn't be seen as a bad thing in Japan with their heads in charge while Americans distrust their government with a passion

I care about this board so much that I don't want it to become a second Yea Forums
Twiterfags, off topic cancer, e-celebs, internet politics, etc
Why the fuck is this so hard for you to grasp?

>Twice, Toga,
They never experience evolution
Twice just never used his quirk on himself out of fear and not knowing if he's the real one.
Toga could always use someone else quirk but need to know how. The Reporter just had a lack of information on her part

But Mutants and superheroes aren't exclusively US issues. The Registration Act was a U.N. decided bill that concerned everyone. So the question still stands

If you actually 'cared', oyud have left this thread and allowed people to actually enjoy themselves discussing something for once.

As it stands, you are no different from Yea Forums itself. You actively make this place more of an unpleasant hellhole and make people more hostile and unresponsive to shit that might actually lead to some good discussion, instead leading to more and more shitposts and garbage threads building up becuase nobody can talk about shit anymore without getting shat upon for wrongthink. You are quite literally the cancer you claim to be fighting.

Was a fun thread, have a good night everyone

>Toga could always use someone else quirk but need to know how.
That's actually incorrect. Toga had no idea she could also mimic quirks until that moment. It's why during the license exam she relied on acrobatics and her own quirk when impersonating Camie

>becuase nobody can talk about shit anymore without getting shat upon for wrongthink.
There's nothing wrong when Yea Forums is talking about Yea Forums primarily

He's right you are a fucking jackass. And by "discussion", I assume you mean shitty waifu threads

WOW this is some nice discussion about the MCU

Wheenever Yea Forums tries to talk about comics or cartoons shit nowadays, it ALWAYS devolves into political garbage or endless childlike bitching and tantrum-throwing over specific writers that people hate for little to no reason. Threads like these are some of those rare cases where you see people actually bothering to talk about shit instead of lob feces at each other and scream incessantly.

Welcome to Yea Forums

>If I straw man all comic and cartoon discussion on Yea Forums by generalizing it, I win

>If I suddenly pop back up and continue to act like I'm a moral authority and I know how Yea Forums works down to the minute, I'll get my dick sucked and become a mod!

But he's right. This board doesn't want to talk about the material anymore. They just wants memes, porn, and shitposting

Isn't that this post ?

>If I strawman Yea Forums as a whole, I'll make it seem like my excuse for having threads go my way is the right way

Not really.
Firstly, they're two different worlds.
Marvel's government and people are largely corrupt.
Even the GOOD GUYS end up making moral compromises trying to implement registrations, then the keys are handed over to legitimate villain. Registration is highly illogical in a world in which the government is infiltrated if not overtly taken over by evil people. MHA comparatively is filled mostly with simply inept individuals trying to make the system work.
But at its core, Quirk licensing and the hero system DOESN'T WORK. It only "worked" when All Might was taking most the load, and it almost killed him and in that time the people have turned heroics in general into a popularity contest mixed with police quotas. So many people have gotten the wrong idea of what it is to be a hero. Now that he's gone everyone is scrambling to put a new keystone in his place and all the real issues of society are rushing to the surface in his absence.
So no MHA's government wouldn't work for Marvel, it doesn't even work for them.

I like All Might. I like how he has moves named after the states and how he likes America.

>If I continue to act like everyone but me is strawmanning, maybe the mods won't ban me and I'll finally get a staff position to ban all the meanies myself!

>If I strawman everyone who opposes me, maybe the meanies who keep pointing out MHA has no legitimacy will stop


>If I keep screeching incessantly and making no arguments, maybe I'll stop being bullied and finally get the mod position I need to truly police the board!

>That's actually incorrect. Toga had no idea she could also mimic quirks until that moment.
She did.
It's why she was said she was watching how Ochako used her quirk.
Plus she could literally use the someone quirk in the game One's justice. which came out months before the chapter in which she used Ochako's quirk.
When she was Ochako back during that exam arc, she never used her quirk, not because she couldn't use it but because she didn't know how, nor what her quirk was. She meet Ochako once before that exam and never once used her quirk. She just used CQC.

Attached: 0226-014.png (923x1300, 411K)

Pot, meet kettle

Also Hori said in her extra page that she can use their quirk as well

Attached: D3lM3b6WsAIwrnR.jpg (715x526, 96K)

MHA fans have made no valid argument on why MHA should be be on Yea Forums

>If I keep pretending I have a legit argument and refuse to engage in an actual discussion, maybe they'll think I do have an argument

They had, you're just frantically throwing a fit at this point

Then why did she seem surprised by this revelation? She showed no evidence in canon that she was aware she could use quirks too. Then again, her transformations have been limited

Except they haven't refuted how MHA's excuse for inspiration doesn't work when Scott Pilgrim can't be on Yea Forums

The mods have had the final say and are entirely fine with MHA. Go ahead and try to defy them on this if you want. Nobody's going to be sad when you eat a ban.

Then why have MHA threads in the past have been deleted?

See . Are you really that desperate to backseat mod that you'll actively defy the staff to shitpost?

Because you spam horse futacock in them when things don't go your way and the mods couldn't be assed enough to just delete it all. Not the case this time.

You're completely right but I'd say Yea Forums's palette is a little wider than Yea Forums's in general where the hivemind is to shit on anything that doesn't look like a light novel

>horse futacock
didn't know that happened in some of them
I just see them get taken down like any other Yea Forums thread on a blue moon

>I just see them get taken down like any other Yea Forums thread on a blue moon
You say that and yet we've consistently have had Dragonball threads up, and currently have a Deku vs Steven Universe thread up

>Then why did she seem surprised by this revelation?
I really wouldn't call the face she made "surprised".

Attached: 0226-013.png (931x1300, 523K)

I said blue moon for a reason

All Might, like most new heroes that come on the scene, would probably be seen as a villain at the beginning by The Avengers.

>Yea Forums in charge of knowing Yea Forums
every time

literally a stapple of Xmen comics and most capeshit that run for long enough.

are you retarded? we know about the infinite clones since his first flashback, his problem was that after the first failure he refused to do it again.
Toga always had the ability to use other's quirk, but she'd need to know how it works, and so far she never transformed for more than a we hour. Unlike Momona, she didn't do a military school (or school at all) to have a quick rundown on how to try other people's quirk.
It's all made dramatic because no matter what, it's a young teenager story, but so far there's no real plot holes, just development you dislike (but once again, it's a teenager comics, and you aren't one)

>shit that never happened.
Just because you didn't find a general to fellate your shitty twitter screencaps doesn't mean Yea Forums hates the content of their board.

is that word too complex for you? Are you like Engllish Fifth Language?

but you agree with that quite there. She didn't know she could use it, so she didn't use it. In her recent arc, she was nearly killed and tried it out of desperation and instinct (since quirks still push you to use them, she was dragged to drink blood by instinct, and now tried to use it by instinct too)

MHAfag strikes again with the Yea Forums thread