ITT: genuinely awful official or fan pairings
ITT: genuinely awful official or fan pairings
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Raven wanted to fuck Robin in the comics too, they make a better couple IMO.
I don't have a picture, but Sora and Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. Anyone else feel this pairing is just bad? No chemistry unless the chemistry of a Cold Fish is what you're looking for. It's also bland and just ugh.
It's just NOT good. Normally we understand why at least of the characters likes the other, but in this case? After many video games we still don't know what these two see in each other.
Ultimate bad pairing
t. Terra
She was a horrible unlikable cunt.
Says a lot when Connie kissing Steven on the cheek in their movie trailer had more sincerity and charm than the "official" kiss between Star and Marco did. Jenna's better for him anyway.
She doesn’t deserve him
Carl and Jimmy's mom.
What's wrong with it?
not even a Zutarafag
She really doesn't and even outside of romance she's a stupid unbearable character. She's a schizo because she's both clumsy AND a Mary Sue all rolled into one.
This team with this artist.
Never understood what Yea Forums have against it.
I thought I was alone in hating this pairing. I just didn't like Aang as a character. Visually he's unappealing. He looks like a bald cancer kid patient. Personality? A pussy pacifist instant turn off (why is it that in war stories most of the time they choose pacifist protagonists?). And he accomplished his destined mission by crying hard enough to be given an Auto-Win button. This kid is a terrible main lead and as a potential mate for any given woman? He's unattractive entirely.
it's hard to put too much weight into a kiss when those two have literally merged their body into a single being many times before, which is more intimate than full on bareback fucking
It was so bad that the creator who based it off her own marriage didn’t confirm they would last.
Sam was basically an SJW who pushed her views and agendas all the time and no matter what bad things she did she NEVER suffered for it. That and she was not a true friend to Danny as the only reason she even looked his way was because he had super powers. Sam also has a habit of straight up lying because she's a dishonest goth in that she's not truly a goth and she lies about her rich background. She's in every way a piece of shit.
BB×Terra is also bad, BB in general is a bad character and pairing him with someone doesn't fix that
Worst. Ending. Ever.
All the girls wanted beast boy because they knew he had a horse cock and was an animal in bed.
This looks soooo forced.
Daron Nefcy conformed it on her AMA on leddit. So basically Star committed mass murder for a boy she was going to break up with anyway.
>let's give the character whose only gimmick is that she chases boys that aren't into her a steady, consenting boyfriend
>this won't rob her of any potential to be used in plots as anything other than a crowd filler in the future, right?
>so bad at sex he needs to become a different species to please a woman
This is Ben all over again.
t. Ozai
Best pairing ever man I love it.
>awful official or fan pairings
so all shipping?
Fusion is more of a gem thing than a human thing. That's the closest they've gotten in the latter department.
any girl who runs around in some spandex leotard and has daddy issues like Raven and Terra are totally going to be degenerates who want to take the knot
Do you think they ever used the toilet while merged?
Doesn’t disprove my point.
Not yet. That's like an after marriage thing probably (which will be the series finale, count on it)
Davekat in Homestuck
I always felt like all of the "romance" in homestuck was carefully constructed by Hussie to be as idiotic and nonsensical as possible out of spite to the shippers
It wasn't even official in the 2003 series. The creators just thought of them as bickering siblings who needed to learn to get along despite being opposites. TTGo didn't get that.
Because Sam's kind of a cunt in general. She makes it clear that she only really cares about Phantom, not Fenton, and is more than willing to duck him over or drag him into her own petty schemes. There's virtually no reason for Danny to like her outside "she's a girl that gives him attention".
>"she's a girl that gives him attention".
I'd settle for that
this very subjective.
Valerie was better for him
this is it right here
also rosemary. but davekat is certainly worse
This dude made some God-tier Starcuck art.
God this is cringe.
TTGo is more sincere to the comics. Wait, Yea Forums doesn't read comics. Sorry, that's my bad you Yea Forumsutist.
I thought they called them an old married couple?
Hussie's a hack
and I actually like the other gay pairings
Timmy/Vicky is okay although that particular comic is wank.
But all those Timmy/Trixie episodes in the show were absolute slogs to get through.
Ok uh Tooty and Timmy are the same age, if Timmy is those kids dad then how do they all look the same age or older than Tooty. This is pretty dumb.
Sounds like fem anons arr jealous
He said awFUL, not awESOME
>TTGo didn't get that.
TTG is shit but they were a couple in the comics. 2003 isn't the source material, bro.
Who said anything about changing species?
Seething tootiefags
Seething crackshipper
The other romances I could at least tolerate on some level.
This, though. This was fucking retarded.
Troll romance in general is stupid to begin with.
>ttgo is more sincere to the comics
You mong, only in the Johns run can one say that there was any legitimized mutual attraction between the two. Wolfman's run originally treated her as a perpetual outsider and, as I recall, there was no intention of her being kept as a permanent character. Now, post nu52, her pairings are absolutely arbitrary. When you say "ttgo is more sincere to the comics" you mean "ttgo is more sincere to the comic that legitimizes my ship." In essence, you're being pandered to and you've convinced yourself that it's ok. The only reason why any writer would ship the two, specifically in a meta comedy like ttgo, would be to simultaneously make fun of it and to attract shipfags
At the end of the day, all this thread is, is:
>WAAAAAAAHHHHH! Why didn't my self-insert get with [character I want to fuck]!
TTG literally took the voices, designs, and base personalities of the 2003 show. They only take stuff from the comic once in a blue moon, like Ravager. No, I'm not counting random DC cameos as that.
Furthermore, Johns only added it because it was a popular fan pairing in the 2003 series. It had no basis before the show.
I remember when Starco was both expected and wanted.
those were the days
eh don't really have much of a problem
Katara screamed "dyke" from the start at least it isn't a fucking love triangle (god I hate those)
The demon responsible for everything bad that happened in homestuck is a fan of Davekat. Tells you a lot though I'm still a fan
yet all of them got Poe's law'd save Vrisna
Who, V?
Lord English
they only like it for the /ss/
In all honesty the endgame pairings were good for the most part (not counting the epilogues) davekat was just really, really shit.
Oh I'm fucking retarded i though you were referring to a real person.
I feel Homestuck was valuing platonic relationship is more than romantic ones
>the four mains only wanted friendship and ended up the most stable
>Karkat only wanted friends and was the best troll while Eridan was the most aggressive in romance and became the worst
>all romances fizzled out save Rose and Kanaya the people that had their shit together the most
>friendsim except dating sim
>that speech about friendship that got shat on by [S] GAME OVER
Fifi la fume is literally BUILT for HMOAF
Literally any girl would be a more compatible match for Marco than Stat
she was a boring character regardless
>at least it isn't a fucking love triangle
oh but it was. remember book 1?
I wish this was the actual canon.
dunno why I got the name wrong
I get why people hate it
but I also find two people with a class all about being nurturing nurturing each other is comfy as fuck. Maybe not fucking each other but definitely a friendship
Static’s relationship with Daisy is boring both in the cartoon and comics.
Knight is a defense, not nurturing class. And neither nurtures each other. If anything, Davekat is so bad because it stagnates each other.
makes sense, but usually with knights is that they are so focused on defending others that they tend to forsake their own well-being. So the safespace of having them both looking out for each other was the thing that ultimately helped them deal with their issues in the end.
Would you still settle when you've also got a handful of objectively better girls who DO give a fuck about you as options?
Yes you are.
They had 3 seasons of intense development. Not a straight shot progression; true development with ups and downs, awkards bouts and doubts. Shit was organic as fuck
>he watched it after the first 3 episodes
I'm genuinely sorry
>chad korra stealin yo girl for dat schlick
I remember watching this when I was younger and using it as an excuse that I wasn't racist
At least with Gorgon she was dying went "why not". This was so half backed Soule didn't even bother show how it started or really justify why either of them care about each other above fling level.
She didn't, it's just Yea Forums blowing things out of proportion again
Daron said she doesn't know what the future holds, because she wants to come back to the show, but that they're very much in love. She never said they wouldn't last. That was just butter Star VS fans desperately wanting to go back to the Star cuck days and grasping at any straws.
No fucking way user this was meant to be
THIS. This is especially evident with Starfags. But the rest of the thread isn't much better.
The genocide thing is still true though.
Except they didn't deal with their issues. Dave admits he has problems but he never actually does anything to solve them, if anything he becomes worse because he ends up only caring about himself, and treating everyone else around him like a baby, all the while whining about his bro..
well that is how shipping works
but most would be fine if there wasn't any couples
Perhaps the only time getting blacked was actually the correct answer
She said they’re in love NOW. And knowing how much of a fuck up Star is on top of the genocide and Earth’s situation regarding the monsters, chances aren’t good, especially since she says that they’re kids who need life experience and see other people like real teenagers.
hold up nigs, the show actually has a genocide in it?
Yee, very last episode.
He wasnt even with Daisy in the comics.
He married Frieda and even had kids with her
Man the Inhuman push really made Medusa become a 100% bitch. I was find with her before the push and while her and Black Bolt have patched things up. It kinda sucks knowing she is far less loyal to him then he is to her.
though I admit I still found her very attractive and her powers are kinda cool
trips confirmed
Best Fifi pairing was her and Furrball, because at least it kept her gimmick going, but they only used it in one episode and some merch like coloring and activity books. She was never much of a character in the grand scheme of Tiny Toons.
That's seems like it's mostly just you projecting
Absolutely nothing she said implies any of that. And she said that regards to Star and Marco's prior relationships not about each other.
Daron could have said anything and you probably would have taken it in the most negative way possible. I didn't like the past season either, but jesus the way Yea Forums screeches about is embarrassing.
I feel like it had potential to be cute but the shippers being fucking obnoxious ruined it for me.
Based, I always say this. Give starfire to cyborg and beast boy is the youngest anyway so he can wait and eventually get terra for alittle
No he dated Daisy and doesn’t gets with Frieda until later .But Frieda is his main love interest, while Daisy is his detour love interest.
>Absolutely nothing she said implies any of that. And she said that regards to Star and Marco's prior relationships not about each other.
She didn’t need to imply because that’s a message of the show and a major dynamic of Star, she does something wrong, and it blows up in her face. Also that wasn’t in regards to their previous relationships, that was just relationships in general.
Numbuh One and Lizzie from KND. As in, I get it, the joke is that the capable and serious leader has bad taste in girls and is a henpecked boyfriend, but they didn't have to make her so annoying and loud.
It's not clear. Star erases magic in the last episode and it is assumed any magical creatures were erased with it. The problem is that the show never defined what a magical creature is. A flying magical decapitated unicorn head apparently isn't a magical creature but a a giraffe man is.
It doesn't help that the creator said that a litter of laser shooting puppies survived despite the fact we saw them being created with magic onscreen.
A few theories say that no magical creatures died but were instead reverted to the objects or creatures they were made from.
But basically the creator of the show implied there was no genocide but Yea Forums insists there was.
Based. Raven and Robin just works. Have BB/Tera and Cyborg/Starfire, call it a day.
Nefcy needs to know inconstancy. Also even if Star didn’t commit a genocide, she basically wiped out an important resource considering how important Magic was in Mewni.
Basically Star Vs is a SHIT show with bad writing is what you're saying by explaining this entire deal here.....glad I dropped it at episode 3 of Season 1.
You mean yAWnworthy you brainlets
First two seasons are good, the rest are indeed shit except for the rare kernels of good.
rosemary was the one ship with unironic potential because of the chemistry the two characters COULD'VE had. read kanaya and rose's initial pesterlog chain, it's unironically really well written and highlights their personality meshing really well. a shame it sucked though
Stay mad cucks
Yes it was. The question was literally about why she kept Marco and Star as friends until the end and why she kept their other relationships going. I'm not gonna dig through the ama tonscreencap the question, don't feel like it, but i remember it was a question asked by ngame.
And again, that you assuming that the Mewni and Earth fusion was a bad thing. You may not like it and agree with it but as far as Daron is concerned the fusion was a good thing.
And since we're talking about running themes on the show, the one consistent theme on the show is that Star and Marco will always come back to each other after being separated.
>worst troll
stopped reading right there
Magic was only important to Mewmans and royals, monsters were living without it for centuries. And even then they started to learn to live without magic when Moon lost her crown.
>but as far as Daron is concerned the fusion was a good thing.
Nefcy is also an inconsistent writer as noted in . Nothing good comes out of tossing an entire group of people from their usual place into a foreign world without their choice in it.
I only hate it because they are eskimo (lol) sisters. Dont have them have the same ex if you want a ship that's just weird.
Shiro x Random background NPC
>Jebus and Cesarean Pizza
Love those guys, they made Star threads home.
Matt and Sora
Hell, we SEE that it isn't a good thing firsthand. The monsters and mewmans were instantly attacking any person they saw, we saw a guy get dragged away by a giant spider. There's literally zero reason for anyone to assume the final episode is anything less than the apocalypse.
Go look at the AMA, not a single question about that was answered. Nefcy knows she fucked up.
trips confirmed awful!
>A few theories say that no magical creatures died but were instead reverted to the objects or creatures they were made from.
But that's nonsense, since the MHC dying due to magic being destroyed was a crucial plot point they explicitly showed off. Even in the same AMA she admitted that magical beings like Doop-Doop were dead as well. Only the Lazer Puppies were confirmed alive because nobody wants to go down as the monster that killed off fucking puppies because they clearly didn't think things through.
>yeah, a hundred thousand magical beings are dead, impaired or worse but hey at least the puppies are alright
Awful. And the thing is even the redditors were able to see the flaw in this, Nefcy stayed silent.
If anything that image reaffirms the theory. Omnitraxes and Rhombulous sweren't erased, they just had the magical aspect taken away and reverted to mundane objects and creatures. Notice how Rhombulous' snakes are still alive despite the fact they could both talk. They were just turned into regular snakes, which is probably what happened to the laser puppies, they were turned into regular dogs.
With Doop-Doop he was probably turned back into a regular broom which is as good as death in that case. But the point still stands, things that weren't supposed to be sentient ceased being sentient and normal creatures with magical enhancements turned back into normal creatures. So nothing was technically erased, they just had the magic sucked out of them and depending on the creature that either meant losing sentience and becoming an object, like Omnitraxus becoming a skull and swords and Rhombulous becoming a crystal, or being reverted back into a an animal.
unironically incredibly based. I really wish they would have left it ambiguous since it felt cringy to see them randomly kiss in the middle of battle after just being attacked and almost killed by a giant chaos creature.
In other words, yes they’re dead.
this was the best and most well executed ship in cartoon history. You cannot prove me wrong, but I'd like to see you try.
But it does explain why the laser puppies survived just like Rhombulous's snakes.
It’s still pretty fucked up. Puppies are puppies, animals, but Rhombulous could think and emote, in the end they take that from him and leave him a pile of snakes. Basically a lobotomy.
But we also see the unicorns die horrible, gruesome deaths as well. By that logic wouldn't they have just turned to normal?
Is there something in this panel that's supposed to indicate that or is it unrelated
Cyborg is for Bumblebee
This and Valerie was just a far more interesting match for him
SvTFOE, the Hartman shows (moreso Danny Phantom than FoP), and Adventure Time have always had chronic cases of sore loser syndrome when it comes to ships.
Most of my complaints are about awful characters being paired with good ones and dragging them down, if my self-insert gets with anyone they stop being my self-insert
>genuinely awful pairings
A creepy casanova wannabe which she never paid attention until the last minute, then, she chose to die rather than go out on a second date with him.
no contest. there's also davexkarkat which is just as bad.
I stopped watching this fairly early on. What happened to finn?
all potential they had, was lost because they were dykes.
Relegated to side character in his own show
Imagine the lessons the children learned from that.
CN really wanted to push homosex and DEEP pseudo intellectual faggotry and hatred of boys and heternormativity.
Show just went full creepy hateful pseudo intellectual and gay after the first few seasons.
Series bombed HUGE with the audience and absolutely no one save for creepers watched it.
Now they can't even get reruns of the show on the air and are desperately trying to squeeze out a few shekels by selling early AT type stuff to ignorant kids who've never even seen the mindrotting shitshow it became.
At least there's that I suppose. Did they manage to conclude the series?
This cartoon has been our turf since season 1 asshole. Season fucking one.
>Ultimate bad pairing
You haven't seen this movie then
All this talk about Teen Titans and no mention of Terry Long.
I'm so glad I dropped this show before the relationship drama became the hook of the story.
I think it's a good thing he's forgotten
What a stupid fucking piece of shit of a movie. I'm glad it died in obscurity
Shut up, Hugofag
Shut the fuck up, PedoBitch
Ms. Paint and Spades Slick was the only genuinely good ship, until Hussie killed Slick off and cuck him by replacing him with the genocidal murder and pretend nothing ever happened.
I could at least tolerate Gwen/Kevin despite how shitty and forced it was
But This Shit? Hell NO. They could not have picked a worse girl for the Main character
Same desu
Not awful but just really weird
How nobody has posted this yet astonishes me.
Straight up killed the show.
Nope. That was just Americans being stupid and thinking taiora was gonna happen.
Kys incestcuck
Where's that from?
holy shit hahahahaha
he doesn't look that comfortable tho
you can't do that
this shit was kino
>She doesn’t deserve him
Very true, but with that said Chat x Marinette is the best.
>chinese leaks
Underrated post
I'm pretty sure editorial wanted them broken up from the get beginning. Before they dropped the universal Inhumans the other wives were a problem. Then Black Bolt keeping illuminati secrets and everything with Soule.