Well, Yea Forums

How would you write her to not suck?

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>How would you write her to not suck?
but sucking is the only thing she has going for her

for one i'd give her an artist who hasn't ripped apart her legs at the waist

It's hard. DC already has Mad Hatter, Carpenter, and Cheshire. Spider-Man is already filled with animal villains so there goes Walrus, March hare, Walrus, Loin, Unicorn.

So I would pair her up with the Spot as a Bonnie and Clyde deal. You know the whole "down the rabbit hole"

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I like her just being a goofy, cute recurring villain alongside a couple other animal related goofballs.

They could be a nemesis for Cloak and Dagger

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Neat and funny idea.

Why do Ants get the best pictures

>How would you write her to not suck
make her an actual rabbit/human morph, just go full on furry with her design
Make her ditch that magician crap and adopt a full Alice in Wonderland motif
She pins down the hero and tells him he's about to find out how far the rabbit hole goes

Not anymore!

Attached: Silly Rabbit.jpg (974x1081, 214K)

Put a ballgag in her mouth, and she won't be able to suck.

>The duo pic for White Rabbit and Spot is that she and him both dove through the same port-hole at the same time and got wedged into it. Police already swarming as she angrily punches at him.

>You will never web those thighs
Lewd-ass panels going on here

Wouldn't prison probably scare her straight into being a socialite if her wealth wasn't already seized?

White Rabbit has to be terrible, she isn't a real supervillain and should never become one. She's a running joke of "what if an uber rich trophy wife outlived her geriatric husband and used his fortune to LARP as a supervillain". Even her first appearance had her paying actors to be her goons and she never ends up going to prison for her crimes because she's so goddamn rich.

I wonder how rich he was. Probably a double-digit billionaire if she hopes to keep the LARPing up for decades.
I like to think she's a recurring villain for Mayday or whoever else inherits Spider-Man's legacy., but it goes from being funny to just sad.

>it's an "Anonymous comes up with a great idea that we will unfortunately never see in a comic" post

dangit. I want to see this happen now

It's never actually addressed but odds are he had a ton of investments that she just keeps getting returns on, it would be pretty funny for her to just show up in a shareholders meeting for Roxxon or Alchemax just bored out of her mind.

Nick Spencer appears to have a soft spot for her. She keeps appearing in his run repeatedly; at the Bar With No Name, in Kraven's Hunted story, and now a member of Beetle's poorly organized villain group who wants Boomerang dead.

Maybe Spencer will write another Superior Foes spinoff, only this time focused on this team. I'd read it.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man vs Scorpia, Lady Octopus, Beetle, White Rabbit, and Electro.jpg (738x1125, 291K)

It would be funnier if she went in a meeting as White Rabbit, and tried to rob the shareholders.

Oh, forgot to add, then she goes back in the next meeting like nothing happened.

>at the Bar With No Name
More and more Superior seems to line up perfectly for Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

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I think she's fun in the sense that she's a wannabe villain. She's kind of like The Monarch from Venture Bros who's just a trust fund baby doing this shit for kicks.
>The Gang Tries To Kill Spider-Man

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Fuck me if that isn't great. She could even fund herself and Spot

I'm pretty sure this team is gonna break up by the end of this issue but I would totally read a 5 issue menagerie mini about her and her abject failure of a gang.

It would basically be a what if of Superior foes if they were even more incompetent

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>two of them don't even dress like animals.

I feel like they need to be swapped out, or get a change of costume

Ox is to good for a shitty costume

> "AH HA! Spider-Girl! I expected your very much unwanted interruption!"
> "Come on, Lorina. Not this again."
> "What's wrong? Afraid to step closer less I push the button and make the little carrot son these little hostages go pop?"
> "Pop is right. I bet those are just firecrackers again, aren't they? Now come on, I'll take you home back to the kids."
> "Oh, oh, alright!"

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Though she does look intimidating here.
Or maybe that's just the big metal death rabbit.

Forgot image.

Attached: Temrinator Rabbit.jpg (182x276, 25K)

>Too good for a shitty costume
>Too good

Someone who is "too good" shouldn't be on a team lead by White Rabbit

He'll put these on and like it, goddammit

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take my money jpg

He doesn't want to be mistaken for a cuckold.

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>want manbull
>get ox

And Gypsy Moth/Klein sometimes has wings.

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Knowing Bull he's only on the team to make White Rabbit happy or to pay for Fancy Dan's foot surgery or somthing like that

>the carrot or the stick

Sounds like code for something...

Full OP image.

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>Killer Shrike, Living Brain and one of the Brothers Grim in the background

Spidey has such a colorful d-list.

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That umbrella seems dangerous. Not sure about her aim.

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Considering how rich she is, what if she was a victim of crime herself?

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Fuck I love those responses

Heh, K.N.D think they slick

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Literally just roll with the whole 'rich girl trying to be a supervillain' thing. Make her extremely unlikable even among villains, have her get away with it because of money or 'oh she's too young she didn't know what she was doing' excuses.

Maybe make it a point of whether she's just a childish bitch, or a genuine sociopath who could and will kill people given the chance.

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Eggman/Robotnik eat your heart out.
Dub this the Egg Terminator?

>not even the Big Wheel
>She has a giant fucking killer rabbit robot

My suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
She definitely should have been able to find a couple of low tier supervillains willing to work with a chick with more money than brains

It'd be amusing if it was revealed, and Spider-man's reaction is along the lines of "Whoah, she's richer than Osborn!"

Also did she just fucking kill them. That seems extreme for a d-list

Maybe they weren't willing to work with someone not yet established even if she had a giant killer robot? Not like Spider-Man hasn't dealt with ones designed to kill him before. Unless this was before that.

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I thought there were two White Rabbits at first.

She could probably pay to get out early for whatever the amount for murder is anyway. If she could.

I own her first appearance issue. Maybe Spencer should bring Frog Man back

Attached: White Rabbit Cover.jpg (400x615, 86K)

just bought that the other day along with the Aunt May Harold of Galactus issue.

They were not in great shape, but the certainly put a smile on my face.

The Marvel Adventures one had a thing for Venom