Putting toppings on GOOD ice cream

>putting toppings on GOOD ice cream

Attached: jimmies.png (1024x766, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians 4:16&version=NLV

Toppings are great

Who the fuck calls sprinkles jimmies though

Whipped cream is the only acceptable ice cream topping


What about chocolate syrup?

Looking it up, literally a Northeastern regional dialect. Possibly even including Upstate New York.

If we are going to get into this I think vanilla is the only ice-cream that really benefits from toppings, essentially every other flavor is good on its own.

Hot fudge is the best


No one around here says that.
But I'm not from Utica

Is it an Albany expression?

>not butterscotch

Depends on flavor.
If you put chocolate syrup on shit like Strawberry, Mint, and other mainstays fine.
But if you put that shit on something like bubble gum flavored ice cream or something like that, end yourself.

My roommate from New York does

How about strawberry syrup on vanilla ice cream?

Hot fudge and ground up peanuts are god tier toppings.

What's the fucking problem? It's not like it replaces the flavor.

I guess.

Alright but I prefer strawberry and chocolate.

That on vanilla with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry is my favorite.

I put peanut butter on my ice cream.

If you have access to the rarest ice cream in the world and your first action is to taint it with your basic bitch toppings, you don't deserve to taste it in the first place.

Fuck your toppingless world

>Wouldn't want your first taste of a new flavor to be by itself so you can properly judge it
I bet you put cheese on your pasta before you taste it too

>taint it
they're fucking sprinkles retard

The divinity of the fourth flavor must remain untarnished
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians 4:16&version=NLV

>t. Delightful Child

Y-you don't?

>not espresso

Attached: IMG_1945.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>Being turned into a 5-man hivemind by a devil looking dad with no kids


I empty half a salt shaker onto every meal before tasting it

Attached: 4th flavor.png (1002x266, 145K)


To side with the Delightful children is to willingly taint what can and arguably should be an experience all by itself with an unnecessary, optional additive without even fucking trying the flavor by itself.