Should the Avatar: Last Airbender netflix make Tyzula canon?

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No, because Azula has kissed a boy in the show and not a girl.
What it should do is make this canon

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It never had any basis in the show, and if it had it would have been an abusive relationship.

Herp derp surrp pooopooo

No, but Azula was an abusive sociopath and Ty Lee was deathly afraid of her so Netflix will probably be all over that shit.

We all know how much the queer community loves romanticizing toxic relationships, after all.


If they did, they'd find a way to ruin it.

Is this canon?

Yes, moreso then Tyzula

I'm so tired of live-action remakes of anything.

I have zero hope for it. Either it'll be a shot-for-shot remake of the animated series, and have no reason to exist, or it will change things and prompt complaints for being too different from the original. What will it accomplish?

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I think it would work if Ty Lee had a crush on Azula, but I wouldn't want them to be in relationship. I also don't want a neflix adaptation so I don't really care.

If they do it though the meldown would be hilarious. In will piss off so many SJWs.

No, but no complaints if happens.

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>What will it accomplish?
Make the show relevant again while putting some food on the table

No, Ty Lee deserves better than getting dragged into that dumpster fire.

It might give Ty Lee something to actually do in season 3, so I'd be for it

They should unironically make Zukaang canon. Zutara and Kataang are both shit so.

Only if it's made clear that Azula is incredibly abusive and Ty Lee dropping her is a difficult but correct choice

>relevant again
To what? Don't be a goddamn imbecile.
>putting some food on the table
It'll make money, yes. How stupid of us to criticise, in that case.



>We all know how much the queer community loves romanticizing toxic relationships, after all.
We do?

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Zucest should be canon.

>Not Mai x Azula
Just make the comics canon but replace the literally-who with Azula. Shit would be cash.

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>Mai x anyone