Prehistoric Yea Forums women

Prehistoric Yea Forums women

Attached: cro mama.png (460x645, 227K)

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Do modern day women who live in dino jungles count or can we only post archaic women?

Pic related cavewoman by Bud Root

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go read a comic called hominids, its got some great characters

forgot pic

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Mirin forearms

When they see your rock

Attached: 0e8e7f24-a6a4-4514-b7a4-76c84cdcadd4_screenshot.jpg (640x480, 28K)

What does she smell like?

Attached: Tri-Stone Area.png (1279x722, 1.2M)

who is that?

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Sure, those too

Some random character from the Rabbid series

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>Only so far as pointy stick
With my awesome sharp rock technology they will be easily crushed!

>Is it mine?
>It's all of ours
What a whore

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>tfw caveman/woman stereotype won't die
>we'll never have an actual neanderthal or ape-fu in the forseeable future
I'm saddened, but that's how it be

Anyone a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs?

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Best selling woman character of the golden age of comics coming through.

Attached: sheena-zebra.jpg (400x619, 95K)

So do we get to see monkey tits in the comic?
Asking for a friend.

no, it's just a special book cover and there are no huge ape tits i the comic itself
but there is an uncensored version

Ah well.