Rick and Morty season 4

Will it be worse than season 3?

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It'll probably be neck and neck. It won't be any funnier for sure though.

there are only 2 choices
they keep doing what they did in season 3 and make the show worse, or they look back at S1 and remember what made it good

I'm curious, why do you anons think Season 3 of Rick and Morty is bad?

forced drama and enhanced pretentiousness to a maximum
Also ruined half of the cast. Too far away from random funny humor and too close to epic and half serious whatdafuck humor.

Unfunny and took itself too seriously
I wanted to like season 3 but I just couldn't because it was boring

all i want is a whole season of bushworld adventures
that shit was kino

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Is Dan Harmon still heavily involved?

They found out about the new women writers so anons put on there shit-tinted glasses
season 3 wasn't that good honestly

The magic just died out and it got boring after they killed the prisoner rick plotline.

Well, it was pretty much a "Fuck you, how dare you care about anything in this nihilistic cartoon."

70+ episodes...
it just can't be that good.
Also I just hated that Beth Clone episode...

It’s not that good but it’s the biggest hit [as] has had in years. Rick and Morty is to Warnermedia what Family Guy/Simpsons is to Fox (now Disney)

It'll be decent. Yea Forums will hate it for no reason and Reddit will try to force memes so hard that if you aren't already hating it for no reason, you'll kind of want to hate it.

The main problem with Rick and Morty is the fanbase, not the show.

Depends are the feminist still on the writing crew. Are we going to have more Mary Sue inserts. And finally are we going to keep up with continuity this time. I'm not wrong about this summer fucked off to a different dimension to have sex with the mad Max guy then the next episode she freaked out when her ex boyfriend left her for a bitch with bigger tits who cares I know summer wouldn't.

Does every show hire the same background artist?

>Beth announces things will be like season 1 fron now on, except more "streamlined"
>70 episodes announced so the writers have to stretch whatever story arcs they had planned, this should force them to focus on something other than drama
I have some hope for season 4, even in a worst case scenario I doubt it could be worse than season 3.

Begin of the season: Big plot changes.
End of the season: Nah, trolled you status quo all along.

It continued the trend of making Rick an infallible semi-suicidal god who can do whatever he wants who is smarter than everyone. It's just a boring, cynical take on his original character. He used to be the deranged scientist who kinda knows what he's doing and is relatively powerful because of his genius. They made him a smug unlikable cunt who is intentionally ruining his family.

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The animation looks to be good like in S3, from what we have seen in the clip that was released, but hopefully the writing is better.

What are yours hopes for the new season? Any characters you want to see return, like Squanchy?

Yeah, I kind of liked what they were doing in season 2 because he was a suicidal wreck that was finally starting to acknowledge that he was actively destroying the lives of the only people he cared about at all.

Then they just sort of backtracked on it by making him single-handedly destroy the government and council of Ricks in one go, and proceed to have all the hate be on Jerry being a dumb coward, rather than on Rick being a mass-murdering psycho.

These faggots shouldn't have ditched the whole Rick in prission plot just for the "lol Rick is so powerful" shit


Since Season 3 was good, I doubt it.

Phoenix person

Is that me or Morty in season 3 felt like a nihilist cunt and inherited Rick's personality.

>watching Rick and Morty for plot and not just for laughs

Definitely. Harmon has a contract for seventy more episodes, he's gonna phone it in from now on.

It doesn't matter how good or bad it is, the moment they force another Pickle Rick mascot for merchandising you're all going to go apeshit.

"Look Morty! I made myself Rickzilla! I'm Rick-fucking-zilla up in heeeere!"

Well I'm sorry for wanting both after that's what they offered.

As if that matters.