Has lived through the prequel era, OT era, and is alive in the ST era

>has lived through the prequel era, OT era, and is alive in the ST era

What’s his secret, anons?

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Being based increases your lifespan

You don't survive in the outer rim by being stupid.

mama taught him well. thank you, mama.

so what if you get FOUR hostages?

Push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of jawa juice.

...or whatever his preferred drink is. I'm drawing a blank on that one.

well, that's just big business.

Considering he was a pirate leader when we first met him, i would say it's to not getting hanged up on setbacks

Same goes for the crew of the Ghost

Well the world needs shitposters too

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cause he's smart and pretty cool.
like Kyle Katarn, except cannon

They still alive by the NT?

>Hondo outlives Han and Luke

the only one we know isn't alive in the NT from Ghost crew is kanan. we know the others are still alive (other than ezra) at the end of the OT a year after ROTJ, but no idea past that.

a cheap and easily available VA.

it's four times the profit

>the only one we know isn't alive in the NT from Ghost crew is kanan.

And Rex. Unless he was cryogeniclly frozen like Kix, there's no way he has any right to be alive during the events of the ST.

sure I guess. I never really counted him as part of the Ghost crew, just more part of the Rebellion as a whole.

its been a while since I watched the clone wars but didn't he capture douku, obiwan, and anakin at the same time?

And he let them live, even after so rudely escaping his clutches. Hondo is such a nice guy

Wait, how do we know that? Is there post rebels/rotj stuff with the ghost crew in it?

And where the fuck is Hondo and how do we know he survives to the new trilogy?

End of Rebels has an epilogue taking place after RotJ. We know about Hondo from Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland/Disney World, which is set sometime after TLJ, where he borrows the Falcon from Chewie on Batuu to steal Coaxium in exchange for Chewie getting a cut to fix/mod the Falcon.

Nope, Hondo owns it now.