Kino revelation

kino revelation

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>can control the mind of every living human on the planet simultaneously

sounds like a headache

>PoX revelation page: Huh, pretty neat I guess?
>HoX2 revelation page: ohhh shit uhh, damn...

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>4 panels of the same closeup faces with no background
When did comic artists get so fuckin lazy? This is a visual medium and they're not using it.

Because no more visual information was needed to convey the point of the panels

who is she?

Attached: moira.jpg (847x639, 211K)

You don't sound nearly as savvy as you imagine, casual

casualfag alert

Next you'll tell me Shalvey was a hack for not drawing backgrounds his fight frames.

Filthy casual

>casual casual casual casual casual casual casual casual casual casual casual
The absolute state of capefags.

in the new HoX it turned out that she was actually a mutant that has the power to start her life again in the past after her death, while also remembering her past lives

when Xavier reads her mind he learns about 9(?) potential timelines of the mutants and how they play out
and it also fits surprisingly well into the continuity

>it also fits surprisingly well into the continuity
More like it allows creators to ignore it.

not a bad thing

For you.

what did Hickman mean by this?

Attached: 1565181431211.jpg (1988x3056, 1.76M)

>if you dont like shitty, copy-pasted artwork for $4 apiece you're a casual
I think you'll find it's the opposite

I liked Silva's version more than Larraz

Attached: Most important moment in X-Men history.jpg (1080x810, 498K)

Casual with shit taste, amazing

Larraz is more comfy

so what, she turns him gay in the next panel?

surprised nobody's come up with this yet
You sir win the internet's today lol



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>bendis invented reusing panels for dramatic effect
As I said, casual. Go read Starman at least

Not sure if memeing but could a mutant with foreknowledge of her powers tested her here?

>pretends to like Starman
>or DC at all
>defends decompression
>especially if Marvel

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Uuuh, classic, pre-90s comics always had loads of single colour no background panels.

This came up the very first time thi page was revealed online, and multiple times since.

If done right I think it looks great

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You're right, but the colors should serve a purpose. Like the revelation, pannel should be red to show shock, or Moira's panels could be blue to display her calm demeanor.

On the topic of kino revelations, Hawkman reincarnating through Time and Space is awesome

Attached: Hawk space.jpg (1500x1154, 649K)

That wasn't really the reason it was done then, though, it was just standard that backgrounds on small panels weren't seen as necessary.

What's a good place to buy the physical comics online? This series has made me want to buy comics again, but my leg is in a cast and I don't want to go to a comic book store on crutches.

here Shelf threads are your friend

He meant that he's actually read past runs by other creators

>"Also know as Professor X"
Editors? We dont need no stinking editors!

what is this? why is there two versions?

The scene is in both PoX and HoX

The left one is drawn by R.B Silva, featured in PoX #1
The right one is drawn by Pepe Larraz, featured in HoX #2
Both are showing what Hickman considers "the most important moment in X-Men history"

A Marvel classic

Attached: the-heart.png (730x1165, 24K)

The funny thing is, Hickman has being going on Twitter before each new issue comes out and saying how many typos are in the issue. I think most people think he's making light of it but if I was the editor for those books I'd be pretty embarrassed that the writer is calling me out for not doing my job.

>Be me
>Tempted to buy the issues
>Know the typos won't be in the trade
>Not gonna buy the issues

I literally laughed out loud when i read this page

holy shit it caught me off guard

I never followed Xmen stories closely but has Moira and Jean ever met? Kinda seems like Jean would immediately know all about Moira's secret since she's a fucking telepathic cancer that cant stop herself from scanning other people's minds

>4 out of five panels are identical
why is such laziness even permitted in internationally sold comics?

did you miss the part about moria being invisible to mutants?

I've always wondered why letterers never catch typos as they're filling in the speech bubbles, that astounds me...

>Cap and Tony floating on a white space

Attached: Alcoholic Tony.png (500x456, 585K)

>Moira died on her way to her planet
Ok Hickman

Wait, did the new issue already drop? I feel like I missed the storytime this week.

Yeah It's weekly for the next 2.5 months. You're in for a trip, leave this thread and read it.

Where do I find it though? I don't have any time to get out to the comic shop, and I basically rely on thread storytimes for new issues.

Can't we go back to a simpler time when X-Men was just about misfits who occasionally save the world? I'm tired of all the phoenix, time travel, and other nonsense. Better yet, why not a Doom Patrol book worth a damn?

Attached: X Men.jpg (970x545, 174K)

lol, ok.

Moira looks pretty cute . I wish she was my girlfriend

>I'm tired of all the phoenix, time travel, and other nonsense.
It isn't nonsense. It is great. X-Men has always been a sci-fi series.

They need to avoid Phoenix as it has been done twice already.

Is the artist on the right the Superior Spider-Man guy?
Xavier looks identical to Otto

Wait is that Moira revelation the most shocking twist ever that was teased some time back?
That's actually it?
I'm not an x-fag, can someone explain why it's a big deal?

Only thing I know is Moira was just a human. Is she being retconned into a mutant really something that changes the x-men forever?

i knew this was coming once they put the there was a series of dudes on krypton who ran around in a bird themed costume."

You can read the three comics in like a half hour dude, or breeze through that one in less than ten

Wait, what?
I thought only House of X 1 and 2 came out. There was a third one?

I'm sorry what time was that exactly? Because it's always been about wacky shit barely related to mutants. Or have you just somehow been reading X-Men comics since the 80s hoping they'd turn into something they fundamentally aren't?

What, you don’t like useless charts, walls of text, and needless exposition? You want actual art in a comic book?

Yeah whoevers editing needs to get thrown out. Hickmans a good sport though and actually points them out on twitter. He seems somewhat embarrassed tho

House of X #1- #2 AND Powers of X #1

Fuck You!

Jeez, I'm behind. I only read House of X 1 when it dropped on here.

>When did comic artists get so fuckin lazy?
This isn't a comic artist. This is a wannabe TV storyboarder. That's why every panel is a boring rectangular shot, they're just drawing a TV show because that's all they know and they wanna get a job on the teevee. Same as the writer is just using comics to springboard to working on TV.

Comics are nothing but a shit IP farm for shows/movies now. Nobody puts in any effort, they just composite Poser models onto a page and trace it. Then charge $4-5 an issue to tell a story over a year so they can drag it out to get a trade or two out so they can say they did something worth adapting into a show arc.

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right looks more animu

They don't need any big gimmicks. I just want Charles to go "okay X-Men you gotta go to Jupiter and defeat this alien warlord" and it's a classic team.