Boomer comics

wow, this is actually pretty accurate

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, that kid's not playing fortnite and quoting teen titans go

How did that old man get smaller and gain his eyesight?

And how did the same pornstar get a tattoo without moving?

Except children don't drink and smoke anymore.

So TV sets are just for porn, huh?

vaping is now addicting more people to nicotin than tobacco ever did. The illusion that it's safe make many people jump the bandwagon just to look cool on instagram.

This. They do things I don't relate to.

Should be pokemon creatures.

>new porn stars have moles and star tattoos

what did he mean by this?

I mean, vaping IS safer than cigarettes and most other forms of tobacco. The vapor still screws with your lungs, but it won't coat them in tar or grind your gums to hamburger with fiberglass or anything.

m8 there's a big difference between SAFE and SAFER.

you will die from the same shit, because you think it's "safer" so you don't even try not to do it, and end up shitting yourself as faster speed than a normal smoker


No, there isn't. At all. There is nothing at all that is completely safe or completely unsafe. It's all a matter of degree, with qualitative terms used based on context. In this context, it's not the nicotine that kills you.

>Except children don't drink and smoke anymore.
Have you ever went outside?

In this context, not smoking or vaping at all is SAFE. Vaping because it's SAFER than smoking doesn't make it SAFE.

You absolute dumbdumb.

Teen / tween drink and smoke. Not 10 years old who play with fucking lego. This isnt 1970

Not smoking or vaping doesn't make you immortal and indestructible. Smoking is harmful because the combustion products are poisonous and carcinogenic. Can you identify what is supposedly unsafe about vaping?

Benjamin Button complex.

>Pornstar has gotten fatter, with a tatoo and freckles

>death star is is $400
Yea no shit the kid didn't buy it the fucker couldn't afford it.

Something about not heating water mixed with addictive drugs and (??) from cheap pens made in Chinese sweatshops. Also, there's serious danger of looking like a complete faggot.

Why is truthorange posting on the comics and cartoon board?

by god, he's somehow being beyond 100% dumbdumb!

When you find out what that something is, let us know.

They run a lot of ads on Toonami?

Well, fuck.

I know the internet is funand all, but you really should get outside more often.

>cheap pens made in Chinese sweatshops
Let's ban all batteries too, these blow up hard when made cheaply in Chinese sweatshops.

"It's safer than cigarettes" is a retarded argument to make for anything honestly. Especially if you're coupling it with "well nothing's TRULY safe so whatever". You're only fooling yourself, my dude.

Pavement bad

Crummy old beer? He should be drinking a glass of water!

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The Chinese knockoff is half the price.


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Nicotine has health benefits. It reduces the risk of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, etc. It also has some risks, but the thing that kills smokers is the tar, which isn't present in vaping. It's hard to say on balance whether the benefits outweigh the risks, but it's not at all clear that vaping is more bad for you than it is good for you. Unfortunately there's a huge industry built around anti-tobacco activism, and they can't raise money any more to fight cigarettes because so few people smoke, so they have an economic incentive to demonize any new nicotine product.

>addictive drugs
Coffee is addictive, but it's not a problem because it's cheap and readily available and has some health benefits. So yeah, pretty much the same as vaping.

t. tobacconist

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>Nicotine is the same as caffeine.

Go shill somewhere else.

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It basically is the same as caffeine, if you took both in the cleanest method you'd be subjected to around the same risks.

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vaping is in no way safer than smoking cigs.

for god's sake, harold, you ignoramus, they're lesbians

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should be a box of water he's watching

The most depressing thing about boomer comics is the sheer number of mediocre unfunny old people trying to break in and make it in newspaper comics of all things.

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i dunno this one actually gave me a slight chuckle
>needs to be a bottle of water.

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People over 40 shouldn't be allowed to use the internet

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You can see this guy can’t draw eyes.

Boomer is a mindset

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Actually laughed at this one.

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Before monster culture set in, it was considered bad parenting to let your kid drink caffine. Caffine's addiction is strong but never considered on the level of nicotine since people will rarely shank you for a fix.

Vaping on the other hand, is so bad the industry hides all disclaimers about its faults in magazines they know children won't read. They then advertise with names and flavors that are clearly marked for kids.

But hey, if you think inhaling smoke right to your lungs is good for you then more power to you.

Even the dog has glasses

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>when mommy has a problem

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Some of these do give me a laugh.

I like how especially terrible this one is.

There's a couple good ones

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this is kind of funny

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Don't tempt me to start posting my jesse ugo collection

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should have been a vape pen

Yes they do. They just don't tell their doctors because of the stigma.

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Why the fuck do people vape? Don’t they know that it’s not “Smoking, but safe”? Why the hell even smoke at all, there’s no health benefits and it doesn’t even come with cool side effects like a caffeine addiction

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Smoking is delicious. I'm gonna go have a pipe of SPC Plum Pudding right now.

Damn I wish that was me in there

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Actually chuckled. Some doctors are pretty Jewish.

What the fuck

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Anal rape is a pretty saucy punchline for newspapers

Boomer comics have this odd tendency to always be cucked by their insurance companies

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I have seen this happen in real life

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Nigga das wholesome

>making it rain on your mom
an odd choice, but wholesome

I think every suburban midwest kid has seen it.

Wholesome Jesse is best Jesse

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jokes only americans will understand

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I can't tell if that's a baby, or a black midget doing white face.

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Forgot to mention, this comic always makes me afraid of hyper inflation, just imagine needing ten bucks but instead you have to draw out 1000.

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don't you love how some Ugojesse stuff is totally understandable and relatable and then you have shit like this where it sounds like they had a stroke mid-sentence

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This one hurts to look at. Can this guy seriously not understand the magnitude of holding a supercomputer networked to the entire world information and cultural library in the palm of your hand? And the fact that practically everybody on earth can afford one?

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I think he just gets ahead of himself, but instead of correcting he just presents it like fact.

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fucking hell

holy fuck for a second I thought they were standing on >water

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>I can't hear you
I read that in the voice of the captain painting from Spongebob

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Intense comic out of nowhere


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isn't crayfish popcorn mostly an Australian thing


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holy shit that powerset

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This guy made a whole panel about how he doesn’t like crayfish.

Jesse has a ton of comments that try their hardest to educate his dipshit fellow citizens that not everything is witchcraft.

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eh this one's not a bad boomer comic

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Ok these are getting weird now

Not even peak Ugo

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Hire this man

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Smart ass Jesse best Jesse

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A noble pursuit

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>And the fact that practically everybody on earth can afford one?
On a scale of Ethan Hawke to James Woods, how fucking white are you?

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Absolutely BTFO.

This one's for you user

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Stan eats ass for breakfast every day.

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Mate, even in countries like Cuba and Cambodia everyone has one
I guess only the most impoverished countries don't, but even in Eritrea I saw enough pictures to suggest a lot of people have them

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Is he crying because he's allergic to crayfish or because he really, really wants crayfish popcorn?

Nicotine is a cardio toxic drug, senpai.
It also depresses the immune system - now I'm not saying it'll give you cancer, but there has been a correlation between depressed immunology and neoplasms.
Plus, it's an addictive substance.

>t. Pharmacist

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is this a Yea Forums comic

He talks a big game, but one low kick and this guy is done.

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Never skip leg day

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He should have been fetching pokemon creatures

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not too sure why /ss/ is so popular in nigeria

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Venezuelan here. I've seen people that cannot afford food for the week streaming videos on their iPhones. So yeah, everyone can get a smartphone these days.

Ugojesse is a master of ambushing you with these sick burns.

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Huh, weird. I guess since you eat food it doesn't last as long as an iPhone and once the market is saturated, you can't sell an iPhone for food.

Yellow man bad

I like how sometimes I have no idea what he's talking about

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iirc Apple sells excess stock to second hand markets world wide, so they're getting iPhones there for like equivalent 40-100 dollars.

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There are urban homeless in Africa with government-provided laptops so they can find temp work and other opportunities. Not everyone in the world has a smartphone or equivalent, but you know what's funny about all-in-one devices like those? The less you have, the more useful it is for you.

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stigma balls

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yes, it is. the fight against nicotine addiction shouldn't put a quitting method in the damn crossfire.

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You will quit cold turkey or else swine

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Cigarettes require preservatives. That alone makes them more dangerous than vape juice.

One of my favorites

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It's also really useful if you have a lot.

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This is sadly true. Some kindergarden kids tried to click images on colouring books.
It's parents fault of course, kids copy what they do.

Well, he's not wrong.

and effect

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Half my diet is preservatives. I hardly think I'd end up any worse from inhaling some of them.

Ending my tenure with a profile on good 'ol boy Jesse

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And an extra little sweet I found amassing my collection of boomer comics

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but this is funny

>huge industry built around anti-tobacco

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Its funny because vaping looks lame as fuck

Expertly delivered high octane real drama. That really is some quality writing.


have I turned into a boomer? I found this hilarious

Uhh, i guess you were homeschooled during high school

because they're bored. You spend time shitposting on Yea Forums they vape

Just like my Korean papyrus essays.

Hahahahaha based Jesse holy shit Jesse for president

Mixed messages comic

Don't know about zoomers, but middle class millennials only drank at parties in high school in my area.


We Nigeria now

Is this loss?

Now food isn't as nutritious and we have procedures to fix bad eyesight.

Postpartum Psychosis is bullshit.
It's completely natural like cats.

One of my favorites

Mr. Martin about to personally put those visitors in Hell

Wholesome quads

how come this dude cant write anything mildly understandable?

this is like a barely functioning autist trying to tell a story , holy shit.

>piritual taser in his bum bum

where do I leanr such poetry

I should try this move - write a fucking paragraph in dry erase on the window

Does he mean he's going to punch someone or is "chop knuckle" something else I'm not getting?

>why /ss/ is so popular
You mean why child abuse is so prevalent?

>Can this guy seriously not understand the magnitude of holding a supercomputer networked to the entire world information and cultural library in the palm of your hand?
And imagine using that just for breads and circuses.

Broda about to get squashed

What did you mean by this?



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"Pay up" if I remember right, as in he'll demand a big dowry.

It definitely gives it some sort of charm

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same energy

>more people to nicotin than tobacco ever did


Why are boomers so hateful towards their wives?

>kid doesn't have a Juul

I expected better.

>a huge industry built around anti-tobacco activism
you do know that they get a flat cut of profits from tobacco companies and are effectively run by them, right?

I can't beleive they stole a joke from king of the hill.

>names and flavours that are clearly marked(sic) for kids.

Yeah, because adults hate flavours, I know my favourite treat is to put a bunch of ash in my mouth and suck on it. And those dumb names are because the people running vape businesses are hipsters and silicon valley douchebags, it's not some nefarious conspiracy.

>Before monster culture set in, it was considered bad parenting to let your kid drink caffeine

The century-long undisputed status of cola as the world's most popular soft drink disagrees with you.

>Vaping on the other hand, is so bad...

No it isn't, stop running your mouth off about shit you clearly know nothing about you pointless, puritan fuckhead.

It means to fist bump.

Most of them married out of desperation at a young age.


it literally isn't. It was never "a method of quitting" anywhere else than in its own advertising.

I like how anyone lighter than a medium brown starts becoming fucking yellow.

literally me

Eat a punch. I suppose like a knuckle sandwich

>why are niggers degenerate?

ban videogames in nigeria RIGHT NOW


It is scratched.

Is that why they complain so much about the newer generations waiting so long to get married?

Are they siblings?

Yes of course, they married fast because they were promised it would end the world if they didn't, it was how they were raised

> the dog owner died of a heart attack while walking his pet and the dog drag the body all the way back to the house

This is hilarious

And some Jewish are pretty doctors.

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Why does the kid have an anchor tattoo? Is he a sailor of some sort?

o fuck I'm using this.

no joke, fucker
that shit DOES happen, people think they have that seat in their NAME at churches,

>I never lose weight

Why is noone commenting on that guys body, fucking lol

There's nothing mixed about this. The Father wants his son to be prosperous like himself, The Son wants to break the mold of the father, and seek his own destiny. In the end, they are both selfish, but neither is represented as good or bad.
It's a perfectly common struggle in the Father-Son diynamic.

Can someone tell me why they always say "O" in these comics? What does it mean?

Sure, ok, stay there and debate while she holds the fucking knife, woke guy.

Tackle the bitch, save the human life right in front of you, and THEN lecture intolerant and ignorant people about mental health!
Fuck, if you're that imtetrested in defending her, then save the kid for the sake of saving the kid plus for the sake of saving her from jail. Maybe that's a good idea?
The comic is bad, is what I'm saying.

>the weights are his hands

forgive everyone, even yourself




because sex outside of marriage, and divorce, are extremely immoral.

Was this guy part of Ruber's army or something? He's got dumbbells for hands and scissors for legs.

So this is just an exact copy of another, better comic

They still drink

Boomers are such nerds.

Wow, that's deep

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Can't get more boomer than kelly

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Kelly is the biggest cuck on the planet.

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I died.

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education is important, but without money theres not much.

It's satire

I feel older by just reading all this cartoons

...Wait a second, is this Loss?

I'm full of impotent rage.

yes goyim, pay back the $70,000 you owe on the $10,000 loan your boomer parents pressured you into taking out at age 17. They paid their own way through college with the money they earned working in their parent's factory, what's your problem

Also be sure to buy lots of goods and do your part to stimulate the economy. But don't buy the wrong things that we don't like.

It's actually pretty wholesome. Gags like these make me sad that "boomer comic" no longer implies something like this.

Unironic Kelly is not satire.

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I like it when boomers criticize teenagers for not wanting to die in war.

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Why is this funny? I'm just turned on

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Handing ready-made surveillance devices to your entire population and having them pay you for the privilege is pretty handy

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What, Goyim? Your teacher worked hard to write that textbook, of course it's worth 175 dollars. Be sure to purchase the markers you inexplicably suddenly need too. I know they're 30 dollars at the college bookstore and 4 dollars at the walmart, but you don't have time to drive to Walmart. You don't want to fail the class, do you?

>Try to acquire riches
>Battle evil forces
What did he mean by this


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>Not a water edit

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It's not just your rage that's impotent, cuck.

look at his position
he's bout to slam the shit out of her
>tfw woke and going for broke
save a life king ;-;7

brazil in one comic

Seriously though. I don't watch TV generally but when I was travelling I watched Toonami in a hotel room, and it was NOTHING but anti-tobacco ads.

Okay, this one made me smirk.

I'd like this more if the art style wasn't so bad.

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Try not being a low WILL mental midget

>Americans have this odd tendency to always be cucked by their insurance companies

That make perfect sense.

>it's not at all clear that vaping is more bad for you than it is good for you
There's plenty of research showing that smoking anything increases the risks for lung cancer. Lungs are meant for air and nothing else

How does vaping screw with your lungs? Isn't it essentially just like smoking a waterpipe?

>oxygen feeds fires so breathing is basically like smoking, pass me the dank cloud machine bro

popcorn lung, a disease that used to be so rare before vaping that it was only found in popcorn factory workers


Robbing banks and shooting cops.

>literally dehumanizing children

Thanks, Doc.

I love the facial expression on the nu-male he looks so fucking happy.
I wish I were as happy as him

You are fucking right im funny you stupid fucking cunt, tell me my dick tastes good you fucking cunt bitch. im strong and my muscles are big and im very tough and I WILL HIDE BEHIND THE INTERNET. faggot.

Nice get

tfw no crayfish popcorn


why is the doctor wearing anime shades?

Based Baby

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>Dress is same color as door
>Also everyone is hitmonlee
Double yikes


Stigma what?

Man, that kinda stuff turns me on

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Go cough somewhere else, smokey.

And be sure to enjoy the complimentary mints.

Here you go.

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>the good old days when daddy was hiding wartime PTSD and could fly into a rage if not catered to will never return


To be fair, children are legally defined as property until they turn 18. Thus why we have custody battles in court.

Its wholesome, but he looks smug in the second panel.

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You know what Harold? I'm fucking sick of it. Forty years we've been married and its been forty years of hell. What is wrong with you? You know what a romate it. You're doing this just to wind me up, arn't you Harold? This is just like when you killed and stuffed the cat, Harold, I let that one go because he looks good on the couch but for fucks sake Harold this is going to far, I'm just done, I'm sick of this. I try to be nice and bring you a mug of coffee the size of my head and I find you in here being a child with a bar of chocolate. I want you gone, just take your tiny feet and baby step your ass out of the door Herold you retarded bag of shit for fucks sake.

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Holy shit.
The good ol' "my life was one misery-filled hell, so yours should too" retort.

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I need more water posting

two niggas got an education but only one was smart enough to stack it taller and use his money as a balance

Standing on crummy water? They should've been standing on Pokemon creatures!

Oh no people like things!

What'll we do!

Someone isn't fucking miserable all the fucking time, land sakes!

Seriously what the fuck, 'building models' was an acceptable hobby for grown ass men in the 50s when you'd get rocks tossed at you for wearing anything other than a gray pinstripe suit and smoking cigarettes with dangerous levels of flavor.

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hey its an actual joke.

Yeah, let those 12 year olds smoke!

I can't fuckin believe we're back to "Smoking is good for you!" this world is fucking pointless.

Ironically the surviving greatest genners seem to have a lot of sympathy towards millenials.

>'building models' was an acceptable hobby for grown ass men in the 50s

I remember coming across East German-made electric train models that became a fad for adults across eastern bloc. Some people would designate whole room for miniature landscapes with entire looped train network. I wonder at which point in their lives boomers decided that anything even remotely fun is a sign of civilizational decline and rising ungratefulness of the youngsters.

Attached: kolejka-elektryczna-piko-skala-h0-187-makieta-199127607.jpg (960x720, 137K)

You know the government used to prosecute loans clearly designed to fuck people over, people thought it was some kind of a crime to set people up with brutally exploitative interest rates or the idea that the people giving the loan and the businesses benefiting from the loans being given were in collusion to make sure they both got bigger paychecks. Like people working together to defraud their customers coming and going was almost stealing.

Man i wonder what happened.

germany + communism is a powerful autism cocktail

"Better than cigarettes" doesn't mean "good for you."

We had these here in Poland too. Model set in my post comes from someone trying to sell all sorts of crap that likely their parents accumulated over the years.


Full bankruptcy cannot clear a student loan debt, and most loaners will require someone to sign who will take your debt if you die. There is no escape.

The fucking British navy was cool with their sailors building models. You know, the institution that thought raping the shit out of cabin boys and beating them for crying about it built character?

Like the idea that once you hit 18 it's time to be utterly miserable 24/7 has such a fucking grip and it's actually shocking how new it is, America was fucking fine with men having hobbies until this weird post-war psuedo-technocratic scientific family design showed up and attached itself to our national consciousness like a lamprey and while we've rebelled against most of it we're still stuck on the idea that there's a set limit you can live with your family for despite all of human history disagreeing and that enjoying things is a privilege to only be enjoyed by the rich, and even then they should be ashamed about it.

>not playing with toys being utterly miserable

>that unicode character looks scary better cut it out without warning
fuck you goot

Attached: implying.png (51x32, 416)

God, I wish that was me

There's been a lot of unicode abuse on Yea Forums before, but it might have been before your time.

*sips water*

From the fact they guys arrested are dead center and have weirdly specific traits - Probably some Nigerian celebrities that got arrested and refused to give the passwords up for their shit.

and letting the post through without the character instead of just giving you an error is gonna make the site so much safer

Just read everything in Yoda's voice and it will become clear.


Remember that period of the internet where boomer humor involved tits a lot? I kinda miss it desu.

It is missing the 80s don't take candy from strangers meme.


*heavy guitar riff starts

That's a Playboy magazine cartoon

>me on the right

She's just having a late term abortion.

Nice quints

What the fuck is it with boomer comics and big noses and opaque glasses?

This is the only good one that made me crack a smile.

Ebin post.



Cats eat their young when the mother doesn't have food or the kitten is sickly or for whatever reason.
Humans kill their babies the same way but just rationalize it as the devil made them do it or something.
Infanticide/exposure of newborns is not a new thing but has happened through out the ages and I feel it's more reasonable to assume it's some kind of natural and healthy urge than psychosis.
People make the mistake of thinking normal healthy human behaviour is good and moral when quite often it is most definitely not.

Quints of power.

Have you ever seen a boomer?

Cats eat their own shit sometimes, doesn't mean that humans should

Why do he have high heels?

I miss the old days before phones. I could sit down with a friend and watch tv or a movie and feel like they were really in the room with me instead of off doing something else fucking around on their phone. I can't really be alone with another person anymore or develop a connection that isn't compromised by the fact that they'd rather be doing something else.

Attached: comic.png (620x577, 51K)


Attached: chequeados.png (311x381, 129K)

I lost.

They're the most jewish generation.

everyone trying to copy Gary Larson

>Can this guy seriously not understand the magnitude of holding a supercomputer networked to the entire world information and cultural library in the palm of your hand?
Can you seriously not understand that all they're going to do with it is play anime tiddy gatcha games and post minions memes on facebook?

Attached: Meet Steven Pruitt, the man behind a third of what's on Wikipedia.jpg (620x349, 23K)

Was the gaping cat anus really necessary?

>*destroys broda with his weight hands*

Shit i post one shitty comic from a Yea Forums ylyl thread and it turns to this? What is with you people?

>Finally, my own clone

Attached: kids then.jpg (960x710, 95K)

He still looks retarded


Attached: ugojesse-lonely-black.png (367x365, 109K)

“The World Hunger Crisis Solved”
1. You are hungry
2. Eat food

No, his grandfather raised him right.

ugojesse is how i picture wakanda schoolbooks to be like

anyone can hook a bruda with a .cbr?

I swear i've seen this same joke before

but that's real life

father i can not click the book

Where's the crying statue of liberty? 0/10

I think it's supposed to be sucking on a pacifier

It's Nigerian English, the syntax is different. He actually has a degree in humanities from a Nigerian college.

Steal from jews and kill niggers

>children don't drink and smoke anymore
.t retarded teenager

But teenagers literally know best in this case

Based and wholesomepilled

>original braaap posting

This entire thread is very, very blessed.

Attached: funallowed.jpg (850x1044, 135K)

Tell that to the Germans

This is so fucking stupid that it's not funny.


How about not being a dumb fuck and learning a trade? Stupid kids feel obligated to get some kind of degree no matter how worthless it is and then cry when they end up in debt.

Poetic justice.

>vaping is now addicting more people to nicotin than tobacco ever did

you are aware there were like 12 year old street-urchins smoking or sharing their cigarrettes or pipes back in the 19th century... like as a common-place-thing.

Or not having the opportunity to fight and that's somehow a good thing.

That's because jews sold the boomer generation on the idea that their kids are an investment that will make them double whent hey retire and if they are to stupid for that then they make good slaves for house and yard work.

Thicc moms are my weakness

Jessica Yaniv.jpg

*shots fucking fired*

This fat kid kinda looks like Jonah Hill as a cartoon.

>We fought wars and worked our fingers to the bone doing back breaking work so that our children could have an easier life, and live in a world in which they didn't have to fight wars, break their backs, or work their fingers to the bone.

>Wtf, why aren't our children fighting wars, breaking their backs, and working their fingers to the bone? They have such an easy life.

Attached: du9_geerts_vallee_effet_densemble.jpg (500x705, 185K)


Attached: buff-cat-stickers-redbubble-53538796.png (500x612, 94K)

Attached: 1559032378270.png (1200x923, 611K)

>That smug ass face
I can't help but love it

Who wants some boomer editorial cartoons from New Mexico? Choose a year between 75 and 99, then a month

Attached: John Trever.jpg (180x198, 20K)

>that makes it okay
Faggot, please!

February, 99

Attached: 1564689903220.gif (550x400, 1.59M)

show me his very latest/last comic

Attached: worst responders.jpg (1000x732, 332K)

I don't get it

Attached: 02 Feb 1999.jpg (546x444, 54K)

Both sides exploit mass shootings

Attached: 03 Feb 1999.jpg (546x446, 60K)

Attached: 04 Feb 1999 (2).jpg (545x433, 49K)

Attached: 05 Feb 1999.jpg (546x440, 48K)

Attached: 07 Feb 1999.jpg (546x456, 51K)

Attached: 09 Feb 1999.jpg (547x444, 34K)

Attached: 10 Feb 1999.jpg (546x446, 50K)

Attached: 11 Feb 1999.jpg (546x450, 52K)

Attached: EBEfeIDUEAAx7T8.jpg (750x524, 42K)

Attached: 12 Feb 1999 (2).jpg (546x458, 55K)

Attached: 14 Feb 1999 (2).jpg (547x448, 52K)

Attached: 16 Feb 1999.jpg (546x453, 52K)

Attached: 17 Feb 1999.jpg (546x448, 32K)

Attached: 18 Feb 1999.jpg (546x458, 49K)

Nigga needs to pop his space cherry.

Attached: that post.gif (640x480, 1.36M)

Attached: 19 Feb 1999.jpg (546x438, 59K)

Attached: 21 Feb 1999.jpg (546x454, 66K)

Attached: 23 Feb 1999.jpg (546x454, 60K)

Attached: 24 Feb 1999.jpg (545x433, 56K)

Attached: 25 Feb 1999.jpg (546x443, 53K)

Attached: 26 Feb 1999.jpg (546x462, 47K)

Sideshow Bob is that you?

Attached: 250px-Sideshow_Bob's_Holiday_Wishes!.png (250x265, 139K)

Attached: 28 Feb 1999.jpg (545x451, 62K)

Attached: every boomer comic ever.png (760x591, 37K)

Thank you for your efforts truteal

Attached: 1551251098757.gif (250x241, 202K)

Buck's Fuck and suck?

This makes it all worthwhile

Another year between '75 and '99, Another month

>tfw I'm old enough to remember this episode of Married With Children

Attached: tapatalk_1565580466589.jpg (480x480, 32K)

First you have to ask "where da' hood at?"

Where the good comics at?

Attached: Hairdrier.jpg (400x292, 25K)

lol his wife is going to die

He kill wife

Attached: 1554077344036.jpg (512x547, 49K)

Attached: 6669ccb183f7f83d18e68e44806d39f5--dinners-comic-book.jpg (236x290, 28K)


Boomers take a fat shit on "Millenial Memes" but their jokes boil down to

Attached: Vd0Hl.png (970x514, 248K)

My grandparents still have that exact footstool.


This is why i'll never eat those beef or chicken "flavoured" Ichiban cup-of-MSG noodle things ever again.

Attached: 1522690968787.png (278x260, 165K)

Attached: a grim reminder.jpg (1200x888, 379K)

>used bank card to buy a big box of lego for first time in a decode
>get home and get ads for lego

I mean, I know they have all those ad algorithms and stuff but they're more aggressive than I would have ever guessed.

Attached: 1557996435147.jpg (208x200, 27K)

some guy's kid loves legos
stamper now lives here and his roommate loves legos

Wheres the punch line?

>stamper now lives here and his roommate loves legos

Attached: 1403476878463.gif (320x240, 386K)

They got married to other boomers


yeah seriously it's just one glass



what's this "water" meme thing?

I cannot breathe for my vigorous laughter.

Attached: wpcwqirqjijx.jpg (1009x749, 125K)

Chop is a slang term in pigeon English which means to pay a bribe as in "chop dey police" to bribe the police it evolved to also mean eating for some reason a popular saying I have heard is "chop time no friend" which means during a meal you should aim to only please yourself by eating the best parts and not care about anyone else

I wish I was better at drawing so I could edit this with the kid running in holding a toy gun, and then the adult version with a real gun

then a 3rd panel of him killing his family

Attached: antifa-criticism.jpg (750x546, 71K)

>no Chuck Asay

He's the boomerest boomer who ever boomered

Attached: asay.jpg (462x350, 68K)

Attached: asay2.jpg (1083x800, 452K)

>I'm not a nazi, this "88" tattoo represents my love for the Back to the Future franchise.
Keep trying, someday someone will believe you.

Remember when Obama said this? Man, those were some wacky times.

Attached: asay3.gif (544x400, 114K)

An actual member of the Aryan Brotherhood would completely demolish an infinite number of antifa trannies.

This would be easier to believe if I hadn't seen Reichweenies crying to the media after getting milkshaked.

The Aryan brotherhood is a bit different since they’re just a subhuman prison gang. Always pathetic to see the faggot antifas try to prove their machismo on Yea Forums

Don't worry user. I'm sure Big Daddy Trump will ban those mean antifa bullies for you

Attached: batantifa.jpg (500x331, 112K)

*ship horn*

>So TV sets are just for porn, huh?

Attached: See Also-- Breeding Ignorance and Feeding Radiation.gif (680x383, 1.34M)

Not sure if Narcotics Anonymous Speakers tapes quote or Ayn Rand philosophy.

Robin looks concerned. Concerned and hesitant.

>still being in the house after seeing the inside of it

F is for family

Yeah no. Both sides are limb wristed bitches with no balls to do anything.

Good thread

in america homeless people have smarphones. it's not like they all need iphone 10s

Man these newspaper strips got some nice plump ladies.