Did Yea Forums like Toy Story 4?

Did Yea Forums like Toy Story 4?

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Best one yet. Are they going to do more?

Not just like audiences did not

>moral of the story is give up on your best friends for some bitch
>jokes were absurdly forced and unnatural
>the toy crew barely participated on the movie
It’ was horrible

Great big meh. Same way I felt about 3. Unnecessary and unrelated, I wonder if I would have felt the same about 2 if I were older.

It felt like watching a show that you really liked that went on for one season too long. Now you're not sure that you'll ever watch it again because the last season changed your perception of it.

It was okay. Way overrated by critics.

I can't really speak to the quality, but bonnie, bo peep and gabby gabby a cute

Pretty good but ultimately unnecessary. Certainly not as good as the original trilogy.

I'd watch a spinoff about Duke Keanu, but I didn't really care that much about any of the other new characters.

After a show jumps the shark you can't take it seriously anymore. I don't know why that is.

When did Pixar lose their magic? I remember a time when pretty much all their films were lauded, and fans and critics both thought they could do no wrong.

After Disney bought them whole. Then Disney started making decent animated movies, just by copying Pixar.

However it ended last year, they don't care anymore about quality, just money, hence shift to live action remakes.

It was a lot better than I was expecting. I still think 3 is a perfect ending and 4 was really unnecessary, but for what it's worth I really liked what they had to say and I liked the focus on Woody's psyche.

The only good Pixar movies are Wall-E and Up

It was fine but the franchise should've ended with 3.


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Lasseter got metoo'ed (barely, the guy is a cinammon bun and the false story didn't went to far, but it was enough) because Disney wanted to hire a cheaper hack. Turns out killing the golden eggs chicken just ends you up with a death chicken.

>the virgin Toy Story 4 vs the Chad Kingdom Hearts 3
this movie got Woody so completely wrong. Maybe if this was the second movie because Woody was an asshole in the first one (and planned to be the villain originally anyway)

Shit taste

Yee. I enjoyed what I got.

First, and hopefully last, movie I've ever refused to see on principle.