The reboot is going to be "Fuck Trump the show" isn't it? Will they have the balls to go after the left too and make fun of everybody like the original series?
Yes because there's literally 0 indication it will be remotely "fuck trump" series outside your own paranoia
It's run by the same feminist hag who #MeToo'd the great John K, so yeah.
Because all modern cartoons have politics or forced LGBT shit
>The great John K
Opinion dismissed, you would have never liked it anyway because of your god hating the original. Please take some meds
>the great John K
You know John K hated Animaniacs right? As a matter of fact, he even gave Animaniacs a 0/10 review on some magazine and even admitted in the same interview he never watched the show.
So did Animaniacs, what's your point?
you made this exact shitpost months ago, fuck off with your pathetic victim complex. and yes they will crack a joke about your celebrity in chief, because being afraid to tell jokes sesame street was able to make in 1988 is very un animaniacs
Animaniacs didn’t pick a side. The reboot is going to be strictly left good right bad. Hollywood is liberal heaven right now.
they didn't make actual political jokes, either, they just made fun of political figures themselves exactly the same as any other celebrity
>celebrity in chief
What the fuck are you talking about, he’s the people’s president you faggot, not some Hollywood elite
Your source is "hollywood is like THIS now" when they were also the same politically in 1993
Again, what's your point?
>replying to somebody to replied me
No shit retard it’s called responding. Did you think people just make a post and then leave the thread for good? Dumb fucking sack of shit . And by the way, one of those posts isn’t me you retard
Honestly wish they were reviving Tiny Toons. Animaniacs is the most overrated cartoon of all time . Most of the skits were just shit. The Warners were a bunch of annoying cunts and it is so dated as fuck
>the Great John K
Is that really the hill you wanna die on, user? Think carefully.
I’m more surprised there are people who still support and praise John K in 2019. He’s the definition of cancer
>Tiny Toons
>not dated
Tiny Toons would be based and maybe it would happen after this
Age them up a bit too to make more sense
Wont be the same, Plucky and Hamtons Va are dead
>political satire
>in animaniacs
the fucking horror