
This is your daily reminder that Catra is now the main villain and will never be redeemed.

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Other urls found in this thread:!wyYiyQyK!kZfs6qN-bBMGeYfy35BuBg!o7pX2CKA x hordak


I’ll never watch this but does that mean Hordak gets defeated?

Big lie OP everyone gets redeemed but not in a gay steven universe kind of way
Hordak just took the comic skeletor idea

It's complicated.
Yes and no
He achieved his original goal.

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Good, I hope soi-ra fans cry a lot.

She'll be redeemed, when she stops wallowing in her own self pity and stops trying to use her abuse to hurt others. I do feel sorry for her, I really do and hope she does find closure some time in the future.


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I hope that she finds closure, but stays evil.

At the end of season 2 I felt bad for the cat, but after this season I think it's time she got the axe.

Do you think the writers are going to double down on catra becoming more evil?

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How many levels of evil can she get? She nearly destroyed half the universe out of pettiness. Besides, if they did double down, that would make Adora's last words meaningless. She probably won't get a redemption Arc, but maybe a self realization Arc.

>being a fan of soi-ra

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Hey,you're the funny man who made the same joke on the other thread.
There is like a billion soi bois out there but you picked a different frame from the same one.
Are you to bored to find a new shit bag to make fun of people talking about a cartoon

>How many levels of evil can she get?
She'll probably do whatever it takes to get
Horde Prime to take down adora for her.
Given that she betrayed entrapta and tried to break the universe, I'm curious to see how much more self-destructive she can get.

>Are you to bored to find a new shit bag to make fun of people talking about a cartoon
Is this more to your liking then?

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How bad do you think Hordak and Catra are going to be around each other next season?

These two people are the same:

*Was considered worthless by their familial/parental figures

*Nothing they do ever seems good enough

*Found people that do care for them, but will choose the abusive "family" they were a part of, instead of letting go of the past

At least with Hordak, there was a slight hint that he may have wanted to take Entrapta's suggestion and work on the portal until it was "perfect", which was never going to be possible, until the Sword was introduced as a key.

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Everyone can be redeemed. Even Darth Vader was redeemed. Is she worse than Darth Vader? I think not.

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I just want them to be happy

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Vader didn't attempt to destroy all of reality to spite his ex gf

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“Sigh” here we go again

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Wouldn't know, didn't watch the prequels.

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I'd say they stay and scheme together for about half a season until Hordak figures out she lied to him again. I don't see Catra surviving that unless Horde Prime bursts onto the scene, wrecks shit, and takes Hordak out of the picture.

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Good, shitty kitty deserves everything that happens to her.

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She will do something really evil like reject Scorpia's friendship

Catra justs needs a hard pounding fallowed a nutting into her booty.

I assume they aren't gonna stay together longer than 3 episodes, could be as quick as the opening scene

Catra already slapped Scorpia in the face and threatened the lovable bug when she objected to Catra sending Entrapta to Beast Island. Catra already fucked that up.

S3 really fucked things up

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>show created by a lesbian features plenty of straight ships with top tier girls
>I fall for the lesbian anyway
What did I mean by this?

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Stevenson has described Catra as the secondary protagonist.

The show will end with the writers going "she was redeemed" some folks on Yea Forums going "yup, she was" and some folks on Yea Forums going "nuh uh!"

As guessed right the edit was mostly based on the Timm's Justice League animated series. I have to admit I have a thin waist fetish which "may" influence my edits. On top of that She-ra 2018 is just asking for it with its lack of curves. Every time I plan the outline of the body it never seems too much because it is a rectangle by default. Thanks for the input I will try to take it into consideration.

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She is pretty dope

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Heretic. Glimmer is THICC!

>plenty of straight ships
What do you mean by that? Other than Hordak and Bow males don't really have any roles or much interaction with anyone.

Hordak gets Entrapta
Seahawk gets Mermista
Bow gets Glimmer and Perfuma, and cuckshipping with Entrapta
Micah gets /ss/ shipping with Shadow Weaver and normiecore shipping with his actual wife

Glimmer is a beautiful young girl. Portraying her as fat in the series is just propaganda. The Horde won in the end. They are telling the legend of She-ra from their point of view. Didn't you notice the princesses are ugly, the bad guys are great and Catra is best girl?

Other than Hordak and Entrapta - maybe the /ss/ if you are into that but you can bet it won't get any fuel - the other ships are so bland and uninteresting I can't imagine many people into those.

However with Catradora you already have the best character in the series to make it interesting. Suffering and angst to no end and the whole turning into She-ra thing which could be seen as a threeway essentially.

>Cons - I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Except she will be redeemed and be together with Adora happily.

You're pretty stupid to doubt this fact.

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no, Catra will sacrifice herself to save Adora

Damn she's a dumb bitch.

Nope, because that means Catra won't have to live with the consequences of her mistakes.

but that's what she did in the perfect reality.

...Have you been watching the same thing I did? Because oh no she didn't.

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Yeah I already called that too.

>Why won't it work, she should be healed!
>This one's path has ended, Adora. Her strand of fate is frayed and severed.
>She can be healed!
>No, Adora. This one's light is extinguished, never to be rekindled. Such is the fate of all lights one day, no matter how great.
>I don't care what you say! I don't trust you anymore, I'll make it work!
>You cannot stain Greyskull's memory with this act, you must not, the sword is a vessel of honor and tribute, it cannot be made to do this unnatural deed!

And cue Adora wrestling with and overpowering the sword itself to restore Catra to life only for it explode and for Catra to awaken to see Adora collapse...dead.

>will never be redeemed.
She's a woman lmao of course she will be redeemed and everything bad she did will be swept under the rug with an apology.

She could go full fantasy cat Hitler and still get redeemed because if she's hot fuck all the nameless millions she killed. Business as usual in fiction.


Adora already has a martyr complex. Her journey is to find a way to live to do good, and not to die to fix things. The latter already is her modus operandi, Adora's willing to lay down her life at the drop of a hat.

You're promptly ignored.

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catra gains a monstrous form so not only can she not be redeemed, it would be easy for them to kill her off.

Bow/Glimmer is cute and perfect you plebian

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No I'm not

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>She could go full fantasy cat Hitler and still get redeemed
Well they have actual fantasy Hitler and they gave him a cute waifu so at least it would be fair

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That worked because he's not as bad as actual space Hitler

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Hordak is a clone of the biggest bad and is a failed one at that.

Who cares, I dont watch baby shows

If Entrapta put a dick on Hordak's new exoskeleton he might be able to do it. If not the princesses can just run a train on her.

never thought she would be the one to destroy the world

Nobody ever thinks much of Catra

Hordak prime will probably be the main villain

That's what got everyone into this mess in the first place.

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Taking Cat-ra suggestions.

Catra pissed that she's being partially rained on because the umbrella shadow weaver is sharing with adora doesn't quite cover all 3 of them

Catra wearing Father Elijah's robes from Dead Money.

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Horde prime*
It's the defective clone that's called Hordak

Catra is hunting you down and wants to force you to marry her. How do you escape?

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Change my name, wear a mask and start working for space nazis as an edgelord knight.

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>and normiecore shipping with his actual wife

Angella's an immortal. There's always a chance she met Micah as a young lad.

Wow, way to make Hordak look like a complete faggot

catra doing the killer queen pose

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>a mortal wizard getting together with a hundreds years old eternally young godess

So... when?

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Not until the rights get unfucked

so when's hordak getting skeletor on speedial?

So a few years?

difference is Vader turned evil believing it was the right way and only way to save padme. Catra turned even for the lulz

but he was still evil even after he found out she died, by his hands no less

I hope never, Mattel and C.N just need to bring back and conclude the 2002's He-Man and bring in the REAL She-Ra than this fan-fic slop.

Attached: He-Man 2002 Hordak_04.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

so what was the point of literally referencing masters of the universe everytime adora transforms?

>it's the only way to save muh padme
>chokes her to death
Please don't defend this trash

he started evil for a purpose. Catra didn't

Ani was an edgy boi

Who drew this?

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She was a child soldier getting fucked with by every adult in her life, seriously you think Vader "I'm a genocidal sperg out of no where because dark side" is better? There is no indication the dark side does this, its horrible writing, palpatine and dooku are perfectly calm, double lightsaber man is perfectly call, but no anakin just fucking murders random people and his own loved ones at the drop of a hat

>She was a child soldier getting fucked with by every adult in her life
and so was adora and kyle and that lizard dude.

And their stories are better than Vaders too, what's your point?

I feel attacked by this image.

Copyright is just weird like that. I assumed they could use the canon but not the characters, but Mara exists. It probably has something to do with the fact that DreamWorks still technically hold the rights to He-Man.

and dreamworks also holds the rights to she-rah. I don't see the problem here

You asked how they're allowed to reference MOTU, I offered my interpretation.

Palapatine and his master are known for having a very unsith like way of doing things and Dooku more of a renegade jedi than a sith. Anakin was a raw angsty teenager that drank the darkside kool aid

>Catra pulls the lever

>Instead of ending up in alternate "perfect" portal world with Adora, she wakes up in a train car

>her hand is glowing

>she looks at it, the number says "205,761"

>she looks outside the window, the train seems to stretch on forever

>a small, spherical robot with a British accent approaches her

>a small, spherical robot with a British accent approaches her
"Hey, you. You're finally awake."

Atticus would kick Catra's ass.

Why doesn't shadow weaver just love her

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What's the reference here?

A lot of people could do that

She was more of a dog person.

Infinity Train. The show Yea Forums is talking about a few weeks.

I know he man in his pleb mode was gay as rainbow but wtf is this.


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Kinda....but why is he so kiddyfy. I mean i don't mind him being a gay bear, but this is a bit of character.

Wouldn't know about that. I haven't been on Yea Forums for months. But, thanks for the reply!

They changed him into a bear into a cub. Because Adora and She-Ra aren't catwalk models anymore either.

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Hordak will be redeemed after he finds out that Hordak Prime is an asshole and Entrapta didn't betray him. Shadow Weaver will betray Adora when situation turns very bad just to save her life. It will not work. Catra is beyond redemption but will be redeemed for meta reasons.

Kitty is running out of bridges to burn. Not sure she can defect to the Alliance after announcing that she would destroy reality to stop She-Ra from having just one more win.

>after he finds out that Hordak Prime is an asshole
What's he gonna learn that he doesn't already know?

>Kitty is running out of bridges to burn.
RUnning out? She's officially out of bridges. The only place she has left is with Hordak, and that's a ticking timebomb, with her lie about Entrapta abandoning him.

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He is still a Hordak Prime fanboy for some reason. I predict he will have to choose between loyalty to Hordak Prime and Entrapta. He will choose the later and sacrifice himself for her.

Kinda kills the mood. A bit pandering to the manchildren generation instead of creating a better version of him. I won't care if had turned him into full gaybo as long as they gave him a bit of masculinity. Smaller eyes, bit more grizzled look, a tip of that he is a warrior. And WTF is with the short-shorts. Go either fully speedo or give him pants.

>hurrr durrr stuff that isn't in the movies
Don't care, nothing is going to make anakins spergs murder spree ok or make sense

I think this is pretty accurate but also there is a chance sw or catra will sudoku for honorable redemption instead

Heck no. He-man is a mixture of gay-ness supreme and 80s masculinity. The bear pelt will push him too much into the meathead section.

I realized that was a bad idea. The thing that always bothered me about these He-Man redesigns is how they play up the barbarian part and somehow ends up looking like something out of Castlevania.

My guess is:

SW dies/is "defeated" with no redemption
Hordak is redeemed at the end when he sacrifices himself for Entrapta
Catra will slowly be redeemed after she reaches her absolute lowest point, which is probably after Hordak finds out about Entrapta

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Honorable sudoku is a thing for Hordak who just can't be live as anyone but Hordak. It's only logical conclusion for his arc with Entrapta. SW is a coward and manipulator to her core. It will be big showdown when Hordak Prime victory will seem like imminent so she will fall again. Catra is a fan favorite and have a sad backstory so no matter what horrible shit she did she will be redeemed and have a happy gay life with Adora as in fanfics.

He-Man is terrible, sorry.

HE-MAN. Just the name itself is pants on head retarded that only worked because kids were starved for ANYTHING animated.

His origin was literally that he was royalty (in a somewhat war-torn land, natch) and a Sorceress handed him the gear needed to turn into himself only more powerful. That's about the whole of it. Oh, and he kept his identity secret, for no good fucking reason.

At least She-Ra had the "kidnapped as a baby, raised by the bad guys, went 'oh shit' when she realized she was on the wrong side" angle to work with for a reboot.

He man's... not a good character. At all.

SW and Catra will kill each other/sacrifice themselves together to give closure to their mutual hatred. Adora will cry about her lost family then remember she has a new one

Hordak and Entrapta travel the cosmos and live happily ever after because fuck you they're pure

It's too good for that gay fest. It'll never happen.

God, I wish.

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So did this show turn out decent or is it mostly just waifus and shipping wars.

>mfw season three

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Catra the school shooter

How does she wipe her ass?

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Bidets everywhere in the Horde. They're not savages like Americans.

It improved immensely from season 1. Character development, the plot is going places, the animation improved, and the show finally moved on from that pointless war shit to full on character drama. It's pretty good.

>tfw you will never be chosen for Scorpia's personal toilet assistant

Is it worth slogging through season 1 for?

I'd say definitely. Just don't expect the princesses to actually do shit.

Does this show have good and consistent characterization where characters express realistic emotions that are well incorporated into the story?

He-Man will never have a successful reboot because no nerdy kid in his right mind is going to want to pretend to be "Manly Man" anymore. It's just a name that screams of trying too hard.

Shockingly yes

So everyone is abandoning Catradora ship. This Fandom is made of bunch of figurative and litteral pussies.

The Premise is that Adora was kidnapped as a baby and raised by the Horde, growing up on a steady diet of military training and propaganda against the enemy. Then one day she was hanging with her best-friend-since-childhood, they got separated, Adora found high-tech weaponry in an old-ass crashed alien ship filled with dangerous defenses, and through a series of mishaps Adora ended up having to team up with some enemy soldiers to survive. And she figured out that oh shit, the enemy soldiers are nothing like what she'd been told in propaganda, and she realized that she'd been on TOTALLY on the wrong side of the war.

The series starts with her going through that shit and meeting various players, then dives more and more into the psychological drama of Adora now having to fight the people who raised her (and her childhood besty), people changing sides and realizing there's decent folks on both sides of this war, dealing with some ancient weirdness on the planet, and, well... it doesn't start horribly, and it gets progressively better.

It's a well-told story so far.

they look like a BotW costumes for Link

It's just gay.

I think SW is transformed back to Light Spinner, dies of old age soon after. States that she has no regrets while on the death bed.
Hordak dies to protect Entrapta. Entrapta makes a robot of Hordak in which she uploads part of Hordak's personality she managed to extract from his body. It's a bittersweet ending because the robot barely works, but Entrapta loves him anyway.
Catra has a change of heart when she discovers her relatives and even they want to have nothing to do with her, however it results in the entire tribe dying and Catra realizes how truly alone she is.

I will go down with this ship. I won't put my hands up and surrender.

I don't even care about He-man, I just want to see Skeletor again

>Hordak dies to protect Entrapta. Entrapta makes a robot of Hordak in which she uploads part of Hordak's personality she managed to extract from his body. It's a bittersweet ending because the robot barely works, but Entrapta loves him anyway.

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Kill yourself
She tried to blow up the world
Ruined entrapta/hordak
Won't accept scorpias love
Ruins catra adora with her own autism
Just jump off a cliff already

>that two women ship is just gay
I'm not sure if you mean that literally, figuratively, or both. I still want Catra to rage-fuck her or something.

At this point I think Adora needs to find a giant Q-tip and tell Catra she's always been first in her world.

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Hordak devastated who-knows-how-many worlds and dragged Etheria into a generational forever war that's repeatedly threatened to fuck the environment up beyond all retrieval, all for some head pats from his big bro.

>Adora is banging this every night
>Catra never even got to fuck Scorpia

Attached: adora's waifu.jpg (681x383, 58K)

And he hasn't been rude enough to fuck up anyone's ships while he's at it, unlike catra

He was literally planning to break Scorpia's heart by killing Catra. Entrapta interceded.

Pretty sure that "killing" Micah also messed up the "Glimmer's parents" ship.

Everyone shut up. Catra and Adora don't stand a chance against Entrapta and Hordak

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I dont undertand why He-Man needs a breastplate when he's the most powerful man in the universe

she takes off her claws of course.

I swear this edgy fanart shit needs to top being enabled. It is cancer. All that shitty tumblr depression and psycho corruption art being posted on this board is a nightmare.

Well for modesty of course.

Also because it helps with the techno-barbarian aesthetic of the series.

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is this their version of Jarco?

You get princess prom and a couple episodes near the end of the season that are pretty good, if you can get through the princess introduction episodes in the beginning you'll see massive improvements.

That was in the show bruh

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if they ever reunite

That aside, people need to understand that tumblr, defiantart etc is where everyone interested in a career in art got their start these days. Anything new from here on out will have been produced by 'those' people. So, unless the people on this site want to stop watching cartoons or reading comics, they just have to get over it.

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No because Jackie existed as nothing but shipteasing.

>So, unless the people on this site want to stop watching cartoons or reading comics, they just have to get over it.
But what about all the people who started on Yea Forums who went on to become prolific writers and artists like...uh...

Ian JQ

I want catra to have the redemption azula never had.

Rebecca Sugar

How about Hordak dies and Entrapta becomes the villain?

and she did all of this just because she was horny for Adora

started on Yea Forums
not occasionally browses

You make it sound like being on Yea Forums is some full time gig

Natasha Allegri?

For Hordak, until he met Entrapta, he had no one else to call friend and the only thing that defined him was being a part of the Horde. Now that he found someone who sees his worth, who doesn't think he's a failure and who isn't afraid of him, Hordak found another way to live.

Sometimes you don't know how stunted you are, until you discover whole new experiences that expand your outlook on life.

season 3 mega?


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Here you go chief!wyYiyQyK!kZfs6qN-bBMGeYfy35BuBg!o7pX2CKA!wyYiyQyK!kZfs6qN-bBMGeYfy35BuBg!o7pX2CKA

thank you!!



Did you say this when Zuko joined Azula in Season 2 OP.

Zuko always had Iroh acting as his conscious and guiding him towards not being a psycho shithead.

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Then stop being sad

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Don’t worry. Now that she’s reached her lowest point she can get better

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I think Scorpia supposed to be that to an extent.

I dunno she's an abused child soldier. Vader's shit gets excused for similar reasons and he wasn't in as bad a place as Catra was. Since it's make-believe the show could decide to redeem Catra who's emotionally unstable, young, and shit if it wanted to. Insanity defense.

>Entrapta's Autism actually IS NOT the biggest threat to the multiverse right now
Color me surprised.

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>Entrapta's Autism actually IS NOT the biggest threat to the multiverse right now
Entrapta has only created 2 planet destroying devices after all.

Bad kitty

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Unironically Catra is a Test Case to see if they could turn Internet Cat Memes into a character.

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Entrapta did nothing wrong

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What about Mao Mao?

>Entrapta did nothing wrong
anarcho-capitialist whore still won't pay her fucking taxes

Her kingdom consists of like three people and some robots. She is the IRS.

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Seriously, she lost all chances at being redeemed during the attack on Brightmoon imo. Adora gave her every opportunity to leave the abusive situation she was in, but she chose to stay time and again. Sometimes abuse victims become the abusers, and the fact that they were abused doesn't absolve them for their actions. She's a tragic villain, but still a villain

>How bad do you think Hordak and Catra are going to be around each other next season?

That depends: Does Hordak find out the truth about Entrapta next season?

holy fucking shit it took me way too long to realize that Adora coming to Etheria through the portal is basically the same backstory she had in the orignal cartoon, just executed way better.

Does this mean we'll get to see Grayskull? If we meet Adora's family then do we meet He-Man?

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Since Catras problems lie in her childhood she should be reverted to baby.

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go to bed catra

I want to fuck every character in this show.

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Adora is so pretty.

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Talk shit about my bf again, bitch

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I want her to bench press me

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Do not.

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Was OG Hordak supposed to be an actual duck? I can't find a decent picture but he even has flippers for feet.

Entraptdak is actually so cute. x hordak

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He was a vampire, as I recall. I think they were supposed to be bat feet.

so when is skeletor going to show up?

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if there's any side character I want more screen time of, it's based Sea-Ra who fights for the honor of gray whales

Not until the rights clear up. So probably never.

....Well, congrats, I bet that pun made you feel really good about yourself.

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sad. i wonder what he would have been like.

Reminder that you subhumans are only talking about this garbage show because you're so enslaved to your libidos that you'd jerk off to cave drawings.



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You talking shit on horde prime?

Catra wasn't just jealous of Adora, It was a big part sure but the deciding factor to leave the waste was learning that Shadow Weaver, the only mother Catra has known, who just pretended to love her and manipulated her yearning for motherly love only to abandon her for Adora. After all, she didn't decide to go back to the Hoard until after she found out about SW

Will Adora ever confront SW over how much SW fucked over Catra since childhood? Adora so far has been completely oblivious.

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Horde Prime ain't got nothing on my imperfect bf

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>Catra is beyond redemption
Has she actually done anything though? Catra Tries but Adora stops most of her shenanigans from having any real consequences. Did Glimer's mom die or was she just thrown into another dimension? If she died then that is the only irredeemable thing I can think of but it seems like she might be alive.

user, Catra was fully willing to rip apart the fabric of reality just to get a win over Adora. That's straight up fucked up.

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Depends on how much blame ya wanna put on her besides the multiple attempts of murder and general villainy:

Blew up the prom and captured glimmer which led to her torture
Her plan to abuse the runestones that threatened the planet and almost led to the fall of brightmoon
Leaving adora to fall off that cliff
Wanted to use corrupted adora as a weapon against her friends
Killed that tongue lasher guy
Sent entrapta to beast island for trying to stop her from killing everybody
Trying to kill everybody out of spite
The "death" of angella

And of course now every bad thing horde prime does is the direct result of her opening the portal.

Get a look at this pissbaby

Yeah she was willing to destroy reality in her goal to open the portal, but she didn't actually destroy reality in the end. That's what make her redeemable is that she is temporarily the villain fueled by her miserable upbringing and emotional issues. However, Adora ends limiting the fallout of her maliciousness.

Most of those listed didn't have real long term destructive consequences, except tongue lasher dying but he attacked them fist so self-defense and Angella maybe dying(?).
But as long as Adora wins in the end/Catra has a change of heart (along with with her never directly killing innocents) then it's perfectly fine to have a redemption arc.

>And of course now every bad thing horde prime does is the direct result of her opening the portal.
Sure she is one of the ones responsible, along with Entrapta and Hordak but if she ends up fighting them then she sides with the Good Guys (TM) thus triggering her change of heat and redemption arc. It is very likely Hoard Prime and/or Hordak will fuck over Catra, forcing her to side with Adora.

Fucker wants the real she-ra but asks for the new millennium version, he doesn't know what he's saying.

Catra will fuck up and accidently tell him, somehow. But I think that Scorpia will stand up to her friend and finally grow a backbone.

The "light hope is evil" people seem to be a special type of glue eater. First of all light hope is just an advanced version of microsoft clippy that lacks any free will, the worst she'd be capable of is if the first ones programed her to be part of a weapon or some shit to kill the horde even if it resulted in large casualties.

Second of all most of the people who are saying it are just desperately trying to turn the advice of letting catra go as being some malicious intent all while ignoring that advice was also the lesson of this season's ending.

>How do you escape?
I dont.

>but she didn't actually destroy reality in the end.
Only because Adora and Queen Angella had to save the day in the end and the latter sacrificing herself to do it, the only consolation there is she's not really dead but trapped between dimensions. If someone stops you from committing murder, that doesn't mean you get off scot free, you're still going to be tried/charged for attempted murder.

>Adora ends limiting the fallout of her maliciousness
Catra still tried to blame Adora for this garbage she pulled, and she's finally had enough of that and told her to "live with it."

You got engaged to Catra but didn't show up to the wedding. How fucked are you?

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I would have to be in danger or incapacitated in some way, so my darling would come to rescue me.

I left her to conquer the galaxy. What's she gonna do about it? Lick her crotch and cough up a hairball at me?

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Angella dying would actually have been a "better" outcome because now:

a. Glimmer might do something stupid with shadow weaver with the hope of seeing her mom again

b. If prime finds here then toss captured/tortured/experimented on as things catra's responsible for.

>Glimmer might do something stupid with shadow weaver with the hope of seeing her mom again
I think Bright Moon/The Best Friend Squad are really gonna regret allowing Shadow Weaver have so much autonomy within the kingdom, and soon. Shadow Weaver is in this for herself.

Also, isn't the whole show already finished anyway, and they're just dumping the 52 episodes in half-season chunks anyway?

Why does this new Hordak look like some kind of teenage, edgy emo kid as opposite to this master of evil incarnate?

Because he is a weak faulty young dying clone stuck on a rock in another dimension who only has the meager resources of his ship.

Because they knew it would upset you

Because this Hordak is literally just a clone of Horde Prime, and a failed one at that. Horde Prime is the leader of most of the known universe and created a clone army because his philosophy is "If you want something done right, then you gotta do it yourself." So he manufactured millions of them and our Hordak is one of the few that was born defective.

Horde Prime sent him to die on the battlefield and through an odd circumstance a portal drags him to Etheria, where, with only a broken ship that was pulled in with him, he creates the Etherian Horde. But he only made it because he wants Horde Prime to be proud of him and to regain favor with his "brother", as Hordak calls him.

I think the same. Very little about Shadow Weaver's actions late in this season seemed to indicate that she's actually on a path to redemption, and her growing relationship with Glimmer combined with the loss of Angella is a big BIG red flag.

I don't that would be a good moral change. He'd basically go from acting for someone to acting for someone. If he's going to rebel against Horde Prime, he would have to do it for himself and his new self-worth, not just because he loves Entrapta.

Finally Catra will get her shit beat up,she was getting easy because of the "muh childhood friend",she-ra finally woke the fuck up,and saw that Catra made a choice and will have to get the consequences.

Tell her it's not legal in my country

She will never leave...
Catra never learn

Quiet you beta orbiter,she can't keep getting way for attempting world genocide.
I know she's cute but she go too far this time, there's no going back.

Just binged watched everything. I love Catra & Adora.

My favorite character is either Scorpia or Sea Hawk.

I want more character development for the other princesses.

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Kinda weird that Sea Hawk was Adora's love interest in the 80's cartoon.

Is it worth to watch the new ''He-Ra'' after all of the shit it was covered by the fans of the previous one? Is it really as gay as people say and filled with leftis ''ideals''? I used to think it's shit, but I star to consider watching it.

>Forming your opinions based only on the heresay of others

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I couldn't care less about others opinions, but even after all of the negativity, and partially my bad opiniopns about this show, I'm considering watching it. Seems kinda strange.

>Claims to not care about others opinions
>Cites others opinions as a reason to not watch it

It's definitely full of scary Left things. Run far away

Ever think that the 2016 elections fucked everyone's ability to enjoy things? Now everything's either "problematic" or "SJW' It's really weird.

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Just watch it, form your own opinion. That's always better than taking other people's word for it.

For starters, realise that Yea Forums is right-wing website. Sure, a lot of those comments are trolls, but the problem is that they give the genuine nutcases the feeling they're in good company. That's also what Trump does, allow the nutcases to declare themselves. Which in turn forces the other side to dig in, because they feel, rightly so, they're under attack.

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Just watch the show. The first half of season 1 is a slog with introductions and the good parts don't start until the half way point. Season 2 and 3 are the best parts.

As for themes, it depends if you find the idea of abusive relationships, and facing your problems instead of hoping they'll go away as something only a leftist will believe.

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I'm not even American and barely know what "leftist" means. Just seems like you started screaming a while back and never stopped. I'm worried about you guys.

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That's because the USA has no political spectrum. It's a 2 party system, and in Europe those parties would be centre-right and extreme right.

I'm neutral in that regard because I'm a foreigner. I just think everything is politicized by both the right and the left.

The Last Jedi would've been just a mediocre movie, but we have a horde of neckbeards screaming SJW nonstop.

OK, let's not go into /pol/ territory. It's a silly and scary place, and there's no fun to be had there.

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The shattering of suicidal overconfidence tends to do that to people.

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Neck way too long

A scorpion's tail is also its anus.

Every time she stings someone, they are getting an injection of fecal matter.

So who's the biggest cuck on the show? Kyle?

Kyle gets lizard dick on the reg.

Scorpia's probably the most cucked.

Honesty, it's probably Scorpia. Catra literally took her to Princess Prom, just to see Adora once again.

Kyle has a big lizard bf

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>show has a huge fan fiction base
>almost zero fempenis content Catadora

Fucking horrible. I want to read about Catra's thorned kitty cock impregnating Adora.

There's like 50 pics of exactly that on paheal

If there's a void in fan content, the proper thing to do is fill it yourself

Because the fandom is full of women that aren't degenerate enough to write that

>not degenerate

Clearly you have not seen some of the tags over in the 100 fandom.

Very, once she finds the fuck-nest I constructed.

thread theme

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Bruh you need to head over to AO3 and glance at the tags before you say dumb shit like that


Talking about this fandom

Catra will realize that she fucked up and slowly but surely apologizes over time and then it culminates in her and Adora being friends again.

>If someone stops you from committing murder, that doesn't mean you get off scot free, you're still going to be tried/charged for attempted murder.
Except she is a soldier fighting in a war. It is her job to defeat the Rebels. It might also be personal for her but she is fighting for a state against rebels trying to establish/maintain a different state. That means while the Hoard is in charge when she is fighting for the Hoard she is legally in the clear and when she switches side to the rebels and they are control then she is legally in the clear.

A cartoon aimed a younger age won't put it in those legalistic terms instead focusing on having a Change of Heart, asking forgiveness, achieving love and friendship, etc. Maybe she will need some sort of big punishment to sell it to the audience but the possibility of a redemption arc is still big.

Nigga, she killed everybody and everything on the planet, not just the rebels. Catra decided to commit the biggest murder/suicide in Etherian history, even after knowing damn well what triggering the portal machine would do. She incapacitated Entrapta when she was going to tell Hordak about the biggest flaw the portal machine had in it.

Quit sucking her clit, what she did was beyond the pale and even Adora was finally sick of her behavior and her deflection of blame. Catra destroyed the world, and still tried to pin her bullshit on Adora, who then finally punched her lights out and told her to deal with the consequences.

So I finally watched this season.

When will Glimmer’s dad finally show himself

You can be tried for war crimes user. Attempted genocide of all planetary life is a pretty valid accusation regardless of whichever side wins. At the very least she's committed treason several times

Just in time for Hordak to find Entrapta cucking him with Micah on beast island

>she killed everybody and everything on the planet
She didn't though. An attempt to open the portal could have had that result, but didn't in the end.
> even after knowing damn well what triggering the portal machine would do.
Didn't she walk in after Entrapta gave the detailed speech to Scorpia about that? As far as Catra knew it a was big possibility but the show made it clear that she never understood technology and was confused about why Hordak trusted Entrapta.
>still tried to pin her bullshit on Adora
An attitude that will be changed by forgiveness, love, etc.
>told her to deal with the consequences.
What consequences? That's the point I've been trying to make.

>You can be tried for war crimes user.
Sure, If you happen to be on the losing side. Isn't America the only country to attack others with a Nuke. How many Americans have been prosecuted for war crimes again?
>Attempted genocide
The killing of everything wasn't the goal; the goal was opening a portal to send out a message.

>implying there will be an escape

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When you do a thing full well knowing it will sabotage your own side, that's treason.
Also, banishing the waifu of your commander and lying to his face about it is a really bad way to stay on his good side. Or alive.

Entrapta is for alien thots only

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He definitely goes commando

>When you do a thing full well knowing it will sabotage your own side, that's treason.
She's kinda like starscream, to useful for Hordak to throw away despite her treasonous nature. In fact, her duplicitous nature is part of what makes her so useful.

I will accept that

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This fandom is full of women that are not into futa. Pffff, amateurs.

>Didn't she walk in after Entrapta gave the detailed speech to Scorpia about that?

Catra: "Why aren't you in Hordak's lab?
Entrapta: "Uh, mm"
C: "There's no time. We need to fire up the portal machine."
E: "We can't. Opening a portal right now will be disastrous. It's going to collapse and take us all with it."

Entrapta directly warned Catra of what would happen and Catra still electrocuted her in the back and then lied about her whereabouts to Hordak, while also blaming Entrapta for letting in the princesses into the Fright Zone. As well as threaten Scorpia with the same fate.

Also, when the scientist that woo'ed Hordak with her technological prowess says this is a bad idea, only a fool would be dumb enough to not listen.

>An attempt to open the portal could have had that result, but didn't in the end.
Because Adora and Angella had to clean up Catra's mess, with Angella sacrificing herself to save all of Etheria. If they failed, then everything on Etheria would have been dead.

>What consequences?
Catra attempted to destroy all of Etheria, just so Adora would finally lose. The only thing that stopped that was Adora and Angella. Again, just because the heroes stopped the villain, that doesn't make the villain's actions moot. Catra still tried to kill everyone and then had the gall to blame Adora even though she literally pulled the lever that would end existence.

Fucking hell, I really want Hordak's thighs wrapped around me as I fuck his ass into the next dimension. He'd probably be into praise kink.

I came here after that whole mess. The only place that seems to me that fully went to shit was Yea Forums,/gif/ and Yea Forums. Yea Forums has it moments but it is not that bad.

That seems like a very male fetish to me

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, If you are bisexual girl that prefers womans look, but likes more the feel and look of penis, that would be winning combination.

But then they would just be a trans woman. There's plenty of that within the she-ra fandom.

Could be. I'm just not a fan of dicks on anyone. Nothing personal, guys.

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A cis futa. And drawn futa is not same as real mtf trans. I know it can be considered that, but I like to think 2D futas have xx chromosome. Born like that.
And I do not want to be trans girl, I am real one already. I want to date 2D futa girl. Preferably an Amazon one.

You and me both

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>Iahky Catra
I wanna see her and Adora sniffing up each other's fuzzy parts

>Entrapta directly warned Catra of what would happen
The only thing she heard/understood was the "Adora is right" part which sent her into a tailspin. If Entrapta keep to the facts and left Adora out of it, Catra would not have had tunnel vision. Not to mention Shadow Weaver lies so much about her magic why would Catra just trust the new magic person that is threatening her position with Hordak?
>Also, when the scientist that woo'ed Hordak with her technological prowess says this is a bad idea, only a fool would be dumb enough to not listen.
She doesn't see Entrapta as a "scientist" and neither do any of the other characters (except possibly Hordak) because they see everything as magic. The show makes a point of Catra not understanding tech and she outright expresses confusion over why Hordak even trusts Entrapta. It's not about being a "fool" but living under the thumb of SW for so long while also seeing Entrapta as a rival for 2nd place in the Hoard.
>Catra attempted to destroy all of Etheria, just so Adora would finally lose.
The Goal wasn't to destroy everything, it was to open the portal. If everything got destroyed, they are all dead anyway, so it's not like anyone can complain...
>just because the heroes stopped the villain, that doesn't make the villain's actions moot.
How does it not? If you stop some of consequences of an action then that action does not have those consequences. Because it was stopped.

It's like if Catra stole some catnip from a store but Adora put it back. While it might make Adora mad, it wasn't stolen in the end. No Harm No

Because this was made by horny rainbow hair girls from Tumblr.

>How does it not? If you stop some of consequences of an action then that action does not have those consequences.

Attempted murderers/terrorists still get tried for attempted murder/terrorism and get put into prison when convicted. This wasn't Catra stealing catnip, this was her willing to sacrifice the entire planet and everyone living on it, just so she could finally win against Adora. Catra's actions still put Angella between dimensions, because if the Queen didn't pull the sword out, their reality would have been undone and everyone and everything would cease to exist. And Catra knew that would happen because Entrapta told her what would happen. If a nuclear physicist told me not to pull a lever because it would somehow cause a catastrophic meltdown, I'm going to listen to them. I sure as fuck don't know a thing about nuclear science, but I will definitely listen to the expert.

> She doesn't see Entrapta as a "scientist" and neither do any of the other characters (except possibly Hordak) because they see everything as magic.
Catra grew up with tech since she was with the Horde as a kid, she knows what technology is and that's why she said "the princesses have no idea who they left behind" when Catra realized that Entrapta can make their tech stronger.

>The Goal wasn't to destroy everything, it was to open the portal. If everything got destroyed, they are all dead anyway, so it's not like anyone can complain...
That's why most people call this murder/suicide. Catra stopped giving a damn and when Adora told her about Shadow Weaver's move to Bright Moon and to Adora, she fucking lost it and wanted everyone to die, if only to make Adora lose in the end.

Again Entrapta told Catra what would happen if the portal was opened and was going to tell Hordak, until Catra electrocuted her to keep her mouth shut.

This could just be concept art but I wouldn't be surprised if it is glimmer's "queen" outfit now that angella's gone. The text for the higher res/cropped version does say she'd be going down a darker path.

I wish this version was cleaner since it seems to say on scorpia's square that she joins the rebellion

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The rightful princess of _______
___ magical runestone
a good heart________
____ and joining the rebellion

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What the hell is up with Frosta's hands? Is that the ice from her abilities melting?

Scorpia will never be accepted by catra, everyone knows this except scorpia, there is no ship there. Hordak didn't kill Micah and Catra trapped Angela so at worst Hordak is even with Catra on that score (and it's implied his death or dissapearance wasn't something forced by the horde anyway so blaming it on hordak might not even be correct anyway)


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It looked like croopped porn to me. I am to far gone.

>Attempted murderers/terrorists
There is a thin line between this and soldiers. According to the Hoard the Princesses are the Eco-terrorists Magic-supremacist Monarchist Rebels.
>still get tried for attempted murder/terrorism and get put into prison when convicted
Just as in real life, that totally depends on how the larger war shakes out. Winners become Freedom Fighters.
>And Catra knew that would happen because Entrapta told her what would happen
As Far as Catra is concerned Entrapta isn't trustworthy. See only trusts her as far as she can see, which is why when Entrapta creates cool robots that can fight she uses them but when Entrapta say's Adora is right and Hordak's plan is wrong Catra takes her chances. (Which is why her goal of opening the portal and sending a message to Hoard Prime works out).

>Catra grew up with tech since she was with the Horde as a kid, she knows what technology is
She doesn't have a fundamental understand of tech as tech see has a more practical understanding of using things that work.
>she fucking lost it and wanted everyone to die, if only to make Adora lose in the end.
I think this is our main disagreement. It seemed to me she took the chance of everyone dying, but that wasn't the ultimate goal. Sure, if everyone died then she was ok with it but it wasn't the end goal just a possibility that didn't happen.
>was going to tell Hordak, until Catra electrocuted her to keep her mouth shut.
Because she saw Entrapta as getting in the way of her winning one over Adora and becoming Hordak's right-hand man if she succeeded. Turns out Catra was right in the end...

Well he's the most powerful man in the universe, who's gonna stop him from wearing whatever the fuck he wants?

Entrapta is too autistic to become a proper villain.

>glimmer's air style

>but that wasn't the ultimate goal.
She was warned about what the opening the portal would do, which was kill all life/destroy reality, and Catra electrocuted Entrapta, the portal expert and lab partner to Hordak, a guy from a race of advanced aliens who use portal technology regularly, just so the aforementioned scientist couldn't tell Hordak how dangerous the portal machine was. Catra knew what it would do, and still pulled the lever.

And the only reason reality didn't get destroyed in the end, is because Adora and Angella saved the day, with Angella making the biggest sacrifice.

I'm sorry your waifu committed the biggest murder/suicide in history, but like Adora said, "live with it."

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theyre going to pull the redemption arc shit again, arent they?

Zuko got redeemed

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yeah, but he started off wanting to kill the protag and ended allying with him, with catra its the opposite. you cant just pull a 180 like that.

Catra's arc needs to be done mostly from the inside, she need to recognize her shitty behavior and, specially, that she is turning into Shadow Weaver, a manipulative, powerhungry bitch that does everything to be on top.

If the crew goes the way they're going and make Catra realize her own shitty attitude, the redemption arc could be great.


Why make He-man a twink? give him some strength, he has always been a big dude.

>the redemption arc could be great.
She shouldn't be redeemed. She should still, however, recognize her behavior and be able to overcome her past. Then she can become the true villain of the show.

she doenst need a redemption arc, she has already been built up as going down the opposite path of adora. doing a 180 and reversing this would be bad in any way.

So Horde Prime, how strong is he going to be?

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The strongest there ever was!

Why would he show up to capture one backwater planet.

I'm still going with my theory that he's going there to kill Hordak.

hes going to be a frieza rip off

Don't wish that upon my husbando

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>some kind of teenage, edgy emo kid
Because he's the failure clone son of his Evil Chad dad, Horde Prime, and he's trying to make daddy love him by being as much of an edgy evil overlord as possible.

You guys know that one scene out of the Evil Dead series where Ash starts getting choked out by his reflection?

I kinda wanna see Catra go through a similar event.

Like, she's in her bathroom having a mental breakdown and trying to get herself under control.

She's going "I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy. I'm fine."

Then her reflection starts falling apart until it looks like her partially erased self who reaches out of the mirror to choke her.

It says "You nearly destroyed everything just to hurt Adora. Does that sound 'fine' to you?"

Then it turns out that Catra is hallucinating and she's actually choking herself.

That sounds like a Catra thing to do, I like your idea

Thank you.

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It turned just too toxic to be likable. The last conersation Adora has with Catra when she finally and utterly rejects her sours whatever remained of hope for redemption or the ship sailing. An important component of shipping is the possibility (or ilusionof it) of it becoming real as well as the interplay between the couple.
Catradora is dead because there is 0 chance it works and their interplay is just hate with nothing else now.

A 2 women ship is literally by definition gay user

Biggest threat at one time does not equal main series villain. We know who that is now: Horde Prime. While there's an argument to be made that she's the most evil character because she was willing to destroy a planet for selfish petty reasons, we have no idea how many planets Horde Prime has destroyed in his quest for conquest of the known universe, and for what reasons When we see his space station at the end, there's the shattered remains of a planet right behind him.

Kyle regularly gets lizard dick. Scorpia is a forever cuck, her whole thing is lusting for Catra but getting shut down non stop

>How many levels of evil can she get?
Ingratiating herself to Horde Prime and participating in galaxy-level destruction. But I don't think that will happen. She's not currently building a lot of bridges, she's mostly burning them down.

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Not even comparable, Zukos thing was just capturing Aang.
Catra is so far gone she was a ok with killing the whole world is to prove Adora was wrong. Shes fucking nuts, even worse than Azula

They should have just gotten someone who wasn't meant to exist in their timeline to do it, like her husband.

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put the cat to sleep

>come up with a few fic ideas for /u/
>the would rather argue about stupid bullshit than creating quality content for the show

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Arguing about stupid bullshit is half the fun when talking about shows on Yea Forums

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Why havent you dykes been shitcanned back to tumblr where you belong? You arent wanted here

Go back to your garbage Steven Universe thread faggot.

There's no girls here

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I cant see any other final solution to her. SHes gone too far. Honestly its very rare seeing such an insanely negative character arc, especially with redempting being offered several times right to her face

>redemption offered several times
>implying that wasn't Adora just wanting her pet to come back

Catra is 100% justified in her hatred.

Oh so youre a cuck then, got it

Well that's the problem isn't it?

It used to be a great board until Reddit/Tumblr took over. Some times I think /pol/ is literally the only force keeping the entire site from circling the drain.

/pol/ were the ones who caused the r/T_D refugee crisis you moron

then again, you probably come from there.

>actively try to get attention of her master through badly feigned hatred despite the consequences
and adora is right in putting catra down.

What about it

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>cal-artsifying tung lashor
I honestly wish a violent death on noelle for how shes raped the snake men

Hordak thiccest legs in the Fright Zone

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>making hordak into a skinny faggot with a nu male cut

I want the snake man to violently rape me

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I want to watch your neck violently break, but we all dont get what we want now do we?

Die mad

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Only if i can take you with me

Horde Prime kicked Hordak out for being a whole ass thot.

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Is this true love?

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Doesnt make it any less dangeous and buttfuck insane. She has to be put to sleep

Is noelle such a pussy that everything has to be whittled down to generic anime body builds and designs because shes too much of a pussy to keep the cool monster designs for the horde?

You guys understand that Hordak being a lame, broken and pathetic twink is the whole point right?

She was doing a livestream sketch marathon on Twitch, and I turned the chat conversation to She-Ra, suddenly she started to draw Catra!

My point is, you're welcome.

She said she made more in the past, but I've yet to find them. Maybe behind Patreon's paywall?

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don't answer to shitposters

Exactly how a non-fan dyke would mishandle a character she has no interest nor care in reviving for a property she has no knowledge of

Noelle wasn't the character designer for Hordak

She sure as hell approved these awful designs so the blame still lies on her, plus im convinced she had input on these designs while they were being done.

Beach Episode W H E N

It has to be Bow. He finally met his science waifu IRL, only for her to turn against him and date the Big Bad.

I'm just mad the fur panties didn't make the final cut

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Old crap deserves to die. Not to mention that old Hordak was also pathetic. Half of his plans involved transforming into drill dildos.

All of you faggots for watching this tumblrized abomination

>this is the cool Hordak

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What are those boots even

>Old crap deserves to die.
And this is why i take solace whenever i see you dykes get suckerpunched in riot videos. You have no right to misuse and rape a property that you have no stake in, dyke she ra is an utter insult to masters of the universe.

They're made for walking.

Yeah, looks like somebody isn't familiar with dragonsmooches' body of work.

Bow was only somewhat interested in Entrapta, he got weirded out by the extreme autism.
He was lusting like a fuckboy for Seahawk though.... and he also got cucked there

I spent a good minute laughing at his fucking head. Jesus Christ

Bow is for Glimmer only

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>Entire franquise just made anddesigned to sell toys.
Some traditions deserve to be preserved, but old MOTU is absolute shit just running on nostalgia. Nu Ra's only sin is reducing the sexy too much, everything else is a colossal improvement

This is the superior uncucked hordak the shitposters want

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damn son look at me i'm so cool

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He looks so proud of himself

>catra's right hand is fully covered
>it's to hide the spread of portal corruption which is still happening on that side of her

>durr hurr capitalism bad
Not an argument, this show is nothing but prudish feminist infused propaganda, a complete downgrade and insult to a franchise you should be beaten within an inch of your misbegotten life for disrespecting with this dyke vomit.
>he says while on his raid from tumblr

The bones look really goofy. The armor suit was a large improvement, albeit the body build change not so much

So is he dead? They just kinda left him in quicksand and he isn't seen again.

Thanks for the continuous bumping

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Things just have a different feeling when its Catra doing it. She just up and murdered the lizard

Daily reminder that Entrapta is best girl and that shitty kitty deserves to hang

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can we find a waifu for dad joke Hordak?

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The cat is pure hate and abuse walking its so good. She deserves to hang alright but I wanna see her sink even lower

The eye bulging cracks me up

Spamming these threads wont make this shit reboot any less of a failure

>didn't know she was still active.
>lets see what she's done recently
ooh god oh im cumming so hard

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>underage phoneposter doesn't know how to sage

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>Original show has manlet Hordak and tall girl Entrapta
>Reboot has tall Hordak and womanlet Entrapta

Its like poetry

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It's worse because she takes away his only lifeline and laughs at him as he's begging for help, literally turning her back on a drowning man

yet she is supposed to be sympathetic?

The way it's played it really shouldn't be a death scene, but the way the series is going it kinda seems like it's supposed to be.

Kinda wish there were more tall girl/short guy relationships. It's my fetish.

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Now is Glimmer's to pimp to the sexually starved women of etheria

I don't think Tung Lashor actually drowned. He seemed to get stuck in realistic quicksand as opposed to the one Glimmer fell in. He just needs to stay still and wait until somebody drags him out.

If you lay off the /pol/ kool-aid for 5 minutes, it's a pretty decent show. It's a pretty decent action-adventure series with some solid writing come season 2 and nice character designs. Only way I can see someone outright hating it is if a same-sex couple onscreen makes them angry.

Yeah, there's a reason she's got a fanbase.

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Really, nothing about a cartoon show is worth getting angry over.

Yeah, and this show doesn't really have a high body count. I guess they didn't expect people to care about whether or not he got out.

I care. He's the hottest character in the show.

She was sympathetic up to like S2. Season 3 basically dangles redemption for one last time at her with Scorpia but she spits in the face of it. The moment zpmbie glitch Catra fights Adora its pretty clear she just breaths hate. When Adora rebukes her "this is YOUR fault" with "no you imbecile cat you did this. No one forced you to go this far" its over. Catra can be sad and I feel bad about her but I dont sympathice. She deserves to die

Has anything in this show come close to that gif of Hordak reeling in She-ra in the middle of a pin-up pose?

It's not fair bros why can't she be real

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I wish she'd draw some Dragon Prince stuff.
Claudia molesting Rayla's armpits.

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Nothing straight.

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Are you going to share with the class?

I see you are a man of taste

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Follow her stream, talk about Dragon Prince. She doesn't do requests, but you might spark an interest. Hell, she did Nessa and Bea fom Pokémon last time.

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Shes real just made of lines and color

Bless this show

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How the hell did this show turn out good? What went so right?

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>thinking this coffee shop AU made by a non fan dyke shitting on a property she couldnt care less about has decent writing
>thinking the androgynous designs look good
Are you high?
She let him die because he hd a dick no doubt
Do you enjoy your lot in life being the feminist dykes pet cuckold? Is it fulfilling?

>thinking this poorly animated, poorly designed propaganda infused shit is good in any way
Again, were you dropped as a baby?

She was literally looking back to her lesbian friend as he was calling out for help, so yeah, that's kinda what it looked like.

Actual lesbians are good at interpersonal drama, who would've guessed

>muh drama so good XDD
Drink bleach you pondscum of a subhuman

Their table scraps nourish me

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>poorly animated, poorly designed
As opposed to what?
Old She-Ra?
Because old-Ra was bad even for an 80's cartoon.

Don't engage the troll.

Still miles ahead of this choppy moving mess. The characters are designed in a way were they dont have “muh harmful beauty standards”, and as such look like some genderless horrors.

So things only have worth when they appeal to you, huh?


This show has no value period
Mods confirmed tumblr loving cuckolds

main villain does not mean they can't be redeemed, just means when they do get redeemed it will be some stupid reason like "the power of lesbians can save all"

You know that every new person in the industry started out on tumblr, right? You might as well kill yourself now, because from here on out, all comics and cartoons will come from there.

And that is precisely why the industry is dying, its reliance on talentless hacks like lumberdyke to further poison their brands.

>”fuck yeah im proud to be a cuck”

Man I like how slyly she got Hordak to hate Entrapta, but also fuck her for seperating best autist from her husband's.

So what's SW's endgame? Just to use Glimmer as her own power battery?

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So fucking proud

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id be funny if it turns out shadow weaver actually does want to join the rebellion and shes just acting really autistic about it

Nice on the quads.

Song related to Shadow Weaver

>be me on a vacation
>go to a concert
>after a show see a lonely-looking girl
>talk to her
>she recently moved there via a prestigious student exchange programme
>basically has the same interests as me
>probably hasn't made any friends yet
>we talk for a while then part ways
>tfw met an irl Entrapta yesterday and let her get away
>never got her name or any way to contact her

That's rough, buddy.

Thanks for being living proof why population control is a good thing in some cases

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I want Shadow Weaver to bully me

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if skeletor ever does show up then id want him to be a murderous endgame threat, not some pushover for laughs.

>murderous endgame threat
>not a pushover for laughs
Skeletor is a party clown and everyone loves him like that, you're fighting a losing battle wanting Skeletor to be serious.

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i feel like it would just be a waste of time otherwise. also the remake did it.

You and me both brother

the only way I can see to make Skeletor serious without making him a boring edgelord would be doing the same thing they did with Catra. the hero and the villain have a more personal relationship because they grew up together and are basically family. now Skeletor being Keldor and Adam's uncle might not be enough. when Adam is starting out as He-Man, Skeletor could show up and train him or even help him in fights and start developing that master - student relationship so it stings more when Skeletor eventually betrays him.

the way the remake did it was interesting, where he used to work for hordak

that's his relation to Hordak. He-Man and Skeletor's rivalry should be more nuanced than good vs bad guy.

>Tfw this is Hordak #538942
>Tfw every Hordak eventually meets their own Entrapta and defects from the Horde
>Tfw Hordak Prime is slowly losing his army of autists to a counterforce of autistic waifus scattered across the universe

>What went so right?
You posted her.

>dude i dont agree with how you lead your life so you deserve death

A Taliban recruitment center might be something you would like to visit user.

In a way, she always has been, if you think about it. Consider this: in episode 2 Adora says that Hordak and Shadow Weaver are liars and manipulators who have made the Horde's goals seem noble when it was monstrous, and Catra's response was basically "no shit". She knew the Horde was on the wrong side of the war, but she was willing to comply with its goals to serve her desire to advance up the ranks in it, and she wanted Adora to do that with her. She wanted to overtake Shadow Weaver in power and prove herself to Lord Hordak. Zuko also wanted to ingratiate himself to his father, but he was deluded by considering it a question of his honor, and didn't recognize the Fire Nation's conquest as wrong at first. Him coming to realize that was part of what allowed him to redeem himself. Catra doesn't really care. She doesn't care if what she does hurts people, she doesn't care if it's honorable. She cares about winning, she cares about her hatred for Shadow Weaver and on some level, wishes she could get the love and attention she was denied, she cares about the people she has a bond with staying with her, and about advancing in status. All of the things she cares about, including the ones that humanize her and show that she's hurting inside and capable of bonding with people, are ultimately selfish. And until that fundamental trait changes somehow, I don't see how she can ever have a true redemption arc.

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Havent watched since season two
is Glitter skinny yet?

She definitely lost a few pounds. About a mom's worth

They could make him like Aku from Samurai Jack where he is both a goofy lovable villain and a genocidal maniac. It would be hard though since Aku was lightning in a bottle, and even SJ season 5 failed to capture both facets of the character.

>Every Hordak will find their "Entrapta"
I'm glad there's hope in their world.


There's hope for all of us user

That's what her mom said too

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Keep him the comedy relief, but not for his failure. Hans Gruber from Die Hard or Dennis Ford of the Pelnam 123 remake were both charming as hell but had zero qualms about being genuinely terrible people for personal gain.

It was an obvious mancrush

As in, he wanted to be crushed under him.

It's cool. I ain't one to keep a brother from his man-honey.

I want to eat out Catra's pussy.

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There needs to be an edit/redraw of pic related with Glimmer punching somebody. Bow, maybe?


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Fuck, can't attach a pic for some reason but I meant "my parents are deaaaaad!" Batman comic.

Shit, that sucks. I almost did the same, but a guy I knew was the best wingman ever and now my Entrapta and I are plsnning our wedding.

They were uncle and nephew

People Wanting He-man and Skeletor in this show? God what is wrong with you people? The creators wanted them apart so be it. Let them have their little universe. He-man can have his own show in his own universe and that show can have their She-Ra.

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Posting the twitter AMA with Catra for shits and giggles.

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I could edit all of these together, but I don't wanna.

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I'm also making comments because I can;t make the same post twice, what with spam filter and all.

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Yeah,I misclicked a reply there. Whatever.

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Interesting, grey ration bars became canon eventually. The person who answered the question must've known about this detail from the future scripts.

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>I look at pictures of Adora to fill me with hate
Uh huh

Fuck you Catra you sentenced her to die

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It's probably Noelle herself answering these. She had mentioned that they're way ahead of what's being released. Just before season 2 was released the crew posted about how much pain everyone was in store for, and everybody assumed that was season 2. Turns out, it was season 4. Mind you, by their reckoning we're at season 2.5.

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It was after season 1. Simpler times.

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One more to go!

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...And that's all, folks!

Also, dammit, so close to Hawaii.

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But do scorpions exist??

You now remember that S3 started with Entrapta saving Catra from being sent to Beast Island and ends with Catra sending Entrapta to die on Beast Island.

Why are cats so terrible bros?

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This specific cat is straight dogshit

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Future wal-mart shooter

There's a huge range of body styles in this show, you've just been on /pol/ too long, go tweet about shooting up a school or something so the police can get you out of our hair

Maybe he'll end up like this get domed by a security guard while he fumbles with a simple mag change

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Do you think he's purposely doing a sure hope you guys don't do this pose or is it a happy accident?

Happy accident
Imagine being so incompetent that a bystander feels safe enough to take that picture
Master race looking real good lately

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