Y-you guys told me it was bad.... why did you lie, Yea Forums

Y-you guys told me it was bad.... why did you lie, Yea Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:


We didn't it was colossally shit

We wanted to spare you. It GETS bad. Bad enough that it isn't worth reading.

Did you really go through all of it or did you come in to ask this halfway through user?

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First 4 acts were seriously GOAT. I have never experienced anything like it, but it gets so, so much worse. If you can make it all the way past Act 6, then you'll be rewarded with [S] Cascade, but after that just stop reading and assumed everyone died.

I want to FUCK a troll.

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Probably not as bad of an experience post 4 without all the year-long hiatuses. But you'll definitely notice the drop in quality and change in tone of the average page and then an ending that makes many years of content stalling seem like a colossal waste of time.

>Act 6
I think you mean act 5, which has it's pacing issues but is still genuinely good especially towards then end, Cascade is the last good thing from the comic everything after that is passable at best.

Worst post on this board. You should face Consequences of some sort for lying so blatantly about the truth.

Consequences, though, which are far less severe than those that receive... one Andrew Hussie.


jesus christ what happened to hussie

Holy shit you weren't kidding. He became totally fuckable though now.

>What happened to hussie

well he is the internets number one eboy


That man 100% fucks horses

Cascade was nice, but it was too far. Those "two week hiatus for an awesome animation" were fantastic and really drew in the crowd because there was nothing like it at the time. But once you got to "three month hiatus to wrangle cats (i.e. the fans who were doing most of the animation work) in order to dispense the obligatory flash animation which one-ups the previous obligatory flash animation which... etc. When I watched Cascade I said "this isn't bad.... but it wasn't worth the wait and I KNOW it's killing Hussie's motivation to work on this project." I kind of knew it was the end at Cascade.

Cascade and the flashes of act 5 were cool, but my favorite part about act 5 was the writing. So many good parts that I still remember like Jade's furry speech from her intro being reincorporated as the mayor's corruption dream, all of Karkats arguments with himself, everything involving mindfang. It was well worth the Alternia act in order to build up a lot of act 5 part 2

Guys this is obviously the latest update

It fucking sucks. Only the horse is a good character

How do we help Hussie gain his spark again? How can he get out of the hole he's buried himself in?

Hussie thinks he's Dirk but he's actually Dave.

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>it was bad
We told you it becomes bad. Save yourself, stop reading at the end of Act 5.2

I’ve done a lot of drugs, and risked my life on several occasions but nothing compares to the rush I would get from seeing those blue arrows appear on screen.
I’ll be chasing the high I got from Past Karkat: Wake Up for the rest of my life.

The update checker made me happy

He's not even good enough to be Dave.

>2010 was almost a decade ago
Oh no

oh... no

>previously good person who has lost any spark that made him endearing and has become a parody of himself that is obsessed with a small pool of basic traits all the while being a shallow douche who doesn't actually, but still has fans who insist or think he's still got it and is worthwhile.

No, he's definitely Dave.

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So is Andrew Hussie still being ironic after all these years of has he genuinely lost his damn mind?

*doesn't actually care

Also much like Dave, he no longer actually does anything due to issues with his father.

He's trying to be ironic in a time when that style of humor just doesn't work anymore,

In my opinion, everything that was sincere and endearing about Andrew Hussie was somehow transferred over to Toby Fox. What was left is the husk we see today. A man who's past his prime, everything he will ever accomplish has already passed him.

But don't you like Jade's dog dick and Roy The Trans Strilonde? I mean that's why you read Homestuck right? The subversive metatextual elements?

In current year land, it seems like everyone and their brother tries to put up some layer of irony in everything they do. It amazes me the amount of people that make self-depreciating jokes about how crippling their self diagnosed depression is.

Same thing with subversion. Everyone's read TVTropes and now wants to deconstruct something because they all think they can write.

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Toby Fox ripped away the portion of his audience that was teetering away from Homestuck, while still selling into the portion that didn't + Mainstream baby shitters. Dude can't cope.

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was hussie ever sincere and endearing

In my experience most folks go completely off the deep end the minute they acquire a modicum of money and/or fame.
Considering how he started by making stick people adventures for a handful of forum users, the guy never stood a chance

>why did you lie, Yea Forums...

Because you haven't read past act 5. Once you do you'll get it. Or mabye not, the hypetrain isn't there anymore, so maybe it lost its edge.

where are you now in the story?
yeah its good but then its really bad

Back in the formspring era, when he actually answered fan questions and wasn't just Mister Davekat.

>Dude can't cope.

This this this. At this point, he's honestly just fishing for whatever attention he can still grab. But nobody gives a shit except us. And there arent't that many of us either.

We didn't tell you it was bad.

We told you it's me, eri *grabs diick* Give Yourself To Kanaya shai'hulud 8ased

And for some reason you didn't want to listen to us

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>Only the horse is a good character

literally CAN NOT be any more based than this

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>tfw the majority opinion of the epilogue isn't "it's good" or "it's bad", it's "i haven't read the epilogue".
Feels good

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That's fucking nothing. Ever read the Homestuck approved date rape guide?

Man, between his dad dying halfway through the comic and the kickstarter being a total mess Hussie has finally lost it, huh? Kinda fitting though, and slightly amusing.

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He shouldn't have shit on Jade so hard.

Did anyone even play Hiveswap?

Jesus fuck this fandom... And I thought SU was bad.

A fair amount, but that's mostly because it was Hiveswap. Nobody played the Friendsims and the epilogues got about as much attention as those. Guess "Get woke, go broke" really does come true!

SU fans were all Homestuck fans that jumped ship. For a while there was even Steven Universe nudestuck. For some reason.

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Read it? I fucking WROTE it

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But all those thousands of shitty davekat fics, it had to mean they were the majority of fans!

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Nah, this is just Husnasty's natural form. He accidentally struck it with 16 year old girls and meta videogame joke enthusiasts and tried to cling onto it for a while, but his true passion is wrapping irony back into seriousness so many times that he can form a katana out of it.

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Irony isn't funny anymore.

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He doesn't care. It's admirable.... but I'm not following.

I got a handjob from a girl dressed as one of the trolls while I was cosplaying as Finn from AT at an anime convention.

That’s the entirety of my interaction with the comic.

Little did we know that the meteor crew would all turn out to be terrible.

The fire that was burning under his ass for so long has finally caught up with him. Well deserved.

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this explains the davekat thing.
by the responses im assuming this thread is full of impresionable underages.

I for one welcome neo nu hussie.

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Of course *you* like it, you would.

Breath and Time are best

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I read the updates daily but I left off around the end of the alpha kid bullshit.

I just finally finished the main comic and holy fuck is it disappointing. The little bit of the epilogue I read seems even worse.

Hussie really just wanted to be done with the project and shows.

back to discord retard.

It WAS good. For about 5 acts and 2 intermissions.

Oh, actually, to add on to that, there was one part that wasn't garbage, and it was the discussion between Dirk and Dave about Dave's Bro and irony.

That was good character development.

I just wish I could get a proper ending to the comic, because it really was good for a while.

Well what else can you do, really? It's just disappointing to see him not do something he's passionate about but instead he just does cheap memery.

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Yeah, it's unfortunate. Based on his updates and blogs you could read that he KNEW he needed to get out of the project around the mid/end out Act 5 (and had been considering it for a long time). But then the Kickstarter happened... 2.5 million dollars can break a man.


you forgot the scraggly, patchy "this is the most facial hair I can grow" beard

Haha it doesn't go anywhere and Dave becomes even WORSE than he was.

Both. Definately both.

it ended at cascade

I'm not sure he ever had his mind. If he did he opted against it.

>holy fuck is it disappointing.
>the epilogue is worse
>Hussie really just wanted to be done
>I just wish I could get a proper ending
>because it really was good for a while.

And here you see all the stages of accepting HS's fate.

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something something caliborn

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Not to say there weren't good moments after and bad moments before, but yes. This.

An artist continues his craft, even when most will tell him it's a bad idea and it will never work.

Praising Hussie for sticking to his guns would be more effective if the dude hadn't gone full tumblr sometime during Act 6.

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caliborn was pretty based desu

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I mean, I guess what I'm saying is, it did the breaking down part fairly well. It is definitely missing the building back up portion, though.

keep reading it buddy, just keep reading it.

What’s the next Homestuck, Yea Forums?
What current media is going to do what Homestuck did?

But that's the Tumblr kind of thing to a T, understanding that you have problems but not making any effort to fix them, because that's hard.

I remember joking about how “It hurts!!!” was the next homestuck but that probably isn’t the case.

>What’s the next Homestuck, Yea Forums?
like no joke cool and new webcomic if dude is able update quicker

Just assume Cascade is the ending and you'll legitimately have more fond memories and unironically more closure than if you keep reading.

Oh my god seeing him still clinging to this ironic persona in A.D. 2019 is fucking sad.

there will never be another HS.
be glad it happened.

>we haven't gotten something of such colossal scope as Homestuck since it happened
>it's been years now


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Somebody will suck his dick for 1 hour on all television channels through private development of advanced hacking techniques. As thrilling as the Homestuck experience.

Ouch, I regret clicking that link.

Just wait.

Waiting around will do just that. You're just going to be disappointed and that's it. However you are more than free to make the journey yourself.

Not to defend the man in his doing so (quite the contrary), but I honestly think Hussie got other people to write for him towards the later parts of Act 6.

I mean I'm planning on it user but it's gonna take a bit, can't someone else do it while I'm learning how to draw

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Holy shit.

I'm pretty sure the point of it is that it's almost impossible to tell.

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hussie was always stupid, you all got memed.
further prove this thread is full of underages, later zoomies.

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Andrew Hussie doesn't exist anymore. What you see is a meme wrapped in several layers of irony that thinks it's in on the joke.

I saw a porn of this comic where the nerd dude character was fat. It was really hot. I’m never reading this though because it would ruin that for me.

Fatties leave.

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No it was great. Some grey dudes and floating orange thing were judging him and his shirt was so tight and I just couldn’t help myself



*Ruins entire franchise and blows millions of dollars because of incompetence*

Haha it was an experiment!

this is a 40 year old man.

i still think Homestuck was at its best a new age classic and at its worst a drawn out internet circlejerk of drama surrounding what was still, at its core, a pretty cool thing.

I still like it.

Only on the outside.

being an eboy is a state of mind

Yeah, I'm saying he's mentally 13.

Vriska is just the best fucking character in Homestuck.

Can someone explain to me what the fuck the point of Gamzee was? What even happened to him at the end?

this is going to have to be updated for Harry, Vriska, and Tavros

Clowns lol

This is the image I found so hot and I hope you all agree. Also you should all tell me the character names around nerd dude boy please.

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Early Homestuck was so fucking good.
Somewhere in act 6, things spiraled downwards.

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Vriska killed him in Candy.

Caliborn kept asking the same question and Hussie's self insert just replied with "he's a clown he's funny haha".

The point is there was no point. Hussie created too many characters and some of them were completely useless. Feferi got to be forgotten, Erdan got to be kill, Aradia got to be a plot piece, but since Hussie so loved jugglefuckers and hated the fact that he had this wonderful clown but couldn't figure out a use for him, he churned him into one colossally pathetic joke.

The moral fiber of Homestuck. He is its Conscience, which is sometimes listened to

Found you.

>Found you.

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How far are you?

he's gotten lost in his own shitty irony
it's time to put him down

Reminder that Andrew Hussie, by his own admission, has NEVER in his life held an actual job. Really, the What Pumpkin shit he's been doing over the last half-decade is the closest he's ever gotten.

Why do you think Homestuck is a coming-of-age story where most of the characters never actually grow up? Because it was written by a manchild.

why is the music so good?
for real its the only thing that did not drop in quality on the contrary it got better and ended on a high note(heir of grief) collide/overturn were great

fucking music team were madlads its a shame Toby is the only person known for their musical skills outside of the homestuck fandom

No davekat shippers on the music team.

They gave a shit about their craft

THis. It's much harder to subvert cliches in music.

Is it midlife crisis?

Can't be, he's already dead. On the inside.

Having a midlife crisis would imply you actually care about what you're doing with your life.
Ironic memelords don't care about anything, even if they are charging full speed ahead into the abyss.

They say they don't care but in my experience they're desperate for attention.

They're desperate for attention that they don't care about. That IS a midlife crisis.

"There, they saw Homestuck relics, reminders of their once proud history"

I always used to interpret Hussie's retarded ironic shit like his Minions shirt and shit as some kind of weird advertisement for Homestuck, like Homestuck was always his magnum opus and by appearing in weird shitty contexts he's making the thing he *is* known for ironically better. But with how shitty the epilogue was and how he keeps doing this ironic shit when fewer and fewer people care about Homestuck I really don't get it man.

Hell even the fucking Instagram comments are basically calling him out at this point.

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>be Heir
>get the sexual need to breed Seers
Fucking Heirs man

The only people fucking Heirs are Seers.

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reminder that this happened

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One day people will honor him appropriately. No one will remember that Dril worked for whatpumpkin then

nobody remembers it now, besides me
i only remember it because i'm brain damaged


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This comic will always give me feels. It used to be so good, and so fun. It used to be *great*, and to see it become what it is today is just sad. Even without having read it back in it's hay day, I would still go through the years of art and discussion, because it was just the package deal for me. And it made the comic so much better. Seeing the flashes, seeing that blue arrow, was so exciting, and seeing what people had to say about it was amazing. Even the commentary on the fanbase was great, and had me wishing I could have been there for it, wishing I could have gone to the cons, shitty as it would have been. The cosplays, the fanart, everything about it was incredible for me, though maybe just because I was a bit young when I got into it... Unfortunate as it may be that it ended the way it did, I will always remember what it was, and think about what it could have been... And hope that I might one day be able to make something just as great as it used to be, even though there will never be another Homestuck.

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so it seems the overseer sburb browser game thingy is being remade

he makes bad stuff happen

So was Dave right that kanaya could have gotten rose pregnant with a half breed abomination? He was right about Obama

>TFW no Nepeta GF

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Never work yourself into a shoot, brother.


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What did he mean by this?

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bowman also has a fairly succesful bandcamp career

what is Yea Forums's opinion on doc scratch? was he creepy, an excellent host villain or both?
personally, i really like him. although he was a smug asshole, he was excellently written.

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god seeing the date this was posted is just so depressing

what if he's right, what if the best is yet to come

I was big into Bionicle as a kid, and it gave me a thing for smug villains who are always dozens of moves ahead of the heroes. The omniscience just kicked it up a notch.

What does a Knight of Blood do

serve others through blood, whether literal blood or bonds. the in-comic example (karkat) forms strong bonds with many of the characters, is a natural de facto leader, even if he's an angry asshole a lot of the time. he deeply cares for his friends, and it shows.

Go fuck yourself, OD cultist

hey man i'm just trying to help
you got a better description?


He is fucking worthless.

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What if Chris Chan gets married and Gaben shows up at his wedding and announces Half Life 3, what if the best is yet to come

look i like vriska and she's one of my favorite characters but i'm starting to think you fuckers are mentally ill

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I know a 2019 Vriska obsessive IRL at uni. She starts typing with the fucking 8s when she's upset and called me a lesbophobe for mentioning that Vriska crippled Tavros.

I assume you're all that delusional on the inside, just using "retard faggot" instead of "lesbophobe".

I tried to watch it. it was incredibly boring. i dunno why people pretend to like it


I re read HS recently and honestly, i still really enjoyed it. To be fair, i never really cared about dave or vriska which is what most people seem to have beef with.

The only things in HS that actually bother me are DaveKat and everything with Vriska

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Is hiveswap any good?

Back in the forumspring days he said that Dave was the closest one to him IRL.
Really makes you think with the whole homo thing.

I played Act 1. It felt kind of simple. Not really offensive at all, but also not amazing. The new trolls don't really capture my attention

Act 1 is too boring. Too much of it reminded me of the bad parts of act 1 and act 2 of main homestuck. feels like the parts of a neil cicierega album you skip every single time because its just way too annoying.

Friendsim is fun though. its just kinda characters hitting notes, but its good.

>Act 1
It's alright.

He will always be the master of irony.

Hussie, doing random shit ironically does not instantly makes it funny.