Can Gorr kill Knull?

Can Gorr kill Knull?


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I hope Knull gets killed off in Annihilation 2. It's obvious he's the mysterious bad guy who will make Annihilus into a bitch.

I'd rather him be retconned than killed.

>somehow existed in a single universe before the birth of the multiverse
>and also somehow ended up in the same position in that universe across timelines in multiple multiverses
Fucker is the Droopy of cosmic villains. He's where he is even if that makes no god damn sense.

I stopped reading venom after ultimate carnage. Donny cates writing is bad fan fiction tier and I can't bring myself to read his shit anymore. It's not even entertaining bad fan fiction. It's boring and predictable. Writers need to stop shoving boring donut characters into their shit and start using what's already been there or stop trying to make their donuts the greatest baddest thing ever. Knull wasn't even interesting when he popped up. Gorr was interesting at first cause he actually felt new and interesting and a credible threat. But then... "gorr was right" that killed the character right there. Knull was doa.

Why would Aaron kill Cates? Cates is the biggest Aaron dick sucker in the industry.

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I haven't read past GodBomb.
So Gorr turned to shit?
I think I remember him being the reason Thor became unworthy?

sorry mate Gorr is dead right now so he can't kill now. Though if he was alive again with his God Killing Sword maybe.
also this.

Attached: You have a point there.png (535x310, 318K)

yes Gorr was the reason Thor become unworthy. in Original Sin issue #7, Old Nick Fury says something and Thor becomes unworthy on the spot. This was revealed to be him saying "Gorr was right" in Unworthy Thor issue #5

Attached: Gorr was right.jpg (600x784, 137K)

Nah, hes a shitty Desak take off. Sooner we forget Gorr the better.

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Did Desaad and Darkseid have a gay science baby?


And he's still less retarded than Gorr

>Can Gorr kill Knull
I thought for a second there you were trying to speak vietnamese or something

>Can Gorr kill Knull?
Isn't the necrosword somehow related to Knull ?
like the sword is a symbiote-type item or something
If yes, Gorr has 0 chance to kill Knull
Maybe if he get to have the bomb-re built , but that is an 'infinite prep-time" argument

Knull vs Mangog vs Gorr vs Atum the God-Eater.

Who wins?
And why is it Thor?

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You contradicted yourself
>or stop trying to make their donuts the greatest baddest thing ever.
>Gorr was interesting at first cause he actually felt new and interesting and a credible threat.
Gorr was an original character that was hyped up as the biggest baddest threat, someone who has killed many gods and could kill the gods of Asgard. Knull is introduced as having several victories and several defeats against powerful foes, and you respond with
>Knull wasn't even interesting when he popped up.
>Knull was doa.
You only think you don't like it when the donut steel is hyped as the "baddest thing ever", you actually respond well to it if the author can convince you the OC really is.

Doesn’t really make sense given Knull should have at least a strong edge against the Necrosword.

Would still be fun if Gorr just pops in out of nowhere, shanks Knull and leaves everyone with the fallout.

Knull made the Negrosword. So no, Gorr can't kill Knull.

Thor can't defeat the God-Eater. I doubt even Knull at full power can. The Mangog? Hard to say. He seems to be a cosmic being now - the embodiment of Wrath or something.

an avatar of the concept hatred

>Annihilation 2
Please tell me thats not a real thing. Cates isn't just going to redo Annihilation and shit it up Civil War II, is he?

I like Knull better than Gorr. Knull ties into existing lore (awkwardly) and comes off like a poor man's Morgoth. Gorr is just some jumped up asshole who seems like an edgy teenager's revenge fantasy. Neither is very well executed, but at least the stories don't pretend like Knull is some tragic character that is on any level justified in his retarded crusade. Fuck Gorr.

Gorr getting an origin issue really fucked up his appeal.
30 pages to tell us his family died and he never got over it