Scalie Schoolie updated

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Other urls found in this thread:

2nd page

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>ebullient bully

Attached: sunnier.jpg (225x225, 5K)

This is a flashback to what was happening a year ago right?

Attached: violence.png (150x150, 6K)

I have not been on tumblr since it's nuking. Still keeping the lewd page somewhere?

It's on twitter now, same name.

It's posted to Twitter now

It updates on Twitter and on Tumblr still, Tumblr is easier to read though


Attached: alice cant see.png (613x278, 240K)

link to the tumblr? I'm putting in stealth-brock and am getting nothing

>Yea Forums related media finally presents an actual solution to bullying

yeah I know his twitter, I'm asking for the tumblr

Attached: 7fb9ce502f3edda96a9474bcacfd30ff.png (1447x1316, 311K)

Tumblr doesn't allow NSFW anymore moron

What is she doing

Once again proving that Alice is best girl, second only to Violet.

Same as it's always been.

That is some shitty character design, but some good logic.

I don't see what you mean with the character design. That's kind of the artist's specialty

So which panels are by which artist?

>It updates on Twitter
when we people learn that twitter is a garbage site for artwork

i don't know what's this, but i really like the scientist monster, cuz hot, might read

I'm just waiting for Tumblr to be bought out by another company that knows what it's good for

There's a site that has the tumblr layout but better called

There's all kinds of Tumblr replacements but no one uses them

>gigantic spiky buck teeth
>wrap around smile
>the braces aren't even consistently drawn
>sonic sclera
>a fucking beard
>giant tits with all of the previous
>general animation reminiscent of Mighty B
If you don't have a problem with that character, you have shit taste.

Attached: 5704299884c54f5a8e18a0bc2efb642d.jpg (600x840, 106K)

Yes it doesn't matter how nice the site is if nobody is using them. And twitter has the biggest, most active userbase of any site, so it doesn't matter how bad a site they are for hosting art. If a picture is going to get 100 times as many views on twitter as it would on any alternative site, then it is the website you have to use.

Yeah I love her

I want to make Amber my girl friend!

the comic has a ton of hot characters

Attached: sallyshower.png (652x473, 301K)

Case in point

Attached: 4bc6065cd2f9c2a2a1e90e010405d653.png (729x1456, 906K)

This, except Sally and wife

That art though
Did it get worse or am I misremembering?

Quick, gimme your top 3.

The comic's artist changed, new guy's not very good

Liska, Wanda, and Geraldine

More like furry cringe trash

It's not cringed. It is, dare I say, based?

Shen drew some of this update.

There's a good amount of fanart since the last update

Attached: f291f7d4672b36814a56a2e91b045c22.png (2825x2191, 123K)

Grizzelda, Camille, Amber

Amber, Violet, Grizz

>There's all kinds of Tumblr replacements but no one uses them
The problem is they are not a recognizable brand yet so their traffic is shit. There are dozens of other chan sites but this is the best well known with the most traffic.

>literally called scalie
Don't be gay Sparky.

I think she has gotten too loose with the way she draws the characters and should dial it back like 10%. Alice looks like some kind of duck in some of these panels.

Amber, Amber, and Amber
I love Amber


how can one man be so blupilled

Amber is dangerous

Attached: amerbb.jpg (1800x2160, 644K)

I think she just starving for love.

We need an update with Reggie

Attached: Schoolies_Jan17.jpg (1208x3152, 1.58M)

Attached: 1512626594112.png (888x888, 423K)

Amber has the ability to jut her ribs out of her torso to defend against predators.

Attached: fire_salamander.jpg (450x300, 96K)


Violet, Alice, Liska.

Attached: tumblr_o1gk31U6TR1sanpzko8_1280.png (1196x1616, 56K)

Parker, Parker, Parker (Amber)

Attached: kekekekeke.png (314x320, 52K)

forgot to reply to because I am a MONGOLOID

Attached: grr.png (257x251, 51K)

is this an edit

Is it "Cameel" or "Camilly"?

The former, but she pronounces it as the later.

>when we people learn that twitter is a garbage site for artwork
Apparently they are, with a bunch of rumors/stuff going around about twitter shadowbanning people for a bunch of dumb reasons.

It's not a rumor, it's confirmed. Some people have checked their own names with alts and they really did get shadowbanned randomly

Post Ada and Teresa being cute together

Attached: tumblr_nol35yXsdR1ru66eqo1_1280.png (888x888, 580K)

tfw we havent seen grizzelda in 3 years now

>ywn walk a thicc rich reptile bitch naked on a dog leash at a populated park

Attached: beach saga conclusion.png (540x540, 314K)

Iris has nothing going for her, if you're into Thicc you go straight for Geraldine

Attached: Ada and Teresa.png (1083x949, 535K)

>Iris has nothing going for her, if you're into Thicc you go straight for Geraldine
Geraldine may share the same shape and texture, but she lacks Iris' stuck-up haughty demeanor.
In the end it all comes down to which flavor you prefer.

Attached: Iris.jpg (616x800, 84K)

Yeah, but Geraldine's pretty chill. Iris would probably try to talk you into some nasty shit.

It seems like Iris' domination kink goes both ways, she can either make you her pet or you can break her into yours

You mean nasty shit like Oh woe is me being forced to perform such a daunting task

Attached: Iris goes for a walk.png (650x650, 301K)

The table is warm, as a cold blooded creature it feels really good for her.

Nah just kidding she wants you to paint her insides white with your baby goo.

I want to join Iris for a skinny dip in her money bin

Attached: 1514050475198.jpg (957x1280, 215K)

Help me I cannot stop jacking it to this image

you need to stop jacking it to that image your nuts are gonna hurt from overuse.


Grizz is better than Calli, but I have a weakness for fitness clothing and flexible girls.

Does every fetish have a booru now?

You betcha.

>needing instructions on how to jack off

zoomers really need everything done for them, huh

I still haven't gotten over the change in artstyle.

Isn't this chapter being illustrated by a guest artist?

Ideally the comic would still look like it did before, but I'd rather have it running with this new artist than not at all

Amber is a qt where can I find more

Amber, Belinda and Lily.

For me it's Lily

i want to lick ambers vagina slime

Attached: amberr.png (1280x1707, 942K)

Roll for your scaly gf

Attached: 1561178729914.png (723x963, 600K)

The biggest change in artstyle isn't because of the guest artist, it's because of the original artist is different

Rolling for cute Tree Frog gymnast.

Give them a couple of months. They'll adapt to the designs soon enough.

Close friend of desired gf. Potential for threesomes high. Very Acceptable.

Any of these qt3.14s are win honestly.

rollin for ada

Only grizzelda

Attached: 1520221401309.jpg (1200x675, 60K)

Let's do this.

Attached: 389730.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

if there is a god he will give me a 7, and if he is malevolent he will give me an 8

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God that me

Attached: Armadillo Lizard.png (1280x537, 407K)

I don't understand any of this. What does " put your @ in my bio" even mean?

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C'mon, Violet!

It means she put a link to his account on her profile.

>No Amber

Did Shen ever create a fish-scale gecko character? I vaguely recall Shen expressing interest in this particular species sometime ago

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this is the best i could do since their nametag panel didnt have her visible

Attached: allspecies.jpg (1208x3152, 1.63M)

lacey is my favorite

>You will never block Amber's path, cum on the floor, and then try to wrestle her into your cum pool to impregnate her

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Why did Calli's hips disappear?

>tfw no alternate timeline where everyone loses their swimsuits

Attached: Now I'm mad.png (846x524, 754K)

It's a unanimous fact that this is one of those rare cases where the cut alternate ending would've been the better ending.

Attached: ff62a2563093cf2dbdfe92b699c1fbba.png (1411x961, 536K)

>That dip at the beginning
What causes the decrease in results?

Geraldine, Liska, Iris

When you meet someone unfortunately stronger than yourself

>Liska gets pumped up for a powerful spike
>Strips naked to go full power
>The force of her volleyball hit results in a explosion that reduces all the girls' (and everyone else in a five mile radius) clothes to ash
>Liska keenly hits the now nude beach while the rest of the girls are in various levels of embarrassment

Attached: 1510286738135.png (888x888, 556K)

>YFW Sally was ahead of everyone

Attached: 0fc90f5ddcfa97f820ad0ebf326625d2.png (1280x1007, 2.01M)

source pls

thank you user

Chell was also ahead of the game

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Friendly reminder that fire salamanders produce a pretty potent toxin that covers their skin and in some instances can even be lethal to humans even at their small sizes, a human size salamander would basically be walking Chernobyl in terms of lethality.
Cuddling, kissing, or so much as holding hands with Amber would be a literal death sentence.

Attached: 123413241324123.jpg (1280x1707, 329K)

Explains why she is so thirsty.

>Not a Pinocchio Anole character

Attached: 201503.jpg (500x726, 291K)

cute feet

>No cutie naively blunt Pinocchio Anole who literally can't lie

>posts art with most of the shit I bitched about fixed
I think you mean right.

ended up drawing her

Attached: ada.png (700x1050, 222K)

Great thread saver.

Sweet! Thanks for drawing her

sexy ada

This is good. Got a gallery or twitter or something?

don't care just want reptile tits

It doesn't even matter since both girls are lacking erotic art


That is just what she used to look like in the first pages. Shen redesigned her to look goofier recently, maybe because he felt like she should look funnier

Has he reposted his older artwork from Tumblr?

When are we going to meet the vice principal?

Attached: tumblr_p7z5oeGhPo1ru66eqo1_1280.png (1280x778, 747K)

what about sally the blind cave salamander

Her application was rejected due to not meeting the scale requirement

There is already a salamander called Sally. She has a big butt.

>wendy, pepper, esmerelda, liska's yet unnamed rival

Why do I always have to have a thing for the unpopular ones?

Attached: tumblr_na80ic34gh1ru66eqo2_1280.png (658x791, 336K)

Hopefully this rival shares Liska's tactic of powering up

Attached: image.jpg (600x897, 267K)

tfw no arc where liska watches DragonBall Super and becomes depressed

She perks up once she watches Kill La Kill and starts wearing as little clothes as possible believing it'll make her stronger

what body type is missing from the pool of scalie schoolie characters


Attached: Camille5.jpg (289x447, 12K)


Don't think we a character with an Amazonian build

Whether or not there's an amazon depends on one's own interpretation of Liska. She's pretty tall, and clearly muscular and very strong. Violet could fit the bill too, maybe even Lacey. But again, it depends on whether you interpret them as such within the comic's relatively simple style and their weird lizard designs.

or y'know, within the bounds of any physical transformation that liska would undertake at her full power

The lack of Iris smut disheartens me

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Ada is worst girl


Then tell us who you think takes the title of worst scalie girl

Is this one of those things where there's like, only mild merit to the media in question but everyone loves it because of the waifus? Every time I've read this guys' comics it always seems super meta, the art is good and there are big casts but otherwise not much interesting story going on.


Not everything has to have a super-involved plot, user. Some stories are meant to be light gag strips.

But that's also what I'm trying to say, the gags are all largely meta based, cliche-based, or lampshade-hanging type jokes

Has there ever been anything for the principal?I dont remember there actually being one.

And what's the issue? It's amusing. And it's on the internet for free. You're taking a gag strip too seriously. Feels kind of weird that you'd even stop and take issue at the reason people enjoy it when it's such a harmless comic.


There's gems in there.

Attached: tumblr_pdzqzesUqM1ru66eqo1_1280.png (888x888, 879K)

If you don't like it don't read it, after all

There is no "issue", I'm asking a legitimate question. MLAATR is an example of what I'm talking about; okay at best show that's basically only remembered for the waifus. Is it so bad to ask if this is the same when by most indications of what I've read it's the same? If this ruffles feathers I won't ask any more but sheesh.

That's nice.

That's fair but if you're gonna be walking into the thread of something filled with fans of it then go asking "is this bad and you people only want the waifus?" you shouldn't be surprised that you'd instantly get pegged down as a troll. Nobody would be following one comic out of thousands of comics online if they didn't genuinely like it.

I never even said it was bad, don't put words in my damn mouth. If all of the fans are this defensive I suppose it wasn't worth asking in the first place, never fucking mind.



give it to me

No frogs no frogs

People were a little defensive, but you have to understand that "liking it for the waifus" has become a pejorative phrase in recent years.


Attached: DISAPPOINTED.jpg (480x360, 11K)

And here's the proof to back this claim up

Attached: 709571_camdissonance_sally-tv.png (1280x1127, 522K)

Attached: 1561800405857.png (972x707, 374K)

Attached: 1496568317955.png (500x621, 16K)

Attached: violet_amber.png (3365x3000, 971K)

Nice sketchwork!

>using "it's on the internet for free" as defense of the quality of anything, ever

What did this post say?

I was a roll chart.

Is this a Sally ass thread

Attached: orange-peel.png (350x308, 170K)

She don’t appear as often as you think, but we are currently in her story arc at the moment

Attached: 654FFCC8-A5E8-49F5-8C58-4AA200BF2335.jpg (1174x1920, 629K)

HAHAHAHAHA pointy teeth so fanny.

Attached: 1533609088820.jpg (782x751, 109K)

It's a scalie ass thread

Attached: d0a028bc2de32f9041f12d5dfd0e8622.png (1200x900, 115K)

I've never seen this pic before and I love it. it really captures her essence

The character is an alligator. You know, big mouth, sharp teeth.

Yeah, and?

She's hot.

We like a little danger.

I rolled once but I'll do it again because I want something better.

cute ass and feet

for a sec i thought this was an edit of the fat man from ATHF from the back lol