ITT: Funny comics

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Other urls found in this thread:

Feel free to start posting some whenever

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Well aren't you Mr. Grumpy.

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>jen sorensen
Did Bors finally take the tranny pill?

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Chad warden

Why would he accept the crummy old glass of water when he could be catching Pokemon creatures?


Really bold of him to make a comic that's just about how the Philippines keep getting owned throughout the course of history

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user who made the "Normies" stick figure comic, can you post it again ?

haha this guy is a real laugh riot

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so many layers

All this shows is that Filipinos are much worse than other Asians, probably because of all of the non-Asian blood they have.

now that's comedy

>Wormwood thread was killed

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Foxford thread now.

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Cats are fine too. Upvote if you agree.

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Me in the bottom right

...Who even cares about Fillipinos?

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What's the joke behind the rat being the letter J on the alphabet board?

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Knowing him, jews

>this is your brain on /pol9k/

Certainly nothing antisemitic.

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>killfucker 9000
yeah peak political satire.

Pinoys are the absolute worst, maybe even worse than chinese mainlanders

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These comics kinda suck. You can be edgy but if there isn’t any jokes, you’re just grandstanding. It’s basically playing with yourself while pretending you’re winning an argument with a mirror.

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I dont get it

they're bad but not that bad

>this thread

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He's PEEKING because he's a PEEKachu not a pikaCHEW hope that helps

Not gonna lie, the bottom panel made me laugh.

These are completely retarded and I love them.

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Joncomics is fuckin based

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>Asian-American Monomyth
... The hero's journey?

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>(dead white guys)
Oh, god forbid someone be dead and white.

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>the American lets out a festive yee-haw

See, that ones not so bad.

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Dat roight ticklez me squig, dat doez.

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Least he didn't call him a varmint

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First funny comic in this thread, bravo.

Is this a joke about horses?

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Is this an edit, or has it gone even crazier?

Fulgrim turning into a muscular four armed snake has only made me fantasize about being an Emperor's Child even more. I love him.

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Don't forget the one where he basically says Asians have a racial obligation to fuck him

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Nigga that is fucking heretical AND gay.

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The Dark Angels' entire gimmick is they're outwardly the loyalest and bestest soldiers but secretly they spend all their time trying to erase the history of that time they almost went rogue, very big no-no in grimdark space Europe, usually by brutally murdering the Fallenthey might also be gay, I dunno, I don't read poetry

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I can't not fuck him!

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This makes America sound more generous than the rest of the world. Yikes bad take this ain't it chief.

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He still is drawing the white way, he just isn't drawing white people. The masters of art were white people but nobody is forcing you to draw white people, you just need those dead white guy's principles. He still is drawing the "white" way. I also doubt the "Drawing the Marvel Way" focuses only on white people. It is most likely about dynamic poses and action shots, like what a comic is made off. You spent your entire life imitating dead white guys and now you draw your characters darker and say that you unlearned?

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There exists a space marine chapter called the Dark Angels. Some time back some of their number split off, whom the still-orthodox Dark Angels named the Fallen Angels and now hunt wherever possible. That Dark Angel marine fell and told his battle brother he had become "fallen", prompting said battle brother to level a plasma pistol on him.
It is VERY funny.

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Joshua Luna is a real piece of work. He called the guys running Image Comics "racist" when they declined to publish his collection of this shit.

He's like the Filipino version of Kelly, except totally genuine.

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Oh wait isn't this the nigga who wanted to publish his amercianiasian comic but no one wanted to publish his faggy cry comic blog so he accused publishers of being racist and shit.
He seems to be a talented artist if only he actually focused on making something good instead of obsessing over those who had "wronged" him he could probably do more good for representation by being a respected creator instead of some fag

They gave us the nutshack

>Joshua Luna is a real piece of work. He called the guys running Image Comics "racist" when they declined to publish his collection of this shit.
>Oh wait isn't this the nigga who wanted to publish his amercianiasian comic but no one wanted to publish his faggy cry comic blog so he accused publishers of being racist and shit.



So he's mad that he's being forced to learn a second language? He's comparing education about foreign languages to literal bible study?

What a fucking hack.

A quick google search showed he tried publishing a comic that's thinly veiled propaganda and it got rejected. So he went on a typical Twitter tirade about it.

White people are his jews/reptilians/worldwide mad deadly gangster computer god

He blames crackers for everything.

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The asian dude got his revenge in this one though, those two white kids grew up into fags.

Space wolves are the best Legi- I mean chapter.

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Not necessarily just crackers. According to this comic , even light-skinned asians are evil

Your palate changes as you grow older. American kids prefer sweet things exclusively. Adults enjoy savory/bitter things much more.

That being said, this guy can't seem to realize that white Americans can have opinions and cook foreign cuisine.

So does Josh Luna want all races to stay away from each other? Or does he want everything to be one race? The world shall never know.

All I know is fuck this guy.

>1 second apart
Tyranid Hivemind?

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I can sort of understand this one; some uncultured fuckers won't dare to try anything foreign until it's popular and trendy

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w-what they made fun of him when they were kids and weren't strung up like dogs? And now have the gall grow as people who embrace and respect his culture oh the humanity. The poor boy the great injustice he has suffered if only America could be a country of acceptance and justice like his beloved philippines.
But in all seriousness if he hates white people and loves asians so much why doesn't he fuck off back to the philippines

Have you gotten your Guiliman approved big titty Eldar gf yet, Imperium anons?

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>ICE deporting Filipinos
>not beaners

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I thought flips were the beaners of Asia? Also is flip a derogatory term like jap?

>So does Josh Luna want all races to stay away from each other?
Yes, His comics usually have a message that "assimilation" is bad, that racemixing is wrong (at least, white dudes with asian chicks) and tradition is the most important thing ever. His worldview and ideas are indistinguishable from those of a stormtard, but the irony is lost on him. Horseshoe theory is real

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I'm more interested that his author inserts are shocked that they don't get to enjoy mayo broth and cheese lumpas.

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There are so many fucking "messages" in this one page what's the point of even making it? It makes no sense and you don't make any points by just adding """""symbolism""""" all over the fucking page.

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This isn't the America he fought to create

>that racemixing is wrong (at least, white dudes with asian chicks)
Single Asian Female for the Twitter generation.

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Basically the plot to Space Jam.

>Hapa-ly ever after

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Based Principal Hank Hill.

>dead white guys
Man, the west really is dying isn't it?

Holy fuck Jaghatai

So I think I made this better, but I'm no expert.

The idea is last panel is looking at you, the reader. I don't know if I lined up the eyes right.

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Nobody is worse than Chinese Mainlanders. Pinoys, presumably, can build a non-lethal Escalator.

Holy fucking kino.
This comic perfectly captures the pointlessness of the eternal warfare of the 41st millennium. The scene at the end with only the two main characters left, fighting with no less gusto over a destroyed structure of no value, is just superb on every level.
It's also great because it's a nice ending, in a wierd way. The Khornates wanted blood, skulls and battle, the orks wanted a right 'n proppa scrap. Wasn't this outcome everyone's happy ending?


>reminder: filipinos are the strongest race in the world

But really though imagine being a fucking autist who not only hates all white people while living in a white country but also gets assblasted at all other filipinos too. His life is hell and it's his own fault for being such an autistic fucking nutjob lol.

>puncline is ruined by unfunny tirade of how sicko female molesters should be locked up because he got molested by one, whom he actually ended up marrying.

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>get mad at white people shitting on you
>shit on your own people when it suits you


He's saying that Philippinos get mistaken for Mexicans because they kind of look similar. That happened to my first college roommate a couple times, actually.

But flips are genetically mixed with mainlanders

I can't tell the difference between the two. A flip got mad at me in highschool because I thought he was mexican lol.

>not wanting a Catachan GF
>probably topless all of the time
>will kill you with snu snu

>That happened to my first college roommate a couple times, actually.
In hindsight it's clear you meant he got mistaken but I choose to believe he got deported. Twice.

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But baseder still

Has this dude actually ever been to the Philippines in his life? Because the only people I ever see crying about this shit are first generation "muh heritage" fags.

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This is funny because it's not like these are all his own ideas on race, he just chose to become obsessed with the white liberal sjw crap. On the bottom instead of a missionary with a bible it's a modern college professor telling him he's a victim and he ate it up.


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Easier to deport someone who came on a plane and had to fill out paperwork than someone who just walked in

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>zoomer getting big tiddy alien gf

at last his fortnite skills serve him well


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Dude we get it. One of them turned you down for prom.

>"You've probably had many crushes on trans people without knowing it"
He does realize that statistically speaking the odds of ever meeting a trans person in your life is extremely low for the average person, right?

His message is "fuck white people", that's the only coherent thing he says

No user, you see trannies are actually so good at passing that they're literally all around you and you just dont know it.

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I thought it was just a fetish comic with some humor thrown in


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>cops in uniforms present
As opposed to no police presence for a crowd of people in these days of constant mass shootings?

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>can't find Redeemer storytime
>find 2000AD
Godammit? I think?

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I legitimately don't know what he means by this

I know you're saying this sarcastically. But this is the site that fucking invented trolling people by passing as the opposite sex.

He's such an obsessed heritagefag salty about shit that never happened to him, his parents, or even his grandparents that she sees learning the most common second language of the country you live in as oppression.
Or maybe he was just a really shitty student and made up some convoluted excuses when his parents yelled at him about his bad grades

>tradition is the most important thing ever.
yeah he hates how his older generation forced their tradition on him
his comic is all whining about how hard is it being an American Azn

Woop, spoke too soon

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>Luna goes onto describe the process of pitching this graphic novel toImage Comics, where he haspublished several graphic novelsincludingThe Sword,GirlsandUltra.

Not fair. Tats is genuinely insane.

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you don't have to meet someone to have a crush on them.
there's between 80 million and 300 million transfolk on the planet, if you got them all in one place they'd outnumber many nations.
you're statistically more likely to encounter a trans person than you are a Hawaiian person, or a natural redhead, or a Korean person

I laughed at that more than I should have.

cops tend to be the ones doing the shooting when it comes to queerness. thats why the pride riots began in the first place

Somebody start posting funny shit or I'll learn accordian and do taxes and shit!

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Bro is that Klansman dabbing?

all that cock worship is pretty gay

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Not as crazy as trannies.

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I dont work in a mental asylum, so I doubt it.

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Ah a preacher of chaos.

He just keeps going with this shit.

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Bonnet girls are too cute for that comic, save them

racial-nationalism really does turn people's brains into mud huh

No, his entire problem is that he's in a white country complaining about how everything is white.
It's like if I went to fliplandia and started complaining about all the flips.

Goofy fetishes are just.... goofy. The idea of an Alligator delicately duck-eats a person leaving not even a scratch from its razor-sharp teeth and spring-action jaw muscles is goofy.

Nope, I have no problems with it having a human body; just the duck-eating part.


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>If you took an entire population of specific people all around the world and put them all together there'd be a lot of them
Yeah, no shit Sherlock, you could also say the same about Schizophrenics, the point is when you mix them into the world population they disperse into complete irrelevance, it's like throwing a bucket of food colouring into the ocean, it's still gonna be there on some microscopic level but you're never gonna fucking see it.

Top KeK
I fucking spat everywhere

Flips, Beaners and a few Sandwalkers generally look similar enough for it to be an easy mistake.

Thank goodness the tranny janny is here to save us from having fun. Who knows what would happen if funny comics were allowed to be posted?

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It's weird showing Xin as Apple and Google as white when the phones with the most spyware run android. I know I'm completely ignoring the aspect of manufacturing and the economic impact of apple but still it seems strange.


pica is a condition where you eat weird things right?

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>Ratling Corps

>Not just eating the power pack

Emperor bless His marines.
Truly, humanity would fall into eternal darkness if it weren't for the Space Marines.

The followup is better when it's revealed the FBI agent got molested by a feral onee-san as a child and ended up marrying her.

Holy shit, I remember the Photoshop Phriday that made this picture!

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I read that in his voice and now i hate myself for it.

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This is the future liberals want

I could never even begin to describe this comic to any person I know despite being the best thing I've seen all week

Do I finally truly know how this man felt

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False, liberals are not that based.

Nigga I'm a conservative and I'd marry a fucking dragon if I had the chance.

isn't it funny how TOR drug/CP barons got caught by using Apple services/devices


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This is horrifying if you see the cat biting its lip as a mustache instead

Nigga you expect me to read?

fuck joncomics is based

Acquire fat eldar thats

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They keep all their women chained up and pumping out babies on krieg, though.

what was this?

I don't get it. What's the joke? What's the punchline?

There's no punchline, it was made by an assmad asian woman. That, or it was made by someone who isn't and the punchline IS that asian women are assmad.

You're gonna be in so much trouble when dad comes back to life.

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You are wrong. It was made by an assad asian *man* larping as an assmad asian woman in order to dissuade all asians from sullying their glorious pure genetics with that of filthy wh*teoids.

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Leave it to Nazi's for having shit taste.

>tfw Misato chad

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Why does best girl Asuka have so much appeal? She is a bitch but I too fell in love with this tsundere waifu when I watched Evangelion for the first time when I was 12.

It's because she's Red.

Makes me laugh every time

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yes the red turns me on so much. waifu asuka why aren't u real desu

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god gays are fags

What a tasteful transition.

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This is some actual lynchian shit because I can't tell what order I'm supposed to read this in
It's brilliant

Funnier than Cyanide & Happiness, and better art too.

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It's a really clever use of the medium, it's just a shame it's so awful.

Because she has depth. Normal bitchy anime bitches are just bitches for no reason. Asuka is a bitch to cover up how broken she is inside.

ey yo this is a blue board please respect the rules

Ah, that explains it.

Sex tourists, mostly.

You could remake that comic with the British Isles, too.

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These two need r34.

Reminds me of double nigger

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Yeah, it could be reworked into something that's not an incel's revenge fantasy and it would be neat.

My understanding is the following:
>First column and third column happen simultaneously up until the panel is reported to the police
>The story unfolds then in the remaining part of the first column and it wraps over to the third column
>The story continues until the "color of justice" panel in the third column
>Finally, the story continues in a classic left-panel-to-right-panel fashion in the last two columns, from the TED panel onwards.

>man, fuck cops!


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The ACAB movement is pushed mostly by pedos trying to use pride parades to groom LGBT youths.

Just watch the guy get really curious if he is indeed the world champion of blowjobs, only to awkwardly discover the skeleton was lying his pelvic bones off.

Based FBI arresting female pedos.

Cruel and inhumane, but just a little hot.

>Women SEETHING this perfectly describes them


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>I'm a Catholic
>I'm a vegan
Lying bitch.

Khan is too based.

>Mort: I am not enjoy killing you
>Khan: Oh, but I do.

Is this a comic about CIA?

Of course.

This looks like something straight out of Calvin & Hobbes.

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Probably already exists.

This is easily my favorite C&H strip.
So much emotion expressed in so little details.

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Are you doubting King Blowjob?

Actually he becomes a great king who rules an eternal kingdom or something simply by sucking dick.

Peek at you

This existed long before /pol/ or /r9k/, not that people who go there couldn't be like that

very funny


That's...kinda the point?

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Early C&H was good, I don't care what anyone says

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Their humor evolved, and I think they are a rare case where they got better with time, but there are some real gems pre-2012.


Weapon acquired

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I feel like I'm going to be getting a lot of use out of this one.

Don't cut your penis so you can repent :)

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I know the guy behind this is referencing that epic Twitter meme, but Tails Gets Trolled was the first to use the N-word as a superpower.

>the bride isn't the dragon

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I could see that happening
His blowjobs are so good it drives the king mad and gives him his own nation to rule

He resolves all of his diplomatic disputes with blowies. Nobody really wants to be cut off so they all acquiesce to his demands. He's that good.