Who is the superior redheaded middle-school girl with an overactive imagination whose best friends are a laid back...

Who is the superior redheaded middle-school girl with an overactive imagination whose best friends are a laid back creative brown boy and a smart responsible girl who wants to be perfect, and whose family consists of a sibling and single mother who looks like her but thick?

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Reggie. She needs protection and cuddles.

I've never watched Pepper Ann. Is it good?

Can't they just cuddle until their differences are forgotten?

is left girl an actual autist that plays with toys in public, makes you cringe every time she talks to someone that isn't the main cast, and has multiple disgusting habits? because thats what reggie does.

It's alright. The intro is the best part though and the show you imagine after watching it is better than the actual show

i only watched one episode so far, but from what i gather it's just Doug but for girls.

Reggie is legit shit. I really dislike her as a character.

fuck, this is a pretty accurate assessment

Twelve Forever is Pepper Ann for schizoids, and Pepper Ann is Doug for gentiles

It's a low-key feminist show, but I never realized it as a kid

Reggie is legit. She's a character, not meant to appeal, or even be considered nice. Yet, despite those flaws, you understand where she's coming from, and even if you disagree with her, which should be basically all the time, there's a part of you that find her admirable in her foolhardiness.

Pepper-Ann, on the other hand, is the archetypical nineties "moral girl" show, with all of her episodes having the same basic plot, in order to teach her audience certain lessons.

Alright, someone post the webm from Pepper Anne with all the boob imagery.

Twelve Forever also has a lesson to teach in almost every episode, it just does it more elegantly

I dunno but I have only just now started watching PA, and I like it
I have it on standby in case TF pisses me off... which it might. even though so far I love it.

Pepper Anne's principal is Don Adams. Maxwell fucking Smart. Inspector sonofabitchin' Gadget. he's great.

I thought Pepper Anne was the only show of its era to have a cool little brother who's not a brat
turns out that's a girl. I'm too busy being disappointed to get erect.

New one has a hidden charm, covered by a lacking design. Peppie is and has been great from the start, so I pick her.

not to mention her friend is voiced by Danny Cooksey playing super against type.

Pepper Ann always uses her fantasies as an excuse to give herself tits. So her 12 Forver version would put the Butt Witch to shame.

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Right, OP?

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Ugly ass gingers, give me blondies.

Behold, the most basic of bitches.

Tulip, of course

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