

Attached: antifa-shooting-comic.png (1500x500, 99K)

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Ins't the shooter being part of antifa fake news?

when has being right actually mattered to chuds

Funny considering all the recent right-wing terrorist attacks in the US

The shooter may have been a leftist but the shooting from what I've gathered was more of an incel shooting. Considering the dudes sister and boyfriend were the main targets and the fact that the dude in hs had rape lists of women who turned him down or slighted him.

Only if you're one of the people who tries to claim "antifa isnt real".

As much as i love being contrarian and provoking "the libs", this comic is fucking retarded. Yea Forums and other places where retards congregate will obviously effect mental people in the wrong ways. Complaining about antifa any chance you get is kind of whiny and cringe.

They haven't killed anyone yet.
Alt-right psychos have however perpetrated mass shootings

He had a girlfriend though.

>over a dozen shootings by white nationalists in a few years
>single shooting by some liberal white kid that, and this is the key part, wasn't even politically motivated
The only thing I agree with is that calling right-wing militias """terrorism""" does nothing but help empower the State even more.


The Dayton guy was a leftist incel my dude

Bad comic, it would have been better if it reminded us that most US shooters are brown people.

They have and there's also that time they almost killed every single person in an ICE facility including the immigrants

Stalin never killed anyone? He was antifa.

But his leftist political views weren’t the motivation for the shooting

Despite having a girlfriend, everything else points to Incel

Yes, but the guy was calling him altright, just wanted to clear up the bad air

I think it's due to the nature of those two opposing political extremes.
Antifaggots can still group up and go beat up a few people in Portland or whatever hive citiy where the police won't prosecute them. They're free to effectively socialize their retardation openly and are notorious cowards when isolated.

Whereas 8/pol/acks are constantly under fed supervision and can't even trust who they're talking to in their safe space. Their ideology and purity spiraling make interpersonal meetups virtually impossible, so they're a loosely affiliated group of festering individuals. More of the latter type snap and do something awful.

sure thing, and there are pizza sex dungeons under restaurants in dc too

It is factual that the shooter was part of antifa, as seen in his social media. There is however no manifesto so technically we do not know the reason for the shooting.

That's an assumption since there was never a manifesto.

Been plenty of left-side attacks, right extremists just are actually good at it, unlike the Bernie supporter shooter.

There's also the difference that the rise of left extremism only begun recently so it's honestly moronic to go "B-but right has killed people" while Antifa has openly shown plans of wanting to attack the border. Killings or not, violence shouldn't be allowed on either side. Stop clinging to dumb rhetoric, anyone with common sense know that things will keep escalating if this continues.

At least right-wing extremism is shunned on by both sides and not supported by politicians, unlike antifa.

Attached: cat.png (552x547, 95K)

Stalin was a fascist, doesn't matter what he called himself, that's what he was

>/pol/ threads
Can we just get a fucking general at this point. I thought the endless Rocko threads would be enough.

I love how Epstein proved that those rings are real yet you're here trying to disprove that because of one side conspiracy involving one location
Why are you such a bootlicker

>Everyone who kills is now right-wing

The evidence about his behavior plus a bunch of other coincidences point towards incel rage as the motivation of the shooting. Don't see why we need a manifesto. Either way the attack's motivation is unknown.

I hate to say it considering my own negative feelings about antifa, but they aren't a centralized organization. Some antifa branches may want attacks but others don't. Most do so it's moot.

On the topic of shunning, the online right wing mostly seem to either excuse or justify the shootings rather than straight up condemn it, mostly through victim blaming the dead, or calling it a false flag.

In general, in RL both left wing and right wing extremism is condemned. Online extremist violence tends to be excused at best and glorified at worst. Depending on what wing attacked and the such.

>Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy
Stalin was a fascist

>"Imma shoot these people because I'm told immigrants are an invasion of white america! 14/88 The Jews Will Not Replace Us"
>Cons: White Nationalism doesn't exist
>"I'm high as balls, fuck the aliens, fuck you sis, bang-bang-bangity-bang-bang-bang!"

Weak excuse to be honest, I'd say the right wing absolute inability to accept any accountability is a bigger show of cowardice.

What I gathered, all the shooters had couple of months history of absurd alt-right posting, but theres a sudden switch from Left to Right, or just absence of activity. Supposedly they're inspired by one another, but they all seem to have strawman style understanding of what they want to achieve, so they're not inspiring. And its clear only Left benefits from these shootings.

And then theres some little fuckery, like El Péso shooter uploading PDF file to 8 chan 10 minutes before the shooting, after he had driven couple of hours, meaning he dragged his computer with him, since you can't upload PDF files to 8 chan with phone. And one of the shooters had CNN reporter as his twitter follower before the shootings.

lol qanons got real quiet when it turned out the pedorings were being run from inside their own house instead of under the restaurants

but yeah, let's come up with conspiracies instead of the massive corruption of wealth and power that's been operating in plan sight weird how so many of these guys work in the trump admin or for his defense these days

almost like we're being run by criminals and they're too dumb or removed from consequences that they're not even trying to hide it these days

ah yes, a comic by the "if you hadn't made fun of me I wouldn't be a nazi" guy, totes heh

Accountability for what, though? The shooters on the right have at least recently gone "X won't listen or I can't control people so I'll just do Y heinous act and die/go to jail and watch it all burn"

Or do you mean accountability for the shootings themselves? Both sides try to disown when things get hot.

Today's politics are so polarized that people are eager to use shooters to discredit movements.
It's not that hard to paint a picture that antifa or illegal immigration crackdowns directly cause mass killings.
And mass killings are a statistical blip in violent crime so it shouldn't even be relevant.

They sadly are dude, also never said left wing terrorism won't happen, it's inevitable at this rate.

>Been plenty of left-side attacks, right extremists just are actually good at it, unlike the Bernie supporter shooter.
Is this supposed to be a gotcha? Right-wing retards are complete cowards that kill random civilians while the single leftist shooter actually attacked politicians, even if he sucked at it.

>while the single leftist shooter actually attacked politicians

There is nothing brave in murdering politicians.

>the rise of left extremism
If you think antifa is left-wing extremism then you're peak American, aka politically retarded. 90% of antifa is just slightly violent libtards that run guillotine jokes to the ground on social media.

Also most left-side violence is just random mob skirmishes that are organized to interfere with civilian days. It's not like they're occupying military outposts or something lol.

Both sides are complete spergs and useful idiot,s though. Radical passive centrism is where its at.

There is nothing brave in politicians fucking people over while disguising their violence under a veil of bureaucracy either, bootlicker.

Atleast the shooters aren't from chan's. All /pol/s that I've seen, know to hit the communication infrastructure if they'll ever decide to go out in blaze.

Are you talking about the one in virginia that shot up a baseball game or the one that attacked ICE agents?

>was part of antifa
That's like saying you're a member of Anonymous.

I would say they are responsible for bringing out the extremists on the right and provoking them to do things.

They are sort of creating their own worst enemy.

>everyone's a useful idiot, unlike me, the "radical passive centrist"
When I see posts as American as this I realize they deserve all this shit they're getting.

Does the definition of fascism really not encompass leftist authoritarianism? What's the actual word for when leftists go full dictator in enforcing their beliefs on society?

The majority of mass shootings are actually caused by African American gang members.


This guy was as political as my hairy white ass.

He was going to do something like this at some point, no matter his professed political views.

Whereas this guy


Was emphatically political.

So right-wingers have absolutely no agency nor will and everything's actually the fault of antifa? Not politicians, not the system, but some random hippies on the street?

>his radical leftist views had absolutely nothing to do with his actions

Imagine unironically supporting authoritarian governments

There's a difference between some guy doing a shooting because he was some bitter lonely guy and other guy doing a shooting because he wanted immigrants out of his country, thank you for noticing.

Not really, his radical leftist views clearly showed he was a ticking timebomb that was going to go on a rampage sooner or later.

Fuck off /pol/ shmorky


>radical leftist
>voting, following antifa accounts on social, saying "FUCK NAZIS"
Americans say the darndest things.

Liberals are fucking insane. Even when their radicals are guilty they still defend their actions.

No, more like a "Stop being a fucktard and realise there's extreme shitheads on both sides".I can bring up a few hundred attacks just the past two years.

The big problem however is that you have journalists and politicians unironically supporting antifa despite antifa essentially being domestic terrorists.

I'm just going to assume you're projecting, dear American. The shit happening with Antifa and parts of the current political environment mirrors that within countries here in Europe where communism rose up, such as Bulgaria. Started with people claiming communism is great and smeared everyone that doesn't agree with them as nazis and fascists. Started out peacefully but grew increasingly more violent. Political correctness was something said too and advocated for banning free speech because of this.

Sound familiar?

And it didn't stop there either. If you're going to spout uninformed, dumb bullshit just because you can't recognise the beginnings of extremism and want to put your fingers into your ears and pretend nothing is happening. You've had people sent to hospitals with potential brain damage. It started out with protests but you have to be a moron to not recognise that it has escalated over the past few years.

>be American
>go to garlic festival, get shot
>go to walmart, get shot
>go to the bar, get shot
>waiting for the bus, get stabbed
>live in an apartment complex, get stabbed

Attached: alt-right founders.png (1240x1870, 3.48M)

>antifa today is similar as antifa during WWII
Keep doubling down, dude. You sure showed you aren't some stupid burger.

Yeah, supporting a radical left hate group is the same as supporting one on the right.

>you have journalists and politicians unironically supporting antifa
Hm, it's almost like... antifa isn't actually as "radical" and "extremist" as retards like you are claiming they are. Wow.

Both sides do this. They deflect or deny or try to say it was a false flag

They could probably just be ignored and they would go away.

You need to kill yourself /pol/tard.

Nothing says radical like defending the State and participating in the voting system. This is why talking to Americans about politics is a waste of time.

Just close your eyes, bro.

It says right-wing, but in my research I've found the original definition was conservative. No in modern america conservitive means right-wing, but what is actually means is 'against changing from ones ways'
I pose that Leftist have the potential to be just as conservative as rightists
If they have a doctrine, or manifesto that they are unblinkingly adherent to to the point where they crush any dissenting opinion and put their ideals over the well being of people, it doesn't matter what wing they're on, they are a facist

>They haven't killed anyone yet.
Fuck off American. Left-wing radicals kill people all the goddamn time. The only reason they don't in your country is because your radical left is three Mexicans, two confused white girls and five beta orbiters.

No, they're worse.

You and everyone else learn about WWII and nazism for a reason.

Something about "Not repeating mistakes". Take the hint.

Are you serious or are you just retarded? You had journalists laugh and encourage the attack against a freelance journalist that had milkshake with cement in it thrown at him.

We have a generation of zoomies that bitch and moan when an orange man was elected President.

>Be American
>Don't see this shit ever because it is very small isolated events that do not constitute the stereotype
>Meanwhile Europeans get arrested for wrongthink

>my knowledge on political theory comes from Wikipedia and online dictionaries


Yurocucks are a doomed civilization.

>People ask for killings of those they disagree with and every radical proposition under the sun
>T-they aren't extremist because this extremist journalist agrees!

where does yours come from?

This is cute, you're getting close to realizing antifa are just overrated liberals and not "radical leftists"! Keep going.

Oh no, not the milkshake attacks. This means they're a radical militia bent on couping the government and enabling socialism world-wide. Wait, no, they're just liberals that want to vote, get free healthcare or some reformist shit like that. Fucking Americans.


Attached: conspiracy-theories-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

>get free healthcare
That's literally socialism lmao. Also universal healthcare isn't "Free" you pay for it through higher taxes

>every radical proposition under the sun
Yeah, like keeping the republican democracy intact or at most getting rid of the electoral college, getting free healthcare, and increasing the minimum wage. Fuck, these guys are so radical you'd think they come from the Soviet Union!!!

Antifa unironically wants to destroy the country. They're uniquely terrible in that regard. A lot of groups disagree on what would "make the country better", but at least all their aims are attempting to make the country better.

Just in the developed world outside burgerland.
All these groups have cheerfully murdered innocent people in support of their aims.

>free healthcare is socialism

Attached: 627.png (1008x672, 753K)

>developed world
>outside america
Isn't that an oxymoron


God damn, half of Europe is socialist then? Fuck, these commies are taking over the world!

>keeping the republican democracy intact
Who is asking for the repealing of amendments again, especially the first 5
>free healthcare
Not free because it comes through taxes
Also shit like killing opponents, privatizing every single thing, letting people outside the country who were never citizens vote in our elections, 100% tax over $100,000

>milkshake with cement
Come on dude, at least try to stick to things that weren't proven outright false immediately after being spread

T. Commie shill


>doing slight modifications to the Constitutions is radical
>reformism is radical
Yeah, I'm not going to bother arguing with people this American ITT anymore.


How's that 2 trillion tax cut for billionaires working out for you?

I'm pretty sure most people consider "banning free speech", "open borders", and causing nothing but violence against civilians at lawful and legal events to be pretty radical, yes.

Cool, glad to know. Antifa still has no body count. sorry you live in shitty part of the world

>slight modifications
Repealing the first and second amendments aren't slight lmao
You want to burn the whole shit down because it's wrongthink


You're so liberal it hurts.

Why do you think your favorite hangout chapo trap house is getting banned on Reddit

>Oh no, not the milkshake attacks
Yes, just keep deflecting and downplaying lethal attacks.

>most getting rid of the electoral college, getting free healthcare, and increasing the minimum wage.
And nazis promised better social security, healthcare and whatnot. The big problem here is however the demands for open borders which is a much more extreme demand


Ah yes, killing several black people and your trans brother
Leftist as fuck

The day of the meat hook is coming centrist

>lethal attacks
>milkshake on your face
I'm wheezing.

>politicians promising things are lying
Damn bro, you're getting closer to realizing the truth. Keep trying.

It's funny, your insults are all candy-ass attempts to avoid offending X group.

It's called red fascism for those who believe that.
Make your own judgments.

I don't think I've seen right defend their men. I've seen them explain why these things happen or question how they happened, but never announcing that these actions are their actions.

Mostly what I see is Left fighting boogiemen and then claiming who are these boogiemen.
>I am against everything evil
>Everything evil is done by Opposing Interests
>Today I saw a mass shooting. It was done by Opposing Interests
>I see you have an opposing interest to mines. Why do you support Opposing Interests?

retarded niggers in here be like that milkshake had acme-brand quick-dry cement, people couldve died!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neither of those are antifa and both have been defunct for more than 30 years.
So congratulations, you're and idiot on two continents

No, it's true.

>banning free speech
Just because you can’t go out in public and rant about how much you want to kill black people without facing consequences doesn’t mean free speech is dead.

>I'm wheezing.
I'm sure the potential brain injuries is hilarious. The fact that you're downplaying physical attacks is quite telling honestly.

>Damn bro, you're getting closer to realizing the truth. Keep trying.
And once again you prove to have no historical knowledge and understanding. They fulfilled these promises. A group wanting or promising things doesn't magically absolve them of more extreme ideas, nor does it mean they are not extremists. Nazis and communists both can and have good ideas.

>Despite clearly not being celibate, all evidence points to him being involuntarily celibate

You do realise that free speech is the most effective way to combat growth of nazism and extremism in general, yes?

Why is it that SJWs think free speech is about "threatening to kill black people"?

Attached: free speech.jpg (428x2048, 137K)

well shit, can't argue with that, he definitely said he was with antifa on his twitter, I guess it must be true

The victims of the Dayton shooting weren't politicians though?

>nazis had free healthcare and social security
>so anyone wanting free healthcare and social security must be similar to nazis
You are retarded for both reasons. One, this stupid reasoning, and two, the fact that nazis did not actually have these two things despite promising them. Hitler spent almost all of the government money on war, because 20th century fascism was pretty self-destroying, but keep saying I'm the one who "doesn't know history".

Notice how Andy Ngo had literally no lasting damage from that "terrible" attack, dude was fine a week or two later
And the cement milkshakes thing is still absolute bullshit

Because the only time you retards care about free speech is when someone says you can't say the n-word. You're a hypocrite.

>You do realise that free speech is the most effective way to combat growth of nazism and extremism in general, yes?
You're talking to the kind of mental invalid who couldn't even win a debate against an unironic nazi, so of course they would think that censorship is the only option.
Ironically, this has done nothing but push people further to the right.

>The fact that you're downplaying physical attacks is quite telling honestly.
t. liberal

The right is always claiming any attack making them look bad is a false flag the fuck you on about

It’s not, but to the far right it is.

>yet another shooting happens
"oh my god. why did this happen. we're a board of peace."

>Because the only time you retards care about free speech is when someone says you can't say the n-word.
This has literally never happened.
Stop huffing your own farts.

Why don't we have hehesilly threads instead of stone toss. Is it because hehesilly is an actual good comic? It's just as red pilled but she puts effort into her comics and jokes

>Not when you say you want opposing views silenced
>No it's a racial thing
Haha you're fucking braindead

I didn't say free healthcare, I said better healthcare by which I meant health insurance and better social welfare was also given, such as free higher education as well as family and child support.

Try again, tard.

ITT: Americans showing everyone their stunted understanding of political theory, history, and geopolitics

I, for one, am glad you niggers keep killing each other.

Attached: 1564245812766.jpg (143x177, 8K)

Yes? Antifa is not a formal organization you need an application to join, if you call yourself antifa and want to kill fascists, you're antifa.

>It’s not, but to the far right it is.
But it's always SJWs who instantly default to their insane "free speech means saying kill all black people" non-argument. Rightwingers never say this. Stop projecting.

I don’t think people should be actively censored, retard. I’m saying that your boss is perfectly within his right to fire you if go out and shout the n word in public and that’s not a violation of your free speech. Also nobody is obligated to platform Nazis.

Because when most anons talk about free speech it always devolves into them getting angry about not being able to say nigger without consequences for example goto Yea Forums and see anons bitch about free speech being gone since they got banned for 24 hours because they keep talking about how much they hate niggers or how they kept calling their team niggers

State your country so we can laugh at you and how you're so enlightened

>this has literally never happened
Are you fucking kidding?

This happened the first few years of Nazi Germany, wasn't given to everyone, or even most, and it was quickly discarded to keep funding their war machine, you imbecile. I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to argue at this point, that social democrats are nazis in disguise or something? Stupid liberal.


>This has literally never happened.
Happens all the time on Yea Forums

Prove me wrong, all the outrage over twitter deleting posts was because those retards wanted to say niggers cause crime and trannies kill themselves on twitter.

I've got a joke for you: American education.

Nazis were socialists you retard.

Nazis literally bullied Sargon of Akkad into giving them a platform to rant about their views without challenging them in the name of “free speech”. That’s what I’m talking about.

Well as a member of the Illuminati, I can say that now any shit post of Yea Forums is the result of the Illuminati

Which is ultimately going to be the downfall of the left. As free speech alternatives continue to pop up and grow to our current shitshow of censorship-heavy social media, the latter will continue to purity spiral into obscurity, while free-speech platforms will become the norm.
Leftists get utterly destroyed on free speech platforms, because instead of learning how to debate, they just slam report buttons.

Why are you so intellectually dishonest? Most of the free speech debate has nothing to do with the n-word.

>Because when most anons talk about free speech it always devolves into them getting angry about not being able to say nigger
No, that's what you say. Stop projecting.

Because they don't consider doing something thats against their own interests.

Thats Yea Forums. Or FBI.

>Ask for your country
>Bu-but Americans! I won't answer!
Lol retard