I used to be a Disney chill for as long as I can remember...

I used to be a Disney chill for as long as I can remember, even defending their movies and saying nothing but good thing about the company since kindergarten

I recently stopped being one when I realized how awful their policy of turning all of the animated movies I loved and respected so much into soulless live action garbage

You were supposed to be a light in my miserable life Disney

I would sit down in front of the VCR and watch your movies all day
Even the mediocre ones like Oliver & Co, Extremely Goofy Movie and Return of Jafar because I loved them so much
I would beg my parents to go to Disneyland everytime
I would buy all your merchandise, your buzz lightyear toys, your mickey mouse comics, your Bug's Life video games
When I was sad, I would just turn on Disney Channel and have fun watching Talespin and the Little Mermaid series

You made me forget all the problems I had in school or in my family

I loved you Disney, I LOVED YOU

What went wrong Disney, WHAT ???!!!!

Please tell us, TELL ME, your FRIEND

You are not well Disney, you need help

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Nobody cares.

"first they came for Marvel but I was not a Marvelfag so I said nothing"

Kindly find the nearest D*sney-branded cliff and jump, ideally with your Mouse Club hat on.
t. star wars fag

>Not having Be A Man

What is the fucking point?

You fucking toddler.
Disney has been doing this shit since at least the 90s, what with all the straight-to-VHS sequels. That's a quarter of a century.
Why you would EVER trust a corporation to be anything other than a soulless moneymaking machine is beyond me.

Money. China hates the cartoon, so they're making the movie different to get their money.

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Trump
Did they send me cis men, when I asked for trans?

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>Yea Forumsntratian


Mushy was trash. Not having him is already an objective improvement.

These people aren't ready for the fucking ride that'll be this movie not having anything to do with the original story.

Why would the Lion King be a nearly shot-for-shot remake but Mulan wouldn't be? Is it really a bridge too far to make a musical about a Chinese woman joining a war with a talking dragon, or does this tie into Chinese censorship laws somehow?

Good. I'm sure any female lead would do Lea Salonga a disservice trying to sound as good as her.

Huh? They've been doing this since long before you were born.

(the only real loss is I'll make a man out of you)

I don't think it's censorship or anything I think they just did the math and it'll do better without the dragon or songs.

It is going to be very funny if people complain it's not like the cartoon after all the Lion King bitching

"Let's get down to business
To defeat the fun"
would be more universally applicable to Disney's SJW policies without dragging /pol/ into it.

Let's get down to business
To repeat "I'm done"
They've ignored a hundred
Let's do 101

There's no pleasing goddamn nostalgiafags.

>mulan seems to be trained to fight already
>movie got a witch
Oh boy...

I thought they actually liked it?

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