I just finished the first season and thinking about dropping it

I just finished the first season and thinking about dropping it.
It's painfully average and every episode with Jar Jar or Padme makes me want to kill myself. There are a few good moments here and there but they're few and far between between the sea of mediocrity and cringe.

Attached: clone-wars.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

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It gets better. You should have watched in chronological order.

>he doesn't know
There's even a filler guide for when watching chronologically.


It's pretty good at making you enjoy the prequel characters more.
Like the episode where some badguys invade Alderan and they pretend Jarjar is a Jedi master to distract him and Jarjar does Goofy levels of accidental slapstick to save the day.
Literally the only time Jarjar was decent.

Focus on clone/booty hunters episodes.

It helps if you just skip the JarJar episodes completely (they're concentrated near the beginning of the show from memory).

Fucking retard, you watch it in chronological order, not order of production.

just watch the clone episodes

I'm also here to call you a retard, but to spice things up I'm also going to call you a big retard.

Wow, look at this retard

You aren’t retarded, OP. First season is very average. If you’re willing to wait, I’d say around midway through season two I consider it to be a must-watch for a Star Wars fan.

The budget and quality go up as the seasons go on.

Also this.


Just watch the episodes with grievous in them

Attached: Battle over Scipio.webm (1176x500, 1.26M)

Keep at it, S1 was the weakest, but it is good stuff.

Don't worry. Season 1 is pretty much universally considered mediocre. This is a case where "it gets better" is actually true. The animation gets less robotic, the writing gets better, it goes deeper into Star Wars lore, it's great.

I really doesn't get any better. The writing remains the same, the animation quality is always shit, it's better to just drop it. Don't bother listening to the idiots telling you to wade through this garbage.

Don’t listen to THIS fuck. The majority of people who are saying to keep watching aren’t trying to trick you.

Seasons 3 and 4 are where the show peaked

Attached: M9dU.gif (400x176, 3.88M)

>Jar Jar
I guess a positive of the Sequal Trilogy is that today’s youth aren’t exposed to THIS sex demon!

Attached: 3468806A-6F15-41FB-A7C1-C9647FD40CBF.jpg (160x261, 14K)

It's treason then...

Attached: 1558271530318.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

>i-it totally gets better 3 seasons in
No. It's just that the only people left watching after that long are the nutters who praise everything Star Wars related.

Just watch the far superior 2003 Genndy series instead.

And here's the Genndyfag right on cue.

Sorry I have taste.

Yeah, shit taste.

>zero Emmy's
stay mad Filonifag

>inb4 “it gets bet-“

Is it mostly agreed that Clone Wars is way better than Rebels?

>Is it mostly agreed that a bar of gold is way better than a piece of rat shit?

You are having a normal reaction because you are not brain dead. However, it gets much, Much, MUCH better as it goes on. It is really worth watch, even though you get a few clumps of "trash" episodes here and there. Jar Jar episodes are certainly worth skipping. But hold strong, it gets "I cant wait to watch the next episode" good, eventually.

S2 onward is when it gets good, my guy


Attached: 7B53CD8A-224D-472C-A592-5E28BB775561.jpg (999x852, 253K)

Go ahead.

>You should have watched in chronological order.
No, that's absolutley stupid. The stories are told with the context of characters and concepts of previous episodes being known.

only watch the clone-focused episodes

Fuck Anakin and his orange onahole

Honestly, one of the few series in the history of animation where i can genuinely say that each season is better than the last until the very end (not counting the lost episodes of course, although even they were well written - just unfinished)
It starts out meh, but ends pretty great. Shame it was cut short.

Try Rebels is way better.

If you only care about following a sequential storyline, then which on is better is largely fucking irrelevant. Filoni's projects will always reference his previous works and expect you to have fucking watched it to understand anything that is happening. Rebels ends with the heroes going to the uncharted regions after RotJ and his fucking live action TV show will take place in the uncharted regions after RotJ. But hurr durr helicopter lightsabers u guiise!