What if Korra took Aang's place in ATLA and Aang took Korra's in LoK...

What if Korra took Aang's place in ATLA and Aang took Korra's in LoK? Who would fare better in their respective new situations?

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Korra would fair better right off the bat since she's headstrong and ready to fight, but Aang would eventually lose to the Red Lotus since he's not as good of a fighter.

Korra strikes me more as a war-time Avatar. She probably would've fucked Ozai up and never even learn the energy bending thingie.
Aang as a child in Republic city wouldn't be much different as when he was an old man in Republic city, would it?

They'd each fare better. Because ATLA required Aang to put aside his pacifism and punch a lot of people. Whereas LoK required someone who was patient and perceptive.

Korra would be fucked for two reasons.
She sucked at learning airbending and with them genocided she'd never be able to learn it ever anyways

>Whereas LoK required someone who was patient and perceptive.
>Avatar asks the non-benders of Republic City what they want.
>They want the Avatar dead or gone forever along with bending.
They just have to be patient to wait for the heat death of the universe.

Lmao Aang would obliterate Korra m8

Especially if they were the same age.

I'd like to see this scenario for the kinds of interactions that would come out of. I believe that a young Toph and Korra would get along pretty well, and Aang and Bolin would probably have a lot of fun together, for example. I wonder for whom Korra would fall within the Gaang and who among the Krew would get Aang's attention.

Perhaps my memory fails me, but I recall Aang's Avatar State being on a different level compared to Korra's; hers seemed more like going Super Saiyan, a powerboost, while Aang's was more like a transformation into a different being. I could be wrong.

But that's not actually what they wanted. That's what some of them think they wanted. But, really, what they actually wanted was a living wage, medicare-for-all and for restrictions to be put on benders using their abilities in public.

She doesn't need airbending to use Avatar state and that's all she needs to curbstomp anyone.

Wow, you didn't even grasp the topic of the thread.

Sounds like something Aang would work tirelessly to make come true.
Speaking of which, now that I think about it, I find it kind of odd how Aang ended up creating a Western styled metropolis more akin to Ba Sing Se than the Airbending culture he was raised in. I would have expected him to try harder to avoid the shithole that the impregnable city was.

The way I see it, since Aang was younger and also raised in a way in which he doesn't have a strong sense of self, it was easier for the previous Avatars to take over and work through him, while Korra being a teenager and headstrong limits their influence.

>But, really, what they actually wanted
was "equality." At least the vocal protestor was shouting about it. None of them said they weren't getting paid enough, had health problems, or were against non-criminals using their bending.
Aang, Kyoshi, none of them could give them what Amon told them they wanted. No Avatar would work tirelessly for them since Lin made it clear that she and the council want nothing to do with the Avatar.

Aang did have a strong sense of self which is why he put airbending culture so high on his identity. Korra also had a strong sense of self, but she had that through the Avatar idea. She would welcome entering the Avatar State versus Aang not feeling it.

Korra immediately runs off to confront the fire lord and gets taken out by the first group of faceless mooks she encounters.

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>Aang did have a strong sense of self
Not really. He is raised to let go of eartly things and desires since he's raised as a monk. Other than the occasional horniness for girls and later love for Katara, he never wants anything for himself. Maybe sense of self is not the right way to put it, but he is taught to go with the flow of things and mainly let things happen or stir them gently, whereas Korra hammers stuff down all the time.

As usual, blame Bryke.

Why did this show have to look so great? The visuals are on point; I love the color palette, the usage of shading, the fluidity of the animation... LoK is one of the best looking cartoons I've ever watched, maybe even than the original Avatar, which makes it all the more outrageous when you remember the writing. I wish I could appreciate the art over the writing.

By his pwn nature, Aang would not interfere with the way other cultures develop. If anything, it's strange that he didn't advance more than he did in the restoration of the airbeinding culture. It's pretty weird how bending works and the genetic involvement in it. I would've liked it more if it was simply like martial arts and anyone can learn it with enough training and spiritual attunement. But oh well.

I don't think there was even organized crime in the world of Avatar until Republic City. Also, were there any precedents for democracy? The Air Nomads had something of a council, if memory serves me well, but they seemed more on the veins of anarchism in which everyone could give their opinion; no representatives or any of that.

>Ozai shoots lightning at Korra
>Korra redirects it in his face

Who needs Lion Turtles?

If I remember correctly, the restoration of airbending culture was well on its way, or it would be more accurate to say, air nomad culture. There were several non-benders who lived in the temples and seemed to follow the monk's ways; only there weren't enough airbenders. Thank God that the bending gene seems like it can pop up even after reproduction with non-benders and other benders; even if it hadn't been for the Harmonic Convergence, there would have been more airbenders in the future. Even if all of them would be related to the same guy.

>I don't think there was even organized crime in the world of Avatar until Republic City.
I find that highly doubtful. It was not shown, but we were shown a secret police in Ba Sing Se. The mob is pretty much that only outside the law.
It's just that the focus of the story didn't need to encompass it.
I mean, there were gangs like the one Zuko took down in his Alone episode.

Korra knew how to redirect lighting? Either way, if she was in Aang's place, unless Zuko or Iroh taught her she wouldn't be able to do it.

The visuals are perhaps the only part of Korra that I don't hate. They're a poor fit for Avatar, though. Just as everything else about it. It's weird, almost like they wanted to make another project, and had to pass it off as an Avatar sequel to get it funded.

Korra would destroy Ozai
Aang would be training with his own son (yes, this is kinda weird) and he would became a really good airbender

She'd pick it up super fast if taught, though. If there was something Korra excelled at was kicking ass. The only times she loses fights tend to be when she's up against an ambushing or unseen tactic for the first time, like chi blocking or blood bending, or when she's up against other savants like her.

Aang vs. Amon would be kino. Aang entire world revolved around bending and how it brings balance and that despite non-benders getting the short end of the stick a small amount of them still make it through and to high positions over benders.

He would still see Amon's points, but advocate a different way and support for non-benders.

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Gangs and raiders aren't what I would call organized crime; those have been around forever. I mean the kind of crime that became common in the 20th century.

Why do you consider them a poor fit for Avatar?

It probably would've been better if it was established farther into the future and not bring back any characters from the previous story other than in lore. But we seem to have a huge hardon for nostalgia as a society.

This doesn't fit into the scenario, but I'd like to see Sokka talking to Amon about that. He was a non-bender among legends and managed to turn into a legend himself.

>He would still see Amon's points
Amon said bending is the cause of all suffering. Aang's culture of airbending has a 100% airbending birth rate.

I didn't mind that on principle, as I tend to enjoy seeing characters that were once young turned into old masters who guide the next generation. Having the Gaang as the stuff of legends would work as well for me, but I didn't mind seeing them again. How they were handled is controversial, but I don't hate it.

>Aang's culture of airbending has a 100% airbending birth rate.
How did this even work when they were monks?

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They fucked either way. Sex was just sex, it seems, no different from the games they partook in. After all, they were raised communally; they didn't have parents per se.

I don't get the hate for the handling of Toph. It's perfectly in character to do what she did; she was always egotistical and all about being tough and able to handle life on your own. She never would've become a tender, loving mother who's always there for her kids.

>Amon said bending is the cause of all suffering.
And every major war. And he was right until his revolution failed and all the knowledge we have about the Avatar's world is that benders literally started the major wars/shit.

I like how she raised her daughters in a completely asymmetrical way to how she was raised herself; that was pretty realistic. It's still sad to see, however, which I believe was the point. I did not mind the idea of Toph being a poor mother even if she did try. At least Zuko turned out to be a good dad, from what little we saw of him.
I would have liked to know what happened to Azula, though; a reference to her fate, small as it were, would have sufficed.

>"Hey me, wanna /ss/?"

Korra would be absolutely fucked.

Remember that in season 1 of the LOK the ghost of aang just showed up and handed her the avatar state. Without that she'd never learn it since she's a giant retard spiritually.

Aang's big deal was learning all the elements before the comet, but in Korra's time he'd be personally taught by the white lotus and it would be no problem.

Korra is a good fighter (Kind of, she honestly isn't as good as the Gaang at any element and Sokka could probably beat her in a sword fight) but she sucks at interpersonal skills and never gets friends except when bad writing literally forces them on her. So she might be able to punch ozai but in that time his ships would fly off and burn up the entire earth kingdom because no one is around to help her.

The real question, what would happen if Korra picks a fight with Azula?

Korra gets fucked the moment she gets to Ty lee.
Aang's victories in TLA come from being highly evasion and defensive based and the fact that no one knew how to effectively fight an air bender in a century.
Korra is far too headstrong and would get absolutly demolished by a variety of elite benders and fighters who are used to every form she throws punches
Also she'd have no air bending masters around.

She'd get owned. Even without her backup singers Azula would basically be unstoppable. Literally the only way she was beaten in the original series was by attacking her when her entire emotional state was in turmoil and she was acting reckless and making tons of mistakes. Even then it took two master benders and a clever trick to restrain her.

Azula on her game was basically the terminator with pyromancy. She fought the entire gaang to a stand still without throwing a single bunch during the eclipse and wasn't even trying. She could probably crush Korra just by talking to her, let alone by fighting.

Aang wouldn't exist because Korra would've fucked up again, gotten herself killed, ended the Avatar line for good and allow the Fire Nation to become the next China

I imagine Korra would've been forced to mature quicker to handle the Fire Nation takeover, either quelling the destruction and abuse of the comet or die valiantly trying and pass on to the next inheritor. I assume we're going with the idea that Korra was born an airbender and Aang the subsequent waterbender. I love the idea of a spiritually adept Aang trying to gleam any valuable advice from the spiritually struggling Korra. Kinda sorta like Luke and Rey.

>TLJ referenced

There it is.

Azula shows up and fighting happens. Korra is like, the the middle of barely being able to stay alive in direct conflict behind stunned eyes is just able to get out a line about how Azula is "Beautiful,"

>She fought the entire gaang to a stand still without throwing a single bunch during the eclipse and wasn't even trying
To be fair, you're overselling her a little in this instance. For starters, it wasn't the entire Gaang; Katara wasn't there. Second, she didn't go into the offensive until she had regained her firebending; it is easier to avoid any damage when that's all your doing; attacking and defending is what really defines a fight. They explicitly stated that she was playing with them, and that's what she was doing. She's still an absolute beast and one of the series' finest fighters, but that example you provided isn't the best way to prove it.

>I love the idea of a spiritually adept Aang trying to gleam any valuable advice from the spiritually struggling Korra
Being taught by a master whose less capable than their pupil off the bat would definitely lead to some conflict.

Too modern, too grounded, too dark and gritty

Zuko being hyper antagonized by Korra would never betray the Fire Nation. Zuko and Azula working together would likely be able to beat Korra.

Either of them could have defeated Korra on their own. She was just bad at fighting.

I don't think Korra won any major fights on her except for Kuvira.

She couldn't be allowed to otherwise the show would have ended before the allotted episode count.

The answer is pretty simple. Korra would try to fall for Zuko but would end up scissoring Toph. They both have this lesbian butch vibe.

Yeah interesting concept in paper, awful execution. I loved Korra's steampunk aetsthetics in season 1 and felt sad about how it was mostly ignored in the later seasons, probably due to fan backlash. In any other show that wasn't avatar, it would have been a joy to have a cool animated steampunk cartoon.

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>one of her main differences with Aang is her readiness to throw down at the slightest opportunity
>is still bad at it
Man, that's depressing.
Seriously though, was she really that bad?

Korra wasn't a bad fighter; it looks that way because she's fighting people against whom even Azula would struggle. Amon and Zahir were geniuses as well.

Toph is nowhere near lesbianism, dude; she loved the dick so much she mothered two children outside of marriage with two different men.

She probably wouldn't have ended iced unlike Aang. Which means that either she would have been captured by the Fire Lord and the water tribe would have been annihilated. She would have been made into the Fire Lord's pet and raped endlessly.

If she managed to survive due to some fluke like Aang did, then she would try to fight her way through the fire nation and again, be captured and raped.

That's all she's good for.

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That depends. Would Korra fuck Katara?

Sozin was pretty ancient; I'm not sure he'd have it in him to rape Korra that much.

Still better than Avatar Kuruk. Seems water benders just suck at being avatars.

As if, Azula would play the mind games and run circles around Amon and Zahir. She wouldn't even face them personally, unless she was certain to win.

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>Seriously though, was she really that bad?
She was if written by Bryke. If we are switching the characters and only the characters then the writers for the shows will stay the same. Which means the likes of Ehasz, Volpe, and the rest will be working along with Bryke to create that version of AtLA while Bryke will be the main people writing that version of LoK (now LoA.)

Is Katara a free spirit like her daughter?

Poeple say "Korra would've rushed and get killed" forgetting that the only reason Aang didn't hide away like a bitch or go back on ice was because of his party. Yeah, if you do away with all the support a character has, they fail. What a brilliant conclusion.

She would be a plaything for Sozin's sons obviously. She would have her eyes burned off, her tongue incinerated and her limbs cut, so that she could be more easily transported.

Just like in that Aang gorefic.

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Toph is bicurious and a complete slut. She would go for men and women alike.

But Korra's gaang is nowhere near as good as Aang's. Katara and Sokka wouldn't be able to contain Korra's headstrong nature and her team wasn't exactly smart either. The only one somewhat calm and rational was Asami.

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You are seriously disturbed, user.

Also Aang had the advantage of conveniently being friends with the ruler of one of the few great cities still free from fire nation rule.

It's not like Korra never listens to anyone either. Right off the bat you see her try to mediate and learning lessons she later applies. She cares more about helping people than defeating people.

She literally loses one on one fights against faceless mooks. She was absolutely terrible at fighting.

What? This is war, son. They aren't going to cry and talk things through. And disabling the Avatar is one of the most important goals in order to win it for the Fire Nation.

If they kill Korra then they have to worry about an Earth Kingdom Avatar, which if they haven't destroyed the Earth Kingdom, will cause them headaches for a long time due to them being their main rivals.

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Mooks that use non-lethal takedown on a Nickelodeon show. It's the same when Ty Lee effortlessly knocks Katara out. Or Azula, even.

Azula wouldn't even have that much trouble fighting Zahir. She could keep up with Aang, who was a far superior airbender to Zahir.

Don't remind me of that fanfic; that kind of edge depresses me because it's plausible within the setting.

Ty Lee took down Katara because Ty Lee was more skilled than Katara was at that time
Ty Lee wouldn't be able to Handle Azula if Azula didn't have her backed turned with the assumption that they weren't fighting

Korra however mastered 3 elements and was still taken down by non-benders

>Toph is bicurious
Nice headcanon.

Daylight bloodbending trumps all, though. Unless you're taking on twenty people at once, you're invincible.

I think we also need to consider Korra's upbringing. In this question OP makes, is she magically switched with Aang or is she born in Aang's time?

And also, is this post-Red Lotus Korra or season 1 Korra? If the first one, then she gets overconfident and tries to do better than Aang, tries to get to the Fire Nation and makes publicly know to everyone that she's the avatar. She gets captured and raped.

If she is post Red Lotus Korra, then she is severely lacking self esteem and tries to go slower but still makes her emotions get the better of her like with Kuvira and ends up annihilated. Maybe she beats Zuko, but ends up lightning killed by Azula or captured and raped by a nobody like General Zhao.

If Korra is born in Aang's time instead, then the water tribe is strong and she may grow to become a wiser Avatar but still be limited due to being a teenager. Remember that she got overconfident mostly because she was an avatar born in peace times and pampered by the white lotus so she grew up arrogant, while also being secluded so she wouldn't get hurt and thus didn't learn about the world and didn't update her fighting style. In Aang's time the Fire Nation was starting to gain power so people would be more war and strategy minded. But since the water tribe was pretty far from the fire nation colonies, they may not care until its too late and Sozin melts their faces off with the comet.

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All the same. Chi blocking is very rare, to the point that most benders don't look out for it. With the element of surprise, one of those mooks would've taken down Aang.

you are correct

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Good thing the avatar got spiritual guides and can bend fate itself. Even more so if that White Rug shit from Korra is canon.

Amon could definitely take out Azula. I think she either would try to seduce and then assassinate him with poison, or simply not fight him directly such as sending hordes of mooks to distract him and finishing him off with lightning.

Also fuck, I had forgotten how stylish the fire nation armor was, kinda like those Nazi uniforms. Time to rewatch Avatar.

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Yeah, Amon would be a challenge or downright unbeatable if you fought him alone. I never disagreed with that, just that against Zahir Azula wouldn't have much trouble.

I don't think Amon is the kind to think with his dick or lower his guard around benders.

Oh I'm not talking about sex or whatever fleeting pleasures commoners indulge in. You saw how Azula flirted in the beach episode. She thinks very similar to Amon, and would understand what he truly cares about and offer it. She would offer power to Amon, and try to integrate herself as a powerful assert for his plans, until he lowered his guard and killed him.

Alternatively she would notice the connection between him and Tarrlok, and support Tarrlok to take out his brother. Then blackmail Tarrlok so that she could rule the city through him. So many better ways Korra could have gone and they chose the shitteir one.

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Still, I highly doubt Amon would let someone like Azula into his organization; she's good at manipulating people through her power, but she's also unable to control that power. Amon would see her as a threat from the start.

The only chance would be to surprise the blood bender with something like fire breathing once they've got your movements bound and think they can go in for the kill or bending removal at their leisure.

It's a pretty slim chance; they can approach you from the side or behind. They can knock you into the ground before closing in. But I suppose that, if everything goes exactly right, it's not impossible.

Korra would just kill the Fire lord and make lesbian with Azula after she witnesses her kick buttitude

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Am I the only one that enjoyed Tarrlok in LoK? He was shrewd, mischievous and manipulative like Azula, without being overpowered.

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I would've appreciated his character more without the introduction of a type of bending that contradicts existing lore, him being a genius bender who is one of the few people in the world able to do it AND having a TWIN BROTHER who is ALSO a genius able to do it.
If he had been his father's only son and Amon had been a completely unrelated villain who also had to be stopped, it would've made a better story.

She may suck as an avatar but is a really sexy whore

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Actually wait, They weren't twins. Still brothers, though.

I think that's the point where season 1 jumped the shark. Up to that point it was really fun to watch Tarrlok's machinations as he manipulated the avatar and consolidated his place as the de facto ruler of the city. He should have stayed as a well intentioned antagonist who resorted to dirty tricks and manipulation to get his way. He could also have stayed as Amon's enemy and survived at least one more season to be a good contrast to Azula. Showing that just because someone has good intentions or does things "for the people" they have to be good people or play fair.

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Aang is an extremely superior fighter to Korra, what shows did you watch?

Not really. Aang's all about dodging and running away.

Aang lost control when he went into the avatar state so he stays in it. Korr uses it like other avatars where you briefly enter it for a boost to your immediate bending.

At first because that's the essence of airbenders and waterbenders. He turned more aggressive once he mastered earthbending and learned to stand his ground.

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If taught. The fuck makes you think she'd find a fire bender to show her before confronting Ozai? Iroh can't teach her because Zuko would sperg and try to capture her, Azula damn sure wouldn't teach her because she's Azula. She'd be fried.

He’s a pacifist by nature. He can be, and probably is, the most op bender of his time but none of it really matters when he opts to not fight unless he absolutely has to. Kind of like the protag from mob psycho 100

And even the White Lotus whatshisname wouldn't because of her reckless and headstrong attitude. He would dislike her even more than he did Aaang. No matter how you look at it, Korra is fucked. Literally.

I think the chances are pretty much the same as Aang learning firebending from a couple of dancing dragons.
Don't act like meeting a firebending master to teach her is an impossible occurrence.

>He would dislike her even more than he did Aaang.
On the contrary, he would've been on board with her immediately. Firebenders are hotheads.

The best victory in war is the one that is won without fighting. It requires and depletes resources. Korra would just get herself captured and raped.

It was better for the Gaang to stay in the shadows until they could amass more followers and Aang could master bending.

Gay dragons at that, spewing LGBTQ+ rainbow-colored flames.

Are you being stupid on purpose?

Didn't watch the show? He disliked Firebending because of its aggressive nature and could have been in favor of Amon if he had the chance. The only reason he taught Aang was because Avatar Roku threatened him personally.

Korra doesn't have access to her past lives like Aang does, so she's fucked.

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Yeah, the show tries to show that bending techniques have progressed the same way fighting has IRL by using some modern martial arts techniques.

But the real problem with LOK is it was almost like an inverse Mary Sue thing. Korra was often hampered in her ability to straight up fight, blood bending subdued, chained up, swallowed by sea creature and then the last season was just annoying how much they fucked her over for the villain sue.

Korra leaves you with some serious beat down blue balls

What was Tarrlok's problem again? He was right about the Equalist and just because he was Yokone's son doesn't really amount to anything unless you believe children will always be like their father, which Fire Lord Zuko would be against.

That's how you're supposed to airbend retard not blast wind punches at people. Aang is the far superior bender and frankly better in a scrap because he can dance around stronger opponents while Korra just runs in and gets crushed constantly.
>Aang is a pacifist
No he isn't he just doesn't want to kill anyone there is a big difference. Like, "helping directly in military combat engagements and planning invasions" difference.

Self-hating firebender cuck.
>Fire bad
>Fire only hurts

Why was he such a piss ant? The fucking Dragons dabbed on him and showed that fire is the essence of life.

They'd teach her fire bending maybe, provided the dragons deemed her worthy. There's nothing saying any of them could teach her lightning redirection.

Out of absolute need. It was his only option at the time, it was either that or mass genocide

He was angry at what the Fire Nation was becoming and decided that fire bending was the cause rather than a catalyst. Same as what america is doing with shooters and banning webpages.

He seemed to realize his mistake in the finale but yeah, he wasn't even that great. Iroh was a better firebending by a mile and Zuko in his prime could probably beat him.

>What was Tarrlok's problem again?
He wanted to be different to his father by building a political empire, rather than a criminal one. But in playing politics he also started to resort to more and more dirty tactics until he ended resorting to kidnapping the Avatar, sicking the secret police against the citizens and oppressing non-benders. The idea is that he became what he sought to end. And it was a good arc, I think they could have pulled it off without the blood bending and Amon related plots.

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No it's not. Tenzin would be the best shown example of how a master airbender should fight. Aang was still a 12 year old so would flail around and run away a lot

>He didnt spec into evasion
>"Dude, why do i keep dying!"

How is building a totalitarian state which protects the people by suppressing them from acting retarded in public same as building a criminal empire?

I think he meant in how much violence Tarrlok wanted to use to control people. With political scheming you can cause a lot of harm but it's not necessary to beat up as many people, or threaten to, as it is with organized crime. Thus, the moment he build up a totalitarian state he had exceeded the use of violence he had imposed to himself with his original method.

Yakone wanted power. Tarrlok sought power. Except that Tarrlok thought he could be better than his father at it without having to dirty his hands.

In the end it wasn't power what Tarrlok wanted. He just wanted to prove that one could make his way and rule a nation without having to be a criminal likes his father, thus also showing him in a way that Tarrlok wasn't just the "weak son" and proving that he was better than his father. It was cathartic for him, except the world of politics ain't as clean and he ended up going to ever increasing extremes in order to gain more power.

So Tarrlok's quest was doomed the moment he decided to resort to criminal actions to win, because even if his plan worked and he got to rule the city, he would have failed at proving that he was strong enough to win without doing the same things Yakone did.

Pretty much this

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Sometimes it't not about monetary gain or winning the election. Sometimes it's about proving a point.

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Nah, the reason everyone thought that Kuruk sucked was because there was no actual threat or challenge to the balance of the world or the spirits. He literally lived in a time of peace and being bored, he mostly fucked around doing whatever he wanted.

Bending in general felt nerfed in Legend of Korra


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What do Avatars do in times of peace? I imagine they just wander and act as diplomats and spiritual guides for humanity in general? Like a head of a spiritual state?

>not using canon middle aged Aang

Motherfucker you got me.

Yeah, the avatar moved continents while Korra could barely push Kuvira back in their first fight. Lightning bending was a secret skill that only the royals possessed and no one could survive in the original, in LoK low wage employees use it and Amon could survive a direct hit.

It was lame.

Since this is an Avatar thread I might as well ask here. I've just finished watching the original series again and I am still feeling the itch for a grand adventure like this one; I've heard that the Dragon Prince is similar to ATLA; would you recommend it?

Amon survived fucking lighting? I seem to recall that now that you mention it, but that's just bullshit. Was it Mako who shot him? Mako was a bit of a joke, so I'd understand then, but still, it's fucking ridiculous.

do it yourself if you care so much

It's alright but do not go in expecting ATLA 2: Electric boogaloo because you will be disappointed

No, the cg sucks and the story ain't anywhere near as cool as Avatar.

Could you give me a quick honest summary?

Tarrlok should have been a recurring character and made Varrick his right hand man. Slowly gaining economic and political power and sometimes fighting for and against Korra depending the situation. Too powerful to eliminate, too dangerous to fight head on and too useful to not be a friend with.

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What did you think of Varrick, Yea Forums?

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He was a fun character; the best thing to come out of B2. I like how his trajectory as a character was a bit of a reflection of Zuko's in the way the he flip flopped between good and evil before setting on good.

>After Avatar Roku disappears in the volcanic eruption of his home island the world is thrown in crisis
>Without him the bellicose Fire Nation is free to increase her influence on the oceans, but curiously doesn't openly attack the Earth Kingdom, of which it still occupies territory
>nine months into this emerging cold war a girl is born to an Airbender and his acolyte wife
>the girl, Korra, is tested for the Avatar spirit and turns out to be the best fit out of all toddlers tested
>since she's expected to also be an Airbender she's ripped from her own fucking parents and put under the tutelage of complete strangers
>surprisingly she starts bending at age five, even more surprisingly in every element except air
>since the monks lack the expertise to teach her bending they advance the usual process of letting the avatar train under a master of every foreign element into childhood and modify it such that the masters come to the Avatar into security of the Air Temples instead of the other way around (they likely approach Roku's descendants for a trustworthy Firebending teacher)
>Korra, of course, trains with the utmost fervour and dreams of the day she will meet the Fire Nation in battle
>This dream comes true earlier than she could have expected and far to early at that as the Fire Nation uses the centenary fiery comet, that allows for apocalyptic firebending, to attack the Air Nation in it's entirety
>Korra, 12 years at this point, is one of the few survivors, as she is a firebender herself and is protected by another firebender and two masters of Water and Earth respectively
>Additionally, since she grew up in a far more motivating and sociable environment she is far more mature and in her nature than her canon counterpart, to the point that she might even have achieved the Avatar state and basic Airbending at this point
>she obviously leads a resistance against the Fire Nation juggernaut, except the Water and Earth Nations are still intact [cont]

>I'm your assistant who presses buttons, You'd better make me a partner.

They made him into a colossal bitch.

Korra escapes the attack and falls into water, entering avatar state by instinct and frozing. Is later found by katara and sokka, who she develops a strong bound with after fighting zuko and the fire nation. She starts her path of becoming a complete avatar, learning, from life experience alone, the one element she lacks that cannot longer be learned.

>and much of the series would focus on her struggle to form a United Front against the Fire Nation
As you can tell, this version would be far more in line with your typical fantasy novel, which probably makes it a far inferior ATLA.

As for Aang:
>After the devastating Thirty Years War, against the Fire Nation, the peoples of Four Nation and their diplomatic relations are scarred and shaken to their cores
>The Fire Nation has committed crimes unheard of in their failed attempt at world domination, the western Earth Kingdom is an
ashen wasteland, with the Earth King having taking a huge blow to his reputation when Avatar Korra established an ad-hoc military regime in many provinces not properly administered by Ba-Sing-Se, probably including a proper beating for his lacking commitment to the war effort, the Water Tribes have turned isolationist due to the horrific defeats they suffered against the Fire Nations' ironclads and the following brutal drawn out guerilla warfare in their icy wastes and the Air Temples, finally, are doing far better than at any point in canon, with more effective resistance having prevented thorough culling of their nomadic members, but understandably harbour the deepest resentments of all the resistant nations
>to make things worse, the Fire Nation hadn't truly been defeated. Even while their ranks had been depleted severely and their Fleet suffering from acute coal shortages they had never allowed the enemy to gain a foothold on their isles and in the end a peace treaty had been signed
>While the Fire Nation had been forced to pay large reparations and cut down their military capabilities, preventing another such war for the foreseeable future, real closure, in form of the unconditional surrender of the Fire Nation and the execution of it's Fire Lord Azulon, had not been achieved
>Korra probably didn't achieve much more than victory in the war, being the entirely wrong Avatar for peacemaking and -keeping, especially considering

Not the same user but
>magic is drawn from primal sources like the sun the ocean etc.
>humans find a way to do magic by sucking magical creatures life energy
>dragons and elves say fuck that and banish humankind off of the place they live then create a huge ass chasm splitting the world in two so they dont come back
>centuries after humans manage to kill the king of dragons and take his egg
>some years after that our main characters Sokka, annoying kid and scottish elf girl find the egg and go on a journey to return it in hopes it will stop an all out war between elves and humans

Nowhere near the quality of ATLA but still watchable. Animation is choppy but improves a little after the first season and dialogue is at least 40% jokes and banter. Plot was decent enough to keep me invested with no flat out bad stuff I can name

I'll give it a try; thanks for telling me. Last cartoon I watched with an Scottish girl was Nomad from Nowhere; I got bored pretty fast and dropped it, but this might be fun.

>Korra and Katara
I'd be into that.

>Aang and Asami
This, not so much.

>the life she lived in her first 42 years and she probably died relatively young (by Avatar standards), taking too many risks in her peacekeeping missions
>Aang would be born into the Southern Water Tribe, distinguishing himself as the greatest Waterbender of his generation
>he's even more jolly and excitable than his canon counterpart, except his great virtue isn't his deep wisdom but great patience (when it's necessary)
>his first great deed would be to reintroduce the Water Tribes into the world
>he would then set upon mending to the scars still left
>for one he'd have to deal with a resurgent Fire Nation
>even more challenging might be the whole screwed up political situation in the Earth
Kingdom and how to decide between the central authority of the Earth King and local administrations
>The Air Temples are their own worst enemies at this point, with deep animosties between revanchist and traditionalist elements. Aang would been sorely needed here
>and then there are the canon LoK-villains cropping up at some point

Sorry for the lack of punctuation and potential forgotten words.

I was going for an entirely different storyline, as you can tell.

He could be into another girl. I have trouble thinking of one that wouldn't be incestuous, though.

That's a poor example when Korra when they nerfed Korra but it's not like it wasn't often like that in the original series. Jet could fight against Aangs bending and he was mid teens, swatting aside bending with a normal weapon was common enough.

The original series just had more moments where people did big things out of battle

And i didnt liked it.

>this version would be far more in line with your typical fantasy novel, which probably makes it a far inferior ATLA
Forming a united front against the Fire Nation is half the plot of ATLA

Sure, they try, but there are only scraps left, which is why the series can focus more on Team Avatar itself developing and becoming the force to single handedly stop the Fire Nation... excluding the White Lotus.
I mean they only seek the help of the Earth King when they've already found a way to feasibly defeat the Fire Nation in a direct assault.
Atleast that's how I always felt, like the war was basically already lost at the start of the series.


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She's a slut and only fit to be raped.

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If Korra fucked Aang, would it be incest, selfcest, or what?

Good, but they really overdid the "Do the thing" line.

How would you fix Tarrlok and season 1, Yea Forums?

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Yeah just like that fucking loser Muhammad Ali

They were purposly made to be opposite to their problem. Spiritual aang had a war. Martial Korea had a peace.

ATLA is a dead IP.
They bet on the gay agenda ending to get some clout with netflix so they can make their show.
But Netflix is in the shitter and canceling ANY shows that aren't sure things or backed by big purses and or heavy hitters.

All those shitty boomer memes just became worth it.