>Hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if the evil racist man had a black son! That'd show him!
Hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if the evil racist man had a black son! That'd show him!
He looks hapy
That kid looks adopted rather than biracial
That's funny though.
she is with a old white dude and doesn't even date that other guy. hell i looked up that page and saw nothing so its for shock
Also reality
So does Trey
So is a liberal raising another mans son.
Yes. Stormfront is a hypocrite cunt anyway
Still better than the Tek Knight gay story arc.
>hahaha in the tv show, it's Billy Butcher who is the cuck!
>martini slamming whore burns coal
who is surprised?
Sometimes I get the impression that some of the people that browse this site have never met others races before. Long story short: Yes, that kid does not look biracial in anyway
Idk. Tek Knight fucking that meteor is my favorite scene in like the history of the world
Tek knight wasn't gay. He had a tumor in his brain making him want to fuck orifices.
So how will they end the TV show? Will they have Butcher go on an autism spree just because he got cucked? That's honestly pathetic.
But it IS funny. What's the matter with the joke?
Think about how mentally ill your average user is
Then throw a layer of being /pol/tarded on top of that, and then sprinkle some extra bits of crazy caused by social isolation and that's how you get a reactionist retard that's upset over fictional characters being shitty to each other in a comic that started more than a decade ago
It actually stand for White Pounding.
>That's honestly pathetic.
not really. she didnt just hide from him, she hid from her own family. everyone she knew thought she was dead by cape. to find her living her life like nothing happened while youve been seeing the man you thought ruined your smiling about it? its just the breaking point he needs to become a monster that eats monsters
/pol/ will call people who adopt cuck too.
They consider that if you adopt, you are a loser.
You can do it, but there's nothing to be proud about with adopting kids
you are though
See what I mean?
>there's nothing to be proud about with adopting
Seeing the administrative hoops you have to jump through, I'd say it deserve at least one little clap when you succeed.
Like with animals, adopting is better, but wanting a kid inherently makes you a loser.
How come blacks can only get laid in fictional media?
Why does the kid have goggles?
>average 35yo millennial with family
blacks get laid the same way "chads" do, they swipe everything on tindr and then fuck a bunch of fat single moms.
Then they tell their friends they get "so much pussy" without elaborating on the details.
>omg a comic book's cover is misleading
You dont say.
What's wrong with rich people wanting to help others?
The comic did briefly mention that she had a relationship with Stormfront, and that the supe pimp with the AIDS monkies God rid of the baby when it ended up being black.
...you know, is it weird that even though I have my problems with interracial, cheating, cuckolding etc etc and all that jazz, I find surrogate mom situations to always be really heartwarming?
Rich people are inherently self centered. Its less about altruism than ego or "feeling good".
Its also much less admirable to charitable when you live in excess, there's no sacrifice.
>Rich people are inherently self centered.
Cant attain wealth without ambition which necessitates egotism and pride.
Not even judging, being self centered works to make your own life great.
All information the show gave us points to her willingly taking all 18 inches of Homelander, as well as willingly signing the NDA and being relocated and cut off from her family. The scene at the end with Butcher and Homelander on her front lawn suggested a good degree of independence and autonomy that would imply she could have let Butcher know if she gave a shit.
Even if finding out his wife cucked him pushes him to being an edgy maniac, it really tears down the entire point of that comic series. They basically already sabotaged any potential for the best scenes by changing around the story so much. Considering they already touched on about 70% of of the few remaining plot points they didn't aspire to outright fuck up, and are already brainstorming how to drop Herogasm is season 3, I'm thinking we're going to get a lot of dumpy filler episodes and very little forward progress for Amazon to milk this for as many seasons as possible.
Is the show based on this worth checking out or should I just go straight for the comics?
>t ambition which necessitates egotism and pride.
>she could have let Butcher know
Make up your mind.
My theory is:
Vought too the unprecedented opportunity to create a healthy and well adjusted Homelander by having him raised in a loving home. It was determined that William Butcher, a cynic before everything happened, would skew the results and hinder the kid's wholesomeness.
Shit taste, the last thing the poor bastard did was imagine he was fucking a meteorite
Haha wouldn't it be funny if I made the same thread on Yea Forums after waiting a few hours
>I work for the glorious State, not myself!
Comics are super edgy at times, going for as much shock value as possible. If you can look past the edge, it has a pretty fun story.
Show is entertaining, but wildly different from the source material, and a lot of the changes have removed the show's ability to put some of the comic's greatest moments on screen. And considering the show has demonstrated a willingness to be as edgy, it's just a total mystery why they deviated so far.
Surrogate mothers have nothing to do with cheating or cuckholding, so no.
/pol/ consider you are a cuck the moment a guy support the child of someone else, even if the woman he is with never cheated on him while they were together.
So, unless a woman can't be a cuck, she is literally giving her body for someone else's kid.
Then again, the whole cuck thing is a stupid thing from /pol/ to start with.
>Then again, the whole cuck thing is a stupid thing from /pol/ to start with.
whats the evolutionary benefit of carrying another or raising anothers child
Why do conservatives take it personal when people make fun of literal nazis?
You help the tribe. And your species.
That's literally the definition of cuckold
>A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.[1]
niggers aint my tribe and barely my species
>evolutionary benefit
We've moved past that stage, brainlet.
keep telling yourself that
They are.
They identify and sympathize with them, so of course they'll get offended.
>Make up your mind.
She could have told him prior to the NDA, or if she had regrets about leaving Butcher after time to reflect on it all, she could have done any number of things to contact him--an NDA is just an agreement that you won't talk, not a physical restraint preventing you from talking.
The fact that she didn't do either of these things just builds up the likelyhood that she knowingly cheated on him and willingly dissapeared.
Unless season 2 reveals she's locked in an artificial community populated and guarded by Vought employees, Butcher will only have her to blame. If they try and show him rationalize that it was the supes fault, he's just going to come off as a pathetic dick.
You're probably right about why Vought kept her and the kid around, though.
they are not
>the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.
Meaning adoption or getting with a woman you already know has a kid is not cuckolding. Neither is being a surrogate mother.
Science disagree with you.
You can literally not argue without being a tasteless faggot that it was a good decision for Stillwell to be afraid. Literally the best thing about him and VA was overall how little fucks they actually gave.
Good luck convincing people here that though