What does Yea Forums think of Tara Strong?

what does Yea Forums think of Tara Strong?

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Is that the lady that shit on that uber driver? Dropped.

>voice actress thread
Fuck off to your twitter you fucking piece of shit

Great tits

Tara Strong has a nice badonkadonk

i think she's a terrible voice actress who is singlehandedly ruining DC Super Hero Girls with her vile Whorely Quinn impression.

she makes me peepee into the big peepee and her voice is so recognizable that it brings me out of whatever I'm watching

She's the prostitute of the cartoon industry

Nice pits

This plastic whore is neither Comics nor Cartoons. Post a picture of yourself masturbating to one of the cartoon characters she voices or kill yourself.

I think she's overexposed.
Also I rather not think about her Twitter shit.

I miss her being popular for voicing

I would allow her to have sex with me, not gonna lie bros.

dosnt look as strong as she says she is

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>I can't be racist because I'm a woman and women don't have power and racism is prejudice plus power
How dumb do you have to be

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I want to throatfuck her

A disgusting burned out old hag who because jealous of the new generation of young voice actresses who whore themselves out on Instagram so she decided she wanted it for herself.

She's good. There's a lot of good voices she's done over the years. She's pretty good looking too.

the same way I feel about Kath Soucie. I'm just tired of hearing the same voice every single time.

I wanna knock her up so bad

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She should have played aunt may in the new movies, I could believe people wanting to fuck this hag over the one they got.

She's a pretty good voice actress, but not the best person.

I'm more of a Grey Delisle man myself

I looked upon you, and I knew you were my fellow brother of culture and taste.


She's a dumb bitch, but I still want to fuck this bimbo.
Decent VA, has some range.

She's a cool voice actress, but I really would want to tease her nipples as she talks in her Harley Quinn voice.

Why does a voice actress need to look so good?
Who the fuck does she think she is?

She's got a big ass.

>look so good
user she hasn't looked good in 20 years

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It comes in handy doing racy carwashes for money in case the animation budget runs out

Getting a seething femcel vibe from this post

If only she was 25 instead of 45...

I enjoy the role she played in everyone's childhoods (mine included) but her unwarranted political sperging coupled with the fact that she's basically the Norma Desmond of animation make it difficult to be thrilled about her on a personal level.

She's 65.

Too bad, her womb is barren at this point

all that means is you can raw dog that bitch and not be afraid of raising some kid

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She needs to leave twitter

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I wish more Yea Forums industry females were like her.

Well he is responsible for those kids dying I just wish celebrities could look at this better than just saying DEHNALD DRUMPF on twitter

Whoa, she's looking great in that bathroom selfie
Also gotta say I support Raven and Starfire making out

Horribly overrated.
Nowhere near as good as she thinks she is.
Married and a mother, yet whores out.
Desperate for attention.
Known to try and keep out new talent from getting in to the industry.
Unspeakably bad Harley Quinn.
Claims ownership of characters just because she provides a voice.

Can't say I like her.

We need more pictures

Wonder what's taking the mods so long? This has nothing to do with actual cartoons.

Post the Boondocks clip with her calling people nigga and faggot

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she uh

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Her politics are shit, but the tiddy game ridiculous.

Also, I can't stand how she keeps getting cast as Harley Quinn despite Hynden Walch being a better fit for the character.

She's cool and hot.

I wanna stick my dick between her fake tits whilst she chastises me with her Raven voice

Does she have a lot more vids like those

I wish people were this proactive in coming up with solutions to mass shootings rather than knee jerk react to defend orange.


Someone just needs to falseflag as a leftist defending gun ownership and mass shootings on twitter and I guarantee someone will have a solution in a couple days.

why are voice actors hot?

it's the one job where you can be ugly, why aren't there more ugly ones?

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That won't stop me from trying

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Didn't her husband divorce her?

Tara Strong can't resist the power of black cocks

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It needs to be said. Also heard so celebs saying it is useful.

Naw she's just a slut and secret lesbian

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That episode was fucking weird