Group of multiracial friends

>group of multiracial friends
>Caucasian character ends up being the antagonist

Boy, do I love anti-white propaganda in my cartoons

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Other urls found in this thread:!uo1m1QhK!DeTvIGahcYJYFv8ztbYVdw

I would berate you but this unironically a higher-quality post then all Amphibia posts the last few weeks


Sasha seems like a russian so it checks out

Yeah, no one should have employed losers from art school. They literally zerg rush you for being white.

Can't wait for Captain Grime to fill her Aryan womb with toad eggs.

If you wanted a new amphibia thread you could have just led with that

>Infinity Train has the Balls to kill off a main character
>Amphibia only goes as far as a fake out
Enjoy your toddler shit frog fags

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that would imply infinity train HAS characters

She's American, you doofus.

>Caucasian character ends up being the antagonist
She was already redeemed. In season 2, she will team up with Anne to fight Marcy, the NON-WHITE antagonist. Then she will be redeemed and they’ll all team up to fight the non human villain

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Are you telling me she fucking dies?

the dog
if they don't bring him back by the end THEN I'll be impressed

Don’t click if you don’t want to be spoiled
Atticus the dog dies

Tulip will probably wind up finding a stray corgi after she wakes up at the end of the last episode in the hospital from collapsing of hypothermia trying to walk to game design camp.

oh wow a dog died really deep traumatic stuff there guys.

a dog fake dies and they're celebrating

Why can't a person of white skin be the bad guy, OP? Its like antagonist can't be any race of color? Why are you racist towards whites?

Can someone who isn't a pedophile please tell me if this is actually worth a watch? It looks cool but I only see pedophiles here post about it. Normally I'd just watch it but I've got my hands full, should I prioritize checking this out before other stuff on my backlog?

But he was a talking dog, so it’s the same as if a human died

If only tulip were in that friend group

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I would like to stay but this is a /pol/ thread using frogs as bait so Im out

What are the chances a human/frog pairing happens by the end of this thing?

It doesn't air again in like a year, so I wouldn't prioritize it as something immediate
Because it's all little kids that's why the fandom is so autistic, but some people do like it so it might be a worth. Especially if you're into Star Vs or GF

None. There's no way the end will come without all of them returning to the human world
Also all of the girls are ghey

It depends on what kind of shows you like.
The filler episodes range from monster of the week to “shenanigans ensue” plots.
The lore episodes are what has me hooked on the show though. It’s fun watching this world they built get revealed.
Just watch a few episodes and see if you like it

It's better than Star Vs. and worse than Gravity Falls, up to you if that sounds like a priority or not, I really like the show though and it is probably my favorite new cartoon since GF.

>muh pedos
Oh grow up

More to the point, it's between seasons so you've got plenty of time either way

>it’s better than Star vs
That’s a very low bar

It's not so much anti-white as it is anti-notmakingthevillanaminority.

There's hardly anyone you can call a villain in the show. Even Grime himself is dealt with an even hand in the show despite being the most direct antagonist up to this point

>Why can't a person of white skin be the bad guy, OP?
But they've always been the bad guys. The media, leftists, liberals, progressives, etc have always tried to portray white people as the bad guys every chance they get.

This show is basically ethnic minorities being the good guys vs whitey being evil the series.

Cry more.


>uwaah stop disliking muh fetish community that annoys the shit outta you

It's remarkable that Amphibia triggered you so much out of all that's out there currently
You'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid

not really triggered by the series, just pedoguys
they also fuck over every spiderverse thread with their pretentious cunnytism

Honestly, not only are they cartoons, but the characters don’t even seem 13. They could pass as 16, which is legal in most civilized societies.

Thanks anons, I'll check it out soon

When a show is full of fetish fuel, people who like the fetish tend to overrate it, so I just asked people who didn't have the fetish what they thought of it. Not that I'm the type of fag that won't watch a cartoon just because the fanbase is annoying, but since non-pedos seem to enjoy it as well I'm moving it up the backlog.

Like user below said, in Yea Forums terms amphibia characters on the high age scale honestly. and conflating a completely unrelated fandom to shitposters in spiderman threads is disingenuous
you're barking up the wrong tree and I'd appreciate it if you would consider giving the show a fairer shake than this. hell the last major thread began around discussion of avoiding unpleasant fandoms, especially if you like the show. If Amphibia turns out to be something you like, it's absolutely fine if you never set foot in another thread if you don't feel the discussions are something you want to engage with

why do pedos always assume everyone who dislikes them is trying to moralfag on them?
I just find you annoying and pretentious. Stop trying to justify it at every opportunity, makes you seem unsure about it yourself

I’m not trying to justify pedos or anything, I was just making observations

I already watched a few episodes
I just replied because you were spewing the same defensive stuff as usual when someone complains about pedos.
>uhhhmmm GROW UP and stop confronting us as a problem were literally untouchable
just stop for your own reputation sake
Ive come to really not care about it being what it is but then I just came to realize that pedos are a few of the most annoying groups on this site, but I guess thats just because its just a subcategory of waifufaggotry.
All I'm saying is, keep down your tism if you want others to participate in a discussion over a topic
Granted, I guess I'm just triggered but thats just because I can't take that pretentiousness anymore

congrats that's just as dumb as the people complaining that Overwatch is racist against Hispanics because the two canon Hispanic characters (Reaper and Sombra) are both villains.

>I actually go to Saint James school.
>I'm not their friends, but, I know a little about Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
>Ask me anything.

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Have they ever dated anyone? If so, what gender?

>starts whinging about PEDOS PEDOS EVERYWHERE
>k-keep your autism in check
lol k

>/pol/tards are trying yet another swing at the victim card over this show months later
been there done that fuck off and die

None of them have been on dates as far as I know. But the entire school knows that of they mess with Anne they mess with Sasha. Sasha's has been trying to get with her for a while now but Anne hasn't noticed.

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No, it's extremely boring. Everything as you would expect it to be. No jokes land. Very little plot.

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How do they fit so many people in such a small ass school?

Can you really be the antagonist of you only oppose the protagonist for 15 minutes in a season?

Post you’re favorite pic of Anne right now

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You'd be surprised
t. went to an absolutely tiny school

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Sasha was doing everything to save her friends and sacrificed herself for Anne after only a few minutes of actually fighting her. OP is vastly oversimplifying the psychological complexity of Amphibia to reach the wrong conclusion.

We double up by sitting on each others lap. But seriously there's more than one building, my guy.

did she just give a handjob to a radioactive guy?

>that one guy from the camp episode that was just fucking axed in the back and would have been fukken dead if not for his armor
I was totally expecting the mudmen to be a prank but nope there's just dirty ass cannibals running around in the woods

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The train ended up in Fallout's wasteland.

Brown/tan girls just look so good in pink

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>white character
>not shown in most positive light possible


two alts just cause, someone with actual talent can make a good one eventualy

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Sasha in the intro sequence looks slightly cuter for some reason.

>not moving the hand just a few inches in the second frame
That would make it perfect

>This is the best bait Tulipfags could come up with

Reminder for ITfags to know their place

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Way to prove you didn't actually watch the show.

We already know redheads can't resist her
Make love, not war

>be me
>an intellectual

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>The filler episodes
The show is 90% filler episodes and like four episodes of expanding plot.

However it's made bearable because they give a justifiable reason to why they can't just go straight to the story.


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kys degenerate

Not in my pond, fucker

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>8 episodes
>1 and a half are good
yeah, no

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You get to send Anne five (5) things from our world.

>They can only be things in your immediate area.
>What do you send her?

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Now if Amphibia was true kino....
>Anne is an unreliable narrator
>in her mind, Sasha and Marcy forced her to steal the box

>Sasha has her own flashback
>in them Anne is a frightening street hardened bully who tricks Sasha into skipping school and calls her a chicken when she wont rob the antique store with her

Attached: NoAnnesAllowed.png (868x627, 470K)

Memes aside is the show good?
After how SU and AT ended it left me not really wanting to try CN shows anymore but it's a miniseries like OtGW and that shit was amazing.

>1 and a half are good
It's doing better than expected!

From what I've heard the pacing really sucks, like everything moves way too fast to have proper effect
But that's second hand, give it a look if you wanna find out for sure. Only ten episodes total I do believe

kill yourself racebaiter

>a comb
>a microwave (figure it out Anne)

That would be the biggest cop out. We've already had a flashback episode that confirmed their friendship is toxic and that Maggie has repressed lesbian urges for Anne
Amphibia is already top kino

It's decent. The last few episodes were great. The show would be better if they had more episodes.

the last episode was great, the other were just meh. The writting is missing soething, I dont know what

Not to mention it doesn't really make sense since we've already seen an episode that is just purely on Sasha's point of view and she's just as manipulative in them as well.

Congratulations, user, you just gave frogs Nuclear power.

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Two of them are asian, user.

Considering the native fauna, they could use it


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ignore OP, is just bait shit
I wonder if the birds are the biggest thing we gonna see

Pacing. Because there's not enough time to tell the story slowly.

Amphibia so strong it can undo the /pol/ in a /copol/ thread

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now edit her dressed as Spiderman

I mean, OtGW told its story with 10 episodes, each of which were 11 minutes and it told said story fantastically.

Samurai Jack's last season had the same problem. Everyone says the solution is to have more episodes but I don't know, the writers knew it was just going to be a miniseries from the start so maybe they should've just been more economical with their pacing.

>Puny frogs, your nukes mean nothing the elder Heron Gods

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weird, OtGW feels like it was less episodes. I was thinking 6, maybe because they flow so well

Well, there’s the first episode, the camping episode, the archives episode, the bazaar episode, the Wally episode, the tax episode, the Sasha episode, the party episode, and reunion if I recall correctly. And that’s not even counting the episodes that develop characters and introduce things that may be seen in the future.
If this show is like Gravity falls, then most episodes will probably have things that are important in the future

Because OTGW was once in a lifetime. No one has managed to make something like it again.

LOL nothing about Gravity Falls over the first few seasons ended up mattering in the end. The key, the aliens, especially the cuck circle of last minute explanation symbols... nothing. Bill was defeated by the power of wub and family or some shit and by the status quo gun.

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True but the point I'm making is you don't need 20 episodes of 22 minute adventures to tell a story.

Samurai Jack didn't have bad pacing because it wasn't 20 episodes long. It had bad pacing because Genndy had like 4 different stories he wanted to tell and couldn't pick a single one.

OtGW knew what was the perfect amount of time needed to introduce characters, develop them and when to begin expanding the plot forward. No single minute was wasted while also not bloating the show with more stories it couldn't handle.

>get to episode 10
>no intro

oh shit

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thats beyond my abilities, wich are pratically none

I don't even really like garden wall that much but yes. I think it knew how to keep itself together and consistent
Jack started off with those fantastic first three episodes with Punished Jack and then took a hard fucking left and gave everyone whiplash when it turned into a fucking love story

What did I say that was in any way wrong?

Doubtful, it feels like the reason they paired off Sprig so early in the series was specifically so people wouldn't ship him and Anne

I'm realizing I know nothing about amphibian reproduction.

You forgot the far superior blue anne

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SJ essentially had 4 (possibly 5 or 6) major plot elements undergoing all at once
>Jack's depression
>Aku cult
>Ashi love story
>Scotman's revolution
>Arguably Scaramouche and Aku's deprssion could've been expanded more but leaving them as gag's and/or C-plots is fine as is
What Genndy needed to do is which story he wanted to tell, hell he could've done two and had one more as a main B-plot. But instead the madman chose "All of the Above".

I love Genndy's work but he knew that this was just a minseries. He really should've known better.

>not completely flat

Is this a JoJo reference?

Bat Anne!!!
>the Adventures of Bat Anne and Sashagirl

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In modern cartoon terms she's a titty monster
Titty monster version with Anne and Maggie when

>Scotman's revolution
The absolute GALL
I was so. Fucking. Excited. Seeing Scotsman in those trailers had me hype as fuck. I could have dealt with him dying so fast, but not even fucking seeing him again until the very end, and only for a fucking minute or so

Marcy as Wonderwoman?

Could backfire and make radioactive mutant monsters.

sure, that would look dope

i'm glad that in 2019 we can watch our favorite cartoon characters dab on television

if they were Avengers Anne would be Thor, Sasha would be Captain America and Marcy would be Iron Man

Is it true what they say about Ness?

Nice video-game crossover cameo appearances.

Anne is the only character I dont cringe when she dabs, when the Huld did it I graoned so hard. Bless Anne

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Filthy shitskin chink.

>Sasha the snarky and manipulative leader that deep inside is well meaning and a softie. Fights for the "bigger picture" and believes the ends justifies the means
>Anne is a dork who is loyal to a fault. Fights for ideals and doesn't believe in sacrificing others.
Anne is Cap and Sasha is Iron Man user.
We don't know shit about Marcy to assign her a role.

Seriously guys? Considering how little good western shows there are nowadays, it's better to quit this 'there can only be one' nonsense and cherish them both.

Anne feels like a dorky kid (though doesn't quite look it) so when she dabs it feels actually sincere instead of a grown man trying to be "hip".

Sprigs a ginger, he can't be a chink

It's just a meme user. People trying to have a laugh.

and I was not kiding, I wanted for IT to be good, but only the first episode was good and the last episode was amazing, the episodes between then were just meh

this fits way too well

There can only be one you fucking frog fag

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Shit like this post is just as bad as Yea Forumsumblr shit. Just replace "white" with "black," and it becomes a Yea Forumsumblr post. Have some self-awareness, mate. This is just as bad as when people get triggered when a colored person has literally any flaws.

just ignore the OP like the rest of us

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There is only one. Trains, canon /ll/ and Autistuc Forever can't compete.

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This is literally what they did with OTGW, which is weird because it's the most generic type of ending.

soooo, any news on those shorts?

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we are untouchable though, I wanna touch all of he Yea Forums waifus.

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That's a Yea Forums waifu more of a daughter actually

they did? I don't recall anything like that happening

The fell into a pond and "woke up" at the last episode. Although it's supposed to be assumed that it actually happened.

the boys were found in the river then taken to a hospital as if was all dream... then they followed up with a montage showing it was all real

Whoops, I only read the first half of that user's post about finding a corgi, not the "waking up was it all a dream ambiguity" so I thought you were saying they saw people from the woods in the real world afterwards

I wonder if season 2 will start with depressed Anne

Attached: Amphibia S01E05 - Anne Theft Auto; Breakout Star.mp4_snapshot_07.58_[2019.06.24_02.16.09].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Enjoying sucking black cocks all day, my dude?

See also: Toy Story

Every kid that abandoned a toy was white

Every kid they 'helped' wasn't

Probably not. She feels mostly like a kid but under the lense of children's fiction so there is limits to her emotions. It's why we don't see her feel to bad about not seeing her parents for months or we don't find her just plain crying for mommy in fetal position.

But a could be wrong. I'm surprised they went as far as to showcase teenage angst attempted an heroing.

The entire conflict arises because Bonnie had effectively abandoned Woody
Go be a faggot somewhere else

This is modern day America, user. You're who your ancestors were.
>*deports another "Mexican" who was born in America and doesn't know a word of Spanish*

>angst attempted an heroing
the best part of that is that Sasha was fine when she droped, was Grime who knocked her out

Ignore shitposters and shitposter accessories

Well yeah, but it was the thought that counts.

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not gonna lie, that Anne is hot

this ship art is getting really weird

To be fair, it's implied super heavily that OTGW takes place in the afterlife/limbo, and with the boys nearly drowning, they're on the verge of death and only just manage to get back to the world of the living.

When a young frog boy meets a nice young frog girl he will hop on her back and together they'll make a foam bubble before she lays eggs and he injects sperm into them.

Which of the Eds would Anne most be friends with? I'm thinking Ed. They could swap comics

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sock head, she would like the crazy shit he talks and that hes not invasive

does Gime still has any armies left?

>Implying her gullible ass wouldn't be immediately suckered into the schemer's plans

imagine Anne trying to fit the jawbreaker in her mouth

The villains are usually the best and most popular characters, so think of it as giving whites the best characters.

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Can we get an edit of this with Sasha saying the line about frogs

Whites make the best bad guys though.

Y'know, this is the first time I've noticed that there are barely any genderbent Sprig and Polly art

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seconded, saying that or something like this

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>blonde white women are untrustworthy thots
Seems pretty redpilled to me.

Eddy: "Hey, beanstalk! I see you have a lot of frogy friends. Well, here at Ed's frog daycare, we will take care of your fishy friends all day... For a nominal fee, of course."

Double D: "And, rest assured, that we will take every precaution to make sure their dietary needs are met and that they are housed in a properly incubated green house."

Ed: "Uh Eddy, I think I stepped on one.

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Makes sense. Grimes was obviously Grumph

>their shirts literally say SJWs

and lets keep it like that


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What's your favorite Amphibia fic so far? Mine is that dark one shot where Anne fucking dies

Based /pol/ poster

where do you read fics?

>reading fan fiction
What’s the point if it’s not canon or porn?

Whites are the most cruel race

Sasha x Anne isn't canon yet but most people here are into it

I demand more of mecha Anne

It's fun to see people play with characters.


You dyslexic or something?

I dont know about Anne, but my money is on Marcy losing and arm or leg and replacing it with a prostetic

F-Annes for Mechanneical Boonchuy

And the most beautiful in terms of aesthetics.

So, what's her problem?

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hormones, and being a soulless ginger

Sasha keeps clamdamming her

But look at the fear in her eyes

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>>group of multiracial friends

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Salamanders do seem more tech savvy than the other races.

She requires canine flesh for sustenance

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didn't you read the OP
she's white, therefore she is evil
that's just how cartoons are in the year 2019!

13 and Annes bike looks like that, the whole school would bully her if wasnt for Sasha

Do competent armorers just not exist on the island

she wanted the snack.

Attached: Amphibia S01E20 - Reunion_Moment1 (2).jpg (682x642, 49K)

Annes and Sashas swords were fine, is just that Toads sword cuz he think it looks cooler, it does

Attached: Amphibia S01E20 - Reunion.mp4_snapshot_17.29_[2019.07.20_00.19.08].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

What a tasty looking donut.

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and the thing she was holding too

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>Do competent armorers just not exist on the island
No. They established the toads are complicit being on top and thus didn't feel the need to smith newer and better weapons, at least until they were attacked by the herons and Sasha helped change things around.

Would Margot like Anne more in a suit?

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I think she'd prefer the suit off

who wouldnt, Im hoping for a waitress outfit in season 2

It's not a copout if one of them has Seth Geko's brain problems from Dusk till Dawn.

delicate cunt

thats Sashas nickname

Links to the series' episodes?

Mega, anything?!uo1m1QhK!DeTvIGahcYJYFv8ztbYVdw

Eat a poison dick and go back to /pol/.

Comics & Cartoons are not the topic of /pol/, close the tab.

But he's a guy. Guys don't jizz out eggs.

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Didn't we technically already get that in this episode?

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You know it goys.

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You mean deuteragonist.

When was the last time a blackie/brownie was the antagonist of a cartoon show rated for 7y/o?

>asking this on Yea Forums where "waifu threads" are dominated by lolis

Marcie is the one that skipped school to begin with, and made Anne steal something the very day of their birthday. It's the Chinks as usual.

>parents illegally come from mexico
>"but magic dirt, therefore american"

So when are you going back, cancer?

No. Sasha's fake death had more impact than the actual death in Infinity Train since the characters in IT are as flat as Tulip's chest. They are entirely monodimensional with forced feelies backstories. Also the death happens like what, 7 episodes in? We don't even have the time to familiarize with the already shitty character and they soullessly kill it off.

quick rundown on the characters
spoilered for courtesy's sake, please

>caring about their skin color and not their actions/personalities

I wonder how long Anne knew Marcy.

she may be the villain but shes also best girl


Tulip is an emotional, irrational dork that pretends to be pragmatic and logical.
One-One is 1/2 Wheatly and 1/2 Alan Rickman's portrayal of Marvin the Paranoid Android.
Atticus is dog jokes+"lol this cute thing acts magisterial" gag+voice of reason.

Don't waste your breath, OP clearly hasn't seen it and probably never will.

Probably about as long as Sasha has had a thing for Asian girls.

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>Marcie is the one that skipped school to begin with
I feel like Marcy will be the Janna of the group

Is that you, Margot?

So is no one gonna talk about her?

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No, but I know a little about her. Fun fact she's the type to pick on someone because she actually likes them.

No one else at school does

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I always looked at that outfit as a ceremonial getup for the grand opening of a new store.

But consider

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I always knew the Jewish were low key pedos.

This show’s pretty good

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It fucking sucks

good bait mate, perfect way to start a thead
whatever, when the three friends find each other again and sasha and marcy inevitable clash, who will anne choose?

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Can't my families country of origin doesn't exist anymore

Let me guess, Austria-Hungary

But male toads don't inject eggs.
Female toads already have eggs in their body, while the male climbs on her back and jizzes on her eggs as she lays them.

It would have to be "The only good frogs are the ones who never come out of their stinking ponds."

Aryan girl, obviously.

So, what are you gonna order, user?

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nothing, because I only eat my own food

Look at this gross Thai girl asking me what I want to order. I'll have Chinese food, thanks.

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You too huh? Cook your own food too? I like eating as healthily as possible which is hard when eating out

I want to sexually violate Anne's frail teenage body and send the aftermath pictures of her sobbing, naked and bruised to Sasha. At the back of one of the pictures, I had written out the address telling her where she can find Anne. I'll start placing clues beforehand in a form of VHS all over the crime scene with a message PLAY ME written on the tape as my departure gift. At the location, Sasha will discover Anne unconscious body where she will tearfully cradle and princess carry her to safety. I want Sasha to play and watch every second of the tapes I've left behind where I've hinted another clue that in each tape, a single hidden letter may pop out somewhere in the duration of the video that serves as a further hint of the next location where to find me if Sasha decides to "settle". The tapes I've left behind showcases various vile act I've done to Anne including the part where I chained Anne to a chair but leave her mouth free so that I can hear her squeal as I tormented her through various method of torture (due to my inexperience of applying the torture procedure makes the pain became more unbearable for her and exquisitely exciting for me to experimented on further to sate my own sick twisted curiosity) like tearing her nails, flesh, eyelids and breaking off her fingers one by one to even committing sexual deprived act where I had my way on her defenseless body for hours as she meekly cries out to stop. I want Sasha to take the toll of having intense guilt watching her "friend" in a state where she is helpless to help her. I want Sasha vengefully committed to the desire to hunt me down for what I have done to Anne. In the predestined location where I want Sasha to find me, is an abandoned factory wired with speakers playing 24/7 different octave of prerecorded Anne's delicate wails, scream, squeals for help calling Sasha by her name echoing throughout the building as my welcome gist to Sasha where we can finally engage in a battle that ended in bloody finish.

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>gross Thai girl
That wasn't very nice to say. I'm sure we got to know each other we'd be pals.

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Is Tulip canonly racist? Because that would be pretty cool.

Wait WAIT! I wanna play too:
>group of multiracial friends
>Caucasian is of course the leader
>Caucasian is shown to be popular with all the influence
>the other two follow her
>ported to another world
>brown girl is made to live in a basement of a debtor's family in rags
>Asian girl doesn't even get a mention and is forgotten
>white one gains influence and lives in riches
Wow so progressive!

What the fuck happened to Anne! Haven't seen her in, like, a month! Oh, Sasha and Marcy are missing too?

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One step closer to /trash/

Should have gotten Anne's phone number when she had the chance.

they drunk the kool aid to get away from you, they're with Zenu now

Implying she hasn't already secretly gotten her number, email, and stalks her Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook page.

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Can redheads be racist?

What's the difference between redheads and gingers?


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I'm still thinking it's a Narnia type thing, were years could pass by and it would still be like five minutes on Earth

Redhead: Cute female
Ginger: Subhuman male

You aren't absolved from that fate Trainfag

At least Train fags have good fetishes in their show. All frogs have is lesbianism.

is amazing what 1 good episode can do to people

Don't forget how she frequently visits her family restaurant just to mess with her.

you mean the foot car and the force feed car?

Don't forget about hypnosis car and TF car and tentacle car

I thought that user said IT had good fetishes? Why would he lie like this?

And how she sometimes follows her in the hallway listening to what she says in case she learns something new about her.

You're next friend, just you fucking wait.
We'll all be in the dumpster come fall, if this back and forth shitposting doesn't end.

I remember the threads from when the show was airing, they worked because everyone ignored shitposters and it died out, hope we do that again in season 2

There's probably going to be a trans character somewhere in the series, because some frogs switch genders.

Is rick and morty monodimensional characters?

I cant see that happening

Who drew that? Because it just looks like this person is really unsure of the linework they're making.



This could easily happen but not in the way you're thinking. Like maybe some random character is male one episode then female 5 eps later. And it's explained by a throwaway line

>Marcy is the only one not gasping in shock


Natural Born Athlete

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Hey, Anne, see this frog? I need you to go up to it and say "change now". No reason.

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>Just like in my mangas, another world here I go.

No one should have so much power.

Does anyone have a shot of the final frame before Anne in the puddle? It kinda looks like there flesh is being blown off or something.

Ah, shit! Here we go again.

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epic misha-post, misha

That post was pure cancer though
The one Misha responded to.

so epic
so misha

Thank you for your service, fellow Misha-Bro.


Yeah, he's pretty alright

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Fine he mutates her so she's able to lay eggs and then he climbs on her back and fertilizes them as she lays them.

The artist fucked-up. The muscles just ruin the joke. She should have simply sprouted tits and broken the chains.

Hey, guys, I hear Anne is in this very thread! Say something nice.

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is late but, happy birthday

Is it true that a girl from catholic school can drink a sailor under the table and then drain the cocks of a whole battleship crew all in one night?

"I hate those Thai girls. Why don't they go back to where they came from?"

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Oh user, you poor sweet naive child

you too should just make out and get this over with

If you thought Anne's tits were huge...


Don't worry, it was a fake country to begin with. My country dissolved under my very feet.

imagine not putting your bike lock on the rack

I certainly hope you're doing better, user.

Attached: accurate.jpg (236x257, 26K)

And now the waiting begins.

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did you just finished the show?

I just saw an ad for a mobile game. It looked perfectly adequate.

Yup, loved it and I plan on watching it with my friend who likes this kind of stuff too.

Attached: Amphibia.S01E08.Contagi-Anne.Family.Shrub.1080p.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS.mkv_snapshot_00.58_[2019.08. (1920x1080, 167K)

Almost everyone is. It was pretty shitty by that point.

Is there a link, or was it one of those browser ads?

I'm literally in the same position with my fiancee. She loves it!

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I'd put my bike lock on her rack, if you know what I mean.

>anti-white propaganda
my dude its a cartoon about magic frogs

If you had your way what would a Amphibia game be like

>Art style

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Real-time strategy game where you conquer all of Amphibia

Maybe she's just a bitch? White people are bitches sometimes. Get your head out of your ass.

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RPG game that has PS2 era graphics that basically follow the show, or at least splits off that universe for a different conflict.

Suikoden II style where you recruit various characters to your cause

final fantasy tactics style game, in wich Anne build a guild of frog warrios and mages

I've seen a few IT threads on /trash/ already. /mlp/ even spammed one of them.

>Litterally describes one of my fav vidya niches
Are you me?

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Top down ARPG akin to LTTP and the Mana games
A retelling of the first season

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advance wars style or for more fun, battalion wars style

I thought she looked worried, or concerned.
"This is a problem, but it'll blow up Anne instead of me."

No, we just have BASED tastes

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Sounds comfy

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Can you imagine the walking around outside of battle parts.

>Controlling Anne and talking to random frogs
>Save points are floating icons in the Planter sign
>plus All those boss fights with giant bugs and whatnot

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The frogs must find her alien physiology horrifying.

Literally since episode 1

They're openly disgusted with her until halfway through the season, and even after that they're just more thoughtful about how they communicate it.

>Every member of your party has their own animations and powers
>The sound track will be simple cajun string instrumentaion on loop depending on your location
>To enter modules you need to walk through a loading point, the buildings to enter are wayyyy too small outside for what the inside offers
>Each boss fight will have its own stages and will incorporate rhythm controls

Basically I just want the Mz Ruby stage from Sly Cooper with RPG elements.

Damn right it does

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dynasty warriors with all the girls as playable characters genociding amphibians

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I mean, her appearance isn't that different. She's still Bipedal, has a mouth and eyes in the right places, seemingly speaks the same language.

>She's still Bipedal, has a mouth and eyes in the right places


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That makes it even worse. It's full-on uncanny valley for them.

>beat the game on hard mode
>unlock the alternate storyline where you play as the toads and try to put down the uprising

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Somebody needs to redraw this page from "Alfie" with frogs.

You play as Anne and have to breed all sorts of rare frogs by acting as an incubator and battle them against your two rivals. Game+ is the same but with Sasha and toads.

You play as Sasha but this is only available in the greatest hits version. Red label.

Here's the kicker, then. What happens if you beat Anne?

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You get to marry her. You get to dom if you beat her under the time limit, you become her little sub who's routinely suffocated by her titties if you beat her using legendary cheat gear.


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Adventure game. Maybe point and click and its about solving mysteries

>the mystery of why Sasha has so much interracial lezdom porn on her PC and phone

>She's interrogating the entire school and town demanding where "Boobchuy" is.

Join Tulip Tribe

>Wh*toid ends up better off even in fantasy world

Attached: sneed.jpg (1050x543, 270K)

>by the end of the show it would be revealed that they were missing for only couple of seconds

>ever doming
Also, that's going to be one unhappy marriage. All of their prior history, plus Hop Pop getting killed and being separated from the frogs. Sasha's victory still feels like a Bad End.

Her best friend is black.

That doesn't actually tell us if she isn't racist, tho, she might still hate Asians. "I'm not racist because I have a black friend" is a little racist.

It would be less Anne, and more her big boobs domming trough her.

I want Tulip to bully Anne so badly. Anne just attracts red head bullies.

>she might still hate Asians
That would make sense since she's a programmer, so she probably has to compete with Asians all the time.

>Bullying anyone

She seems mostly bark and no bite.

It's not too hard to bully Anne judging by her actual bully.

I want to be Anne's bully AND rapist.

You unlock a trophy accusing you of racial genocide.

What kind of sick fuck would want to bully Anne? She’s so nice and innocent

Zarbon toad is cute

She's a chink. And a shitskin one at that.

All she's good for is sex.

She's inferior to Tulip.

Braddock is cuter. Percy has good taste

how short are the toads and frogs anyway; they are smaler than teenage girl


Anne and Sasha are taller than all but maybe three or four amphibians we've seen so far. The toads are about a head shorter than them, and the frogs usually around half as tall.

Exactly. She's bully bait. Sasha, Maggie, probably Marcy, and who knows who else. Sasha is just the alpha bully, bullying both Anne and her bullies.

Is it too much to ask that when Marcy shows up she's a genuinely nice person!? Be nice to Anne!!

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Is Mao Mao good?

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Maggie wants to put a bun in Anne's Thai oven

Nice donut you have there.

Oh shit. Is that jelly filled?

She's slavic-american you doofus

what state is saint james in

That changes nothing, you mongoloid.

Well she IS, and her family probably drinks and listens to hardbass in the middle of the day

have you ever seen anne naked before user

New Jersey

Like I could even get that close with Sasha always on her left shoulder .


>have leaves and twigs in hair after dimensional jump
>doesn't even bother taking them out of her hair (neither is getting new footwear)
>change hairstyles a few times after the fact
>puts back in the leaves and twigs when changing back

Attached: 1485918210252.gif (284x223, 960K)

oh fuck

They accumulate naturally
Too much of a bother to take out unless she’s dressing up

>Guaranteed replies the thread

Why must we fight? We've all suffered.

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The fight is over. There was a victor and a loser.
History will be written by Anne.

So Infinity Train just ended, and by the looks of it, it seems Amphibia won the “war”

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I assumed that even though she gets cleaned up occasionally, she's still living in a swampy forest and constantly going on wild, messy adventures--sometimes as many as two a week-- and the leaves and twigs and dirt just accumulate again between baths.
No fucking clue why she still only wears one shoe, though.

You're literally the only person who cares. Stop with the tribe shit and talk about interracial lesbians in a world where there's no one to judge their love.

Because Anne is a chink.

That's why.

Who gives a shit
Watch whatever you want


>This topic still up
>actual discussion going on
You've grown up Yea Forums. That's very adult of you to let both sides of the argument have a take at this.

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Shut up, fag.

That’s been he pattern for almost every Amphibia thread
Someone posts something retarded vaguely related to frog show and after a few posts people just talk about the actual show

peep on anne and post pics
the state of new jersey and the entirety of the northeastern united states needs cute naked pics of anne
t. commonwealth of pennsylvania

I could watch anti-white propaganda 24/7 and it wouldn't cause half the distaste I have for white men I got by watching you all complain about stupid shit like movies, cartoon, TV shows.

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She just wanted to Dance with Anne.

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You choosing to watch it is just as bad.

The slow genocide of the white race is not a fucking joke, boy.

It’s an objective fact that once a white gene is contaminated, it can NEVER go back

>that yellow dress in her room
It all went so wrong so fast

>the main character is a different shade of color

damn... whites are over

Reminder that Asians are basically fucking white in every way.

Exactly. She was moments away from finally confessing.

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>assumed everyone is white men


Some of you guys/gals, you know who you are, make these threads super fun.

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A death that was reversed in the next episode.

It wasn't merely going to stop there.

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what an adorable maggot

That explains the food and shower. Wine and dine em, eh?

Guys I keep hearing Anne has huge tits and all the boys call her Boobchuy behind her back

is it true

It's not true.
The girls call her Boobchuy.

They aren't really huge.
But she is definitely more developed than her peers.

For some reason it just feels like there's a lot conveyed in this expression

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Ann is pure, and i want to pat her head.

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Disgusting chink.

post art of Sasha in that yellow dress

TFW Anne is actually on the train but she just doesn't know it yet.

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Amphibia = Infinity Train > Mao Mao > Twelve Forever > DC Superhero Girls > anything else going on right now

What's she looking at, Yea Forums?

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>Anne and her friends are from New Jersey.
>Not one of them are Italian nor were there any Italians in sight in flashbacks.

Everyone on the planet is white in except for the Slavs.

What's she looking at Yea Forums

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Anne's boobs

Something Anne-related, like all the other girls.

someone should replace that guy with Sasha

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too hard

i want to cum inside anne's butt

Gross shit man. Your cum is wasted.

He said, antagonistically.

Toad dick as toad eggs are shooting out of her.

My true, degenerate self.

then how about i cum inside her vag?
or all over her feet

Anne doesn't like that.

well then, what does she like?

How is sequential hermaphroditism the same as transgenderism

You're allowed one animal from the show as a true loyal pet.

>Pic related
>Zoom around the neighborhood on beetle bob

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why would boobs get bigger. Boobs are fat not muscle

humans are animals so i choose anne

Humans are animals
Therefore, I choose Anne

Bruh imagine how swagger it’d be to have a heron mount doe

humans are animals so I choose Jif

True but bettle bob is small and can eat my lawn. Also he kinda cute

That one beetle hop pop adopts in the cemetery

In her hair. Why else do you think it's so hard to keep leaves and twigs from sticking to it?

because is there where she stock her power

C'mon, man, Jerry needs that job.

Oh this aged poorly

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Is she REALLY int 2? She knew how to set up a trap in ep 1

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Marcy is supposed to be a bitch too, though.

I’d probably just settle for Bessie.

Literally no proof. Just speculations, with Misha being the most convincing.

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the best show from Disney since Gravity Falls

I did, and it was done in like 10 min

How do I wake up tomorrow as Anne

You're already Anne...

Anne Idiot!!!


Stop one: be Asian.


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I'm enamored by the show, but even I'll say It's gravity falls-lite, but it still carries it's own identity very well.
The characters and the setting are it's strongest points, I was surprised at how fast Spring, hop pop and Anne grew on me, but the writing is a little on the slack side of things.

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Uhm, ackshelly, Infinity Train is more popular on reddit and tumblr

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>Who's the thai mommy now, boobchuy!

>All the white people except the gay guy have low numbers
>The numbers count how many microaggressions that person has had to endure since getting on the train.

Menstural products, I don't know why my mind went there first

some new shoes

a comb

fungicide, since it's a swamp

and thai foods, which sometimes contains bugs

1 AK-47
4 spam cans of rounds

1: a U.S flag
2: a winchester rifle
3: ammunition for the rifle
4: a civil war Confederate uniform
5: a history book of the U.S Civil War

kill yourself.

t. would go apeshit and severely injure several people if somebody made a black version of hitler

>five living capybara
Figure it out, kid. I'm sure they're good for something.

You guys don't seriously watch cartoons aimed at children do you? Comics I can understand as there are many mature titles but not this shit

The great characters and Southern charm makes it a nice change of pace that compensates for its reliance on zoomer memes. It's a solid 7/10, but the fact that it wasn't aiming any higher than that actually bumps it up.

Sasha is unironically one of the most psychologically complex characters in a cartoon that wasn't trying to be loldeep.

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This is the faggot who will scream about toxic masculinity in the next thread

That's how non-dominant genes work, yes.


She looks like a butt plug.

So minorities are oppressed by a race of people made up by non dominant genes? Goddamn they must be fucking pathetic then

I don’t think she’s that deep, not yet at least

Love her, love all the characters, but wouldn’t overstate things

She's the only character I care about and she appeared for all of 20 seconds. Is that bad? I also like pic related. I've never given a shit about gingers before.

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There wasn't much if an involved story to tell. They just don't know how to time a basic plot.

This board constantly talks about that one character that barely appeared but they disproportionately love
I don’t know how you don’t also like the mains but whatevs I suppose
Also Reggie is great. Terrible, but great

You don't know how genetics work, don't you? Genes don't care how many lands you've colonized, you emotional faggot. It eventually means nothing.

I like Anne but there's something about Maggie. I love bullies who try so hard to cover up their insecurities, and it's clear just from her brief appearance she's got issues. It's rare that the main character becomes the fans' most favorite anyway. The only exception is Reggie because like you said she's great but also terrible.

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>Oh no! Anne is upset!
>Post pictures of things she likes to cheer her up!
>Bonus points if it's your own pet cat.

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