/∞/ - Infinity Train live discussion general: Day 4 - "the Chrome Car/the Ball Pit Car"

>All previous Episodes:

Welcome to Day 4 of Infinity Train, Today's Episodes are "the Chrome Car" & "the Ball Pit Car" which premiere live on TV at 4:30PM (PST)/7:30PM (EST)

>Episode Descriptions:
the gang meets a familiar face in a mirrored car. the gang is confronted by a strange new force on a Ball Pit Car adventure.

>Thread Themes:

Monday's thread: Tuesday's thread: Yesterday's thread: Keep in mind that Tomorrow, Infinity Train reaches it's final destination as the final 2 Episodes air.

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99.9% sure it'll pull a Link's Awakening end with Tulip waking up in bed.

You mean a Wizard of Oz?



I can't wait for another rushed episode that will further kill the ratings and make CN backtrack on a second season.

never heard of it

Amphibia’s better lol

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Nah. Amphibia = ∞ Train

Frogfriend. Let them die in peace. We will celebrate later. Then shit on the coffin.

time to stop bro, is a new episode thread and only a heartless bastard would fuck with that

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we're fucked

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Heartless Bastard you say?

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>putting “general” in the title
You fucking retard

>The Chrome Car
Still betting on it being a SpongeBob crossover

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Don't jinx it.

you can't jinx what's already been jinxed

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>Tomorrow, Infinity Train reaches it's final destination
‘Its’ is the proper spelling to use since that’s possessive, which was the context in which used the word. ‘It’s’ is a contraction meaning ‘It is,’ which would not be suitable for OP’s sentence.


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> >

why is it such a big deal

That’s not what jinxing is.
If we said “this will never get deleted”, and then got deleted, that would be jinxing.
Saying “we’re gonna get deleted”, and then getting deleted, isn’t jinxing, it’s just facts

is there an HD version of this image OP?

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this will never never get deleted

I mean, this user may be a jerk, but is he wrong?

Nope, that's the most HD version available

Improper punctuation can cause confusion. Plus, it never hurts to learn or get a refresher on where to place apostrophes in certain words; that can help you at some point in the future when you’re writing something more professional.

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Why do we done gotta learn grammars.? Its not important.?

Yeah, but this is Yea Forums dude. Nevertheless the internet.

What's the reference?

Well, Infinity Train is already a confirmed failure. It can't save itself with only two nights remaining. All that's left to look forward to is Owl House, maybe that show will dethrone Amphibia - although I'm not holding my breath going by how unprofessional production looks to be.

When are we meeting Tulip's evil twin, Turnip?

But this was the opening post to a general. It’s gotta have at least some show of professionalism.

is not like new shows will never come, something better always shows up, if you give it enough time

In the Infinity Train/OTGW crossover