I don't like Diane

Does that makes me a misogynist?

Attached: Diane_2007.jpg (299x474, 40K)

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I don't understand why people hate Diane more than BoJack or Mr. Peanutbutter.

No, it just makes you objectively correct.

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That depends on WHY you dislike her.

I want her and Bojack to fuck.

Depends on why you hate her.

I hate her because she's a woman

Reddit told me that misogyny is the only possible reason someone could dislike her

Seems you made a mistake when posting this thread, you posted a picture of Blarn instead.

what'd mr peanut butter do that's so bad?

The overarching story of the series is Bojack struggling with his failings as a person. Dianne doesn't even recognize hers.

I see
What’s so hateful of her being a woman?

Bojack is constantly called out as a shithead, while Diane isn't so much.

Because despite also being incredibly flawed, they are funny. Diane however almost always plays the 'straight man', which makes her boring to the viewer, and makes her flaws more apparent when she is portrayed as the reasonable one. She also is used as a mouthpiece for the writers' views too often. Princess Carolyn is an example of a flawed but likeable female character

That depends, are you Vietnamese? If not, then you're a misogynist AND a racist.

Eventually they show her to be a vapid sack of moral posturing and hypocritical shit, so no.
She is like a realistic depiction of what a grown up Lisa Simpson would be.

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Do you think he knotted her

not really. she's equally flawed as Bojack and PB. but PB is more likeable and Bojack is funnier. plus every once in a while she's presented as the moral center or something which makes her irritating.

like when they found out a rapist liked their show so diane gave a desperate meta speech about how shows about bad people shouldn't make you feel better about yourself

You can see her gasp when he puts it in

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He's shallow and selfish, but that's about it. Honestly people seem to be all horny to shame him just because Diane gets so much shit.

Being childish and insecure is probably one of the worst personality flaws a male in a television show could possible have.

Why do you think Jerry from Rick and Morty gets so much more hate than Rick?

Its ok to not like people. Just dont go on and defend why you dont like them because that makes you an incel like most people who will respond to you

Then yes, that is the precise definition of misogyny.

Jerry is just one of those guys that you wouldnt want to have in your family

Because she's a woman. Bojack has objectively done way worse things than Diane.

PB is very confident and I suppose you could call him childish but the full picture is way more complicated than that.

Furthermore Jerry gets hate for being a codependent weasel more than anything.


lol what do you think that word means?

Not nessarily. Depends on your reasoning

I like her cause she's prettu

He's an manchild. Fun, genuinly sweet & nice but also unreliable and inconsiderate of how his plans will play out, conflict avoident and not willing to take a stand.

It's neat to see a different and probably more common in real life depiction of a manchild instead of the typical cartoon socially awkward looser.
He reminds me a lot of reports describing Doug Walker after the CA fallout

>Furthermore Jerry gets hate for being a codependent weasel more than anything.

Because Rick is such a great person, am i right

It's nothing now. I've seen a good chunk of people complain after they realized that people were praising Rick and his personality

>It's neat to see a different and probably more common in real life depiction of a manchild instead of the typical cartoon socially awkward looser.

I don't remember seeing anyone use that word in a way that fit's withing the definition.

To me, it's just another meaningless insult no different than calling someone an idiot or loser

Because the show designated him as the punching bag even though by the end of season 3 hes the least psychotic in the family

That's why i love this show. Every main character can be likable or a punching bag depending on how you view them.

So do people believe the princess Diana theory or was it all nothing

She will be bojacks final casualty
I hope

Theres nothing subjective about Jerry being the punching bag, the wind itself calls him a loser

Should have made her hot but her personality fits her looks


>it's a Todd asexuality episode

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>Theres nothing subjective about Jerry being the punching bag, the wind itself calls him a loser

user, i was talking about BoJack Horseman

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I don't like diane, but I have nothing but odium for todd. God damn how I hate him so.

Reminder, she crashes in the next season.

Yep. She's Brian Griffin.

Dianne is a pompous fraud.

>Bojack gets help
>He actually does it, fucking plot twist
>Now the show goes on how everyone now depends on him now
>Bojack watches everyone fall

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I might be out of the loop, but what's up with Doug Walker?

This is probably bait, but what the hell: It depends on why you dislike her, and if you evenly apply that same standard of judgment and critical view to male cast members that share her perceived flaws.

I browsed the subreddit and appareantly quite a few people were angry because the fan base didn't hated BoJack and loved Diane enough.

Probably because she had a childhood that taught her right and wrong, she had all of the mental hallmarks to help her go through and she actually knows what to do. She knows how to fucking make her life a better place but instead of doing so, she just sits down and deals with the idiocy.

She didn't have to fucking ghost write Bojack. She didn't have to go to a different country. She didn't have to do any of the shit that's she's in including that whole media bill cosby bullshit. She does it because she wants the problems because then it will make her into a hero. And that's what everyone strives to be and that's why most of these star-eyed fucks will fail in 20-30 years in all of film and animation.

Doug actually defends shitty managers and doesn't get on board with the revolt of Channel Awesome when the original owner has been MeToo'd. Doug also ignores and is just a toxic asshole around everyone so he is not the best kind of guy to talk to it turns out.

She is my top hatefuck

i love bo jack but does anyone else think the gun episode argument was just as poor as ok ko

better written but still a shit argument

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Op, unlike all the other replies, I'll give you a simple answer: Yes, yes you are a misogynist and should look into getting therapy

>that episode where Sara Lynn acts like a completely sociopath, fucking destroying the entire house
>everyone treats her like the victim who dindu nuffing and cannot be hold accountable
>if Bojack or Mr. Peanutbutter did the same, everyone would tear them a new one

What's up with the double standards

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>not wanting to be the one getting hatefucked

What are you, a virgin?

Bruh fuck the dog

Because she's just as bad as Bojack without receiving any comeuppance in universe or out. She's considered the protagonist despite being a horrible person.

political wank usually isn't well-written

with OK KO I wonder a little if they were ordered to do it and wrote a ham-fisted mess as rebellion (like the beer episode of tiny toons), but Ian probably blue-pilled enough to do it unironically

Diane and Bojack should've fucked at the end of Season 2, at the point when their relationships with other characters had all gone to shit.

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Because Bojack gets comeuppance for being a dick, Diane doesn't.

Peanutbutter is more ambiguous though, the show paints him and Diane's relationship as a negative because he's immature and she doesn't like his grand gestures, but I thought season 5 did a good job of showing how his actions affect those around him.The only negative Diane had was the Vietnam episode, she never got called out on the part about her screwing over Bojack because of what he did with Penny.

>the show written by the people who literally said "we're gonna lay off making fun of Hollywood phonies this season after Trump won, because they're the real downtrodden class in America now" are lefty retards who put women on a pedestal

I initially interpreted the part in season 2 where Dianne goes to a war-torn country as her realizing how useless she is but apparently that's not what they were trying to get at.

Did we all just forget the part where
>Bojack almost has sex with a "legal" minor
>Doesnt, but it's still against him
>Tries to fix his past and keeps getting slapped across the face for it
>Diane finds out about this

Diane may not be the worst character on the show, but there aren't any characters worse.

Honestly that's a lie, Diane does a lot of stupid shit, just as much as most of the rest of the cast [though not as much as Bojack]. Shes supposed to be the voice of reason but it's quite evident she has no idea what she got herself into half the time. She's dynamic, so honestly it's okay to hate her.

Unless you know its just cause "shes a women".

Mr PB is a very charismatic and nice guy but it's clear he has issues accepting the world around him for what it is. He's ruined 3 marriages by his desire to be the center of attention, and he's very abrasive. He's also said some dark ass shit that's super weird coming from him. Plus you know, he cheated on Pickles with Diane [both are responsible for this, mind you] and literally wanted to get back with Diane just after fucking.

Both characters have issues, I guess it's just scope?

user are you high?

I don't like Diane for the usual incel reasons, but I dislike her the most for a trait I can't find the word for right now. She volunteered to help at that shithole country because she felt her life should be about making a different (despite not being an altruistic person to begin with), and started freaking about her life stagnating the moment some other character brought it up. Seems like she's trying to live her life in accordance with expectations set by others, like those women who enshrined Eat, Pray, Love

So you are showing her flaws. It worries me more that people actually believe all those things are played as strengths when they are actually portraying her as a pathetic millennial.

before that they tried to sell the idea that Penny was somehow traumatized by failing to fuck some guy.

>the usual incel reasons

user, do you want a mommy that you can stick your dick in and out of?